Danfoss AK-RC 111, AK-RC 113 Installation guide

Installation Guide
Optyma™ control
AK-RC 111, AK-RC 113
English Nederlands Deutsch Français Español Italiano
Door limit switch Deurschakelaar Tür Porte Puerta Micro porta
Ambient probe Ruimtesensor Raumfühler Température ambiente Temperatura ambiente Sonda ambiente
Defrost probe Ontdooisensor Abtaufühler Sonde de dégivrage Sensor de desescarche Sonda evaporatore
RS485 Modbus RS485 Modbus RS485 Modbus RS485 Modbus RS485 Modbus RS485 Modbus
Supply 230 V AC Voeding 230 V AC Versorgung 230 V AC Alimentation 230 V AC Suministro 230 V AC Alimentazione 230 V AC
Defrost heater Ontdooiing Abtauheizungen Résistances de dégivrage
Evaporator fans Verdamperventilator Verdampferlüfter Ventilateur évaporateur Evaporador ventilador Ventole evaporatore
Compressor Compressor Kompressor Compresseur Compresor Compressore
Light Verlichting Licht Éclairage Iluminación Luce
Alarm / Aux Alarm / Aux Alarm / Aux Alarme / Aux Alarma / Aux Allarme / Aux
Resistencias de
Resistenze sbrinamento
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Common dig. inputs
Common probes
Digital input 1
Digital input 2
Ambient probe
Defrost probe
OPTYMA™ Control, single phase
Power Supply
230 V AC
Fans Compr.Aux1/All.Aux2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Common dig. inputs
Comp. protection
Door switch
Common probes
OPTYMA™ Control, three phase (4 HP)
Ambient probe
Defrost probe
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
12313 14 15
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 18 19
/d /d
Power Supply
230 V AC
Fans Compr.Aux1/All.Aux2
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 18 19
Common dig. inputs
Comp. protection
Door switch
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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OPTYMA™ Control, three phase (7.5 HP)
Common probes
Ambient probe
Defrost probe
Power Supply
230 V AC
Fans Compr.Aux1/All.Aux2
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 18 19
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Function Press
View set point
Change set point
Change menu “User level”
Change menu “Installer level”
(3 seconds)
(3 seconds)
(3 seconds)
(3 seconds)
List of level 1 variables (user level)
Variables Meaning Value Default
r0 Temperature difference compared to main SETPOINT 0.2 – 10 °C 2 °C
d0 Defrost interval (hours)
If d0 = 0 cyclical defrosts Off
d2 End-of-defrost setpoint.
Defrost is not executed if the temperature read by the defrost sensor is greater than d2. (If the sensor is faulty defrosting is timed)
d3 Max defrost duration (minutes) 1 – 240 min 25 min
d7 Drip duration (minutes)
At the end of defrost the compressor and fans remain at standstill for time d7, the defrost LED on the front panel flashes.
F5 Fan pause after defrost (minutes)
Allows fans to be kept at standstill for a time F5 after dripping. This time begins at the end of dripping. If no dripping has been set the fan pause starts directly at the end of defrost.
A1 Minimum temperature alarm
Allows user to define a minimum temperature for the room being refrigerated. Below value A1 an alarm trips: the alarm LED flashes, displayed temperature flashes and the buzzer sounds to indicate the problem.
A2 Maximum temperature alarm
Allows user to define a maximum temperature for the room being refrigerated. Above value A2 an alarm trips: the alarm LED flashes, displayed temperature flashes and the buzzer sounds to indicate the problem.
tEu Evaporator sensor temperature display (displays nothing if dE =1) Evaporator temperature read only
0 – 24 hours 4 hours
-35 – 45 °C 15 °C
0 – 10 min 0 min
0 – 10 min 0 min
-45 – (A2-1) °C -45 °C
(A1+1) – 99 °C 99 °C
List of level 2 variables (installer level)
Variables Meaning Value Default
F3 Fan status with compressor off 0 = Fans run continuously
F4 Fan pause during defrost 0 = Fans run during defrost
F6 Evaporator fans activation for air recirculation.
