Differential pressure relief controller
AFPA / VFG 2, VFG 21 DN 15 - 250
SIBC VN.CC.J1.02 © Danfoss 02/04 1

AFPA / VFG 2, VFG 21
Valves VFG 2 (metallic sealing cone)
DN k
mm m3 /h
15 4.0 150 200* 065B2388 065B2401 065B2411
20 6.3 150 200* 065B2389 065B2402 065B2412
25 8.0 150 200* 065B2390 065B2403 065B2413
32 16 150 200* 065B2391 065B2404 065B2414
40 20 150 200* 065B2392 065B2405 065B2415
50 32 150 200* 065B2393 065B2406 065B2416
65 50 150 200* 065B2394 065B2407 065B2417
80 80 150 200* 065B2395 065B2408 065B2418
100 125 150 200* 065B2396 065B2409 065B2419
125 160 150 200* 065B2397 065B2410 065B2420
150 280 140 - 065B2398 - 065B2421
200 320 140 - 065B2399 - 065B2422
250 400 140 - 065B2400 - 065B2423
150 280 - 200*
200 320 - 200* on request
250 400 - 200*
* temperatures up to 200 oC only with seal pot, mounted in the impulse tube to the flow
C PN 16 PN 25 PN 40
Valves VFG 21 (soft sealing cone)
DN k
mm m3 /h
15 4.0 150 065B2502 065B2515 065B2525
20 6.3 150 065B2503 065B2516 065B2526
25 8.0 150 065B2504 065B2517 065B2527
32 16 150 065B2505 065B2518 065B2528
40 20 150 065B2506 065B2519 065B2529
50 32 150 065B2507 065B2520 065B2530
65 50 150 065B2508 065B2521 065B2531
80 80 150 065B2509 065B2522 065B2532
100 125 150 065B2510 065B2523 065B2533
125 160 150 065B2511 065B2524 065B2534
150 280 140 065B2512 - 065B2535
200 320 140 065B2513 - 065B2536
250 400 140 065B2514 - 065B2537
C PN 16 PN 25 PN 40
Code No.
Code No.
AFPA Actuators
Diff. pressure
Code No.
1 - 5 003G1019
0.5 - 2.5 003G1020
0.15 - 1.2 003G1021
0.1 - 0.6 003G1022
0.05 - 0.3 003G1023
(630 cm2)
2 VN.CC.J1.02 © Danfoss 02/04 SIBC

AFPA / VFG 2, VFG 21 DN 15 - 32 (set-point up to 1.2 bar)
Set-point and setting ranges are defined acc. to AGFW Guideline FW503.
After selecting the suitable valve size, corresponding P-band (Xp) can be read out from above graphs. It is recommended that Xp does not exceed 50% of the required set-point.
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