Daktronics Outdoor LED Scoreboards Service Manual

201 Daktronics Drive PO Box 5128 Brookings, SD 57006-5128 Tel: 1-800-DAKTRONICS (1-800-325-8766) Fax: 605-697-4746 www.daktronics.com/support
Outdoor LED Scoreboards
Service Manual
DD2124597 Rev 6 19 December 2014
Single-Section Models
Multi-Section Models
Modular Football Scoreboards
FB-2500 Series
FB-2600 Series
* Discontinued
Tennis Models
Product 1164, 1647 & 1753
Rev 6 – 19 December 2014
Copyright 2011-2014
All rights reserved. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. No part of this book covered by the copyrights hereon may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems – without written permission of the publisher.
All Sport® and PanaView® are trademarks of Daktronics, Inc. Other trademarks used in this manual are the property of their respective owners.
Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Specifications Label................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Resources .................................................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Daktronics Nomenclature ...................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Product Safety Approval........................................................................................................ 2
Section 2: Scoreboard Troubleshooting ............................................................................................... 3
2.1 Troubleshooting Table ............................................................................................................ 3
2.2 Component Locations & Access ............................................................................................ 6
2.3 Replacing Digits ...................................................................................................................... 7
2.4 Replacing Digit Segments ...................................................................................................... 8
2.5 Replacing Colons, Decimals & Indicators ............................................................................ 8
2.6 LED Drivers ............................................................................................................................. 9
Replacing a Driver ......................................................................................................... 10
Setting the Driver Address ........................................................................................... 11
Single-Section Scoreboards .................................................................................... 11
Multi-Section Scoreboards ..................................................................................... 12
Modular Football Scoreboards .............................................................................. 12
Multiple Drivers ............................................................................................................. 12
2.7 Power Supplies ...................................................................................................................... 13
Replacing a Power Supply ............................................................................................ 13
2.8 Radio Connections ................................................................................................................ 13
Radio Interference .......................................................................................................... 14
Radio Receiver (All Sport 5000) ............................................................................ 14
Base Station (RC-100) ............................................................................................. 15
2.9 Trumpet Horns ...................................................................................................................... 16
2.10 Segmentation and Digit Designation .................................................................................. 16
2.11 Schematics .............................................................................................................................. 16
2.12 Replacement Parts ................................................................................................................. 16
Section 3: TNMC & Electronic Caption Troubleshooting & Maintenance ................................. 19
3.1 Display Overview ................................................................................................................. 19
3.2 Initialization Information at Startup ................................................................................... 20
3.3 Display Troubleshooting Table ........................................................................................... 20
3.4 Power & Signal Summary .................................................................................................... 21
3.5 Component Locations & Access .......................................................................................... 22
Front Access .................................................................................................................... 23
Rear Access ..................................................................................................................... 23
3.6 Display Drivers...................................................................................................................... 24
Diagnostic LEDs ............................................................................................................. 25
Replacing a Driver ......................................................................................................... 25
3.7 Modules .................................................................................................................................. 25
Replacing Modules ........................................................................................................ 25
Weather-stripping .......................................................................................................... 26
3.8 Power Supplies ...................................................................................................................... 27
Replacing a Power Supply ............................................................................................ 27
3.9 Display Maintenance ............................................................................................................ 27
3.10 Replacement Parts List ......................................................................................................... 27
Table of Contents i
Section 4: Daktronics Exchange and Repair & Return Programs .................................................. 29
4.1 Exchange Program ................................................................................................................ 29
Before Contacting Daktronics ....................................................................................... 29
4.2 Repair & Return Program .................................................................................................... 30
Shipping Address ........................................................................................................... 30
4.3 Daktronics Warranty and Limitation of Liability ............................................................. 30
Appendix A: Specifications ........................................................................................................................ 31
Appendix B: Schematic Drawings ............................................................................................................ 37
Appendix C: Reference Drawings ............................................................................................................ 41
Appendix D: Daktronics Warranty and Limitation of Liability .......................................................... 43
ii Table of Contents
Figure 1: Specifications Label
0A-1647-0012 HRev: 00 SN: 1001 05/15/13 3219728 0001
AMPS: 7.5
WATTS: 900
Product Number
Model Number

Section 1: Introduction

This manual explains the troubleshooting of Daktronics Outdoor LED Scoreboards. For additional information regarding the safety, installation, operation, or service of this system, refer to the telephone numbers listed in Section 4. This manual is not specific to a particular installation. Project-specific information takes precedence over any other general information found in this manual.
Please read and understand all instructions before servicing the scoreboard.
Do not drop control equipment or allow it to get wet.
Do not disassemble control equipment or electronic controls of the display; failure to
follow this safeguard will make the warranty null and void.
Disconnect display power when not in use or when servicing.
Disconnect display power before servicing power supplies to avoid electrical shock.
Power supplies run on high voltage and may cause physical injury if touched while powered.
Do not modify the scoreboard structure or attach any panels or coverings to the
scoreboard without the express written consent of Daktronics, Inc.

