Danfoss AFE 302 Operating guide

Operating Instructions
VLT® Active Front End AFE 302
Contents Operating Instructions
1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose of the Manual
1.2 Safety Symbols
1.3 Software Version
1.4 Approvals
1.5 Abbreviations
2 Safety Instructions and General Warning
2.1 Safety Regulations AFE 302
2.1.1 Disposal Instruction 6
2.1.2 High Voltage Warning 6
2.1.3 Safety Instructions 6
2.1.4 General Warnings 6
2.1.5 Before Commencing Repair Work 6
2.1.6 System Description 6
3 Crane System Design
3.1 Selection of Motor Voltage
3.1.1 Selection of AFE & LCL Filter 8
3.1.2 Selection of AFE for Different Applications 8
3.1.3 Selection of Output Filter (LC Filter) 8
3.1.4 Selection of Switching Frequency 8
3.1.5 Selection of LCL Filter 8
3.1.6 Crane Cable Concept 8
3.1.7 Grounding Concept 9
3.1.8 Cooling and Airflow 9
3.1.9 Selection of Transformer 10
3.2 Assembling the Frequency Converter System
3.2.1 Tools Required 11
3.2.2 General Tightening Torque Values 11
3.2.3 Exploded Views 11
3.2.4 MDCIC Connector Configuration 17
3.3 First Power Up/Commissioning Check List
3.4 E-House Design
3.4.1 Cables between AFE and LCL Filters 18
17 18
3.4.2 Cables to the Damping Resistors 18
3.5 Test with the Real System Transformer and Motors
3.5.1 Re-program the Frequency Converter Parameters 18
3.6 On-site Final Test
3.6.1 Change Parameters to Actual 18
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Contents Operating Instructions
3.6.2 Run with Full Load 18
3.7 AFE Emergency and Restore Procedures
3.7.1 Emergency Run when One Slave Unit is Damaged 18
3.7.2 Restoration after Slave Unit is Repaired 19
3.7.3 Emergency Run when Master Unit is Damaged 19
3.7.4 Restoration after Master Unit is Repaired 20
3.7.5 Emergency Run When More Than One Unit is Damaged 20
3.8 Manual Shut Down Sequence
3.9 Start-up Sequence
3.10 Shut-down Sequence
4 How to Install
4.1 Overall Typical Frequency Converter Configuration
4.2 Pre-installation
4.2.1 Planning the Installation Site 24
4.2.2 Receiving the Frequency Converter 24
4.2.3 Transportation and Unpacking 24
4.2.4 Lifting 26
4.2.5 Mechanical Dimensions 27
20 21 22
23 23 24
4.2.6 Weight Information 31
4.3 Mechanical Installation
4.3.1 Tools Needed 32
4.3.2 General Considerations 32
4.3.3 Terminal Locations 32
4.3.4 Mains Torque 33
4.3.5 Mains Connection 33
4.3.6 Screened Cables 33
4.4 Electrical Installation
4.4.1 Control Wires 36
4.4.2 Power Connections 36
4.4.3 Grounding 36
4.4.4 Electrical Installation, Control Terminals 37
5 Specifications
5.1 General Specifications
5.2 Mains Supply
38 38 42
6 How to Programme
6.1 Parameter Selection
6.2 Parameters: 0-** Operation and Display
6.3 Parameters: 4-** Limits/Warnings
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43 43 44 48
Contents Operating Instructions
6.4 Parameters: 5-** Digital In/Out
6.5 Parameters: 6-** Analog In/Out
6.6 Parameters: 7-** Controllers
6.7 Parameters: 8-** Communications and Options
6.8 Parameters: 14-** Special Functions
6.9 Parameters: 15-** AFE Information
6.10 Parameters: 16-** Data Read-outs
6.11 Parameters: 40-** Mains / Filter
6.12 Warnings/Alarm Messages
49 52 53 54 57 59 62 64 65
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Introduction Operating Instructions
1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose of the Manual
1.1.1 How to Read these Operating Instructions
Please read this manual carefully for proper use. Incorrect handling of the frequency converter may cause improper operation of the frequency converter or related equipment, shorten lifetime or cause other troubles.
These Operating Instructions will help getting started, installing, programming, and troubleshooting the AFE 302.
Chapter 1 Introduction, introduces the manual and informs about the approvals, symbols, and abbreviations used in this literature.
