Danfoss AK-PC 520 User guide

User Guide

Capacity controller

AK-PC 520

ADAP-KOOL® Refrigeration control systems



The controller is used for capacity regulation of compressors or condensers in small refrigerating systems.

There are eight outputs and up to 4 compressors and 4 fans can be coupled.


Energy conservation during:

-Suction pressure optimisation (P0)

-Variable condensing pressure (Pc)

Patented neutral zone regulation

Many possible combinations for compressor constellations

Sequential or cyclic operation

Possibility of suction pressure optimisation via the data communication


Regulation is based on signals from one pressure transmitter for the compressor regulation and one pressure transmitter for the condenser regulation plus one temperature sensor for the air temperature before the condenser.

The two pressure transmitters can be replaced by two temperature sensors when regulation has to be carried out on brine systems.

Pressure regulation P0 (pack)

Temperature regulation Sx (chiller)

Pressure regulation Pc (pack / chiller)

Pressure regulation with variable reference Pc (Sc3)


Relays for compressor and condenser regulation

Voltage output for capacity regulation of condenser

Status inputs. An interrupted signal indicates that the safety circuit has been activated and the respective circuit stopped

Contact inputs for indication of alarms

Contact inputs for displacement of references or for indication of alarms

Alarm relay

External start/stop of regulation

Possibility of data communication


All operation takes place either via data communication or via connection of a display type EKA 164 or EKA 165.


The controller has ten relay outputs two of which have been reserved for the alarm function and for the ”VLT start/stop” function.

For a start relays are reserved for compressor capacities starting from DO1, DO2, etc.

The next relay and the following will be for fans (max. 4 fans). Another solution could be that the fan speed is controlled via the analog output and a frequency converter.

Compressors and unloaders can be combined in various ways. Cf. survey on page 11.







Survey of functions..........................................................................................




Menu survey.....................................................................................................










Safety function.................................................................................................







Manual  RS8FK202  ©  Danfoss  12-2009

AK-PC 520

Danfoss AK-PC 520 User guide


Capacity regulation

The cut-in capacity is controlled by signals from the connected pressure transmitter/temperature sensor and the set reference. Outside the reference a neutral zone is set where the capacity will neither be cut in nor out.

Outside the neutral zone (in the hatched areas named +zone and -zone) the capacity will be cut in or out if the regulation registers a change of pressure “away” from the neutral zone. Cutin and cutout will take place with the set time delays.

If the pressure however “approaches” the neutral zone, the controller will make no changes of the cut-in capacity.

If regulation takes place outside the hatched area (named ++zone and --zone), changes of the cut-in capacity will occur somewhat faster than if it were in the hatched area.

Cutin of steps can be defined for either sequential or cyclic operation.

Sequential (first in - last out)

The relays are here cut in in sequence – first relay number 1, then 2, etc.

Cutout takes place in the opposite sequence, i.e. the last cut-in relay will be cut out first.

Cyclic (first in - first out)

The relays are coupled here so that the operating time of the individual relays will become equalised.

At each cutin the regulation scans the individual relays’ timer, cutting in the relay with least time on it.

At each cutout a similar thing happens. Here the relay is cut out that has most hours on the timer.

Rx = random relay h = number of hours

If capacity regulation is carried out on two compressors with one unloader each, the following function can be used:

Relays 1 and 3 are connected to the compressor motor. Relays 2 and 4 are connected to the unloaders.

Relays 1 and 3 will operate in such a way that the operating time for the two relays will become equalised.

C = compressor, L = Unloader

AK-PC 520

Manual  RS8FK202  ©  Danfoss  12-2009


Survey of functions

The total function content is shown below – not all functions are present at the same time. The setting of o61 determines which functions are present.

The menu overview on page 14 shows the various functions and settings.



Parameter by operation via



data communication

Normal display



If the two displays are mounted:


P0 °C or P0 b

P0 will be shown on EKA 165 (the one with buttons)


Pc °C or Pc b

Pc will be shown on EKA 163. Both readouts will be in temperature or in bar.



