Daikin Ventilation Product catalogue 2020 for professionals

Heat reclaim ventilation and air processing
Pre heating or cooling of fresh air for lower load on the air conditioning system
› Energy saving ventilation using indoor heating,
cooling and moisture recovery
pre conditioning incoming fresh air
› Humidification of the incoming air results in
comfortable indoor humidity level, even during heating
› Free cooling possible when outdoor
temperature is below indoor temperature (eg. during nighttime)
› Prevent energy losses from over-ventilation
while maintaining indoor air quality with optional CO
› Shorter installation time thanks to easy
adjustment of nominal air flow rate, so less need for dampers compared with traditional installation.
Heat reclaim ventilat ion,
air processing and humidification
Heat reclaim ventilation and air processing
Ventilation VKM-GBM/VKM-GB 50GBM 80GBM 100GBM 50GB 80GB 100GB
Power input - 50Hz
Heat exchange mode
Nom. Ultra high kW 0.270 0.330 0.410 0.270 0.330 0.410
Bypass mode Nom. Ultra high kW 0.270 0.330 0.410 0.270 0.330 0.410 Fresh air conditioning load Temperature exchange efficienc y - 50Hz Enthalpy exchange efficienc y - 50Hz
Cooling kW 4.71 / 1.91 / 3.5 7.46 / 2.96 / 5.6 9.12 / 3.52 / 7.0 4.71 / 1.91 / 3.5 7.46 / 2.96 / 5.6 9.12 / 3.52 / 7.0
Heating kW 5.58 / 2.38 / 3.5 8.79 / 3.79 / 5.6 10.69 / 4.39 / 7.0 5.58 / 2.38 / 3.5 8.79 / 3.79 / 5.6 10.69 / 4.39 / 7.0
Ultra high/High/Low % 76/76/7 7.5 78/78/79 74/74 /76.5 76/76/ 77.5 78/78/79 74/74/ 76.5
Cooling Ultra high/High/Low % 64/6 4/67 66/66/6 8 62/6 2/66 64/6 4/67 66/66/6 8 62/6 2/66
Heating Ultra high/High/Low % 67/6 7/69 71/71/ 73 65/65/69 67/67/ 69 71/71/7 3 65/65/69 Operation mode Heat exchange mode / Bypass mode / Fresh-up mode Heat exchange system Air to air cross flow total heat (sensible + latent heat) exchange Heat exchange element Specially processed non-flammable paper Humidifier System Natural evaporating type ­Dimensions Unit HeightxWidthxDepth mm 387x1,764x832 387x1,764x1,214 387x1,764x832 387x1,764x1,214 Weight Unit kg 100 119 123 94 110 112 Casing Material Galvanised steel plate Fan-Air flow rate
- 50Hz Fan-External static pressure - 50Hz
Heat exchange mode
Bypass mode Ultra high m³/ h 500 750 950 500 750 950
Ultra high Pa 200 205 110 210 150
High Pa 150 155 70 170 160 100
Ultra high m³/ h 500 750 950 500 750 950
Low Pa 120 105 60 140 110 70 Air filter Ty pe Multidirectional fibrous fleeces Sound pressure level - 50Hz
Heat exchange mode
Bypass mode Ultra high dBA 39 41 40 41.5 41
Ultra high dBA 38 40 39 41.5 41
Operation range Around unit °CDB 0°C~40°CDB, 80% RH or less
Supply air °CDB -15°C~40°CDB, 80% RH or less
Return air °CDB 0°C~40°CDB, 80% RH or less
On coil
Cooling Max. °CDB -15 Heating Min. °CDB 43 43
Refrigerant Type /GWP R-410A/ 2,087.5
Control Electronic expansion valve Connection duct diameter mm 200 250 200 250 Piping connections Liquid OD mm 6.35
Gas OD mm 12.7
Water supply mm 6.4 -
Drain PT3/4 external thread Power supply Phase/Frequency/Voltage Hz/V 1~/50/2 20-240 Current Maximum fuse amps (MFA) A 15
Contains fluorinated greenhouse gases
Daikin Europe N.V. Naamloze Vennootschap · Zandvoordestraat 300 · 8400 Oostende · Belgium · www.daikin.eu · BE 0412 120 336 · RPR Oostende (Responsible Editor)Daikin Europe N.V. Naamloze Vennootschap · Zandvoordestraat 300 · 8400 Oostende · Belgium · www.daikin.eu · BE 0412 120 336 · RPR Oostende (Responsible Editor)Daikin Europe N.V. Naamloze Vennootschap · Zandvoordestraat 300 · 8400 Oostende · Belgium · www.daikin.eu · BE 0412 120 336 · RPR Oostende (Responsible Editor)
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