Danfoss AK-PC 772A User guide

User Guide
Capacity controller
for small CO2 refrigeration system AK-PC 772A
ADAP-KOOL® Refrigeration control systems
1. Introduction .............................................................................3
Application .................................................................................................. 3
Principles...................................................................................................... 4
2. Design of a controller ..............................................................7
Module survey ........................................................................................... 8
Common data for modules .................................................................10
Controller ...........................................................................................12
Extension module AK-XM 101A .................................................14
Extension module AK-XM 102A / AK-XM 102B .....................16
Extension module AK-XM 103A .................................................18
Extension module AK-XM 204A / AK-XM 204B .....................20
Extension module AK-XM 205A / AK-XM 205B .....................22
Extension module AK-XM 208C ................................................24
Extension module AK-OB 110 ....................................................26
Extension module EKA 163B / EKA 164B / EKA 166 ............ 27
Graphic display MMIGRS2 ............................................................27
Power supply module AK-PS 075 / 150 / 250 ........................28
Communication module AK-CM 102 .......................................29
Preface to design ....................................................................................30
Functions ............................................................................................30
Connections ...................................................................................... 31
Limitations ......................................................................................... 31
Design of a compressor and condenser control .........................32
Procedure: ..........................................................................................32
Sketch .................................................................................................. 32
Compressor and condenser functions ....................................32
Connections ...................................................................................... 33
Planning table .................................................................................. 35
Length .................................................................................................36
Linking of modules ......................................................................... 36
Determine the connection points ............................................37
Connection diagram ...................................................................... 38
Supply voltage ................................................................................ 40
Ordering ..................................................................................................... 41
3. Mounting and wiring .............................................................43
Mounting ................................................................................................... 44
Mounting of analog output module ........................................ 44
Mounting of extension module on the basic module ....... 45
Wiring .......................................................................................................... 46
4. Configuration and operation ................................................49
Configuration ...........................................................................................50
Connect PC ........................................................................................ 50
Authorization .................................................................................... 52
Unlock the configuration of the controllers ..........................53
System setup ....................................................................................54
Set plant type ................................................................................... 55
Set control of MT compressors ...................................................56
Set control of LT compressors .....................................................60
Setup control of condenser fans ...............................................61
Setup control of high pressure ...................................................63
Setup control of receiver pressure ............................................64
Setup control of heat recovery..................................................65
Setup Display .................................................................................... 66
Setup Functions for General purpose ......................................67
Separate thermostat...............................................................68
Separate pressostat ................................................................68
Separate voltage signal .........................................................69
Separate alarm inputs ............................................................ 69
Separate PI function ............................................................... 70
Configuration of inputs and outputs .......................................71
Set alarm priorities..........................................................................73
Lock configuration ..........................................................................75
Check configuration .......................................................................76
Check of connections ............................................................................ 78
Check of settings.....................................................................................80
Schedule function .................................................................................. 82
Installation in network .......................................................................... 83
First start of control ................................................................................84
Start the control ...............................................................................85
Manual capacity control ............................................................... 86
5. Regulating functions .............................................................87
Suction groups ........................................................................................88
Controlling sensor...........................................................................88
Reference ...........................................................................................88
Capacity control of compressors ...............................................89
Capacity distribution methods ........................................... 90
Power pack types – compressor combinations ............91
Compressor timers ..................................................................95
Compressor with variable capacity ................................... 96
Load shedding ..........................................................................97
Injection ON .............................................................................. 97
Liquid injection in common suction line ........................ 98
Safety functions ............................................................................... 98
Condenser / Gas cooler ......................................................................100
Capacity control of condenser .................................................100
Reference for condensing pressure ........................................100
Heat recovery .................................................................................102
Capacity distribution ...................................................................104
EC motor ...........................................................................................104
Step regulation .......................................................................104
Speed regulation ...................................................................104
Condenser couplings ...........................................................105
Safety functions for condenser.........................................105
Circuits for control of CO2 gas pressure ................................106
Receiver control .....................................................................107
Parallel compression ............................................................108
General monitoring functions .........................................................109
Miscellaneous ........................................................................................111
Appendix - Alarm texts .......................................................................116
2 Capacity controller RS8HF102 © Danfoss 2017-07 AK-PC 772A