Compressor regulation reference


Compressor control

P0 setpoint


P0Set Point °C / P0Set Point b

Regulation is based on the set value plus an offset, if applicable. An offset can be cre-



ated from night setback r13 and/or from a system units override function.





Night offset

The set reference may be displaced with a fixed value when a signal is received at the



DI4 input or from the function "Night setback" (r27).



(Cf. also Definition of DI4 input).



Night setback (Displacement of P0)



OFF: No change of the reference



ON: Offset value forms part of the reference





P0 ref. °C / P0 ref. b

The regulation reference is shown here



Set point limitation



With these settings the setpoint can only be set between the two values.



(This also apply if regulation with displacements of the reference).



Max. permissible setpoint value.


P0RefMax °C / P0RefMax b

Min. permissible setpoint value.


P0RefMin °C / P0RefMin b

Neutral zone


Neutral zone

There is a neutral zone around the reference. See also page 3.



Correction of pressure measurement



An offset adjustment of the registered pressure can be made.






Here you can select whether the display is to indicate in SI units or US units.



0: SI (°C / bar)


(In AKM onlySI (bar and °C) is used,

1: US (°F / psig)


whatever the setting)

Start/stop of refrigeration


Main Switch

With this setting the refrigeration can be started and stopped. Start/stop of refrigera-



tion may also be performed with an external contact function connected to the input



named “ON input”. (The input must be wired).



Condenser regulation reference


Condenser control

Pc setpoint


PcSet Point °C / PcSet Point b

Regulation is based on the set value plus an offset, if applicable. An offset can be cre-



ated via the “r34” function and/or from a system units override function.






The set reference may be displaced with a fixed value when a signal is received at the



DI5 input. (Cf. also Definition of DI5 input).



Pc reference variation. See also page 22


Pc mode

Regulation with setting 1 (or 2 if the reference is to vary with the outdoor tempera-



ture) will give the best regulation if the system is in balance. But if a lot of condenser



steps are cut in and out and the compressor capacity often becomes low, it will be



necessary to select setting 3 instead (or 4, if there is regulation with the outdoor tem-



perature). (Settings 3 and 4 will generally be preferable if a Pc-offset at max. compres-



sor capacity can be accepted).



1: No change of the reference. Regulation based on set setpoint. And offset with the



DI5 function is allowed.



2: Outdoor temperature forms part of the reference. The outdoor temperature is



measured with Sc3. When the outdoor temperature drops one degree, the reference



is lowered one degree.



Here is offset with the DI5 function not allowed. At DI5 signal the reference will



change to the set setpoint.



Setting 1 and 2 operate with a PI regulation, but if the system is unstable and the PI



regulation not satisfactory the I element may be left out, so that the controller will be



with P regulation only.



3: As 1, but with P regulation (xp-band)



4: As 2, but with P regulation (xp-band)




Manual  RS8FK202  ©  Danfoss  12-2009

AK-PC 520

Condenser reference


Pc ref. °C / Pc ref. b


The regulation reference is shown here.




Set point limitation




With these settings the setpoint can only be set between the two values.




(This also applies to regulations where the Xp band lies above the reference).




Max. permissible setpoint value.


PcRefMax °C / PcRefMax b






Min. permissible setpoint value.


PcRefMin °C / PcRefMin b





Correction of pressure measurement



An offset adjustment of the registered pressure can be made.




Dimensioning temperature Dim tm


Dim tm K


The mean temperature difference across the condenser at maximum load (tm differ-




ence at max. load). This is the temperature difference between the air and condensing








Dimensioning temperature Min tm


Min tm K


The mean temperature difference across the condenser at the lowest relevant




compressor capacity (tm difference at min. load). This is the temperature difference




between the air and condensing temperature.




Reading your P0

r57 P0°C / P0 b

This is where you can see the actual pressure that is being measured by the pressure








The value is part of the regulation, since the regulation signal for capacity regulation




originates from the pressure transmitter.




