Danfoss 690 V Fact sheet

VLT® drives for 690 V now available down to smallest power sizes
Danfoss makes 690 V installations most cost ecient. The high performance frequency converters now cover the complete 690 V power range from 1.4 MW down to 1.1 kW.
Danfoss presents the smallest 690 V enclosure on the market below 7.5 kW and extends the power range of its IP 20 drives up to 75 kW with 4 new enclosure sizes.
Now you can even control 690 V motors down to 0.37 kW without expensive over-dimensioned drives or step down transformers.
Built on the powerful and reliable VLT® platform, the drives oer system designers, machine builders, and end users the eciency enhancing bene­ts oered by Danfoss’ single drive concept for industrial applications.
Suitable for use on normal TN and IT (isolated) grids, the IP 20 protected drives are especially useful in installa­tions within chemical, mining, water/ wastewater and marine applications.
less cabinet space required. Especially for power sizes below 7.5 kW, Danfoss offers a remarkable space reduction in comparison to other solutions.
Danfoss extends the power range of its IP 20 drives up to 75 kW with 4 new enclosure sizes
Feature Benet
Dedicated enclosure sizes down to 1.1 kW No need for large over-dimensioned drive Operate motors down to 0.37 kW No need for step-down transformer
Smallest size and required space
Side-by-side mounting without derating Saves valuable panel space
Integrated harmonic lters (<40% THDi)
Integrated EMC lter (A1/EN 55011) with up to 150 m screened motor cable
Class 3C3 conformal coating (IEC 60721-3-3) as standard
Full performance at 50° C ambient temperature (D-frames 45° C)
Danfoss output lters Matching sinusoidial or du/dt lters
Complete range of 690 V drives up to 1.4 MW
Cost for cabinet and installation room reduced
Provide reliable operation of the installation without additional external lters
Increase lifetime and reliability in harsh environments
Secure operation without derating/ over-dimensioning
One drive series covers all your systems needs
Facts about our products
VLT® AutomationDrive frequency converters can be individually congured with additional safety functions through special options and accessories.
ATEX-certied thermistor input
The PTB ATEX-certied PTC Thermistor option MCB 112 can be used to monitor both Ex d and Ex e motors. It is certied according to IEC 61508 for use in low demand applications to protect motors placed in Zones 1, 2, 21 and 22. The option can be used as the sole protec­tive device of an explosion-proof motor operated by a frequency converter.
Universal residual current monitoring
The RCMB20/35 external fault current monitoring module reliably detects insulation faults in drives systems operating on IT or TN mains. In addition to usual protection against sudden insulation faults, this module supports
Ordering numbers: Sine Wave Filters
VLT® ratings Filter current rating
690 V @50 Hz @60 Hz @10 0 Hz
kW Current (A) A A A kHz
1.1 1.6
1.5 2.2
2.2 3.2
3.0 4.5
4.0 5.5
7.5 10 11 13 13 12 9 3 130B 3195 130B 3196
15 18
22 27 30 34 37 41 45 52 55 62 75 83 90 100
preventive maintenance by detecting gradual insulation deterioration in the
4.5 4 3 4 130B7335 13 0B7356
10 9 7 4 130 B728 9 130B73245.5 7. 5
28 26 21 3 13 0B 4112 130 B411318. 5 22
45 42 33 3 13 0B 4114 13 0B 4115
76 72 57 3 13 0B 4116 1 30B4117
115 109 86 3 13 0B 4118 130 B4 119
unexpected and expensive machine standstills.
equipment in advance, avoiding
Switching frequency
Part-No .
IP 00 IP 20/23
Technical data
IP 20 [kW]
Typ ical
P1K1 1.1 1.6 2.6 1.9 1.4 2.3 44 P1K5 1.5 2.2 3.5 2.6 2.0 3.2 60 P2K2 2.2 3.2 5.1 3.8 2.9 4.6 88 P3K0 3 4.5 7. 2 5.4 4.0 6.5 120 P4K0 4 5.5 8.8 6.6 4.9 7. 9 160 P5K5 5.5 7.5 12 9 6.7 10.8 220 P7K5 7. 5 10 16 12 9.0 14. 4 300
HO 11 13 20.8 15. 5 12.5 20.1 NO 15 18 19. 8 21.5 17. 4 19.1 HO 15 18 28.8 21.5 17.4 2 7.8 NO 18. 5 22 24.2 26.3 21. 2 23.3 HO 18. 5 22 35.2 26.3 21.2 33.9 NO 22 27 29.7 32.3 26.0 28.6 HO 22 27 43.2 32.3 26.0 41.6 NO 30 34 37.4 40.6 32.8 36.0 HO 30 34 51 40.6 32.8 49.2 NO 37 41 45.1 49. 0 39.5 43.5 HO 37 41 61.5 49 39.5 59. 3 NO 45 52 57. 2 62.2 50.1 55.1 HO 45 52 78 62. 2 50.1 75.2 NO 55 62 68.2 74.1 59.8 65.8 HO 55 73 110 87 77. 0 96.3 1057 NO 75 86 95 103 87.0 95.7 1204 HO 75 86 129 103 87. 0 130 .5 120 5 NO 90 108 119 129 109.0 119 .9 1477 HO 90 108 16 2 129 109.0 163 .5 1480 NO 110 131 144 157 128. 0 14 0.8 179 8
VLT® power rating: Power ratings correspond to both HO and NO ratings.
Output current 150% for 1 min (HO) 110% for 1 min (NO)
160% for 1 min
(HO for A3)
(3x551-690 V)
(3x551-690 V)
kVA 690 V AC
Max input
(3x551-690 V)
(3x551-690 V)
Estimate d
loss at
Eciency Height Width Depth
Of back
Of back
plate [mm]
A/B [mm]
plate [mm]
0.96 268 130 205 6.6
0.98 520 230 242 23.5
0.98 550 308 333 35
0.98 909 250 375 62
Danfoss VLT Drives, Ulsnaes 1, DK-6300 Graasten, Denmark, Tel. +45 74 88 22 22, Fax +45 74 65 25 80 www.danfoss.com/drives, E-mail: info@danfoss.com
DKDD.PFP.300.A4.02 VLT® is a trademark of Danfoss A/S PE-MMSC 2014.09