Data Sheet
Micro Plate Heat Exchanger
Type C118 & H118
For more ecient Chillers & Heat Pumps
20% reduction in refrigerant charge
compared with a traditional BPHE, the ideal
solution to help you meet the world`s
climate and energy aspirations.
The C118 & H118 are families of Condensers
and Evaporators optimized for high-eciency
chillers and heat pumps.
The heat exchanger features innovative Micro
Plate technology that improves heat transfer
and reduces the amount of material used.
To meet demands for higher COPs in heat
pumps, the evaporator H118(L)-E and the
condenser H118(L)-C are designed to work
eciently with close temperature approaches,
while a low pressure drop on the brine side
reduces the pump power and keeps the overall
COP high. H118 can cover a capacity range
from 20 to 150kW.
The C118(L)-E and the C118(L)-C are
respectively evaporator and condenser
designed to work eciently and increase
comfort in modern buildings without
increasing the carbon footprint. Helping chillers
perform more eciently achieving higher
seasonal eciency levels, it reduces both
energy costs and environmental impact. C118
can cover a capacity range from 40 to 200kW.
The low hold-up volume reduces the system
refrigerant charge and oers valuable savings.

C: chiller
D: universal
H: heat pump
HDW: heat pump double wall
Specic duty
E= evaporator
C= condenser
Plate design
L: L-type
M: M-type
H: H-type
W: W-type
X: Asymmetric
Z: Z ow
Omit: single
D: Dual circuit
U: Mixing chamber
Distributor version
Plate stacking sequence
Omit: a-b-a…
R: b-a-b…
Platform* 22,30,55,62,118…
*heat exchanging surface per plate 1/1000 m²
Pressure Service
Omit: 30bar
L: 45/49bar
Number of plates**
-Single: even number
-Dual: even number not multiple of 4
Micro plate heat exchanger, Type C118 & H118
• Minimal hold-up volume: Less refrigerant charge
• Reduced pressure drop: For a more ecient system
• Smaller footprint: Enabling more compact system
• Reduced CO2 footprint: Environmentally friendly with high heat transfer and minimal refrigerant charge
Portfolio overview
C118L-E: Evaporator optimized for R410A in chiller application, from 40 to 200kW.
C118-E: Evaporator for medium density refrigerants in chiller application, from 40 to 200kW.
C118L-C: Condenser optimized for high density refrigerants in chiller application, from 40 to 200kW.
C118-C: Condenser optimized for medium density refrigerants in chiller application, from 40 to 200kW.
H118L-C: Condenser optimized for high density refrigerants in heat pump application, from 20 to 150kW.
H118-C: Condenser optimized for medium density refrigerants in heat pump application, from 20 to 150kW.
H118L-E: Evaporator optimized for R410A in heat pump application, from 20 to 120kW.
H118-E: Evaporator for medium density refrigerants in heat pump application, from 20 to 120kW.
Table 1: Designation
The C118 & H118 are families of Condensers and Evaporators specically optimized for high-eciency chillers and
heat pumps, dedicated to comfort applications, cooling-industrial process, data centers. The evaporators are design
to operate also in reversable systems in condenser mode, in co or counter current ow conguration; as well as the
condensers are optimized and fully in regards to the defrost operation cycle.
R410A, R407C, R452B, R454B, R290
For other refrigerants please contact your Danfoss Sales representative.
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