The value is part of the frost protection regulation, since the regulation signal for




capacity regulation originates from the temperature sensor.




Reading your T0



This is where you can see the actual pressure being measured by the sensor chosen




for capacity regulation (the sensor is defined in o81). The value is displayed in °C.




Compressor capacity


Compressor pack config.


Running time




To prevent frequent start/stop, values have to be set for how the relays are to cut in




and out.




Min. ON time for relays.


Min.ON time


(The time is not used if the relay cuts an unloader in or out).




Min. time period between cutin of same relay.




(The time is not used if the relay cuts an unloader in or out).




Setting for neutral zone regulation




Regulation band over the neutral zone


+ Zone k / + Zone b






Time delay between step cut-ins in the regulation band over the neutral zone


+ Zone m

Time delay between step cut-ins in the regulation band over the "+Zone band".

c12 + + Zone m






Regulation band under the neutral zone


- Zone k / - Zone b





Time delay between step cut-outs in the regulation band under the neutral zone


- Zone m





Time delay between step cut-outs in the regulation band under the "-Zone band"


- - Zone m

Pump down limit



The factory setting for this function is OFF.




Activate by setting a value corresponding to pressure under the zone and over the P0




min. limit.




The function keeps the last capacity step going until the pressure comes down to the




pump down limit. When this value is reached the last compressor will cut out.




Do not reconnect capacity until the pressure is once more above the neutral zone.




Compressor configuration


Compr mode


Here you set the predefined combination of number of compressors and any unload-








1 = One compressor, 2 = two compressors, 3 = three, 4 = four.




5 = One compressor + one unloader. 6 = One compressor + two unloaders.




For 7 to 8: See survey on page 11




Selection of coupling mode


Step mode


1.Sequential: First relay 1 cuts in, then relay 2, etc. Cutout takes place in the opposite sequence. (”First in, last out”).

2.Cyclic: An automatic operating time equalisation is arranged here, so that all steps with motor connection will have the same operating time

Unloaders’ cutin and cutout mode



The relays for unloaders can be set to switch on when more capacity is required (set-


(switch on = 0)

ting = 0), or they can switch off when more capacity is called for (setting = 1).


(switch off = 1)

Manual control of compressor capacity



This sets the capacity that is to be cut in when switching to manual control.



(c01 and c07 will still apply)



Manual control



Manual control of the compressor capacity is enabled here.



When set to ON, the capacity that is set in “c31” is cut in.



AK-PC 520

Manual  RS8FK202  ©  Danfoss  12-2009




- - - Comp. Cap %



Read cut-in compressor capacity



Actuel zone state:



0=off. 1= --zone. 2=-zone. 3=Neutral-



zone. 4=+zone. 5=++zone

Condenser capacity



Definition of condenser and number of fans


Fan mode

Here you set the number of fan steps with which regulation has to be carried out (but



max. four).



1-4: All fans are cut in and out with relays. The first vacant relay number is assigned to



fan 1, the next to number 2, etc.



5-8: Not used



9: All fans controlled via the analog output and a frequency converter.



10: Not used



11-14: Total number of fan relays (as 1-4), but here the starting sequence is altered



after each time all fans are stopped.



Read temperature at sensor Sc3


Sc3 temp




Read temperature at sensor Sc4 (sensor is only used for monitoring)


Sc4 temp






- - - Fan Cap %



Read cut-in condenser capacity

Regulation parameters for the condenser regulation



Proportional band xp (P = 100/Xp)


Xp K

If the Xp value is increased, the regulation becomes steadier






I: Integration time Tn


Tn s

If the Tn value is increased, the regulation becomes steadier



Manual control of condenser capacity



This sets the capacity that is to be cut in when switching to manual control.



Manual control



Manual control of the condenser capacity is enabled here.



When set to ON, the capacity that is specified in “n52” is cut in.



Speed control start value



Speed control will only be activated when the capacity requirement reaches this






Speed control stop value



Speed control will be stopped when the capacity requirement falls below this value.