Chapter 2 Safety Instructions and General Warning, entails instructions on how to handle the AFE 302 correctly.
1.3 Software Version
VLT® Active Front End AFE 302
Operating Instructions Software version: 1.15
1.4 Approvals
Table 1.1 Compliance Marks: CE and C-Tick
Chapter 3 Crane System Design, describes the crane system design associated with the frequency converters.
Chapter 4 How to Install, guides through the mechanical and technical installation.
Chapter 6 How to Programme, describes how to operate and programme the AFE 302 via the Local Control Panel (LCP).
Safety Symbols
The following symbols are used in this document:
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which could result in minor or moderate injury. It can also be used to alert against unsafe practices.
Indicates important information, including situations that can result in damage to equipment or property.
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Introduction Operating Instructions
1.5 Abbreviations
AFE Active Front End AC Alternating current AWG American Wire Gage A Ampere/AMP AMA Automatic Motor Adaptation I
°C DC Direct current EMC Electro Magnetic Compatibility ETR Electronic Thermal Relay FC Frequency Converter g Gram Hz Hertz HF High Frequency ID Identification IGBT Insulated Gate Biopolar Transistor IP International Protection IT Isolation Terra kHz Kilohertz kW Kilowatt kWh Kilowatt-hour LCP Local Control Panel MW Megawatt m Meter uF Microfarad mH Millihenry Inductance mA Milliampere MCM Thousand circular mils ms Millisecond min Minute MCT Motion Control Tool MDCIC Multi Drive Control Interface Card NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers
Nm Newton Meters I
par. Parameter PELV Protective Extra Low Voltage PCB Printed Circuit Board PLC Programmable Logic Controller PN Part Number I
Regen Regenerative terminals RCD Residual Current Device RPM Revolutions Per Minute RMS Root Mean Square s Second SW Software SMPS Switching Mode Power Supply
Current limit Degrees Celsius
Nominal motor current Nominal motor frequency Nominal motor power Nominal motor voltage
Rated Inverter Output Current
THD Total Harmonic Distortion THDi Total Harmonic Distortion in Current THDu Total Harmonic Distortion in Voltage V Volts
Synchronous Motor Speed The maximum output current The rated output current supplied by the frequency converter Torque limit
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Safety Instructions and Gen...
Operating Instructions
2 Safety Instructions and General Warning
2.1 Safety Regulations AFE 302
2.1.1 Disposal Instruction
Equipment containing electrical components may not be disposed with domestic waste. It must be separately collected with Electrical and Electronic waste according to local and currently valid legislation.
When the AFE is on, the earth current from the AFE 302 frequency converter will exceed 3.5 mA. The earth cable must have a good contact to the earth terminal 95. The earth connection is done with the two separate cables. The size of each cable needs to be a half of the mains cable size in minimum.
2.1.5 Before Commencing Repair Work
2.1.2 High Voltage Warning
The voltage of the AFE 302 is dangerous whenever the frequency converter is connected to mains. Incorrect installation or operation of the frequency converter may cause damage to the equipment, serious personal injury or death. The instructions in this manual must consequently be observed, as well as applicable local and national rules and safety regulations.
Installation in high altitudes At altitudes above 2,000 m, contact Danfoss regarding PELV.
2.1.3 Safety Instructions
Make sure that the AFE 302 is properly connected
to earth. Protect users against supply voltage.
Remember that the [Off] key on LCP is not a
safety switch. Pressing the [Off] key does not disconnect the AFE 302 from the mains.
General Warnings
1. Switch off the entire system.
2. Wait until the DC-link capacitor is discharged fully. See period of time on the warning label.
3. Disconnect DC bus terminals 88 and 89.
4. Disconnect the soft charge supply connector from the soft charge board.
The source of the MDCIC connector (MK105) is the AC voltage from the front end of the LCL filter. Make sure to switch off the mains switch.
The source of the fan voltage is from an external 400 V. Make sure to switch off the external fan voltage source switch.
2.1.6 System Description
The grounded Delta mains are not used.
An Active Front End (AFE) is sometimes called an active rectifier, in comparison with a passive rectifier such as the diode bridge. The AFE consists of LCL filter and the inverter unit.
Touching the electrical parts may be fatal even after the equipment is disconnected from the mains. Before carrying out the maintenance, the frequency converter must be disconnected from the mains. It will avoid the electrical shock hazard. Check the discharge time on the nameplate for the exact waiting period. Otherwise wait at least 40 min.
