Danfoss AK-ST 500 User guide

User Guide

Service tool

AK-ST 500

SW Ver. 4.0

Software for operation of AK controller


User Guide | Service tool, AK-ST 500











Prior to installation...........................................................................................................................................................




How to install the programme.....................................................................................................................................




Before you start the programme.................................................................................................................................




How to start the programme........................................................................................................................................




General navigation...........................................................................................................................................................




Configuration of a controller........................................................................................................................................




Authorisation of users.....................................................................................................................................................








Log function.....................................................................................................................................................................




Connection to an external system............................................................................................................................








Offline settings................................................................................................................................................................








Customer defined texts................................................................................................................................................




Plant overview.................................................................................................................................................................




Update software..............................................................................................................................................................


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© Danfoss | DCS (vt) | 2021.04

User Guide | Service tool, AK-ST 500

1. Introduction AK Service Tool is an advanced tool for operating ADAP-KOOL® refrigeration controllers in a network. The Service Tool can be used on all AK refrigeration controllers. Some AK controllers have a plug for direct connection to the Service Tool. All controllers can be operated when they are connected to an AK System Manager. Individual controllers contain information about the presentation of settings and measured values. This information is read by the Service Tool the first time it registers a controller of this type. This information is saved in the Service Tool so that start-up is faster on subsequent occasions.


In this booklet you are given a brief explanation of the possibilities offered you by AK, both in daily


use and in connection with service calls. The aim is that you are to become familiarised with screen


displays and navigation principles on a general level – so we will not give you an in-depth description


of individual system types or applications.


When you have read the booklet you will be able to derive full benefit of AK-ST 500 as a control and


service tool in your refrigerating plant.


Note: this User Guide is a general introduction to the AK Service Tool. Each controller for a specific


system will furthermore be provided with a separate manual.



2. Principle

The AK controller is connected to the PC tool where the programme is installed. All settings are


subsequently made via Windows menus.



Remote via modem

Remote via TCP/IP

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User Guide | Service tool, AK-ST 500

3. Prior to installation

Pc requirements:


2.4 GHz Processor, Serial port or USB+converter*


2 GB RAM, 80 GB Harddisk


Software requirements:


Windows 10, 32 bit / 64 bit




Cable for connection of AK controller.


Order number: 080Z0261 or 080Z0262.


See the illustrations on previous page.


If a longer cable is required between the controller and the PC a standard RS 232 extension cable can


be inserted. The distance between controller and PC must however not exceed 15 m.


*) Converter: Order no. = 080Z0264

4.How to install the programme

1.In case a previous version is present, please uninstall it before installing the new one. After Uninstalling, the existing directory of old version of AK-ST 500 installed before will still be present. Do not delete or remove the folder and its contents. It should be left the same.

2.Download the installer file from: https://www.danfoss.com/en/service-and-support/downloads/ dcs/adap-kool-software/ak-st-500/

3.Run the installation file. Follow the instructions on the screen

4.After the installation a configuration of the program must be made.

COM port: Indicate the COM port to be used for the direct connection.

Site selection: If you want the option of connecting to the system via a modem or TCP/IP, this must be selected. This means that ”site selection” will appear so that you can select system.

Auto logon as SUPV: Select this option if you want automatic login with the ”SUPV” user profile.

Auto disconnect: Service Tool closes automatically if idle for the set time. Service Tool closes automatically if idle for the set time.

Load min/max values: Should only be selected if you expect to use offline programming. Uploading takes time. The Service Tool will read and save setting limits for the controllers you connect to.

Create alarm list: Generates an alarm list for later use. Name = Alarms.XML

Custom Language: By marking this function, the program will use texts that are written in the file “Custom Language”. See later on in the text.

Unit: Select unit. (Bar and °C, or Psi and °F)

Font size: Choose size or let it be scalable

Edit Custom Language file: This function gives you access to change texts for selected functions. Read more on page 13.

Upgrade device: Use only if the software in the connected controller needs to be updated. Read more on page 15.

Select language: Must be set for the language you wish to use.

If the controllers contain the selected language, this language will be dominant on the operating controllers. If not, English will be shown.

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© Danfoss | DCS (vt) | 2021.04

Danfoss AK-ST 500 User guide

User Guide | Service tool, AK-ST 500

5. Before you start the

1. Connect controller and PC



Or to the network via the System Manager, if applicable.

2. Switch on the controller if it is not already switched on.

6.How to start the programme

1.Via the Start menu move to “Service Tool”

(In the PC the application is found in the “ADAP-KOOL” folder)

2.Select ”Direct” when the PC is connected directly to a controller.

(Later there may be several lines where you can select connections to other systems, e.g. via modem or TCP/IP connection.)

3.Press ”Connect”

When the programme encounters a new controller for the first time, a file will be downloaded to the PC. This transaction will take a couple of minutes. You can follow the transfer on the bar at the bottom of the screen.

4.Select user level

The various user levels range from “seeing only” to carrying out installation and setup of the plant. There is an overview on page 8. The user name with the greatest powers is from the “SUPV” factory (super user).

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