Alarm settings

The controller can give alarm in different situations. When there is an alarm the light-



emitting diodes (LED) will flash on the display and the alarm relay will cut in.



P0 min. (Alarm and safety function, see also page 20.)


Min. P0. b

Here you set when the alarm at too low suction pressure is to enter into effect. The



value is set as an absolute value.



Alarm delay P0 alarm



The time delay is set in minutes. At min. setting the alarm is cancelled.



Pc max. (Alarm and safety function, see also page 20.)


Max. Pc. b

Here you set when the alarm at too high condensing pressure is to enter into effect.



The value is set as an absolute value.






Alarm delay Pc alarm



The time delay is set in minutes. At min. setting the alarm is cancelled.



Alarm delay DI1 (an interrupted input will give alarm).



The time delay is set in minutes. At max. setting the alarm is cancelled.



Alarm delay DI2 (an interrupted input will give alarm).



The time delay is set in minutes. At max. setting the alarm is cancelled.



Alarm delay DI3 (an interrupted input will give alarm).



The time delay is set in minutes. At max. setting the alarm is cancelled.



Alarm limit for high temperature of the “Saux1” sensor


Saux1 high

With setting = Off the alarm has been opted out.



Alarm delay from "Saux1" (A32)


Alarm delay

If the limit value is exceeded, a timer function will commence. The alarm will not be-



come active until the set time delay has been passed. The time delay is set in minutes.



Give the top button a brief push to zeroset the alarm and to have the message shown


Reset alarm

on the display.


The function zerosets all alarms when



set in pos. ON.



With data communication the impor-



tance of the individual alarms can be



defined. Setting is carried out in the



Alarm destinations” menu.


Manual  RS8FK202  ©  Danfoss  12-2009

AK-PC 520







Choice of application


This setting cannot be made via data

The regulator can be configured in various ways. The use that is required out of the


communication. It must be set directly

two uses available is set here. The functions for the two uses can be viewed on page


on the controller.

14. This menu must be set as the first of all menus, as it enables the associated settings to



be set.



1. Show temperature



2: Show pressure






Sensor type (Sc3, Sc4 and "Saux1") (see also overview page 21)


Sensor type

Normally a Pt1000 sensor with great signal accuracy is used for temperature measure-



ment and AKS 32R for pressure measurement. But a PTC sensor may also be used (r25



= 1000) in special situations.



All temperature sensors must be of the same kind.



In brine cooling the pressure measurements are replaced by temperature measure-






The following settings are possible:



0=PT1000. 1=PTC1000. 2=PT1000 on sensors and on Po. 3=PTC1000 on sensors and



on Po. 4=PT1000 on sensors and on Pc. 5=PTC1000 on sensors and on Pc. 6=PT1000



on sensors, on Po and on Pc. 7=PTC1000 on sensors, on Po and on Pc.



(If a temperature sensor is mounted on P0 or Pc, the respective settings in o20, 21, 47



and 48 will not be required).



Settings at water cooler application



Definition of the signal inlet when compressor regulation is controlled with signal



from a temperature sensor:



0. Temperature signal on terminal 57-58 (P0 inlet)



1. Temperature signal on Saux inlet



2. Temperature signal on Sc4 inlet



(P0 min. function (A11) will not be affected by the definition)



If frost protection is required, you must connect a pressure transmitter on P0 and the



temperature sensor must be connected to the Saux or Sc4 input.



Display connection



This is where you define the type of display that is connected to the controller



Off: EKA 164



On: EKA 165. The extended display with LEDs.



Read temperature at sensor "Saux1"


Saux1 temp

Pressure transmitter’s working range



Depending on the pressure, a pressure transmitter with a given working range is


If the values are to be set from the

used. This working range must be set in the controller (e.g.: -1 to 12 bar


AKM programme, they must be set in

The values must be set in bar if display in °C has been selected. And in psig, if °F has



been selected.



P0-Min. value



P0-Max. value



Pc-Min. value



Pc-Max. value



Use of DI1 input


Di1 control

The digital input can be connected to a contact function, and the contact can now be



used for one of the following functions:



Setting / function:



0: DI input not used



1: Fan alarm when contact cuts out. Alarm "A34" is given.