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The AFE main features are as follows:
sinusoidal input current and low harmonic
distortion in the mains unity power factor
both rectifying and regenerating operation
constant regulated DC voltage
Illustration 2.1 shows the AFE system example.
At start-up, the AFE must detect the mains frequency and phase to synchronize the operation.
Master Slave Slave
Control signals
Safety Instructions and Gen... Operating Instructions
During the normal operation, the AFE DC-link voltage is regulated to be constant. This means that the energy from the decelerated motor is passed on to the mains as regenerated electrical energy. A passive rectifier would require a braking resistor to consume the surplus energy as heat. The AFE is energy efficient for the application where the motor deceleration is frequent. Also the brake resistor space is saved.
The LCL filter allows the power flow. It also reduces the ripple current of the fundamental frequency, switching frequency, and their harmonics into the mains. A damping resistor Rd is connected in series with the filter capacitor Cf to stabilize the filter resonance.
The three inverter units are connected in parallel to achieve the required power level. One AFE controller regulates the three parallel-connected inverter units.
2 2
Illustration 2.1 Active Front End System Example
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Crane System Design
Operating Instructions
3 Crane System Design
The cable length is calculated as the sum of all
3.1 Selection of Motor Voltage
The AFE system is designed to regulate a DC voltage of 630x1.08=680 V. 690 V motors are suitable for this system. When the motors are used in the field weakening region or with output filters, the motors with less than 650 V are used.
3.1.1 Selection of AFE & LCL Filter
AFE systems are built up based on standard 690
V hardware. Standard AFE hardware runs on 630 V mains
supply and DC-link voltage is 975 V.
Selection of AFE for Different
3.1.2 Applications
The frequency converter power size in the flux
application must be one or two sizes higher than the application needed. Also, the frequency converter should not be higher than two to maintain a good resolution on current sensors.
The AFE electrical rating should be selected
based on the worst-case total power, including the overload percentage, rather than a mere sum of the motor power.
Hoist motors 500 kW @ 650 V - Hoist drives 800 kW
Travel motors 8x50 kW @ 650 V - Travel drive 500 kW
Trolley motors 4x55 kW @ 650 V ­Trolley drive 400 kW
AFE/LCL – 1,2 MW continuous, with a 175% overload for a maximum 1 min.
Selection of Output Filter (LC Filter)
The output filter is needed because of the long
motor cable configuration. Output filters should be sized based on the
frequency converter's maximum output current. The dU/dt filters can be used up to 100 m to
protect the motor. The sine-wave filters can be used with any cable length (maximum of 1,000 m).
Above 150 m cable length it is recommended to
use a sine-wave filter.
parallel cables. Filters must be designed to switching frequency
of the frequency converter. The resonance frequency, f0, of the filter should be:
out max
The resonant frequency must meet the following
equation, limited by the control frequency, f
Switching frequency [kHz]
1.5 3 2 4
2.5 5 3 6
3.5 7 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7
Table 3.1 Frequencies
1) The control frequency is an internal hardware frequency.
Selection of Switching Frequency
It is recommended that the switching frequency of AFE and motor drives shall be equal or an integer multiple of each other.
Selection of LCL Filter
The AFE system is designed in conjunction with the recommended Danfoss LCL filters in which the physical size, power rating and electrical parameters of the filters are optimized. If non-Danfoss filters are used, system performance and stability may be degraded.
Crane Cable Concept
To reduce the high frequency noise on the mains line and to meet the EMC emission limits, the electromagnetic coupling should be avoided and the following rules have to be applied:
Control frequency1) [kHz]
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Crane System Design
Operating Instructions
1. Use the shielded cable between the sine-wave filter and frequency converter.
2. Keep the unshielded cable away from the mains cable. The two cables should not be run in parallel.
3. If the installation requires to route the motor cables and mains cables in parallel, keep a distance of at least 45 cm between the two cables. Separate the cables by placing them in different cable trays or in different sections of a cable tray.
4. Use continuous cable trays and avoid “ladder­type” cable trays.
5. Route the motor cable along the metallic grounded conductors such as cable trays, rails from the building structure, pipes, etc.
Grounding Concept
Do the common grounding between AFE and
motor drives. The output filters and LCL should have low
impedance grounding to the AFE and motor frequency drives.
Ensure low impedance between entire crane
construction and the cabinets and the transformer.