1. Introduction


AK-PC 772A is complete regulating units for capacity control of compressors and gas cooler in a small CO2 refrigeration systems. Either as a compressor and condenser control on MT or as a boost­er system. There can be regulated with one parallel compressor. The controller is with oil management, heat recovery function and CO2 gas pressure control. In addition to capacity control the controllers can give signals to other controllers about the operating condition, e.g. forced clos­ing of expansion valves, alarm signals and alarm messages. The controller’s main function is to control compressors and gas cooler so that operation all the time takes place at the energy­optimum pressure conditions. Both suction pressure and gas pressure are controlled by signals from pressure transmitters and temperature sensors.
Among the different functions are:
- Capacity control of up to 3 compressors on high pressure (2 if also regulating with parallel compressor).
- Capacity control of up to 2 compressors on low pressure
- Up to 3 unloaders for each compressor
- Speed control of one or two compressors
- Up to 6 safety inputs for each compressor
- Option for capacity limitation to minimize consumption peaks
- When the compressor does not start, signals can be transmitted to other controllers so that the electronic expansion valves will be closed
- Control of liquid injection into suction line
- Safety monitoring of high pressure / low pressure / discharge temperature
- Capacity control of up to 4 fans
- Floating gas cooler reference with regard to outside temperature
- Heat recovery function
- CO2 gas cooler control and receiver control
- Parallel compression on transcritical CO2 system
- Step coupling, speed regulation or a combination
- Safety monitoring of fans
- The status of the outputs and inputs is shown by means of light­emitting diodes on the front panel
- Alarm signals can be generated via data communication
- Alarms are shown with texts so that the cause of the alarm is easy to see.
- Plus some completely separate functions that are totally inde­pendent of the regulation – such as alarm, thermostat, pressure and PI-regulating functions.
AK-PC 772A Capacity controller RS8HF102 © Danfoss 2017-07 3


The great advantage of this series of controllers is that it can be extended as the size of the plant is increased. It has been devel­oped for refrigeration control systems, but not for any specific application – variation is created through the read-in software and the way you choose to define the connections. It is the same modules that are used for each regulation and the composition can be changed, as required. With these modules (building blocks) it is possible to create a multitude of various kinds of regulations. But it is you who must help adjusting the regulation to the actual needs – these instructions will assist you to find your way through all the questions so that the regulation can be defined and the connections made.
Top part
• The controller’s size can “grow” as systems grow
• The software can be set for one or more regulations
• Several regulations with the same components
• Extension-friendly when systems requirements are changed
• Flexible concept:
- Controller series with common construction
- One principle – many regulation uses
- modules are selected for the actual connection requirements
- The same modules are used from regulation to regulation.
Extension modules
Bottom part
The controller is the cornerstone of the regulation. The module has inputs and outputs capable of handling small systems.
• The bottom part – and hence the terminals – are the same for all controller types.
• The top part contains the intelligence with software. This unit will vary according to controller type. But it will always be supplied together with the bottom part.
• In addition to the software the top part is provided with connections for data communication and address setting.
A regulation with few connections can be performed with the controller module alone
If the system grows and more functions have to be controlled, the regulation can be extended. With extra modules more signals can be received and more relays cut in and out – how many of them – and which – is determined by the relevant application.
If there are many connections one or more exten­sion modules have to be mounted
4 Capacity controller RS8HF102 © Danfoss 2017-07 AK-PC 772A
Direct connection
Setup and operation of an AK controller must be accomplished via the “AK-Service Tool” software program.
The program is installed on a PC, and setup and operation of the various functions are carried out via the controller’s menu displays.
The menu displays are dynamic, so that different settings in one menu will result in different setting possibilities in other menus.
A simple application with few connections will give a setup with few settings. A corresponding application with many connections will give a setup with many settings. From the overview display there is access to further displays for the compressor regulation and the condenser regulation. At the bottom of the display there is access to a number of general functions, such as “time table”, “manual operation”, “log function”, “alarms”, and “service” (configuration).
Network linking
The controller can be linked up into a network together with other controllers in an ADAP-KOOL® refrigeration control system. After the setup operation can be performed at a distance with, say, our software program type AKM.
The controller comes supplied with several languages, one of which can be selected and employed by the user. If there are sev­eral users, they may each have their choice of language. All users must be assigned a user profile which either gives access to full operation or gradually limits the operation to the lowest level that only allows you “to see”. Language selection is part of the service tool settings. If the language selection is not available in the service tool for the current regulator, English texts will be displayed.
External display
An external display can be fitted in order for P0 (Suction) and Pc (Condensing) readings to be displayed. A total of 4 displays can be fitted and with one setting it is pos­sible to choose between the following readings: suction pressure, suction pressure in temperature, Ss, Sd, condenser pressure, con­denser pressure in temperature, gas cooler temperature, etc. A graphical display with control buttons can also be fitted.
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Light-emitting diodes
A number of light-emitting diodes makes it possible to follow the signals that are received and transmitted by the controller.
From the log function you can define the measurements you wish to be shown. The collected values can be printed, or you may export them to a file. You can open the file in Excel.
If you are in a service situation you can show measurements in a trend function. The measurements are then made real-time and displayed instantly.
DO1 Status
DO2 Service Tool
DO4 I/O Extension
DO5 Alarm
DO7 Display
DO8 Service Pin
Slow flash = OK Quick flash = answer from gateway Constantly ON = error Constantly OFF = error
Flash = active alarm/not cancelled Constant ON = Active alarm/cancelled
The display gives you an overview of all active alarms. If you wish to confirm that you have seen the alarm you can cross it off in the acknowledge field. If you want to know more about a current alarm you can click on it and obtain an information display on the screen.
A corresponding display exists for all earlier alarms. Here you can upload information if you need further details about the alarm history.
6 Capacity controller RS8HF102 © Danfoss 2017-07 AK-PC 772A

