Daktronics GalaxyPro GP3, GalaxyPro GP4 User Manual

Rear-Ventilated GalaxyPro® GP3 and GP4 Display Installation Quick Guide
Complete these steps in order during the installation process.
Refer to Section 3 of display manual for additional information.
Note: For Multi-Section Displays – See reverse side of this
document for section splicing instructions.
1. Lift the display into position on support structure. Refer to label at lift eyes for information.
• Maintain a
55-degree or greater angle between display and lift straps.
• Do not
adjust or remove lift eyes.
• Do not lift display in wind speeds greater than 20
2. Weld or bolt ALL T-clips to support structure.
Angle must be greater than 55°
Step 2: Power Installation
Refer to Section 5 of display manual or shop drawing for additional information.
1. Open power entrance.
2. Connect conduit to 2” Myers hub on the left side of the
power entrance located on back of display.
3. Connect primary power lines to appropriate taps in enclosure – refer to label on enclosure for wiring diagram.
Step 3: External Cable Installation
Refer to Section 7 of display manual for additional information.
Note: Refer to label
on back of display for cable routing.
1. Install fiber quick-connect cables between display sections when applicable.
2. Install fiber quick­connect cable between Primary and Mirror display faces when applicable. Note: Remove protective cap from cables.
Step 4: Communications Installation
Refer to communications manual or section 8 in display manual for additional information.
Step 6: Venus 1500 Software Conguration
Refer to Section 9 of display manual for additional information.
1. Click Start > All Programs > Daktronics > Venus 1500 V4 to verify Venus 1500 is installed on the control
2. Click Application button > Congure > Displays to launch the display configuration wizard in Venus 1500..
3. Click Add Display.
4. Select the customer’s display from the list and click Continue.
Note: T-clips can be adjusted within the guidelines of the
label located at each T-clip.
DD1931894 Rev 05
21 Ocotober 2014
4. Reinstall power entrance cover.
5. Connect grounding electrode to ground lug on each section.
1. Mount display communications enclosure (wire Ethernet, fiber Ethernet or radio) according to guidelines in communications manual.
2. Route quick-connect cables from enclosure to Primary display quick connect.
3. Connect cables to quick-connect on back of display.
4. Make interior connections to customer’s network or
directly to control computer.
Step 5: Turn Display On
Observe boot sequence shown on the display to get the IP Address or DHCP name.
Note: Boot time is approximately 3 minutes.
PO Box 5128 201 Daktronics Drive, Brookings, SD 57006-5128
tel: 800-325-8766 fax: 605-697-4700
5. Enter the customer’s password on the Authentication Page. Click Continue. The default password for GP4 displays is DakPassword!.
6. Name the display. Click Continue.
7. Select the correct time zone for the display’s location.
8. Click Finish in the Summary window. The new display
appears in the Display Management window.
9. Close the Display Management window to return to the Home tab view.
Rear-Ventilated GalaxyPro® GP3 and GP4 Display Section Splicing Instructions
Top Section
Bottom Section
Splice Key
Top Section
Bottom Section
Section Splice Instructions
Refer to Section 4 of display manual for additional information.
Due to size, some displays ship in multiple sections. A sectional display consists of multiple sections to form a single display face.
Note: Section splicing can be completed at ground level if the display is no more than two sections tall.
1. Ensure splice key is in channel on bottom section.
6. Use splice wrench to draw sections together.
7. Connect splice plates and splice T-clips to both sections.
8. Tighten all nuts on all splice plates and splice T-clips.
Splice Plate
Display Face
2. Attach crane to top section.
3. Unbolt top section from truck.
4. Lift top section and spin 180 degrees.
5. Lower top section until splice key engages.
Bottom Section
9. Refer to Step 1: Display Mounting on reverse side.
DD1931894 Rev 05
21 October 2014
PO Box 5128 201 Daktronics Drive, Brookings, SD 57006-5128
tel: 800-325-8766 fax: 605-697-4700