Use only one connection to the transformer.
The door fan(s) is required on the Rittal cabinet to remove the heat losses from the frequency converter and other components inside the enclosure. The total air flow required must be calculated and the appropriate fan can be selected. Rittal Therm software can calculate the cooling air flow volume. If the frequency converter is the only heat generating source in the enclosure, the minimum airflow required at an ambient temperature of 45 °C for the D3 and D4 frame sizes is 391 m3/h (230 cfm). The minimum airflow required at an ambient temperature of 45 °C for the E2 frame size is 782 m3/h (460 cfm).
Table 3.2 shows the necessary airflow over the heat sink.
Enclosure protection Frame size
IP54/NEMA 12 F1, F2, F3 and
IP00/Chassis D3 and D4
E2 P400T7
E2 P500­P560T7
* Airflow per fan. Frame size F contain multiple fans.
Table 3.2 Heatsink Air Flow
Door fan(s)/Top fan airflow
525 m3/h (309 cfm)*
255 m3/h (150 cfm)
255 m3/h (150 cfm)
255 m3/h (150 cfm)
Heatsink fan(s)
985 m3/h (580 cfm)*
765 m3/h (450 cfm)
1105 m3/h (650 cfm)
1445 m3/h (850 cfm)
3 3
Cooling and Airflow
The cooling air can be channeled through the air ducts at the top and bottom of the unit, through the back of the unit, or through the combination of the both methods.
Duct cooling
The duct cooling kit is used to install IP00/chassis D and E­frame frequency converters in the Rittal TS8 enclosure. See Installation of Duct Cooling Kit in Rittal enclosures, for further information.
Back cooling
The D and E frame frequency converters can be mounted in the Rittal cabinet where the cabinet backplate has cutout, through which the back-channel cooling is available.
The ideal cooling air is clean and dry. When the cooling air is from outside, the filter mats and long air inlet may be considered to prevent the dirty air problem. When the application environment is humid, consider the condensation of the frequency converter which may require the drain outlet.
The fan runs for the following reasons:
1. AMA
2. DC Hold
3. Pre-Mag
4. The frequency converter current exceeds 60% of its nominal current rating.
5. The heat sink temperature exceeds its limit. The limit depends on the power size.
When the fan is activated, it will run for a minimum of 10 min.
External ducts
If additional duct work is added externally to the Rittal cabinet the pressure drop in the ducting must be calculated. Use the charts below to derate the frequency converter according to the pressure drop.
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0 0.5 4.9 13 27.3 45.9 66 89.3 115.7 147
Pressure Increase
Drive Derating
Drive Derating
0 0 0.1 3.6 9.8 21.5 43.4 76 237.5 278.9
Pressure Change
Drive Derating
0 0.2 0.6 2.2 5.8 11.4 18.1 30.8 152.8 210.8
Pressure Change
Drive Derating
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 225
Pressure Change
Crane System Design Operating Instructions
Illustration 3.1 D frame derating vs. pressure change frequency converter air flow: 450 cfm (765 m3/h)
Illustration 3.2 E frame derating vs. pressure change (small fan), P355T7-P400T7 frequency converter air flow: 650 cfm (1105 m3/h)
Illustration 3.4 F1, F2, F3, F4 frame derating vs. pressure change frequency converter air flow: 580 cfm (985 m3/h)
Selection of Transformer
The output of the HT-transformer must be
specified for 630 V. It is recommended to use 2 separate transformers
for 630 V and the 400 V and these transformers should be physically separated. The 400 V transformer must be close to or in the E-house to have a short ground cable.
Danfoss reviews/evaluates the LCL filter design for each application especially when the new transformer is used.
Illustration 3.3 E frame derating vs. pressure change (large fan), P500T7-P560T7 frequency converter air flow: 850 cfm (1445m3/h)
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Crane System Design Operating Instructions
3.2 Assembling the Frequency Converter System
3.2.1 Tools Required
Operating Instructions for the FC Series.
Metric socket set 7–19 mm Socket extensions 1/4" drive size, 4", 6" and 12" Torx driver set T8-T50 Torque wrench 0.675–19 Nm (6–168 in-lbs) Needle nose pliers Magnetic sockets Ratchet Hex wrench set Screwdrivers Standard and Phillips
Table 3.3 Tools Required
Additional Tools Recommended for Testing
Digital volt/ohmmeter (rated for 1200 V DC) Voltmeter Oscilloscope Clamp-on style ammeter Test cable PN 176F8766 Signal test board PN 176F8437 Power supply: 500-1000 V DC, 250 mA to supply external power to 4 power cards and the control card. Power supply : 24 V DC, 2 A for external 24 V power supply.
