Danfoss AK-OPC 100 User guide

Transfer a reference set-up to a controller
When you have created a reference set-up as described on the previ­ous page, you can transfer this set-up to a controller on the system. If the reference set-up consists of a number of controllers, you can transfer all simultaneously.
1. Activate the ”Load from reference” function
2. Select fi le
Select the current fi le or select ”All” on the top line.
3. Press ”OK”
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12-2008 RS8EY202
AK-OPC 100 server
Con guration so ware
Reference setup
This programme package contains an OPC-server and setup tools, which makes it possible to obtain measurements from refrigeration products regulated by ADAP-KOOL® Refrigeration product management. You can also make daily adjustments but any confi guration changes must be made using other tools.
The user interface would be an OPC client.
If you want to do a setup of one of the controller types, so that the setup creates a template and reference for other controllers, do as follows
1. Activate reference function
2. Right click on mouse
3. Add device
Give a name
Select description fi le
4. Parameter selection
5. Close Reference setup
Setup continued
c. Select a controller address and connect it to its description fi le.
Give the controller a name
Then select the current description fi le from the list “Select device type”.
If a reference setup has already been created for this controller and the controller requires this setup, then it must be ticked.
Select the controller’s address. (A system device has 11:1 and a con­troller will have 1:xxx)
d. Finish with OK
When you have selected the controller and it has been placed on the overview display, you can edit the line by right clicking on the mouse.
5. Selecting those parameters to be shown to the OPC-client a. Click on “+” to see controller functions b. Select a function c. Tick the required parameters (see menu on page 11)
System unit
AK-OPC Software
OPC Client
AK-OPC software defi nes which measurements are needed. The PC is connected to the system device on the ADAP-KOOL® system, which is then connected to individual controllers and their sensors. During operation, the AK-OPC software will seek out data in the system, receive sought data and thereafter continue to the next selected measurement.
6. When you have gone through all the controllers, the installation is complete.
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