2. Design of a controller

This section describes how the controller is designed.
The controller in the system is based on a uniform connection platform where any deviations from regulation to regulation is determined by the used top part with a specific software and by which input and output signals the relevant application will require. If it is an application with few connections, the controller module (top part with belonging bottom part) may be sufficient. If it is an application with many connections it will be necessary to use the controller module plus one or more extension modules.
This section will give you a survey of possible connections plus assistance in selecting the modules required by your actual ap-
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Module survey

• Controller module – capable of handling minor plant require­ments.
• Extension modules. When the complexity becomes greater and additional inputs or outputs are required, modules can be attached to the controller. A plug on the side of the module will transmit the supply voltage and data communication between the modules.
• Top part The upper part of the controller module contains the intelli­gence. This is the unit where the regulation is defined and where data communication is connected to other controllers in a big­ger network.
• Connection types There are various types of inputs and outputs. One type may, for example, receive signals from sensors and switches, another may receive a voltage signal, and a third type may be outputs with relays etc. The individual types are shown in the table below.
Extension module with ad­ditional analog inputs
• Optional connection When a regulation is planned (set up) it will generate a need for a number of connections distributed on the mentioned types. This connection must then be made on either the controller module or an extension module. The only thing to be observed is that the types must not be mixed (an analog input signal must for instance not be connected to a digital input).
• Programming of connections The controller must know where you connect the individual input and output signals. This takes place in a later configura­tion where each individual connection is defined based on the following principle:
- to which module
- at which point (”terminals”)
- what is connected (e.g. pressure transmitter/type/
pressure range).
Extension module with addi­tional relay outputs and additional analog inputs.
External display for suction pressure etc.
Bottom part
Controller with analog inputs and relay outputs.
Top part
Extension module with 2x analog output signals
The module with additional relay outputs is also available in a version where the top part is provided with change-over switches so that the relays can be overridden.
If the row of modules needs to be interrupted due to length or external positioning, a communi­cation module should be used.
8 Capacity controller RS8HF102 © Danfoss 2017-07 AK-PC 772A
1. Controller
Type Function Application
AK-PC 772A
Controller for capacity control of a small CO2 plant with booster. A maximum of 3 compressors for high pressure, 2 for low pressure, 4 fans and a maximum of 120 inputs/outputs
Transcritical CO2 Booster control. Parallel com­pression /Heat recovery / CO2 gas pressure
2. Extension modules and survey of inputs and outputs
Type Analog
For sensors, pres­sure transmitters etc.
Controller 11 4 4 - - - -
Extension modules
AK-XM 101A 8
AK-XM 102A 8
AK-XM 102B 8
AK-XM 103A 4 4
AK-XM 204A 8
AK-XM 204B 8 x
AK-XM 205A 8 8
AK-XM 205B 8 8 x
AK-XM 208C 8 4
On/Off outputs On/off supply voltage
Relay (SPDT)
Solid state Low voltage
(DI signal)
(max. 80 V)
High voltage (max. 260 V)
Analog outputs
0-10 V d.c. For valves
Stepper output
with step control
Module with switches
For override of relay outputs
The following extension module can be placed on the PC board in the controller module. There is only room for one module.
AK-OB 110 2
3. AK operation and accessories
Type Function Application
AK-ST 500 Software for operation of AK controllers AK-operation
- Cable between PC and AK controller USB A-B (standard IT cable)
Accessories Power supply module 230 V / 115 V to 24 V d.c.
AK-PS 075 18 VA
Supply for controllerAK-PS 150 36 VA
AK-PS 250 60 VA
Accessories External display that can be connected to the controller module. For showing, say, the suction pressure
EKA 163B Display
EKA 164B Display with operation buttons
EKA 166 Display with operation buttons and LED for function cut in
MMIGRS2 Graphic display with operation
Accessories Communication modules for controllers where modules cannot be connected continuously
AK-CM 102 Communication module
Cable between display and controller Length = 2 m, 6 m
Cable between graphic display and controller Length = 1.5 m, 3 m
Data communication for external extension modules
On the following pages there is data specific to each module.
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Common data for modules

