Daikin VAM 650FAVE, VAM 250FAVE, VAM 1000FAVE, VAM 1500FAVE, VAM 2000FAVE Service Manual

Heat Recovery Ventilation

Heat Recovery Ventilation

1. Introduction .............................................................................................v
1.1 Safety Cautions ....................................................................................... v
Part 1 General Constructions .......................................................1
1. General Constructions ............................................................................2
1.1 Explanation.............................................................................................. 2
Part 2 Product Specification ........................................................5
1. Product Specification ..............................................................................6
1.1 Specification ............................................................................................ 6
Part 3 Operation............................................................................9
1. Operation ..............................................................................................10
1.1 Explanation for Systems........................................................................ 10
1.2 Operation HRV Units with The Remote Control exclusively
for Air Conditioning Operation. (BRC301B61)....................................... 11
1.3 Operating The HRV Unit Using The Remote Controller
of The VRV-System Air Conditioner...................................................... 13
1.4 Independent Operation of The HRV Unit Using
The Centralized Controller (DCS302B61) ............................................. 14
Part 4 Maintenance.....................................................................15
1. Maintenance..........................................................................................16
1.1 Maintenance for The Air Filter ............................................................... 16
1.2 Maintenance for The Heat Exchange Element...................................... 18
Part 5 Control Functions.............................................................19
1. Control Functions..................................................................................20
1.1 List of Control Functions........................................................................ 20
1.2 Explanation of Individual Functions....................................................... 21
1.3 Layout of switches on Printed Circuit Board.......................................... 27
Part 6 Circuit Operations ............................................................29
1. Circuit Operations .................................................................................30
1.1 Circuit Configuration.............................................................................. 30
1.2 Circuit Functions.................................................................................... 31
Part 7 Troubleshooting ...............................................................33
1. Troubleshooting ....................................................................................34
1.1 Error Code Indication............................................................................. 34
1.2 Overall Alarm......................................................................................... 35
1.3 Overall Malfunction................................................................................ 36
1.4 Indoor Air Thermistor Error.................................................................... 37
1.5 Outdoor Air Thermistor Error................................................................. 38
1.6 Damper System Error (Alarm)............................................................... 39
1.7 Damper System Error (Alarm)............................................................... 40
1.8 Dedicated LCD Remote Controller........................................................ 41
ii Table of Contents
1.9 Data Transmission Error
(Between LCD Remote Controller and Main Unit)................................. 42
1.10 Data Transmission Error (LCD Remote Controller)............................... 43
1.11 Data Transmission Error (Between LCD Master Remote Controller
and Slave Remote Controller) ............................................................... 44
1.12 Field Setting Error.................................................................................. 45
1.13 Overlapping Central Control Address.................................................... 46
1.14 Main Unit PCB Assembly ...................................................................... 47
1.15 Dedicated LCD Remote Controller ........................................................ 48
1.16 How to Check ........................................................................................ 49
1.17 Thermistor ............................................................................................. 50
1.18 Power Transformer................................................................................ 51
1.19 Damper Motor........................................................................................ 52
Part 8 Supplementary Explanation.............................................53
1. Supplementary Explanation ..................................................................54
1.1 Field Setting, Service Mode Operation.................................................. 54
Part 9 Appendix...........................................................................65
1. Appendix ...............................................................................................66
1.1 Wiring Diagram...................................................................................... 66
Index .............................................................................................i
Drawings & Flow Charts ................................................................v
Table of Contents iii
iv Table of Contents
SiE71-202 Introduction

