Daktronics KE-1010-7.6-RG User Manual

KE-1010 Series
Installation/Operation Manual
ED-15353 Rev 1 27 April 2007
Website: www.daktronics.com Tel 866-343-3122 Fax 605-697-4444
331 32
Ave PO Box 5128 Brookings SD 57006
ED-15353 Product 1182 Rev 1 – 27 April 2007
Fill in the chart with specific information about this display so the details are readily available when calling for service or replacement parts.
Information needed for technicians and/or Customer Service
Location address of the display: Model number of this display:
Version of software being used: (Consult software for this information.)
Method of communication: Network address:
Fill in the blanks
RS-422 or Ethernet
Copyright © 2003-2007
All rights reserved. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. No part of this book covered by the copyrights hereon may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems – without written permission of the publisher.
and DataStreamer™ are trademarks of Daktronics, Inc.
Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Display Overview ...................................................................................................................1
1.2 Drawing References................................................................................................................2
1.3 Safety Precautions...................................................................................................................2
Section 2: Mechanical Installation..............................................................................................3
2.1 Support Structure Design ......................................................................................................3
2.2 Display Mounting...................................................................................................................4
Ceiling Mount ..................................................................................................................4
Wall Mount.......................................................................................................................4
Mounting Multi-section Tickers ....................................................................................5
Section 3: Power Installation.......................................................................................................7
3.1 Power Requirements ..............................................................................................................7
3.2 Power Cord - Grounding.......................................................................................................8
Section 4: Signal Installation.......................................................................................................9
4.1 Network Options ....................................................................................................................9
RS-422 Connections .........................................................................................................9
Ethernet Connections ....................................................................................................11
4.2 Section to Section Connections............................................................................................12
4.3 Master to Master Connections ............................................................................................12
4.4 Installation Checklist............................................................................................................13
4.5 Boot Up Sequence .................................................................................................................13
Section 5: Maintenance & Troubleshooting.............................................................................15
5.1 Display Maintenance............................................................................................................15
Controller Diagnostic LEDs..........................................................................................15
Visual Structural Inspection.........................................................................................16
5.2 Troubleshooting ....................................................................................................................16
5.3 Definitions..............................................................................................................................17
Section 6: Parts Replacement...................................................................................................19
6.1 Replacement Parts List.........................................................................................................19
6.2 Removing the Face Panel.....................................................................................................21
6.3 Instructions for Replacing Parts..........................................................................................22
LED Module Replacement............................................................................................22
Power Supply Replacement .........................................................................................23
Shift Card Replacement ................................................................................................23
Controller Replacement ................................................................................................24
Controller Address ........................................................................................................25
Table of Contents i
Daktronics Exchange and Repair & Return Program ......................................................25
Exchange Program.........................................................................................................25
Repair & Return Program.............................................................................................26
Appendix A: Reference Drawings .................................................................................................27
Appendix B: Signal Converter .......................................................................................................29
Appendix C: Ethernet Configuration.............................................................................................35
Table of Contents
List of Figures
Figure 1: KE-1010 Display......................................................................................................................1
Figure 2: Basic Display Setup.................................................................................................................1
Figure 3: Front of 16 x 40 Module...........................................................................................................2
Figure 4: Drawing Label..........................................................................................................................2
Figure 5: Mounting Options.....................................................................................................................3
Figure 6: Ceiling Mount...........................................................................................................................4
Figure 7: Wall Mount...............................................................................................................................4
Figure 8: Master-Echo Installation Detail................................................................................................5
Figure 9: 16 and 24 High DakTickers Power Connection ......................................................................7
Figure 10: 16 High Twin DakTicker Power Connection..........................................................................7
Figure 11: Power Cord Connection ........................................................................................................8
Figure 12: RS-422 Signal Layout............................................................................................................9
Figure 13: Ethernet Signal Layout........................................................................................................11
Figure 14: Shift Board...........................................................................................................................12
Figure 15: Master to Echo Connection.................................................................................................12
Figure 16: Master to Master RS-422 Connection.................................................................................13
Figure 17: Controller with Diagnostic LEDs..........................................................................................15
Figure 18: Typical Label........................................................................................................................19
Figure 19: Removing the Face Panel...................................................................................................21
Figure 20: Detaching a Module.............................................................................................................22
Figure 21: Removing a Module.............................................................................................................22
Figure 22: Power Supply Wiring...........................................................................................................23
Figure 23: Shift Board...........................................................................................................................23
Figure 24: Display Controller ................................................................................................................24
Figure 25: RS-232 to RS-422 Signal Converter...................................................................................30
Figure 26: Flipped Cable (Reversed)....................................................................................................31
Figure 27: Straight Cable......................................................................................................................31
Figure 28: Network Cable Tester..........................................................................................................31
Figure 29: Signal Converter Enclosure.................................................................................................33
List of Figures iii
Section 1: Introduction
The Daktronics DakTicker KE-1010 displays are designed and manufactured for performance, reliability, easy maintenance, and long life. To ensure the optimal performance of this display, the manual explains the installation and maintenance of the KE-1010 displays. Sections 2, 3, and 4 provide mechanical, power, and signal installation instructions. Later sections include diagnostic and parts replacement information, along with the instructions for obtaining parts from Daktronics Customer Service. Definitions of terms are provided in Section 5.3. A DakTicker display is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: KE-1010 Display
1.1 Display Overview
The DakTicker model number is described as follows:
7.62 RG
The displays are offered as single-face (one-sided) units which may consist of a number of separate sections. Two types of display sections are used, one called the “master” and the other an “echo.” Master sections contain the controller board which receives information from the computer. Echo displays do not contain a controller board and require a master display to operate. Displays show information from a third party source, such as a wire service, ticker input, or Internet service, and scroll these messages from right to left on the display. A generic KE-1010 setup is illustrated in Figure 2.