Supply voltage 24 V d.c./a.c. +/- 20%
Power consumption AK-__ (controller) 8 VA
AK-XM 101, 102, 107, AK-CM 102 2 VA
AK-XM 204, 205, 208 5 VA
Analog inputs Pt 1000 ohm /0°C Resolution: 0.1°C
Pressure transmitter type AKS 32R / AKS 2050 AKS 32 (1-5 V)
Other pressure transmitter: Ratiometric signal Min. and Max. pressure must be set
Voltage signal 0-10 V
Contact function (On/Off ) On at R < 20 ohm
On/off supply voltage inputs Low voltage
Relay outputs SPDT
Solid state outputs Can be used for loads that are cut in and
0 / 80 V a.c./d.c.
High voltage 0 / 260 V a.c.
AC-1 (ohmic) 4 A
AC-15 (inductive) 3 A
U Min. 24 V
out frequently, e.g. : Fans and AKV valves
Accuracy: +/- 0.5°C +/- 0,5°C between -50°C and +50°C +/- 1°C between -100°C and -50°C +/- 1°C between +50°C and +130°C
Resolution:1 mV Accuracy +/- 10 mV Max. connection of 5 pressure transmitters on one module
Off at R > 2K ohm (Gold -plated contacts not necessary)
Off: U < 2 V On: U > 10 V
Off: U < 24 V On: U > 80 V
Max. 230 V Low and high voltage must not be connected to the same output group
Max. 240 V a.c. , Min. 48 V a.c. Max. 0,5 A, Leak < 1 mA Max. 1 AKV
Stepper outputs Used for valves with stepper input 20-500 step/s
Ambient temperature During transport -40 to 70°C
During operation -20 to 55°C ,
Enclosure Material PC / ABS
Density IP10 , VBG 4
Mounting For mounting on panel wall or DIN rail
Weight with screw terminals Modules in 100- / 200- / controller-series Ca. 200 g / 500 g / 600 g
Approvals EU low voltage directive and EMC require-
ments are complied with
UL 873,
The mentioned data applies to all modules. If data is specific, this is mentioned together with the module in question.
Separate supply to stepper outputs : 24 a.c./d.c. / xx VA
0 to 95% RH (non condensing) No shock influences / vibrations
LVD tested according to EN 60730 EMC tested Immunity according to EN 61000-6-2 Emission according to EN 61000-6-3
UL file number: E166834 for XM and CM-modules UL file number: E31024 for PC-modules
10 Capacity controller RS8HF102 © Danfoss 2017-07 AK-PC 772A
The module dimension is 72 mm. Modules in the 100-series consist of one module Modules in the 200-series consist of two modules Controllers consist of three modules The length of an aggregate unit = n x 72 + 8
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There are several controllers in the series. The function is deter­mined by the programmed software, but outwardly the control­lers are identical – they all have the same connection possibilities: 11 analog inputs for sensors, pressure transmitters, voltage signals
and contact signals.
8 digital outputs, with 4 Solid state outputs and 4 relay outputs
Supply voltage
24 V a.c. or d.c. to be connected to the controller. The 24 V must not be retransmitted and used by other control­lers as it is not galvanically separated from inputs and outputs. In other words, you must use a transformer for each controller. Class II is required. The terminals must not be earthed. The supply voltage to any extension modules is transmitted via the plug on the right-hand side. The size of the transformer is determined by the power require­ment of the total number of modules.
The supply voltage to a pressure transmitter can be taken either from the 5 V output or from the 12 V output depending on trans­mitter type.
Data communication
If the controller is to be included in a system, communication must take place via the LON connection. The installation has to be made as mentioned in the separate instructions for LON communication.
Address setting
When the controller is connected to a gateway type AKA 245, the controller’s address must be set between 1 and 119. (If it is a system manager AK-SM .., then 1-999).
Service PIN
When the controller is connected to the data communication cable the gateway must have knowledge of the new controller. This is obtained by pushing the key PIN. The LED “Status” will flash when the gateway sends an acceptance message.
The configuration operation of the controller must take place from the software program “Service Tool”. The program must be installed on a PC, and the PC must be connected to the controller via the USB-B plug on the front of the unit.
Light-emitting diodes
There are two rows with LED’s. They mean: Left row:
• Voltage supply to the controller
• Communication active with the bottom PC board (red = error)
• Status of outputs DO1 to DO8
Right row:
• Software status (slow flash = OK)
• Communication with Service Tool
• Communication on LON
• Communication with AK-CM 102
• Alarm when LED flashes
- 1 LED that is not used
• Communication with display on RJ11 plug
• “Service Pin” switch has been activated
DO1 Status
DO2 Service Tool
DO4 I/O Extension
DO5 Alarm
DO7 Display
DO8 Service Pin
Slow flash = OK Quick flash = answer from gateway Constantly ON = error Constantly OFF = error
Flash = active alarm/not cancelled Constant ON = Active alarm/cancelled
Keep the safety distance!
Low and high voltage must not be connected to the same output group
A small module (option board) can be placed on the bottom part of the controller. The module is described later in the document.
12 Capacity controller RS8HF102 © Danfoss 2017-07 AK-PC 772A
Point 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Type AI1 AI2 AI3 AI4 AI5 AI6 AI7 AI8 AI9 AI10 AI11
Terminal 15: 12 V Terminal 16: 5 V
Terminal 27: 12 V Terminal 28: 5 V
Analog inputs on 1 - 11
Solid state outputs on 12 - 15
Relay or AKV coil fx 230 V a.c.
Signal Signal
Pt 1000 ohm/0°C
Ss Sd Shr Sgc Sc3 Saux_
3: Brown
2: Blue
1: Black
P0 Pc Pgc Prec
AKS 32
3: Brown
2: Black
1: Red
On/Off Ext.
Main switch Day/ Night Door Level switch
AKV Comp Fan Alarm Solenoid valve
Option Board
Please see the signal on the page with the module.
24 and 25 used only when "Op­tion board fitted"
Pt 1000
AKS 32R / AKS 2050/ MBS 8250
-1 - xx bar
AKS 32
-1 - zz bar
0 - 5 V 0 - 10 V
Active at:
Active at:
Point 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Type DO1 DO2 DO3 DO4 DO5 DO6 DO7 DO8
Signal Module Point
1 (AI 1) 1 - 2
2 (AI 2) 3 - 4
3 (AI 3) 5 - 6
4 (AI 4) 7 - 8
5 (AI 5) 9 - 10
6 (AI 6) 11 - 12
7 (AI 7) 13 - 14
8 (AI 8) 19 - 20
9 (AI 9) 21 - 22
10 (AI 10) 23 - 24
11 (AI 11) 25 - 26
12 (DO 1) 31 - 32
13 (DO 2) 33 - 34
14 (DO 3) 35 - 36
15 (DO 4) 37 - 38
16 (DO 5) 39 - 40- 41
17 (DO6) 42 - 43 - 44
18 (DO7) 45 - 46 - 47
19 (DO8) 48 - 49 - 50
24 -
25 -
Terminal 17, 18, 29, 30: (Cable screen)
Relay outputs on 16 - 19
Signal type /
Active at
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Extension module AK-XM 101A