1. Introduction

1.1 Safety Cautions

Cautions and Warnings
Be sure to read the following safety cautions before conducting repair work. 
The caution items are classified into “ are especially important since they can lead to death or serious injury if they are not followed closely. The “ followed. Therefore, be sure to observe all the safety caution items described below.
About the pictograms
This symbol indicates an item for which caution must be exercised.
The pictogram shows the item to which attention must be paid.
This symbol indicates a prohibited action.
The prohibited item or action is shown inside or near the symbol.
This symbol indicates an action that must be taken, or an instruction.
The instruction is shown inside or near the symbol.
After the repair work is complete, be sure to conduct a test operation to ensure that the equipment operates normally, and explain the cautions for operating the product to the customer.
Caution ” items can also lead to serious accidents under some conditions if they are not
Warning ” and “
Caution ”. The “
Warning ” items
Introduction SiE71-202
1.1.1 Cautions in Operation and Maintenance
Never inspect or service the unit by yourself. Ask a qualified service person to perform this work. (The qualified service person) WARNING: Before obtaining access to terminal devices ( ), all power supply circuit must be interrupted.
Electric shock may result. Before servicing the unit, always shut off power.
Do not change operations suddenly. It can result not only in malfunction but also failure of switches or relays in the body.
Always use the air filter. If the air fitter is not used, heat exchange elements will be clogged, possibly causing poor performance and subsequent failure.
SiE71-202 Introduction
• Place such as machinery plant and chemical plant where gas, which contains noxious gas or corrosive components of mate ­rials such as acid, alkali, orga nic solvent and paint, is generated. Place where combustible gas leakage is likely.
Such gas can cause fire.
Do not use a HRV or an air suction/discharge grille in the following places.
• Place subjected to high temperature or direct flame.
Avoid a place where the temperature near the HRV unit and the air suction/discharge air grille exceeds 50°C If the unit is used at high temperature, deformed air filter and heat exchange element or burned motor result.
• Place such as bathroom subjected to moisture.
Electric leak or electric shock and other failure can be caused.
• Place subjected to much carbon black.
Carbon black attaches to air filter and heat exchange element, marking them unable to use.
Introduction SiE71-202
1.1.2 Using Icons
Icons are used to attract the attention of the reader to specific information. The meaning of each icon is described in the table below:
1.1.3 Using Icons List
Icon Type of
Information Note A “note” provides information that is not indispensable, but may
Caution A “caution” is used when there is danger that the reader, through
Warning A “warning” is used when there is danger of personal injury.
nevertheless be valuable to the reader, such as tips and tricks.
incorrect manipulation, may damage equipment, loose data, get an unexpected result or has to restart (part of) a procedure.
Reference A “reference” guides the reader to other places in this binder or in this
manual, where he/she will find additional information on a specific topic.
Part 1
General Constructions
1. General Constructions ............................................................................2
1.1 Explanation.............................................................................................. 2
General Constructions SiE71-202

1. General Constructions

1.1 Explanation

1Ceiling Hock 2 Duct Connection Flange 3Exhaust Fan 4 Air Filter (Long Life Filter) 5Damper 6 Switch Box 7Maintenance Cover 8 Heat Exchange Elements
9Name Plate 10 Air Supply Fan 11 Remote Controller (Option Parts) 12 Damper Motor 13 EA (Exhaust Air) [Exhaust Air to Outdoor] 14 OA (Outdoor Air) [Fresh Air from Outdoor] 15 Maintenance Space for The Air Filters, Heat
Exchange Elements and Switch Box
17 SA (Supply Air) [Feed Air to Room]
2 General Constructions
16 RA (Return Air) [Exhaust Air from Room]
SiE71-202 General Constructions
1Ceiling Hock 2 Duct Connection Flange
3Exhaust Fan 4 Air Filter (Long Life Filter)
5Damper 6 Switch Box
7Maintenance Cover 8 Heat Exchange Elements
9Name Plate 10 Air Supply Fan 11 Remote Controller (Option Parts) 12 Damper Motor 13 EA (Exhaust Air) [Exhaust Air to Outdoor] 14 OA (Outdoor Air) [Fresh Air from Outdoor] 15 Maintenance Space for The Air Filters, Heat
Exchange Elements and Switch Box
17 SA (Supply Air) [Feed Air to Room]
16 RA (Return Air) [Exhaust Air from Room]
General Constructions SiE71-202
4 General Constructions
Part 2
Product Specification
1. Product Specification ..............................................................................6
1.1 Specification ............................................................................................ 6
Product Specification 5
Product Specification SiE71-202

