Daktronics GameDay Baseball User Manual

201 Daktronics Drive PO Box 5128 Brookings, SD 57006-5128 Tel: 1-800-DAKTRONICS (1-800-325-8766) Fax: 605-697-4700 Web: www.daktronics.com
Baseball Software
Installation & Operation Manual
ED-13979 Rev 6 12 April 2012
Rev 6 – 12 April 2012
Copyright 2009-2012
All rights reserved. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. No part of this book covered by the copyrights hereon may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems – without written permission of the publisher.
DakStats® is a trademark of Daktronics, Inc. All other trademarks used in this manual are the property of their respective owners.
Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Software Overview ................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Major Features ......................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 System Requirements ............................................................................................................. 1
1.4 Software Conventions ............................................................................................................ 2
Section 2: Installation & Registration ......................................................................................... 3
2.1 Installation................................................................................................................................ 3
2.2 Registration .............................................................................................................................. 3
Section 3: Operation ..................................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Creating a New MLB Season in DakStats ............................................................................ 5
3.2 GameDay Baseball User Interface......................................................................................... 7
3.3 GameDay Baseball Configuration ........................................................................................ 9
Team Tab ........................................................................................................................... 9
Communication Tab ...................................................................................................... 10
3.4 Setting Up Today’s Game .................................................................................................... 11
3.5 Manual Download ................................................................................................................ 11
Setup on Internet Computer ......................................................................................... 11
Setup on DakStats Computer ....................................................................................... 12
Manual Download Procedure ...................................................................................... 12
3.6 All Star Games ....................................................................................................................... 13
3.7 Postseason Stats ..................................................................................................................... 14
Appendix A: GameDay Basic Catalog .......................................................................................... 15
Appendix B: GameDay Premium Catalog..................................................................................... 17
Appendix C: Elias Ingame Cheat Sheet ........................................................................................ 21
Appendix D: GameDay Baseball ITFs ........................................................................................... 25
Appendix E: MLB Files & ID Codes .............................................................................................. 27
Table of Contents i

Section 1: Introduction

The purpose of this manual is to assist in the installation and operation of the GameDay Baseball application. The manual is divided into the following main sections:
Introduction covers the basic information about the program and this manual. Take time to
read the introduction as it defines terms and explains concepts used throughout the manual.
Installation & Registration describes the software installation procedures. Operation details the specific operation of the software application. Appendix contains supplemental information about or for the application.
Daktronics identifies manuals by the ED or DD number located on the cover page of each manual. For example, this manual would be referred to as ED-13979.

1.1 Software Overview

The GameDay Baseball application downloads and converts season statistics from Major League Baseball® Advanced Media (MLBAM) and season/career statistics from the Elias Sports Bureau (ESB) into formats used by Daktronics display controllers. GameDay Baseball is used in conjunction with DakStats Baseball to provide users with the latest season stats and rosters for each game.

1.2 Major Features

The major features of the GameDay Baseball application are listed below:
Downloads team rosters and season stats from MLBAM Downloads standings and leaders from MLBAM Downloads situational stats from the ESB Converts all data into a database useable by Daktronics display controllers through
the Daktronics Scoring-Timing Interface (DSTI)
Converts data from ESB that can be used to update in-game situational statistics Integration with DakStats Baseball for up-to-date rosters and season stats when
setting up seasons and new games

1.3 System Requirements

The GameDay Baseball application has the following system requirements:
Microsoft 1 GHz CPU or higher 256MB RAM 20MB free disk space Mouse & Keyboard Internet connection for automatic downloads
The GameDay Baseball application will typically be loaded onto a computer system that already contains other Daktronics software, typically the main display control computer.
Windows 2000 or better
Introduction 1

1.4 Software Conventions

Indicates an item that requires direct action, such as clicking, pressing, selecting or formatting.
Indicates onscreen text or labels that are not clickable.
Bold Italics
Used to reference items within the manual, such as figures or sections, as well as other documents and important notes.
Represents a keyboard key that needs to be pressed.
Text or commands that may be typed. Quotes also indicate folder names.
Press and release the left mouse button.
Press and release the left mouse button twice.
Press and release the right mouse button.
Highlight or mark, such as by placing a check mark in a nearby box; clicking will not necessarily perform an action.
Followed by (ex. File > Open).
This manual contains the following software conventions and terminology:
2 Introduction

Section 2: Installation & Registration

Figure 1: GameDay Baseball Icon
Figure 2: Subscription Expiration

2.1 Installation

To install the GameDay Baseball application:
1. Open an Internet browser.
2. Type dakfiles.daktronics.com/downloads/Sports_Products/GameDay%20Baseball/
in the address bar.
3. Click on the GameDaybaseballInstall.exe” file.
4. In the window that appears, click Run. If an additional window opens, click Run
once more.
5. Follow the onscreen instructions.
6. Click Finish when done.
7. An icon should appear on the desktop (Figure 1).
Double-click this icon to open the program.*
Alternately, go to Start > All Programs > Daktronics > GameDay Baseball.
*Note for Windows 7 users: In order to properly open and register the program, it is necessary to right-click the desktop icon and select Run as administrator. To ensure the program always opens properly, right-click the icon and select Properties. On the Compatibility tab, ensure Run this program as an administrator is checked.

2.2 Registration

When the GameDay Baseball application is first opened, users must obtain a new software license using the given serial number (Figure 2).
To renew the subscription:
1. Email the Serial Number exactly as it
appears to DakStats@daktronics.com and a license file will be emailed back.
2. Save the license file to C:\Program Files\Daktronics\GameDay Baseball
(or C:\Program Files (x86)\Daktronics\GameDay Baseball for Windows 7)
Note: Without a subscription, the GameDay Baseball application will not start. If using Windows 7, the program will start without registration; however, until it is running as an administrator and registered, the program will be locked to downloading and converting season stats only.
Installation 3
Figure 3: DakStats System Preferences
Figure 4: Adding a New MLB Season In DakStats

Section 3: Operation

The operation of the GameDay Baseball application is streamlined by the use of XML files from MLB.com and the Elias Sports Bureau (ESB). Once a season has been properly configured, the entire pregame download process can be completed with a click of a button.
This section of the manual on program operation is broken into five main sections:
Creating a New MLB Season in DakStats GameDay Baseball User Interface GameDay Baseball Configuration Setting Up Today’s Game Manual Download Procedure All Star Games Postseason Stats

3.1 Creating a New MLB Season in DakStats

Before beginning, there must be at least one season set up in DakStats Baseball.
Note: If the current season has already been created, skip ahead to the next section.
1. In DakStats Baseball, go to Configure > Season and System Preferences (Figure 3).
2. On the Seasons tab, click Add, and the New Season window will appear (Figure 4).
Operation 5
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