The module contains 8 analog inputs for sensors, pressure trans­mitters, voltage signals and contact signals.
Supply voltage
The supply voltage to the module comes from the previous mod­ule in the row.
Supply voltage to a pressure transmitter can be taken from either the 5 V output or the 12 V output depending on transmitter type.
Light-emitting diodes
Only the two top LED’s are used. They indicate the following:
• Voltage supply to the module
• Communication with the controller is active (red = error)
14 Capacity controller RS8HF102 © Danfoss 2017-07 AK-PC 772A
Point 1 2 3 4
Type AI1 AI2 AI3 AI4
Terminal 9: 12 V Terminal 10: 5 V
Pt 1000 ohm/0°C
AKS 32
At the top the signal input is the left of the two terminals.
At the bottom the signal input is the right of the two terminals.
3: Brown
2: Blue
1: Black
3: Brown
2: Black
1: Red
Signal Signal
Ss Sd Shr
Pt 1000 Sgc Sc3 Saux_
AKS 32R /
P0 Pc Pgc Prec Paux
AKS 2050/
MBS 8250
-1 - xx bar
AKS 32
-1 - zz bar
Terminal 15: 5 V Terminal 16: 12 V
Terminal 11, 12, 13, 14: (Cable screen)
Point 5 6 7 8
Type AI5 AI6 AI7 AI8
Ext. Main switch Day/ Night Door Level switch
0 - 5 V
0 - 10 V
Active at:
Signal Module Point
1 (AI 1) 1 - 2
2 (AI 2) 3 - 4
3 (AI 3) 5 - 6
4 (AI 4) 7 - 8
5 (AI 5) 17 - 18
6 (AI 6) 19 - 20
7 (AI 7) 21 - 22
8 (AI 8) 23 - 24
Signal type /
Active at
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Extension module AK-XM 102A / AK-XM 102B

The module contains 8 inputs for on/off voltage signals.
AK-XM 102A is for low voltage signals. AK-XM 102B is for high voltage signals.
Supply voltage
The supply voltage to the module comes from the previous module in the row.
Light-emitting diodes
They indicate:
• Voltage supply to the module
• Communication with the controller is active (red = error)
• Status of the individual inputs 1 to 8 (when lit = voltage)
AK-XM 102A
Max. 24 V
On/Off: On: DI > 10 V a.c. Off: DI < 2 V a.c.
AK-XM 102B
Max. 230 V
On/Off: On: DI > 80 V a.c. Off: DI < 24 V a.c.
16 Capacity controller RS8HF102 © Danfoss 2017-07 AK-PC 772A
AK-XM 102A: Max. 24 V AK-XM 102B: Max. 230 V
Signal Active at
Ext. Main switch
Day/ Night
Comp. safety 1
Comp. safety 2
Level switch
(voltage on)
(voltage off)
Point 1 2 3 4
Type DI1 DI2 DI3 DI4
Point 5 6 7 8
Type DI5 DI6 DI7 DI8
(The module can not register a pulse signal from e.g. a reset function.)
Signal Module Point Terminal Active at
1 (DI 1) 1 - 2
2 (DI 2) 3 - 4
3 (DI 3) 5 - 6
4 (DI 4) 7 - 8
5 (DI 5) 9 - 10
6 (DI 6) 11 - 12
7 (DI 7) 13 - 14
8 (DI 8) 15 - 16
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Extension module AK-XM 103A