= Indoor DakTicker display = Number of pixels high (16 or 24)
Number of columns wide
(120, 160, 200, 240, 280, 320, 360, 400) = Pixel spacing in millimeters = Tri-color (Red, Green, and Amber)
Figure 2: Basic Display Setup
Introduction 1
A module is the building block of the DakTicker display. By placing modules side-by-side, a display of any length can be designed and built. Individual modules can be easily removed from the display, if required modules consist of an array of LED (light emitting diode) pixels that are available in several matrix sizes. The height options include 16-pixels high and 24-pixels high as well as a twin ticker with two separate sections of 16 pixels high. Text can be configured into one large font or two to three lines of smaller fonts, as shown in Figure 1. Tickers are available in tri-color (red, green and amber) characters.
1.2 Drawing References
Drawings may be referenced at the beginning of a section and also within the text. The reference number consists of the last set of digits and the letter preceding them on the drawing label (Figure 4). The drawing number is located in the lower-right corner of the drawing. In the example below, the drawing would be referred to as Drawing B-206146. Reference drawings are inserted or listed in Appendix A.
. KE-1010
Figure 3: Front of 16 x 40 Module
Figure 4: Drawing Label
1.3 Safety Precautions
Read and understand these instructions before installing.
Be sure that the display is properly grounded.
Disconnect power when servicing the display.
Do not modify the display structure or attach any panels or coverings to
the display without the written consent of Daktronics.
Section 2: Mechanical Installation
Mechanical installation includes both support structure design and mounting methods. Two mounting methods are explained in this section, wall mount and ceiling mount.
Daktronics engineering staff must approve any changes made to the displays. If any modifications are made, detailed drawings of the changes must be submitted to Daktronics for evaluation and approval or the warranty may be void.
Daktronics is not responsible for the installations or the structural integrity of support structures installed by others.
Reference Drawings:
Shop Drawings ............................................................................................Listed in Appendix A
Mounting Drawing, Ceiling, KE-1010 ............................................................. Drawing A-118572
Shop Dwg, Horiz. Wall Mount, Gen II KE-1010 ............................................. Drawing A-234483
2.1 Support Structure Design
DakTicker KE-1010 displays are generally mounted on the wall or from the ceiling. Support structure design depends on mounting methods, display size, and weight. (Figure 5). The structure design is critical and should be done only by a qualified individual. It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that the structure and the connectors are adequate. Refer to the Shop Drawings listed in Appendix A for dimensions and mounting clip locations.
Attaching or hanging anything from the display will render the warranty null and void.
Figure 5: Mounting Options
Mechanical Installation 3
2.2 Display Mounting
It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that the installation will meet local standards.
The mounting hardware must be capable of supporting all components to be mounted.
Daktronics recommends either a wall mount or hanging mount method (Figure 5). Remember to have all mounted displays inspected by a qualified structural engineer.
Ceiling Mount
Splice bars, provided by Daktronics, have 3/8"-16 UNC holes that can be used to secure the ticker displays from a ceiling or other overhead structure. Use the middle hole only when using the splice bars for mounting. Daktronics does not provide the ceiling mounting supports. To hang a ticker, refer to Drawing
A-118572 and the following instructions:
1. Determine and mark the locations where the ceiling mounting
supports will attach to the overhead structure. The supports, when installed, should form a 90-degree angle with the top of the display (Figure 6).
2. Install the supports. Qualified personnel must approve the ceiling
mounting supports. Daktronics is not responsible for ceiling mounting.
3. Secure the splice bars to the supports.
4. Carefully hang each display by fitting the channel on the top of the
display over the splice plates and slide it into place (refer to Drawing A-118572). When multiple sections are used, each joint between
displays must have hanging support.
