Danfoss AK-LM 330 Design guide

User Guide

Monitoring unit

AK-LM 330

ADAP-KOOL® Refrigeration control systems

Danfoss AK-LM 330 Design guide

Menu list

This menu function can be used together with system software type AKM. The description is divided


up into function groups that can be displayed on the PC screen. Within each group it is now possible


to show the measured values, or settings. Regarding the use of AKM, reference is made to the AKM




This menu operation (from September 2012) applies to controller type AK-LM 330, code Nos


080Z0170 with programme version 1.4x.

Function groups

The operation is divided up into several


function groups. When a selection has been


made, push “OK”, and you may continue to


the next display. By way of example, "Ther-


mostat 1-4" has been selected here.


From the measure line the different val-


ues can be read. The values are constantly




In the list of settings the set values can be


seen. If a setting has to be changed, select


the parameter and proceed via “OK”.


The various measurements can be read directly. If a graphic display of the measurements is required,


up to eight of them can be shown. Select the required measurements and push “Trend”.


Settings can only be made for the daily operation. Configuration settings cannot be seen, changed or


written out. They can only be made from the Service Tool programme.


There are four kinds of settings, ON/OFF settings, settings with a variable value, time settings and


“reset alarms”.

Set the required value and push “OK”

Enter the new value or move the sliding scale up or down.


The new value will apply, when “OK” is pushed.


Menu operation RC8CC202  ©  Danfoss  09/2012

AK-LM 330 Vers. 1.4x


Go through the individual functions one by one and make the required settings. When settings have


been made for one controller, the set values may be used as a basis in the other controllers of the


same type and with the same software version. Copy the settings by using the copy settings function


in the AKM programme, and adjust subsequently any settings where there are deviations.


NB! If a list is required for noting down the individual settings, a printout can be made of it with


a function in the AKM programme. Read the next section, “Documentation”.


Documentation of the settings of the individual controllers can be made with the print function in the


AKM programme. Select the controller for which documentation of the settings is required and select


the “Print Settings” function (cf. also the AKM Manual).






Shown below are function groups with corresponding measurements and settings. A printout of the


given settings can be made using the AKM function “Print Settings” (see above).


It has been necessary to make a selection from the numerous measurements and settings coming


from the controller.


There is not room for all these in the AKM programme controls.


It can display:


• 8 thermostats


• 2 pressostats


• 2 volt inputs


• 8 digital alarm inputs


• 2 consumption gauges


If it is necessary to obtain access to all measurements and settings, see Using Service Tool, type AK-ST





AK-LM 330 Vers. 1.4x

Menu operation RC8CC202  ©  Danfoss  09/2012


+ 5 hidden pages