The module contains : 4 analog inputs for sensors, pressure transmitters, voltage signals and contact signals. 4 analog voltage outputs of 0 - 10 V
Supply voltage
The supply voltage to the module comes from the previous module in the row.
Supply voltage to a pressure transmitter can be taken from either the 5 V output or the 12 V output depending on transmitter type.
Galvanic isolation
The inputs are galvanically separated from the outlets. The outlets AO1 and AO2 are galvanically separated from AO3 and AO4.
Light-emitting diodes
Only the two top LED’s are used. They indicate the following:
• Voltage supply to the module
• Communication with the controller is active (red = error)
Max. load
I < 2.5 mA R > 4 kΩ
18 Capacity controller RS8HF102 © Danfoss 2017-07 AK-PC 772A
Point 1 2 3 4
Type AI1 AI2 AI3 AI4
Terminal 9: 12 V Terminal 10: 5 V
Pt 1000 ohm/0°C
AKS 32
At the top the signal input is the left of the two terminals.
At the bottom the signal input is the right of the two terminals.
3: Brown
2: Blue
1: Black
3: Brown
2: Black
1: Red
Signal Signal
Ss Sd Shr
Pt 1000 Sgc Sc3 Saux_
AKS 32R /
P0 Pc Pgc Prec Paux
AKS 2050 /
MBS 8250
-1 - xx bar
AKS 32
-1 - zz bar
Terminal 11, 12: (Cable screen)
Galvanic isolation: AI 1-4 ≠ AO 1-2 ≠ AO 3-4
Point 5 6 7 8
Type AO1 AO2 AO3 AO4
On/Off Ext.
Main switch Day/ Night
Door Level switch
0 - 5 V
0 - 10 V
Active at:
0-10 V
Signal Module Point Terminal Signal type /Active at
1 (AI 1) 1 - 2
2 (AI 2) 3 - 4
3 (AI 3) 5 - 6
4 (AI 4) 7 - 8
5 (AO 1) 17 - 18
6 (AO 2) 19 - 20
7 (AO 3) 21 - 22
8 (AO 4) 23 - 24
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Extension module AK-XM 204A / AK-XM 204B

The module contains 8 relay outputs.
Supply voltage
The supply voltage to the module comes from the previous mod­ule in the row.
AK-XM 204B only Override of relay
Eight change-over switches at the front make it possible to over­ride the relay’s function. Either to position OFF or ON. In position Auto the controller carries out the control.
Light-emitting diodes
There are two rows with LED’s. They mean: Left row:
• Voltage supply to the controller
• Communication active with the bottom PC board (red = error)
• Status of outputs DO1 to DO8
Right row: (AK-XM 204B only):
• Override of relays ON = override OFF = no override
Behind the upper part there is a fuse for each output.
AK-XM 204A AK-XM 204B
Max. 230 V
AC-1: max. 4 A (ohmic) AC-15: max. 3 A (Inductive)
Keep the safety distance!
Low and high voltage must not be connected to the same output group
AK-XM 204B Override of relay
20 Capacity controller RS8HF102 © Danfoss 2017-07 AK-PC 772A
Signal Active at
Comp. 1
Comp. 2
Fan 1
Solenoid valve
Point 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Type DO1 DO2 DO3 DO4 DO5 DO6 DO7 DO8
Signal Module Point Terminal Active at
1 (DO 1) 25 - 27
2 (DO 2) 28 - 30
3 (DO 3) 31 - 33
4 (DO 4) 34 -36
5 (DO 5) 37 - 39
6 (DO 6) 40 - 41 - 42
7 (DO 7) 43 - 44 - 45
8 (DO 8) 46 - 47 - 48
AK-PC 772A Capacity controller RS8HF102 © Danfoss 2017-07 21

