User Guide
Woodley Protokol interface
AK-PI 100
ADAP-KOOL® Refrigeration control systems

The AK-PI 100 is an intermediary link allowing Woodley type units
to be operated by an AK-SC 255 system controller.
This way of operating the Woodley units replaces the previous
Woodley S5 operating interface.
The AK-PI 100 is used on systems with an AK-SC 255 system controller, but which still contain older Woodley type units.
These types can be:
• Woodley MDM units
• Woodley 4 way TPI cards
• Older units connected to the WTP bus (WTP = Woodley Third
Measurements and status readings from the individual Woodley
units are uploaded to the AK-PI 100 and on to the AK-SC 255,
where the data is presented in the same way as other ADAPKOOL(r) units.
The AK-SC 255 and the AK-PI 100 are linked by Ethernet.
For a straightforward connection, the two units can be linked by a
In this case, the IP addresses are set to static addresses. You can
choose any addresses, but only if nothing else is connected.
(It is easiest to use a router and dynamic address allocation. In this
case, the router allocates one address to the AK-SC 255 and another to the PI unit. You can only use this solution if the system is
self-contained with no contact to an external operating interface.)
In larger systems or if IP communication takes place from the system, the connection must be based on a router or a switch.
If a router is used, the IP address of the AK-PI 100 may be dynamic,
but the address of the AK-SC 255 must be static.
If a switch is used, both must be static.
You will need to request static addresses from the IT department
yourself, and then congure the addresses in both units. You
should always use this solution if the system is accessed by an
external service company, for example for log extraction, alarm
handling or servicing.
2 Manual RS8FB102 © Danfoss 03-2008 AK-PI 100

Communication/number of addresses
An AK-PI 100 can be congured for two types of communication
- MDM communication or WTP communication. If both types of
communication are needed in the system, two AK-PI 100 units
must be used.
With MDM communication, up to 160 controllers can be connected to one AK-PI 100.
With WTP communication, up to 128 controllers can be connected
to one AK-PI 100.
In total, the AK-SC 255 can handle up to 162 addresses, including
units connected directly to the system controller.
In principle, there are three types of address:
IP addresses
An IP address must be congured for the system controller and for
the AK-PI 100.
The address can be either static or dynamic - the choice is made
by changing a setting. To use a static address, you also need to
congure the address.
If the system is accessed from the outside, the system controller
should always be set to static, so that the external connection
always knows the address and is able to contact the unit.
(The IP is congured using a menu.)
Network addresses
A network must always have one, and only one, unit acting as
master. In this case, the master is AK-SC 255. To specify this, the
address is congured to = 0. This master controls communication
with all other controllers in the network.
A PI unit is handled as a controller in the network, and you can
view its address in the “Channel PI-100/200” screen.
Each PI unit is congured with a dierent address. You can choose
11, 12 or above, e.g. 21. (Addresses 1 to 10 are reserved for subnets.)
When you congure the system controller, the relevant AK-PI 100
is assigned to the network. The system controller then recognises
the link to all the MDM units/WTP units. The check marks in the
screenshot on the right show that contact with PI units has been
selected. One has the address 21 and the other has the address 90
(the numbers 084Z8521 and 22 indicate that there is one PI 200
and one PI 100).
Controller addresses
All controllers in the same network must have dierent addresses.
This means all controllers connected to a system controller via:
• LON communication
• MOD bus communication
• DANBUSS communication via an AK-PI 200
• MDM communication via an AK-PI 100
• WTP communication via an AK-PI 100
A maximum of 162 controllers can be connected to a system controller. The system controller cannot handle addresses above 199.
The AK-PI 100 has an auxiliary function that can shift a group of
addresses, so that you do not need to change the address in each
individual MDM and WTP unit.
The function is called “address oset”, and informs the AK-SC 255
of the changed addresses. After the function, a unit has the following address: Oset value + congured address of the unit.
DANBUSS communication: Address options 1 to 120
LON communication: Address options 1 to 199
MOD bus communication: Address options 1 to 199
MDM communication: Address options 1 to 199 (255)
WTP communication: Address options 1 to 199 (248)
AK-SC 255: Address options 1 to 199
Max. number: 162
AK-PI 100 Manual RS8FB102 © Danfoss 03-2008 3