The fans activate for a time defined by F7 if they have not started working for the F6 time. If activation time coincides with the defrosting time, end of defrosting is awaited.
F7 Evaporator fans duration for air recirculation.
Fans working time for F6
dE Sensor presence
If the evaporator sensor is disabled defrosts are carried out cyclically with period d0: defrosting ends when an external device trips and closes the remote defrost contact or when time d3 expires.
d1 Defrost type, cycle inversion (hot gas) or with heater elements 0 = heating element
dPo Defrost at Power On 0 = disabled
dSE Smart defrost 0 = disabled
dSt Smart defrost Setpoint (if dSE=1)
The counting of the time between the defrost is incremented only if the compressor is ON and the evaporator temperature is less than dSt.
1 = Fans only run when compressor is working 2 = Fans disabled
1 = Fans do not run during defrost 0 – 240 min
0 = (function not activated)
0 – 240 sec 10 sec
0 = evaporator sensor present 1 = no evaporator sensor
1 = hot gas 2 = heater with temperature control
1 = defrost at power-on (if possible)
1 = enabled
-30 – 30 °C 1 °C
0 min
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Variables Meaning Value Default
dFd Display viewing during Defrost 0 = current temperature
Ad Modbus Network address 0 – 247 0 Bdr Modbus baudrate 0 = 300 baud
Prt Modbus parity check 0 = none
Ald Minimum and maximum temperature signalling and alarm display delay 0 – 240 min 120 min C1 Minimum time between shutdown and subsequent switching on of the compressor 0 – 15 min 0 min CAL Cold room sensor value correction -10 – 10 °C 0 °C CE1 Duration of compressor ON time in the case of faulty ambient probe
(emergency mode). If CE1=0 the emergency mode in the presence of error E0 remains disabled, the compressor remains off and defrosting is prevented in order to conserve the remaining cold.
CE2 Duration of compressor OFF time in the case of faulty ambient probe
(emergency mode).
doC Compressor safety time for door switch: when the door is opened the evaporator
fans shut down and the compressor will continue working for time doC, after which it will shut down.
tdo Compressor restart time after door opening. When the door is opened and after tdo
time, it’s setted back the normal functioning giving door open alarm (Ed) If the door switch is closed and the light stays on for a longer time than tdo light cell alarm is signaled (E9). With tdo=0 the parameter is disabled.
The fans will stop if the temperature value read by the evaporator sensor is higher than this value.
Fd Fst differential 1 – 10 °C 2 °C LSE Minimum value attributable to setpoint. -45 – (HSE-1) °C -45 °C HSE Maximum value attributable to setpoint. (LSE+1) – 99°C 99 °C AU1 Auxiliary/alarm relay 1 control -6 (NC) = relay de-energised during stand-by.
AU2 Auxiliary/alarm relay 2 control (like AU1 ) 5 StA Temperature setting for auxiliary relay -45 – 99 °C 0 °C nSC Correction factor for the SET button during night operation (energy saving)
(with In1 or In2 = 8 or -8) During night operation the control set is: Set Control = Set + nSC In night mode decimal point flashes.
1 = temperature at the start of the defrost 2 = “DEF”
1 = 600 baud 2 = 1200 baud 3 = 2400 baud 4 = 4800 baud 5 = 9600 baud 6 = 14400 baud 7 = 19200 baud 8 = 38400 baud
1 = even 2 = odd
0 – 240 min 0 = disabled
5 – 240 min 5 min
0 – 5 min 0 min
0 – 240 min 0 = disabled
-45 – 99 °C 99 °C
-5 (NC) = Contact for casing element control (AUX relay closed with compressor output inactive).
-4 (NC) = pump down function(NC, see CHAP
-3 (NC) = automatic auxiliary relay managed by StA temp. setting with 2°C differential (NC).
-2 (NC) = manual auxiliary relay controlled via AUX key (NC).
-1 (NC) = alarm relay (NC).