Extension module AK-XM 205A / AK-XM 205B

The module contains: 8 analog inputs for sensors, pressure transmitters, voltage signals
and contact signals.
8 relay outputs.
Supply voltage
The supply voltage to the module comes from the previous mod­ule in the row.
AK-XM 205B only Override of relay
Eight change-over switches at the front make it possible to over­ride the relay’s function. Either to position OFF or ON. In position Auto the controller carries out the control.
Light-emitting diodes
There are two rows with LED’s. They mean: Left row:
• Voltage supply to the controller
• Communication active with the bottom PC board (red = error)
• Status of outputs DO1 to DO8
Right row: (AK-XM 205B only):
• Override of relays ON = override OFF = no override
AK-XM 205A AK-XM 205B
max. 10 V
Behind the upper part there is a fuse for each output.
Max. 230 V
AC-1: max. 4 A (ohmic) AC-15: max. 3 A (Inductive)
AK-XM 205B Override of relay
Keep the safety distance!
Low and high voltage must not be connected to the same output group
22 Capacity controller RS8HF102 © Danfoss 2017-07 AK-PC 772A
Pt 1000 ohm/0°C
Signal Signal
Ss Sd Shr
Pt 1000 Sgc Sc3 Saux_
Point 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Type AI1 AI2 AI3 AI4 AI5 AI6 AI7 AI8
Terminal 9: 12 V Terminal 10: 5 V
Terminal 21: 12 V Terminal 22: 5 V
Terminal 11, 12, 23, 24 :
(Cable screen)
Point 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Type DO1 DO2 DO3 DO4 DO5 DO6 DO7 DO8
AKS 32
3: Brown
2: Blue
1: Black
3: Brown
2: Black
1: Red
P0 Pc Pgc Prec Paux
Ext. Main switch Day/ Night Door Level switch
Comp Fan Alarm Solenoid valve
AKS 32R /
AKS 2050 /
MBS 8250
-1 - xx bar
AKS 32
-1 - zz bar
0 - 5 V
0 - 10 V
Active at:
Active at:
Signal Module Point
1 (AI 1) 1 - 2
2 (AI 2) 3 - 4
3 (AI 3) 5 - 6
4 (AI 4) 7 - 8
5 (AI 5) 13 - 14
6 (AI 6) 15 - 16
7 (AI 7) 17 - 18
8 (AI 8) 19 -20
9 (DO 1) 25 - 26 - 27
10 (DO 2) 28 - 29 - 30
11 (DO 3) 31 - 30 - 33
12 (DO 4) 34 - 35 - 36
13 (DO 5) 37 - 36 - 39
14 (DO6) 40 - 41 - 42
15 (DO7) 43 - 44 - 45
16 (DO8) 46 - 47 - 48
Signal type /
Active at
AK-PC 772A Capacity controller RS8HF102 © Danfoss 2017-07 23

Extension module AK-XM 208C

The module contains: 8 analog inputs for sensors, pressure transmitters, voltage signals
and contact signals.
4 outputs for stepper motors.
Supply voltage
The supply voltage to the module comes from the previous mod­ule in the row. Here supply with 5 VA.
The supply voltage to the valves must be from a separate supply, which must be galvanically separated from the supply for the control range. 24V d.c. +/-20% (Power requirements: 7.8 VA for controller + xx VA per valve).
A UPS may be necessary if the valves need to open/close during a power failure.
Separate voltage supply is required 24 V a.c./d.c. / fx 13 VA
max. 10 V
Light-emitting diodes
There is one row with LED’s. It indicate the following:
• Voltage supply to the module
• Communication active with the bottom PC board (red = error)
• Step1 to step4 OPEN: Green = Open
• Step1 to step4 CLOSE: Green = Close
• Red flash = Error on motor or connection
Valve data
Type P
ETS 12.5 - ETS 400 KVS 15 - KVS 42 CCMT 2 - CCMT 8 CCM 10 - CCM 40
CCMT 16 - CCMT 40 5.1 VA
1.3 VA
24 V d.c.
20-500 step/s
Phase current = 800 mA RMS
∑ P
= 21 VA
Power supply to AK-XM 208C:
Fx: 7.8 + (4 x 1.3) = 13 VAAK-PS 075
Fx: 7.8 + (4 x 5.1) = 28.2 VAAK-PS 150
24 Capacity controller RS8HF102 © Danfoss 2017-07 AK-PC 772A
Step / Terminal
KVS 15
KVS 42-54
Point 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Type AI1 AI2 AI3 AI4 AI5 AI6 AI7 AI8
Terminal 17: 12 V Terminal 18: 5 V
Terminal 19, 20: (Cable screen)
Point 9 10 11 12
Step 1 2 3 4
Type AO
1 25 26 27 28
2 29 30 31 32
3 33 34 35 36
4 37 38 39 40
White Black Red Green
White Black Green Red
Valve Module Step Terminal
1 (point 9) 25 - 28
2 (point 10) 29 - 32
3 (point 11) 33 - 36
4 (point 12) 37 - 40
AK-PC 772A Capacity controller RS8HF102 © Danfoss 2017-07 25

Extension module AK-OB 110

The module contains two analog voltage outputs of 0 – 10 V.
Supply voltage
The supply voltage to the module comes from the controller module.
The module is placed on the PC board in the controller module.
The two outputs have points 24 and 25. They are shown on the earlier page where the controller is also mentioned.
Max. load I < 2.5 mA R > 4 kohm
AO 0 - 10 V
Point 24 25
Type AO1 AO2
26 Capacity controller RS8HF102 © Danfoss 2017-07 AK-PC 772A

Extension module EKA 163B / EKA 164B / EKA 166

Display of important measurements from the controller, e.g. ap-
pliance temperature, suction pressure or condensing pressure.
Setting of the individual functions can be performed by using the display with control buttons. It is the controller used that determines the measurements and settings that can occur.
The extension module is connected to the controller module via a cable with plug connections. You have to use one cable per module. The cable is supplied in various lengths.
Both types of display (with or without control buttons) can be
connected to either display output A, B, C and D. Ex. A: P0. Suction pressure in °C. B: Pc. Condensing pressure in °C.
When the controller starts up, the display will show the output that is connected.
- - 1 = output A
- - 2 = output B etc.
EKA 163B EKA 164B
The extension module can be placed at a distance of up to 15 m from the controller module.
No point has to be defined for a display module – you simply con­nect it.