1. Product Specification

1.1 Specification

Power Supply Single Phase 220 – 240 V / 220 V, 50 / 60 Hz Temperature Exchanging
Enthalpy Exchange Efficiency
Casing Galvanized Steel Plate Insulating Material Self-extinguishable Urethane Foam Dimensions H Heat Exchanging System Air to Air Cross Flow Total Heat (Sensible Heat + Latent Heat) Exchange Heat Exchanging Element Specially Processed Nonflammable Paper Air Filter Multidirectional Fibrous Fleeces Fan Type Sirocco Fan
Fan Motor Type Open Type Capacitor Permanent Split-phase Induction Motor, 4 Poles Motor Output kW 0.030 Operating
Operation Range (Ambient) –15˚C to 50˚CDB (80% RH or Less) Connection Duct Diameter mm Weight kg 24 24 33 Drawing Number 4D020371A 4D020372A 4D020373A
Cooling Ultra-High % 58 / 58 58 / 58 61 / 61
Heating Ultra-High % 64 / 64 64 / 64 65 / 65
Fan Speed
External Static Pressure
Heat Exchange Mode
Bypass Mode
Ultra-High % 74 / 74 72 / 72 75 / 75 High % 74 / 74 72 / 72 75 / 75 Low % 79 / 80 77 / 77 80 / 81
High % 58 / 58 58 / 58 61 / 61 Low % 64 / 66 62 / 63 67 / 68
High % 64 / 64 64 / 64 65 / 65 Low % 69 / 71 68 / 69 70 / 71
W × D mm 269 × 760 × 509 269 × 760 × 509 285 × 812 × 800
Ultra-High m High m Low m Ultra-High Pa 69 / 98 64 / 98 98 / 142 High Pa 39 / 54 39 / 54 70 / 85 Low Pa 20 / 24 20 / 20 25 / 15
Ultra-High dBA 27 – 28.5 / 28.52 28 – 29 / 29.5 32 – 34 / 34.5 High dBA 26 – 27.5 / 26.5 26 – 27 / 26 31.5 – 33 / 32 Low dBA 20.5 – 21.5 / 19 21 – 22 / 19.5 23.5 – 26 / 22 Ultra-High dBA 27 – 28.5 / 28 28 – 29 / 29 32 – 34 / 34.5 High dBA 26.5 – 27.5 / 27 27 – 28 / 27 31 – 32.5 / 33 Low dBA 20.5 – 21.5 / 20 21 – 22 / 20.5 24.5 – 26.5 / 22
/ h 150 / 150 250 / 250 350 / 350 / h 150 / 150 250 / 250 350 / 350 / h 110 / 110 155 / 145 230 / 210
2 0.030 × 2 0.090 × 2
Test conditions are as follows
Indoor Outdoor
Cooling condition 27 50 35 60 Heating condition 20 40 7 70
1. Operation sound is measured at 1.5 m below the center the body.
2. Fan speed can be changed over to Low mode or High mode.
3. Operating sound is measured in an anechoic chamber. Operating sound level generally become greater than this value depending on the operating conditions, reflected sound, and peripheral noise.
4. The sound level at the air discharge port is about 8 dB higher than the unit’s operating sound.
˚CDB R·H (%) ˚CDB R·H (%)
(50 / 60Hz)
6 Product Specification
SiE71-202 Product Specification
Power Supply Single Phase 220 – 240 V / 220 V, 50 / 60 Hz Temperature Exchanging
Enthalpy Exchange Efficiency
Casing Galvanized Steel Plate Insulating Material Self-extinguishable Urethane Foam Dimensions H Heat Exchanging System Air to Air Cross Flow Total Heat (Sensible Heat + Latent Heat) Exchange Heat Exchanging Element Specially Processed Nonflammable Paper Air Filter Multidirectional Fibrous Fleeces Fan Type Sirocco Fan
Fan Motor Type Open Type Capacitor Permanent Split-phase Induction Motor, 4 Poles Motor Output kW 0.090 Operating
