DAKTRONICS, INC. Networking Displays
HSSI* Remote Echo Display Network with an ADT6500 and ADT1500s
The HSSI network is used when all displays must simultaneously run the same message. Individual addressability
isn’t supported. Follow the HSSI NETWORK DIAGRAMS (Option 1,2 or 3) on the attached set of drawings.
Use Belden #9271 shielded, twisted pair cable, or if plenum (Teflon) cable is required, used Belden #89207.
*High Speed Serial Interface (U.S. patent #4551720).
Local Area Network (LAN-B) with ADTx500 Addressable Displays
This is a bi-directional network that uses an ADT6500 or ADT4500 at the “head end” to communicate with the
other ADT6500 or ADT3500 displays. Each display requires a LAN-B network connector: use LAN-B / DB9
for ADT6500s / 4500s, and LAN-B / Telco for ADT3500s. LAN-B networks are generally recommended when
all the displays are in one building, and he interconnecting cable is already available or easy to run. Follow the
Modem-based Network with ADTx500 Addressable Displays
This also is a bi-directional network that uses an ADT6500 at the “head end” with an external modem to
communicate with ADT6500s, or ADT4500/3500s with external, direct dial-up modems. Each display’s modem
must have its own direct phone line – the incoming messages can’t be handled through a switchboard. Modembased display networks are used when messages need to be sent to other buildings, or when hardwired cabling is
expensive, impractical or impossible to install within a location. Follow the attached MODEM-BASED
Setting New Standards Worldwide
P.O. Box 5128 331 32nd Ave. Brookings, SD 57006
Phone (605)697-4400 or (800) 843-9879 Fax 697-4700

The LAN-B bi-directional network is used in applications where an ADT6500 or ADT4500 will be used to transmit messages to other ADTx500s.
NOTE: the ADT3500 model can only receive messages or relay messages to other ADTx500 displays. It cannot initiate a message transmission.
IMPORTANT: Each LAN-B interface box has a “BIAS” switch. One and ONLY ONE of the LAN-B boxes (usually the one connected to
the first display in the network) must have its BIAS switch set to the ON position. All the other LAN-B interface boxes must have their
BIAS switches set to the OFF position. The ADTx500 display network will not operate correctly If these BIAS switches are not set as
described and illustrated here. Also, 120 Ohm terminating resistors must be installed at the first and last displays in the net work.
For ADT6500 or ADT4500 displays, use interface box LAN-B/DB9, which has a DB9 (9-pin) connector. For ADT3500 displays, use LAN-
B/TEL, which as a DB9 with an RJ-45 Telco (phone plug-style) adapter. Use Belden #9271 shielded, twisted pair wiring (or equivalent) for the
network run. Be sure to connect one and only one end of each Belden #9271 section’s drain (shield) wire to an earth ground (a screw on the
display, for example).
If you are using ADT3500 displays in your network, make sure each display’s #2 DIP switch (located under the INTERFACE MODULE cover
plate) is set to the ON position. Refer to the ADT3500 DIP switch setting instructions and diagram on the following page.
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