Graphic display MMIGRS2

Setting and display of values in the controller.
The display connects to the controller via a cable with RJ11 plug connections.
Supply voltage
Received from the controller via cable.
The display must be terminated. Mount a connection between the terminals H and R. (AK-PC 772A is terminated internally.)
The display can be placed at a distance of up to 3 m from the controller.
EKA 166
Point / Address
No point has to be defined for a display – you simply connect it.
However, the address must be verified. See the instructions ac­companying the controller.
AK-PC 772A Capacity controller RS8HF102 © Danfoss 2017-07 27

Power supply module AK-PS 075 / 150 / 250

24 V supply for controller.
Supply voltage
230 V a.c or 115 V a.c. (from 100 V a.c. to 240 V a.c.)
On DIN-rail
Type Output tension Output current Power
AK-PS 075 24 V d.c. 0.75 A 18 VA
AK-PS 150 24 V d.c. (adjustable) 1.5 A 36 VA
AK-PS 250 24 V d.c. (adjustable) 2.5 A 60 VA
Type High Width
AK-PS 075 90 mm 36 mm
AK-PS 150 90 mm 54 mm
AK-PS 250 90 mm 72 mm
Supply to a controller
AK-PS 075
AK-PS 150
AK-PS 250
28 Capacity controller RS8HF102 © Danfoss 2017-07 AK-PC 772A

Communication module AK-CM 102

The module is a new communication module, meaning the row of extension modules can be interrupted. The module communicates with the regulator via data communi­cation and forwards information between the controller and the connected extension modules.
Communication module and controller fitted with RJ 45 plug con­nectors. Nothing else should be connected to this data communication; a maximum of 5 communication modules can be connected to one controller.
Communication cable
One metre of the following is enclosed: ANSI/TIA 568 B/C CAT5 UTP cable w/ RJ45 connectors.
Max. 30 m from the controller (The total length of the communication cables is 30 m)
Max. 32 VA
Supply voltage
24 volt AC or DC should be connected to the communication module. The 24 V can be sourced from the same supply that supplies the controller. (The supply for the communication module is galvani­cally separated from the connected extension modules). The terminals must not be earthed. The power consumption is determined by the power consump­tion of the total number of modules. The controller strand load must not exceed 32 VA. Each AK-CM 102 strand load must not exceed 20 VA.
Connection points on the I/O modules should be defined as if the modules were an extension of each other.
The address for the first communication module should be set to
1. Any second module should be set to 2. A maximum of 5 mod­ules can be addressed.
The termination switch on the final communication module should be set to ON. The controller should permanently be set to = ON.
Additional modules may only be installed following the installa­tion of the final module. (Here following module no. 11; see the sketch.) After configuration, the address must not be changed.
Max. 20 VA
Max. 20 VA
AK-PC 772A Capacity controller RS8HF102 © Danfoss 2017-07 29

Preface to design

Be aware of the following when the number of extension modules is being planned. A signal may have to be changed, so that an ad­ditional module may be avoided.
• An ON/OFF signal can be received in two ways. Either as a contact signal on an analog input or as voltage on a low or high­voltage module.
• An ON/OFF output signal can be given in two ways. Either with a relay switch or with solid state. The primary difference is the per­mitted load and that the relay switch contains a cutout switch.
Mentioned below are a number of functions and connections that may have to be considered when a regulation has to be planned. There are more functions in the controller than the ones men­tioned here, but those mentioned have been included in order that the need for connections can be established.


Clock function
Clock function and change-over between summer time and win­ter time are contained in the controller. The clock setting is maintained for at least 12 hours at a power failure. The clock setting is kept updated if the controller is linked up in a network with a system manager.
Start/stop of regulation
Regulation can be started and stopped via the software. External start/stop can also be connected.
The function stops all regulation, including any high-pressure regulation. Excess pressure can lead to a loss of charge.
Start/stop of compressors
External start/stop can be connected.
Alarm function
If the alarm is to be sent to a signal transmitter, a relay output will have to be used.
I'm alive function
A relay can be reserved which is pulled during normal regulation. The relay will be released if the regulation stops with the main switch or if the controller fails.
Extra temperature sensors and pressure sensors
If additional measurements have to be carried out beyond the regulation, sensors can be connected to the analog inputs.
Forced control
The software contains a forced control option. If an extension module with relay outputs is used, the module’s top part can be with change-over switches – switches that can override the indi­vidual relays into either OFF or ON position. Wiring should be done with a safety relay. See Regulating func­tions.
Data communication
The controller module has terminals for LON data communication. The requirements to the installation are described in a separate document.
30 Capacity controller RS8HF102 © Danfoss 2017-07 AK-PC 772A
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