1.1 Specifications Label

Power specifications as well as serial and model number information can be found on an ID label on the display, similar to the one shown in Figure 1.
Please have the assembly number, model number, and the date manufactured on hand when calling Daktronics customer service to ensure the request is serviced as quickly as possible. Knowing the facility name and/or job number will also be helpful. Note that the Product Number(s) are sometimes used to distinguish different generations of the scoreboards having the same model number.
Introduction 1
Main Component Labels
Part Type
Part Number
Individual circuit board
Assembly; a collection of circuit boards
Wire or cable
Metal part
Fabricated metal assembly
Specially ordered part
Accessory Labels
Termination block for power or signal cable
TBXX Grounding point
Power or signal jack
Power or signal plug for the opposite jack
Figure 2: Daktronics Drawing Label
Figure 3: Typical Label

1.2 Resources

Figure 2 illustrates a Daktronics drawing label. The drawing number is located in the lower-right corner of a drawing. This manual refers to drawings by listing the last set of digits and the letter preceding them. In the example, the drawing would be referred to as Drawing C-325405.
Reference Drawing:
System Riser Diagram ............................................................................Drawing C-325405
Daktronics identifies manuals by the DD or ED number located on the cover page of each manual. For example, this manual would be referred to as DD2124597.

1.3 Daktronics Nomenclature

Most components within this display carry a white label that lists the part number of the unit. If a component is not found in the Replacement Parts List in Section 2.10, use the label to order a replacement. Figure 3 illustrates a typical label. The part number is in bold.
Following the Replacement Parts List is the Daktronics Exchange Policy and the Repair & Return Program. Refer to these instructions if replacing or repairing any display component.

1.4 Product Safety Approval

Daktronics outdoor scoreboards are ETL listed and tested to CSA standard for outdoor use. Contact Daktronics with any questions regarding testing procedures.
2 Introduction
Possible Cause
Solution/Items to Check
Scoreboard doesn’t light
and console doesn’t work
No power to the scoreboard Check that the main circuit breaker for the scoreboard is on.
Check that the scoreboard is receiving the correct 120 (or 240) VAC power (see Appendix A).
No power to console Ensure the console is plugged into a
120 (or 240) VAC power supply.
Swap the console with one known to work correctly, and enter the proper sport code and/or radio settings to test. Replace console if necessary.
Scoreboard digits don’t light, but console works No wired signal from console Check that the scoreboard is receiving the correct 120 (or 240) VAC power (see Appendix A).
Check that the red DS2 LED on the driver lights up when sending commands from the control console (see Section 2.6).
No radio signal from console
Cycle power to the scoreboard and watch for radio receiver broadcast/ channel settings (see Section 2.8).

Section 2: Scoreboard Troubleshooting

1. Always disconnect power before doing any repair work on the scoreboard.
2. Permit only qualified service personnel to access internal display electronics.
3. Disconnect power when not using the scoreboard.
Note: For assistance in the maintenance of team name message centers (TNMCs), electronic captions, or other optional scoreboard message centers, refer to Section 3 or the service manual that accompanies those units.