Table 3.4 Additional Tools
Exploded Views
Number Terminal and component description
1 Fan Voltage Supply (FVS) 2 Soft Charge Board (SC) 3 FVS Fuse (TB10) 4 SC Fuse (TB11) 5 Aux Fan Fuse 6 Fan Fuse 7 SMPS Fuse 8 Mains Terminals (R, S, T) 9 Aux Relay (TB12)
01 02 03 04 05 06
10 VSYNC (TB13) (Only for AFE Cabinet)
01-R, 02-S, 03-T 11 Control Card 12 MDCIC 13 Control Panel (Check the enlarged view) 14 DC Terminals (DC+ and DC-) 15 DC Bus Fuses
Table 3.6 Legend for Illustration 3.6 to Illustration 3.18
The rated voltage and maximum current magnitudes for the AUX relay and VSYNC terminals are as follows: AUX Relay: 240 V AC 2 A VSYNC: 630 V 1 A
The control circuit including the control card terminal is PELV isolated and it is also isolated from the power circuit galvanically.
3 3
General Tightening Torque Values
Table 3.5 tabulates the tightening torque values. The tightening toque values for the rectifier and IGBT modules are referred to in the instruction within the spare kits.
Shaft size Driver size
M4 T-20/7 mm 10 1.0 M5 T-25/8 mm 20 2.3 M6 T-30/10 mm 35 4.0
M8 T-40/13 mm 85 10 M10 T-50/17 mm 170 19 M12 18 mm/19 mm 170 19
Table 3.5 Torque Values
Torque [in-
Torque [Nm]
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9 9
Crane System Design Operating Instructions
Illustration 3.7 Outside- and Inside View
Illustration 3.5 Front Door View
Illustration 3.8 800 mm Cabinet Skeleton View
Illustration 3.6 800 mm Cabinet Front Door and its Inside Views (One Drive Case)
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Crane System Design Operating Instructions
3 3
Illustration 3.9 800 mm Lower Front End View
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5 6
Crane System Design
Operating Instructions
Illustration 3.10 1200 mm Cabinet Exploded View
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5, 6, 7
Life Stop
Life Stop
Crane System Design Operating Instructions
3 3
Illustration 3.13 1600 mm Cabinet Exploded View
Illustration 3.11 1600 mm Cabinet Exploded View
Illustration 3.14 One-drive Configuration Control Panel View
Illustration 3.15 Two Independent Drive Configuration Control Panel View
Illustration 3.12 1600 mm Cabinet Exploded View
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6, 7
Crane System Design Operating Instructions
Illustration 3.16 600 mm Drive Cabinet
Illustration 3.18 AFE E-frame Drive Open View
Illustration 3.17 800 mm Drive Cabinet
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Crane System Design
Operating Instructions
3.2.4 MDCIC Connector Configuration
The MDCIC board has the four connectors. The ribbon cables from the power units will be connected from FK100 to FK103.
For one power unit configuration, the part 176F9091 which consists of the DC/DC converter and the ribbon cable is connected to FK101. It generates an isolated 5 V from an internal 24 V for the RS-485 communication.
FK100 (Master) FK102 (Slave 2)
FK101 (Slave 1) FK103 (Slave 3)
Table 3.7 MDCIC Port Layout
3.3 First Power Up/Commissioning Check List
The following measurement equipment are recommended:
Voltage meter (1 kV AC/DC env. Cat III)
Current clamp min. 2 kA
Harmonic analyzer, only for commissioning
Check list
Check fan voltage supply (3x400 V).
Verify that system is not powered.
Verify the system is grounded to earth.
all AFEs and frequency converters
all motors
all filters
the whole crane construction
HT transformer
Check that there are no earth faults or short
circuits at the motor cables and motors. Check that the DC discharge resistor is connected
right and not shorted. Verify phase sequence and continuity for the
voltage sensing on the AFE as described below.
Make sure that power is not applied.
Manually close input contactor between
AFE and LCL filter. Unplug the MK105 connector on the
MDCIC. Measure MK105 of MDCIC harness to
the input phases.
Red wire of MK105 to phase R.