0 = relay deactivated. 1 (NO) = alarm relay (NO). 2 (NO) =manual auxiliary relay controlled via
AUX key (NO).
3 (NO) = automatic auxiliary relay managed by
StA temp. setting with 2°C differential (NO).
4 (NO) = pump down function (NO, see CHAP
5 (NO) = free voltage contact for condensing
unit (AUX relay and compressor relay in parallel).
6 (NO) = relay excited during stand-by.
-20 – 20 °C 0 °C
0 min
0 min
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Variables Meaning Value Default
In1 INP-1 input setting 8 = Night mode digital input (energy saving,
In2 INP-2 input setting ( like In1 ) 1
bEE Buzzer enable 0 = disabled
mOd Thermostat functioning mode 0 = Cold function
P1 Password type of protection
(active when PA is not equal 0)
PA Password
(see P1 for the type of protection)
reL Release software indicates software version read only
7 = Stop defrosting remotely (N.O.) (reads rising
edge of impulse)
6 = Start defrosting remotely (N.O.) (reads rising
edge of impulse)
5 = Stand-by remotely (N.O.) (In order to indicate
Stand-By mode, the display shows ‘In5’
alternating with the current view) 4 = Pump-down pressure switch (N.O.) 3 = Man-in-room alarm (N.O.) 2 = Compressor protection (N.O.) 1 = Door switch (N.O.) 0 = disabled
-1 = Door switch (N.C.)
-2 = Compressor protection (N.C.)
-3 = Man-in-room alarm (N.C.)
-4 = Pump-down pressure switch (N.C.)
-5 = Stand-by remotely (N.C.) (In order to
indicate Stand-By mode, the display shows
‘In5’ alternating with the current view)
-6 = Start defrosting remotely (N.C.) (reads falling
edge of impulse)
-7 = Stop defrosting remotely (N.C.) (reads falling
edge of impulse)
-8 = Night mode digital input (energy saving,
1 = enabled
1 = Hot function
(in this mode defrosting and fan disable Fst
are excluded) 0 = only display set point
1 = display set point, AUX, light access 2 = access in programming not permitted 3 = access in second level programming not
0...999 0 = not active
Alarm code Possible cause Solution
E0 Cold room temperature sensor not working properly • Check that cold room temperature sensor is working properly
E1 Defrost sensor not working properly (in this case defrosts will last time d3) • Check that defrost sensor is working properly
E2 Eeprom alarm
An EEPROM memory alarm has been detected (All outputs except the alarm one are deactivated)
E8 Man in cold room alarm • Reset the alarm input inside the cold room Ec Compressor protection tripped
(e.g. thermal protection or max pressure switch) (All outputs except the alarm one – where applicable – are deactivated)
Ed Open door Alarm. When the door is opened and after tdo time, it’s setted back the
normal functioning giving door open alarm (Ed)
E9 Cell light alarm.
The light of the cell has been on for a time greater than tdo.
EH Maximum temperature alarm.
The temperature inside the cold room has exceeded the max. temperature alarm setting (see variables A2, user programming level)
EL Minimum temperature alarm.
The temperature inside the cold room has exceeded the min. temperature alarm setting (see variables A1, user programming level)
• If the problem persists replace the sensor
• If the problems persists replace the sensor
• Switch unit off and back on
• Check that compressor is working properly
• Check compressor absorption
• If the problem persists contact the technical assistance service
• Check door switch status
• Check door switch connections
• If the problem persists contact the technical assistance service
• Turn off the light
• Check that the compressor is working properly.
• Sensor not reading temperature properly or compressor start/stop
control not working.
• Check that the compressor is working properly.
• Sensor not reading temperature properly or compressor start/stop
control not working.
