Danfoss AK-SC 255 Service guide

Danfoss AK-SC 255 Service guide

Service Guide

Programming a Box Door Refrigeration and Fan Restart (I/O Control)

AK-SC 255

ADAP-KOOL® Refrigeration Control System

Service Guide | Programming a box door refrig. /Fan restart AK-SC 255

Programming notes

-Assign the Box Door input to Misc On/Off Inputs

-Program a False Relay in Misc Relay Outputs to act as the door restart timer

-Setup a Calculation to replace the door input, program it as the Circuit Door Switch. An open door that exceeds the restart time will override the door input function.

-I/O comm error (offline) alarms for calculations or Misc ROs associated with dummy points will need to be Disabled in Alarms -> Alarm Setup -> System -> Setup

Screen shots:

Configuration / Miscellaneous / On/Off Inputs:

2  |  AX279033595247en-000101

© Danfoss  |  ADAP-KOOL®  |  2018.08

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