White wire of MK105 to phase
S. Black wire of MK105 to phase
All should be <0.2.
Open the input contactor between AFE and LCL
filter. Verify that the mains voltage is 630 V RMS and
balanced. Apply power to the LCL filter and verify that the
rms current magnitude measured between the line and delta connection point is approximately same as the value using the following formula:
630×314 ×C×3
capacitance, delta value. Leave the AFE main contactors open and disallow
the AFE start signal in the PLC. Soft charge the system but do not enable the
main contactor. Let the softcharge circuit active for about 5min.
Check the voltage at the AFE Mains side when
the AFE is powered up by softcharge. The voltage between all phases should be 0 V. Also the voltage between the phases L1/L2/L3 and earth should be 0 V. Please call Danfoss service if you can measure a voltage greater then 10 V here. Do not switch on the mains contactors if you measure a voltage more than 10 V here.
Verify that the LCP readings for the DC-link
voltage from all the AFE and inverter drives are within ±2% of the value measured with the voltage meter. The estimated DC-link voltage value at 630 V mains voltage with no load is as follows:
+5 / 10% =
= 630× 1,414+ 5 / 10%
Download all the AFE and frequency converter
settings with MCT 10 Set-up Software.
1. Capacitance value of the LC filter in the
2. Set the right LCL filter values in the AFE,
3. Set the right mains values in the AFE.
5. Total system capacitance par. 7-60 must
, where C is the LCL filter
inverter drive must be star equivalent.
the capacitance value of the LCL filter shall be entered as delta equivalent.
Parameter group 4-** Output Limits AFE – use factory settings.
be programmed with a sum of the DC­link capacitance x 0,9.
× 2+5 / 10 %
3 3
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Crane System Design
Use parameter group 7-** Controllers as follows:
Parameter 7-61 DC-Link
Reference is 975 V. Parameter 7-62 DC-Link PI
Switch Crane off.
Program the PLC to the normal start-up
sequence. Switch Crane on.
The AFE starts, but not any of the inverters, and
verify that the AFE and inverter LCP readings are 975 V DC and that they are within ±2% of a calibrated voltage meter.
Check if all fans are running after closing the
mains contactor. Start checking inverters and motors.
Save all parameter settings with MCT 10 Set-up
Software. For the crane commissioning, measure THDu and
THDi of the 630 V and 400 V terminals and document the results in the commissioning certificate.
Verify that the THD levels of the 400 V terminal
are complied to EN 61000-3 or other country specified harmonic requirements.
E-House Design
Proportional Gain (Kp) is calculated internally based on the power size and DC capacitance in parameter 7-60 DC-Link Total Capacity. Recommend to use the default value. The wrong setting could cause the unstable DC voltage regulation.
Parameter 7-63 DC-Link PI
Integral Time (Ti) is 5 ms in default.
3.4.1 Cables between AFE and LCL Filters
The cables should be as short as possible.
The connection must be made with shielded
The synchronization voltage cable which is connected to the AFE-MDCIC board MK105 must be separated from all power cables. The distance needs to be at least 50 cm from other power cables.
Cables to the Damping Resistors
Operating Instructions
Test with the Real System Transformer and Motors
3.5.1 Re-program the Frequency Converter Parameters
Set the mains voltage, mains frequency, the
transformer values, LCL filter values, and DC capacitance.
3.6 On-site Final Test
3.6.1 Change Parameters to Actual
Set actual cable length.
Check encoder wiring and encoder direction.
Optimize ramp time shapes.
Save parameter settings in the LCPs.
Run with Full Load
Check that AFE input voltage is stable. The
voltage waveform does not need to be sinusoidal.
Check that DC-link voltage is stable.
AFE Emergency and Restore Procedures
Chapter 3.7.1 Emergency Run when One Slave Unit is Damaged to chapter 3.7.4 Restoration after Master Unit is Repaired describe how to set up an emergency run and
how to restore the drive for the case where one of the three units are damaged. Chapter 3.7.5 Emergency Run When More Than One Unit is Damaged describes the case where the multiple units are damaged.
Emergency Run when One Slave Unit
3.7.1 is Damaged
The mains synchronization voltage is always connected to the MDCIC board. Make sure that the mains power switch is off before opening the frequency converter cabinet.
The power is reduced to two thirds of the original.