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Functie Pers
Voor setpoint
Modificeren setpoint
Modificeren menu “Gebruikers niveau”
Menu verlaten
Modificeren menu “Installateursniveau”
Menu verlaten
(3 seconden)
(3 seconden)
(3 seconden)
(3 seconden)
Lijst met niveau 1 variabelen (gebruikersniveau)
Variabelen Verklaring Waarde Fabr. Inst.
r0 Temperatuur differentie vergeleken met het SETPOINT 0.2 – 10 °C 2 °C
d0 Ontdooi interval (Uur)
indien d0 = 0 cyclische ontdooiing Uit
d2 Ontdooiing setpoint
Ontdooiing wordt niet uitgevoerd als de waarde van de temperatuur hoger is dan "d2". (Als de sensor defect is wordt de ontdooiing op tijd uitgevoerd)
d3 Maximale ontdooitijd (minuten) 1 – 240 min 25 min
d7 Duur druptijd (minuten)
Na een ontdooibeëindiging blijven de compressor en ventilator gedurende tijd d7 stilstaan, De ontdooi LED op het frontpaneel knippert.
F5 Ventilatorpauze na ontdooiing (minuten)
De ventilator blijft na de druptijd stilstaan gedurende tijd F5. Deze tijd begint na het einde van de druptijd. Als er geen druptijd is ingesteld start de ventilatorpauze direct na het einde van de ontdooiing.
A1 Minimum temperatuuralarm
Maakt het mogelijk voor de gebruiker om een minimum ruimtetemperatuur in te stellen. Beneden waarde A1 schakelt het alarmcontact: het alarm LED knippert, weergave temperatuur knippert en de zoemer gaat aan om het probleem te melden.
A2 Maximum temperatuuralarm
Maakt het mogelijk voor de gebruiker om een maximum ruimtetemperatuur in te stellen. Boven waarde A2 schakelt het alarmcontact: het alarm LED knippert, weergave temperatuur knippert en de zoemer gaat aan om het probleem te melden.
tEu Verdampersensor temperatuurweergave Geeft verdampertemperatuur weer
0 – 24 uur 4 uur
-35 – 45 °C 15°C
0 – 10 min 0 min
0 – 10 min 0 min
-45 – (A2-1) °C -45 °C
(A1+1) – 99 °C 45 °C
Alleen lezen
(geeft niets weer als dE =1)
Lijst met niveau 2 variabelen (installateursniveau)
Variabelen Verklaring Waarde Fabr. Inst. F3 Ventilatorstatus bij compressor uit 0 = ventilatoren draaien continue
F4 Ventilator pauze tijdens ontdooiing 0 = ventilatoren draaien tijdens ontd.
F6 Verdamperventilatoren activeren voor luchtrecirculatie.
De ventilatoren worden gedurende een door F7 gedefinieerde tijd geactiveerd als ze niet voor de F6-tijd zijn begonnen te werken. Als de activeringstijd samenvalt met de ontdooitijd, wacht u het einde van het ontdooien.
F7 Verdamper ventilatieduur voor luchtrecirculatie.
Fans werktijd voor F6
dE Sensor aanwezigheid
Als de verdampersensor Is aangesloten worden ontdooiingen uitgevoerd volgens cyclusperiode d0: ontdooiing eindigt als een externe sensor aanspreekt en het remote ontdooicontact schakelt en sluit of als tijd d3 afloopt.
d1 Type ontdooicyclus, omkeersysteem (heet gas) of met ontdooi-elementen 0 = verwarmingselement
dPo Ontdooien bij inschakelen 0 = uitgeschakeld
dSE Slim ontdooien 0 = uitgeschakeld
dSt Smart Defrost Setpoint (indien dSE = 1)
Het tellen van de tijd tussen het ontdooien wordt alleen geïncrementeerd als de compressor AAN staat en de verdampertemperatuur lager is dan dSt.
1 = ventilatoren alleen in bedrijf als compressor
in bedrijf is 2 = Fans uitgeschakeld
1 = ventilatoren staan stil tijdens ontd. 0 – 240 min
0 = (functie niet geactiveerd)
0 – 240 sec 10 sec
0 = verdampersensor aanwezig 1 = geen verdampersensor
1 = heet gas 2 = kachel met temperatuurregeling
1 = ontdooien bij inschakelen (indien mogelijk)
1 = ingeschakeld
-30 – 30 °C 1 °C
0 min
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