Figure 6: Ceiling Mount
Wall Mount
The wall mount method includes the installation of Z-brackets to hold the mounting clips attached to the back of the displays. Refer to Figure 7.
1. Determine the desired location of the top of the ticker display. Refer
to Drawing A-234483.
2. From the desired location for the top of the display, measure down
the distance listed in the chart following or Drawing A-234483. This is the height location where the bottom Z-bracket is going to be attached to the wall.
3. Determine the desired location of the end of the ticker display.
Measure from this point 3/4” in toward the display body if the display has an endcap, or 1/2” if an endcap is not present.
4. Mount the bottom Z-bracket at this location.
5. Once the bottom Z-bracket is mounted place the metal spacers
(provided by Daktronics) on top of the bottom Z-bracket. Be sure the arrow points up.
6. Mount the top Z-bracket so that the bottom of the bracket touches the
top of the spacer and the ends align with the bottom bracket.
Figure 7: Wall Mount
Mechanical Installation
Display Distance From Display Top To
Bottom Bracket Attachment Point
KE-1010-16x***-7.62 0’-10 ¼” (260 mm) KE-1010-24x***-7.62 0’-13 ¼” (337 mm) KE-1010-2-16x***-7.62 0’-17 ¼” (438 mm)
Mounting Multi-section Tickers
The echo sections are shipped without end caps. Remove the left outer end cap from the master ticker and attach it to the left-most echo ticker (refer to Figure 8).
Figure 8: Master-Echo Installation Detail
1. Before attempting to connect the sections, check their mounted alignment in relation
to each other. If the alignment is off, then adjust the mounting clips on the back of the tickers.
2. Hang each section according to the appropriate mounting directions.
3. Refer to Section 3 for routing power and Section 4 for signal installation to each
4. Slide the sections together.
5. Slide the splice bar over the joint(s) between the displays.
6. Tighten the screws (provided in the splices) using a 3/16" hex wrench.
Mechanical Installation 5
Section 3: Power Installation
Only a qualified individual should terminate power and signal cable at this Daktronics display.
All proposed changes must be approved by Daktronics engineering staff or the warranty will be rendered null and void.
Reference Drawings:
Power Specs, GEN II, KE-101
Shop Drawings........................................................................................................in Appendix A
Schematics..............................................................................................................in Appendix A
3.1 Power Requirements
The displays accept a universal input voltage of 100-240 VAC at 50-60 Hz. Refer to the following table and the drawings referenced at the beginning of the section for voltage and current requirements. The displays are sufficiently powered by a 100-240 VAC single-phase outlet. Refer to Drawing A-234168 for the power specifications for individual DakTicker display sizes.
No more than two additional sections may be powered from one powered section. Total display length powered from one section is not to exceed 20 feet (6.1 M).
*-16x***, 24x***, 2-16*** .................................... Drawing A-234168
Figure 9: 16 and 24 High DakTickers Power Connection
Figure 10: 16 High Twin DakTicker Power Connection
Power Installation 7
Power Specifications for Tickers with Multiple Sections
# of Phases 16 and 24 High Twin 16 High
Amps Per Line
Max Watts
6.9 (Sum of 3 Sections) 13.8 (Sum of 3 Sections)
825 Watts (Sum of 3 Sections) 1650 Watts (Sum of 3 Sections)
Voltage – Secondary
3.2 Power Cord - Grounding
Note: Most products are equipped with a 3-wire grounding-type
plug—a plug having a third (grounding) pin. This plug will only fit into a grounding-type power outlet. This is an essential safety feature. If the correct outlet is not available for this plug, contact a qualified
of the grounding-type plug.
The DakTicker displays are each supplied with a six­foot long removable power cord. The socket-outlet should be available near the equipment and easily accessible. Plug the power cord into the socket on the back of the display, as shown in Figure 11.
Note: No more than two additional display sections can be powered from this section. Total length of the display cannot exceed 20 feet (6.1 M)
If proper grounding methods are not followed, the warranty will be void.
electrician to replace the obsolete outlet. Do not defeat the purpose
Figure 11: Power Cord Connection
Power Installation
Section 4: Signal Installation
To display messages on a KE-1010 display, signal is sent from the computer to the ticker via one of two possible network systems: RS-422 or Ethernet. Signal is received by the controller board inside the master section of the ticker. The controller board processes the data and relays it to the shift card. The shift card relays signal to the modules, then the appropriate LEDs create the messages which scroll across the ticker display.
Reference Drawings:
Concept System Riser Diagram TCP/IP......................................................... Drawing A-229840
Concept System Riser Diagram RS-422........................................................ Drawing A-229912
Schematics..............................................................................................................in Appendix A
4.1 Network Options
RS-422 Connections
An RS-422 communication system requires a signal converter to change the computer’s RS­232 output into RS-422 signal for the controller. The typical maximum cable length is 1.2km (approximately 4,000 feet). Refer to Appendix B for information on the signal converter. Refer to Figure 12 for an overview of this communication layout.
