Application Guide | AK-CC 550A
Installing AK-CC 550A with
the new v2.0 firmware
(in case of mismatch)
At System Manager 1. When missing the device support files (ED3s)
*This example assumes that the address (o03 parameter) and the application (o61 parameter) are ap-
propriately selected in AK-CC 550A.
**AK-SM 880 version needs to be v8.074 or higher.
***Please skip step 1 if you already loaded the proper ed3 and ls3 files in AK-SM 880.
a. Follow the link below to reach Danfoss website
b. Download “AK-SM800_Interim_ED3.zip under “Device Support Files (ED3s)
c. Extract and load the appropriate ED3 file (84B8036c.ed3) and device.ls3 into the system manger
using an USB
i. ED3 is for the case controller type, and LS3 is for listing the options.
Both will need to be loaded.
ii. You can verify software version (Config System Files Device Files; Check for device.ls3)
2. Configuration Network Nodes Files Device Management
a. Check and verify that the number of files inside the bracket is below 800, i.e. Files (XXX) –
refer to the highlighted in the image below
i. If XXX > 800, disable some of the non-used file types (AK-LM, AK-PC, AK-CT, AK-CH,
AKC-Danbuss, and EKC are not commonly used)
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