2.1 Troubleshooting Table

The table below lists potential problems with the scoreboard and indicates possible causes and corrective actions. This list does not include every symptom that may be encountered, but it does present several of the most common situations that may occur.
Many of the solutions offered below provide references to other sections within this manual or to supplemental product manuals with further detail on how to fix the problem.
If a problem occurs that is not listed or that cannot be resolved using the solutions in the following table, contact Daktronics using the information provided in Section 4.
Scoreboard Troubleshooting 3
Possible Cause
Solution/Items to Check
Check that the green POWER and amber RADIO IN RANGE indicators on the radio receiver in the scoreboard light up when the control console is powered on (see Section
2.8). Keep the console between 20 to 1500 feet from the scoreboard.
Move the console 20-30 feet from the scoreboard and test again. Verify that both the console and scoreboard antennae are securely tightened and in a vertical position.
Replace the radio receiver.
No signal to driver
Check that the scoreboard is receiving the correct 120 (or 240) VAC power (see Appendix A).
Check that the red DS2 LED on the driver lights up when sending commands from the control console (see Section 2.6).
Swap the driver with one known to work correctly and with the same part number to verify the problem. Replace if necessary (see Section
No power to driver
Check that the green DS1 LED on the driver is always lit up when the scoreboard is powered on (see Section 2.6).
Scoreboard digits light, but not in the correct order Incorrect sport code
Ensure the correct sport code is being used for the scoreboard model. Refer to the operation
manual for the console being used.
Incorrect driver address
Check that the scoreboard driver(s) are set to the correct address(es) (see Section 2.6)
Scoreboard digits light, console works, but no display on scoreboard
No wired signal from console
(see solution on previous page)
No radio signal from console
(see solution on previous page)
Bad/damaged field wiring
Check that the red DS2 LED on the driver lights up when sending commands from the control console (see Section 2.6)
Scoreboard works, but some LEDs always stay on
Short in digit, segment, or indicator circuit
Swap the digit/segment/indicator with one known to work correctly to verify the problem. Replace if necessary (see Sections 2.3-2.5).
4 Scoreboard Troubleshooting
Possible Cause
Solution/Items to Check
Scoreboard works, but some LEDs do not light or they blink
Bad connection
Verify the connector on the back of the digit circuit board is secure (see Sections 2.3-2.5).
Bad digit or driver
Swap the digit/driver with one known to work correctly to verify the problem. Replace if necessary (see Sections 2.3-2.5 for digits or Section 2.6 for drivers).
Scoreboard works, but some digits do not light
Bad digit or driver
(see solution above)
Incorrect sport code
(see solution on previous page)
Incorrect driver address
(see solution on previous page)
Wrong console controlling scoreboard
Another console’s radio signal could
be transmitting to the scoreboard. An example would be football and baseball scoreboards that are within 1500 feet of each other (see Section 2.8).
Radio interference
There may be other radio transmissions in the area that overpower the console. If it is not possible to disable the interfering device, It may be necessary to run a wired signal connection instead.
Bad breakout board on segmented digit (white digits only)
Replace the breakout board with one known to work correctly to verify the problem. Replace if necessary (see Section 2.4).
Blown fuse(s) on power supply circuit board (white digits only)
Replace the fuse(s) on the circuit board (see Section 2.7).
Scoreboard works, but a certain section of digits do not light
Bad multi-section connection
Verify power/signal interconnect(s) between scoreboard sections properly connected. Refer to appropriate scoreboard installation manual and/or schematic drawings.
Bad power supply
Swap the power supply with one known to work correctly to verify the problem. Replace if necessary (see Section 2.7).
Bad power supply circuit board (white digits only)
Swap the circuit board with one known to work correctly to verify the problem. Replace if necessary (see Section 2.7).
Speed of Pitch (SOP) digits do not light
No signal to SOP driver
Ensure there is a separate signal run connected to the SOP driver from a dedicated All Sport console using code 5500. Refer to schematic drawings and ED-12224.
Scoreboard Troubleshooting 5
Figure 4: Component Location Labeling
Figure 5: LED Digit Panel

2.2 Component Locations & Access

Component location varies with each scoreboard model. Refer to the component location drawings attached to the product specification sheets listed in Appendix A. For component locations of scoreboards with white digits and Modular Football Scoreboards, refer to the tables in Appendix A.
All internal electronic components are reached by opening a digit panel or an access door.
Look for labels similar to those shown in Figure 4 to access primary scoreboard components. Note that the same labels are on both front and rear access panels.
Digit panels are held in place on the scoreboard face by an offset flange across the top and by screws at the bottom, as shown in Figure 5.
To open a digit panel:
1. Hold the digit panel in
place by putting hand pressure on it and remove the holding screws.
2. Carefully lift the panel
away from the scoreboard, sliding it out and down.
Note: If the panel is not held in place when the screws are removed, it could drop and possibly damage LEDs or the digit harness.
With a non-digit access panel, simply remove the top, side and bottom screws holding it in place. Some panels are hinged and swing open when the screws are removed or loosened. Rear access panels can be lifted up and out over the screws through keyholes.
Note: When closing a digit or access panel, make sure all screws/latches are holding it firmly in place to prevent moisture and debris from entering the scoreboard.
6 Scoreboard Troubleshooting
Figure 6: Digit Panel Assembly
Figure 7: Weather-Sealed Digit Panel Assembly