1. Switch Crane off.
2. Switch the circuit breaker in front of the damaged AFE power unit off.
3. Check the DC-link voltage with a voltage meter at the terminals before and after the DC fuses.
The cables should be as short as possible.
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Crane System Design
Operating Instructions
Do not touch until the DC voltage is below 10 V.
4. Disconnect the DC-link fuses of the damaged power unit and AC connection.
5. Disconnect the softcharge connector on the softcharge board of the damaged power unit.
6. Disconnect the ribbon cable, from the damaged AFE power unit, on the MDCIC card.
7. If the removed connector is at Inverter 2 position, move the ribbon cable at Inverter 3 position to Inverter 2.
Turn the key switch to AFE emergency mode.
9. Switch Cane on.
10. Check on the AFE LCP if it is in set-up 2. The set­up shift at the AFE is done with terminal 32 at AFE control card. Terminal 32 = 0 means set-up 1, Terminal 32 = 1 means set-up 2.
11. A warning 78 (power unit set-up) may come up at the AFE LCP.
12. Switch Crane off.
13. Wait at least 20 s. All LCPs must be completely off.
14. Switch Crane on.
15. The warning 78 disappears and the warning 77 (Reduced power mode) appears on LCP.
16. The AFE can run with two units with a reduced power.
Restoration after Slave Unit is
3.7.2 Repaired
1. Switch Crane on but do not run any frequency converter.
Turn the key switch to AFE normal mode.
3. A warning 78 appears on AFE LCP.
4. Check on the AFE LCP if it is in set-up 1. The set­up shift at the AFE is done with terminal 32 at AFE control card. Terminal 32 = 0 means set-up 1, Terminal 32 = 1 means set-up 2.
5. Switch Crane off.
6. Check the DC-link voltage with a voltage meter at the terminals before and after the DC fuses.
Do not touch until the DC voltage is below 10 V.
7. Bring back the ribbon cables on the MDCIC card in the original set-up (AFE Master to Inverter 1, AFE Slave left to Inverter 2, AFE Slave right to Inverter 3).
8. Connect the softcharge connector on the softcharge board.
9. Connect the DC-link fuses and AC connection.
10. Switch on the circuit breaker in front of the AFE.
11. Switch Crane on.
12. The AFE runs now with all 3 power units.
3.7.3 Emergency Run when Master Unit is Damaged
The power is reduced to two thirds of the original.
1. Switch Crane off.
2. Switch the circuit breaker in front of the damaged AFE power unit off.
3. Check the DC-link voltage with a voltage meter at the terminals before and after the DC fuses.
Do not touch until the DC voltage is below 10 V.
4. Disconnect the DC-link fuses of the damaged power unit and AC connection.
5. Disconnect the softcharge connector on the softcharge board of the damaged power unit.
6. Disconnect the ribbon cable from the Inverter 1 position at the MDCIC.
7. Unplug the ribbon cable at Inverter 3 position on the MDCIC card and plug it at Inverter 1 position.
8. Plug this ribbon cable (what you plugged out from Inverter 3) on the connector Inverter 1. Now the right power unit will be the AFE Master.
Turn the key switch to AFE emergency mode.
10. Switch Crane on.
11. Check on the AFE LCP if it is in set-up 2.
12. A warning 78 may appear on AFE LCP.
13. Switch Crane off.
14. Wait at least 20 s. All LCPs must be completely off.
15. Switch Crane on.
16. The warning 78 disappears and the warning 77 appears on LCP.
17. The AFE can run with two units with a reduced power.
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Crane System Design Operating Instructions
3.7.4 Restoration after Master Unit is Repaired
1. Switch Crane on but do not run any frequency converter/motor.
Turn the key switch to AFE normal mode.
3. A warning 78 appears on AFE.
4. Check on the AFE LCP if it is in set-up 1 (see attached file LCP.pdf). The set-up shift at the AFE is done with terminal 32 at AFE control card. Terminal 32 = 0 means set-up 1, Terminal 32 = 1 means set-up 2.
5. Switch Crane off.
6. Check the DC-link voltage with a voltage meter at the terminals before and after the DC fuses.
3. Power up.
4. Power cycle.
Do not touch until the DC voltage is below 10 V.
7. Bring back the ribbon cables on the MDCIC card in the original set-up (AFE Master to Inverter 1, AFE Slave left to Inverter 2, AFE Slave right to Inverter 3).