Figure 12: RS-422 Signal Layout
To connect RS-422 signal, follow these steps:
1. Plug the serial cable’s 25-pin connector into the signal converter.
2. Plug the 9-pin connector into the RS-232 COM port to be used.
3. Plug the signal converter’s power cord into a grounded outlet.
Note: The signal converter requires a specific supply voltage of 120 or 240 VAC.
4. Plug a flipped 6-conductor RJ11 cable into the “RS-422 OUT” of the signal converter
and the opposite end into the “RS-422 IN” of the master section.
5. Plug the ticker’s power cord into a 100-240 VAC grounded outlet.
Signal Installation 9
RS-422 Pin-outs
The controller’s RS-422 jacks have the following pin-outs:
Signal Converter Pin-outs
The signal converter has two RS-422 output jacks, with the following pin-out:
RJ11 Function
1 N.C. 2 D1OUT-P 3 D1OUT-N 4 D1IN-P 5 D1IN-N 6 N.C.
RJ11 Function
1 N.C. 2 D2OUT-N 3 D2OUT-P 4 D2IN-N 5 D2IN-P 6 N.C.
RJ45 Function
1 N.C. 2 CHGND 3 TX.A-N 4 TX.A-P 5 RX.A-N 6 RX.A-P 7 CHGND 8 N.C.
Signal Installation
Ethernet Connections
For DakTickers using an Ethernet system for communication, a network connection will be made from the network hub or switch to the master section. The Cat-5/Cat-5E cable has a typical maximum length of 100 meters (approximately 300 feet). The controller has an onboard Ethernet port with a default address that will need to be reconfigured to an address on the local network. Refer to Appendix C. The default address is
Figure 13: Ethernet Signal Layout
Follow these steps to set up the Ethernet system:
1. Plug the computer into a network hub.
2. Plug the network cable into a network hub or switch.
3. Plug the other end of the RJ45 network cable into the jack labeled “Ethernet IN” on
4. Plug the ticker’s power cord into a 100-240 VAC grounded outlet.
Ethernet Pin-outs
The controller’s Ethernet input jack has the following pin-out:
the controller in the master section.
RJ45 Function
1 TX+ 2 TX­3 RX+ 4 EPWR+ 5 EPWR+ 6 RX­7 EPWR­8 EPWR-
Signal Installation 11
4.2 Section to Section Connections
The signal between the master and echo sections is connected using 20-pin ribbon cables between the shift board and the last module of the previous section (Figure 15). Follow these steps to connect display sections.
1. Carefully hang the echo section(s) as described in
Section 2.2. Do not yet slide the sections together.
2. A ribbon cable should already be plugged into the
“Signal In” jack on the shift board (Figure 14) of the first echo section. If it isn’t, do so at this time.
3. Plug one end of the ribbon cable into the “Out” jack on
the back of module A101 (the left end module) of the master section.
4. If an echo section is present, plug P42/P43 of the echo
section into J42/J43 of the master section to complete the interconnection of power. Repeat this for additional sections. Note: Total display length cannot exceed 20 feet per power cord.
5. The connection for a master to one echo is shown in Figure 15. Repeat steps 1 though
3 to connect and hang each consecutive echo ticker. All other internal wiring between modules has been done by Daktronics.
Figure 14: Shift Board
Figure 15: Master to Echo Connection
4.3 Master to Master Connections
In some cases, more than one master display is used instead of the master-echo configuration. In this case, signal can be transmitted between master displays using a flipped 6-conductor RJ11 cable running RS-422. To connect multiple master displays:
1. Signal into the first display can be either RS-422 or Ethernet.
2. Connection between displays will always be RS-422. Connect from RS-422 OUT on
the first display to RS-422 IN on the second display (Figure 16).
3. Master displays connected in this way will need to have different addresses set on
each controller.
Signal Installation
Figure 16: Master to Master RS-422 Connection
4.4 Installation Checklist
After installation is complete, go over these steps to make sure that the display is properly connected and ready to operate correctly.
1. Carefully check the voltage between the hot lines and neutral. Normal voltage range
is between 100 VAC and 240 VAC.
2. If problems arise with the voltage, check with a local electrician or power company.
3. Plug the power cord(s) from the ticker(s) into a grounded 100-240 VAC single-phase,
grounded outlet(s).
4. Turn power ON to the outlet(s).
4.5 Boot Up Sequence
Each time the KE-1010 is powered up, the following information is shown on the display face. The Xs represent numbers that will change according to the specific installation.
DakTicker by Daktronics
IP Address
Signal Installation 13
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