2: Alarm function when the contact cuts out. Alarm “A28” is given.



There is time delay for the alarm. Setting in "A27".



Use of DI4 input


Di4 control

The digital input can be connected to a contact function, and the contact can now be



used for one of the following functions:



Setting / function:



0: DI input not used



1: Regulation reference P0 displaced when contact is cut in



2: Alarm function when the contact cuts out. Alarm “A31” is given. There is no time






Use of DI5 input


Di5 control

The digital input can be connected to a contact function, and the contact can now be



used for one of the following functions:



Setting / function:



0: DI input not used



1: Regulation reference Pc displaced when contact is cut in



2: Alarm function when the contact cuts out. Alarm “A32” is given. There is no time






AK-PC 520

Manual  RS8FK202  ©  Danfoss  12-2009


Operating hours


(In the AKM display the hour number

The operating hours for the compressor relays can be read and set in the follow-


has not been multiplied)

ing menus. The read value is multiplied by 1000 to obtain the number of hours (f.ex.



shows 2.1 for 2100 hours). On reaching 99.9 hours the counter stops and must now be



reset to, say, 0. There will be no alarm or error message for counter overflow.



Value for relay number 1 to 4


DO1 run hour.....



DO4 run hour

Refrigerant setting



Before refrigeration is started, the refrigeration must be defined. You may choose



between the following refrigerants:



1=R12. 2=R22. 3=R134a. 4=R502. 5=R717. 6=R13. 7=R13b1. 8=R23. 9=R500.



10=R503. 11=R114. 12=R142b. 13=User defined. 14=R32. 15=R227. 16=R401A.



17=R507. 18=R402A. 19=R404A. 20=R407C. 21=R407A. 22=R407B. 23=R410A.



24=R170. 25=R290. 26=R600. 27=R600a. 28=R744. 29=R1270. 30=R417A.






Warning: Wrong selection of refrigerant may cause damage to the compressor.



Other refrigerants: Select setting 13 here, and subsequently three factors have to be



set – fac1, fac2 and fac3 – via AKM.



Manual control (stopped regulation only)


- - -

From this menu the relays can be cut in and out manually. 0 gives no override, but a



number between 1 and 10 will cut in a belonging relay. 1 will cut in relay number 1, 2



relay 2, etc.



11-18 will produce voltage on the analog output. Setting 11 will give a voltage of



1.25 V, setting 12 will give 2.5 V, etc.








50 / 60 Hz

Set the net frequency.


(50=0, 60=1)




If the controller is built into a network with data communication, it must have an


Following installation of a data com-

address, and the master gateway of the data communication must then know this


munication module, the controller can



be operated on a par with the other

These settings can only be made when a data communication module has been


controllers in ADAP-KOOL® refrigera-

mounted in the controller and the installation of the data communication cable has


tion controls.

been completed.



This installation is mentioned in a separate document “RC8AC”.



The address is set between 1 and 240 (gateway determined)



The address is sent to the gateway when the menu is set in pos. ON



Access code



If the settings in the controller are to be protected by a numerical code, you can set a



numerical value between 0 and 100. If not, you can cancel the function with setting






Special settings



Outputs DO9 and DO10 are normally used for the ”AKD start/stop” function and for the alarm


function, but they may be redefined in special cases.



DO9 function:


DO9 function

0: AKD Start/stop



1: Inject-on function (see drawing below)



2: Boost ready function (see drawing below)



3: Not used



DO10 function:


DO10 function

0: Alarm relay



1: Not used



Status on the digital inputs



The signal on the DI inputs can be read in the following menus:



Status on DI 1


DI 1 Status

Status on DI 2


DI 2 Status

Status on DI 3


DI 3 Status

Status on DI 4


DI 4 Status

Status on DI 5


DI 5 Status


Manual  RS8FK202  ©  Danfoss  12-2009

AK-PC 520

+ 16 hidden pages