8. Connect the softcharge connector on the softcharge board.
9. Connect the DC-link fuses an AC connection.
10. Switch on the circuit breaker in front of the AFE.
11. Switch Crane on.
12. The AFE runs now with all 3 power units.
Emergency Run When More Than
3.7.5 One Unit is Damaged
When multiple units are damaged, an emergency run with a minimum of one unit can be performed. The procedure of setting up the emergency run and restoring from the emergency run can be referred to in
chapter 3.7.1 Emergency Run when One Slave Unit is Damaged to chapter 3.7.4 Restoration after Master Unit is Repaired.
The following issues are considered:
1. In an emergency run, the door fan may not be in operation. It is recommended that the emergency configuration is only for a temporary usage.
2. An emergency run may cause the overcurrent alarm at start-up because the start-up current may be high for the number of units used. The switching frequency (parameter 14-01 Switching Frequency) may need to be increased from 1.5 kHz to 2 or 2.5 kHz.
Manual Shut Down Sequence
Stop all motor drives.
switch off the AFE start signal.
Open the mains contactor
Switch off the HT transformer if necessary
In emergency, command the AFE to stop and
open the AFE contactor, or pull the safe stop and open the AFE contactor.
(176F9091) needs to be connected at FK101 to have the RS-485 communi­cation.
3a The warning message W78 (Power Unit
Setup) appears on LCP.
Change the number of the units in
parameter 14-59 Actual Number of Inverter Units.
4a The warning message W77 (Reduced
Power Mode) appears on LCP.
4b The power is reduced to the original
power multiplied by the number of active units over the original number of the units.
The key procedure of an emergency run is as follows:
1. Disconnect AC and DC sides of the damaged units.
2. Change the connector position at MDCIC.
2a The ribbon cables at the MDCIC are
connected from FK100 (Master) following FK101, FK102, and FK103. You do not skip the terminal sequence.
2b You can go down to one unit. When
one master unit is used, the part
20 Danfoss A/S © Rev. 05/2014 All rights reserved. MG33X402
Auxiliary Hardware Actions
AFE Drive Control PLC
: Assume that the AFE contactors and SC contactor are open prior to this start-up sequence.
Start-up Sequence
Crane ON
Contactor LCL cabs ON 2 sec Delay
Send close signal to the SC contactor.
Receive "Soft Charge Ready" signal within 20sec?
Protection Mode due to the Start-up Failure
Wait for 1 second to have the DC capacitors charged further.
Send the open signal to the SC contactor.
Wait for 1 second to make sure that the S/C contactor is open.
Send the close signal to the AFE contactors.
Wait for 0.5 second to have the DC capacitors charged fully.
Send the "Run" signal to the AFE drive.
Receive "DC-Link on Ref" signal from AFE within 5 sec?
End of Start-up Sequence
Protection Mode due to the Start-up Failure
3rd Try?
:The waiting period can be substituted by the contactor status signal.
: Assume that the AFE contactors are fully engaged within 2seconds.
:The waiting period can be substituted by the contactor status signal.
: Assume that the SC contactor is disengaged within 0.5sec. The DC capacitor discharge is negligble.
Abbreviations: AFE: ACtive Front End CC: Control Card PC: Power Card PLC: Programmable Logic Controller SC: Soft Charge
When the DC voltage is within the target range, "DC-link on Ref" signal is on.
The AFE drive is active.
DC voltage is going up to the desired level.
The AFE contactors are closed.
The SC contactor is open.
Charge the DC bus through the SC circuit.
The SC contactor is closed.
When the PC becomes active, "Soft Charge Ready" signal is ON.
Crane System Design Operating Instructions
3.9 Start-up Sequence
Illustration 3.19 shows the typical AFE start-up sequence flow chart. The flow chart describes the interaction among Auxiliary Hardware, AFE Frequency Converters, and Liebherr Control PLC. The arrowed lines indicate the flow of the actions. The Liebherr PLC expects to receive the “Control Ready” and “Ready” signals from the AFE frequency converter and it will send “Run” signal to AFE frequency converter. The waiting periods and the number of tries are tentative. The “Control Ready” signal is on when the power in Control Card is on. The meaning of the "Ready" signal in the AFE frequency converter is different from the one in the standard frequency converter. The “Ready” signal in the AFE frequency converter is on when the DC voltage is boosted to the level where the AFE regulation is enabled.
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Illustration 3.19 Start-up Sequence Flow Chart
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