2.3 Replacing Digits

Digits that are 18" or smaller have LEDs embedded on a single circuit board that is mounted to the back of a digit panel, as shown in Figure 6. Newer weather-sealed digits consist of a digit circuit board mounted to a black polycarbonate tray and encased in protective gel as shown in Figure 7. Multiple digits may also be secured to a single face panel. Do not attempt to remove individual LEDs; in the case of a malfunctioning LED or digit segment, replace the entire digit circuit board.
To replace a digit circuit board:
1. Open the digit panel as
described in Section 2.2.
2. Disconnect the power/signal
plug from the back of the digit by squeezing together the locking tabs and pulling the connector free.
3. Use a
4. Position a new digit over the
5. Tighten the nuts.
6. Reconnect the power/signal
7. Close and secure the digit
/32" nut driver to remove the nuts securing the digits to the inside of the panel, and then lift the digit off the standoff studs.
studs, making sure the rubber side of the rubber-backed spacer is facing the digit circuit board. Weather-sealed
digits do not require spacers.
Note: This is a keyed connector and it will attach in one way only. Do not attempt to force the connection.
panel, then power up and test the scoreboard to see if changing the digit has resolved the problem.
Scoreboard Troubleshooting 7
Figure 8: Digit Segments & Panel
Figure 9: Breakout Board Enclosure
(Cover Removed)

2.4 Replacing Digit Segments

Digits that are 24" or larger are composed of seven circuit board segments. As with smaller digits, the digit segment circuit boards are mounted to the back of the digit panel (Figure 8). Do not attempt to remove individual LEDs; it may be possible to make repairs by removing just the defective segment.
To replace a digit segment:
1. Open the digit panel as described in Section 2.2.
2. Disconnect the 2- or 4-pin power/signal
connectors from the back of the digit segment by squeezing together the locking tabs and pulling the connector free.
3. Use a
4. Position a new digit segment over the studs,
5. Tighten the nuts.
6. Reconnect the power/signal connector.
7. Close and secure the digit panel, then power up
Some LED digit segments are connected to a breakout board (Figure 9). If all the segments of an entire digit do not work, it may be necessary to replace the breakout board instead. Breakout boards are replaced in the same manner as a digit segment.
/32" nut driver to remove the nuts securing the digit segment to the inside of the panel, and then lift the digit segment off the standoff studs.
making sure the rubber side of the rubber­backed spacer is facing the digit circuit board.
Weather-sealed digit segments do not require these spacers.
Note: This is a keyed connector and it will attach in one way only. Do not attempt to force the connection.
and test the scoreboard to see if changing the digit segment has resolved the problem.

2.5 Replacing Colons, Decimals & Indicators

Colons, decimals, and other indicators are replaced in the same manner as a digit segment. Some indicators will be connected to a breakout board (Figure 9). If no indicators work, it may be necessary to replace the breakout board instead. Breakout boards are replaced in the same manner as a digit segment.
8 Scoreboard Troubleshooting
Figure 10: Driver Enclosure Components (Cover Removed)

2.6 LED Drivers

The LED drivers perform the task of switching digits on and off within the scoreboard. LED drivers are located inside of a driver enclosure. Refer to Figure 10 to view the location and components of a driver enclosure.
Most scoreboard models use 16-column drivers (Figure 11), while smaller models use 8­column drivers. Several scoreboard models also contain more than one driver to accommodate all of the digits and indicators. Refer to the component location drawings in Appendix A to determine the type and number of drivers for a particular scoreboard model. Also refer to Appendix B to locate the appropriate schematic drawings.
Scoreboard Troubleshooting 9
Steady on
DS1 will be on and steady to indicate the driver has power.
Signal RX
Steady on or blinking
DS2 will be on or blinking when the driver is receiving a signal and off when there is no signal.
DS3 will be blinking at one second intervals to indicate the driver is running.
Figure 11: Driver Status Indicators (16-Column)
When troubleshooting driver problems, three LEDs labeled DS1, DS2, and DS3 in Figure 11, provide the following diagnostic information:
Note: While it is necessary to have the scoreboard powered on to check the LED indicators, always disconnect scoreboard power before servicing.

Replacing a Driver

1. Open the digit panel or scoreboard face panel as described in Section 2.2.
2. Loosen the screws securing the metal cover to the driver enclosure, and then lift it up
and off the keyholes.
3. Disconnect all connectors from the driver by squeezing together the locking tabs and
pulling the connectors free. It may be helpful to label the cables to know which cable goes to which connector when reattaching the driver.
4. Remove the screws or nuts securing the driver to the inside of the enclosure.
5. Carefully lift the driver from the display and place it on a clean, flat surface.
6. Position a new driver over the screws and tighten the nuts.
7. Reconnect all power/signal connectors.
Note: The connectors are keyed and will attach in one way only. Do not attempt to force the connections.
8. Ensure the driver is set to the correct address (refer to Setting the Driver Address).
9. Close and secure the digit panel, then power up and test the scoreboard to see if
changing the driver has resolved the problem.
10 Scoreboard Troubleshooting
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