Operation Range (Ambient) –15˚C to 50˚CDB (80% RH or Less) Connection Duct Diameter mm Weight kg 33 48 48 Drawing Number 4D020374A 4D020375A 4D020376A
Cooling Ultra-High % 58 / 58 58 / 58 60 / 60
Heating Ultra-High % 62 / 62 63 / 63 65 / 65
Fan Speed
External Static Pressure
Heat Exchange Mode
Bypass Mode
Ultra-High % 74 / 74 74 / 74 74 / 74 High % 74 / 74 74 / 74 74 / 74 Low % 77 / 78.5 77 / 78 76 / 76
High % 58 / 58 58 / 58 60 / 60 Low % 63 / 65.5 63 / 65 62 / 63
High % 62 / 62 63 / 63 65 / 65 Low % 67 / 68.5 66 / 68 67 / 68
W × D mm 285 × 812 × 800 348 × 988 × 852 348 × 988 × 852
Ultra-High m High m Low m Ultra-High Pa 98 / 147 93 / 162 137 / 225 High Pa 54 / 54 39 / 69 98 / 118 Low Pa 25 / 20 25 / 34 49 / 69
Ultra-High dBA 33 – 34.5 / 34 34.5 – 35.5 / 36 36 – 37 / 37 High dBA 31.5 – 33 / 31 33 – 34 / 33 34.5 – 36 / 35 Low dBA 24.5 – 26.5 / 24 27 – 28 / 27 31 – 32 / 30 Ultra-High dBA 33.5 – 34.5 / 35 34.5 – 35.5 / 35.5 36 – 37 / 37 High dBA 32.5 – 33.5 / 33 34 – 35 / 34 34.5 – 36 / 35 Low dBA 25.5 – 27.5 / 24 27 – 28.5 / 27 31 – 33 / 31
/ h 500 / 500 650 / 650 800 / 800 / h 500 / 500 650 / 650 800 / 800 / h 350 / 300 500 / 440 670 / 660
2 0.140 × 2 0.230 × 2
Test conditions are as follows
Indoor Outdoor
Cooling condition 27 50 35 60 Heating condition 20 40 7 70
1. Operation sound is measured at 1.5 m below the center the body.
2. Fan speed can be changed over to Low mode or High mode.
3. Operating sound is measured in an anechoic chamber. Operating sound level generally become greater than this value depending on the operating conditions, reflected sound, and peripheral noise.
4. The sound level at the air discharge port is about 8 dB higher than the unit’s operating sound.
˚CDB R·H (%) ˚CDB R·H (%)
(50 / 60Hz)
Product Specification 7
Product Specification SiE71-202
Model Name VAM1000FAVE VAM1500FAVE VAM2000FAVE
Power Supply Single Phase 220 – 240 V / 220 V, 50 / 60 Hz Temperature Exchanging
Enthalpy Exchange Efficiency
Casing Galvanized Steel Plate Insulating Material Self-extinguishable Urethane Foam Dimensions H Heat Exchanging System Air to Air Cross Flow Total Heat (Sensible Heat + Latent Heat) Exchange Heat Exchanging Element Specially Processed Nonflammable Paper Air Filter Multidirectional Fibrous Fleeces Fan Type Sirocco Fan
Fan Motor Type Open Type Capacitor Permanent Split-phase Induction Motor, 4 Poles Motor Output kW 0.230 Operating
Operation Range (Ambient) –15˚C to 50˚CDB (80% RH or Less) Connection Duct Diameter mm Weight kg 61 132 158 Drawing Number 4D020377A 4D020526A 4D020527A
Cooling Ultra-High % 61 / 61 61 / 61 61 / 61
Heating Ultra-High % 66 / 66 66 / 66 66 / 66
Fan Speed
External Static Pressure
Heat Exchange Mode
Bypass Mode
Ultra-High % 75 / 75 75 / 75 75 / 75 High % 75 / 75 75 / 75 75 / 75 Low % 76.5 / 78 78 / 78 78 / 78
High % 61 / 61 61 / 61 61 / 61 Low % 63 / 66 64 / 64 66 / 66
High % 66 / 66 66 / 66 66 / 66 Low % 68 / 71 68 / 68 70 / 70
W × D mm 348 × 988 × 1140 710 × 1498 × 852 710 × 1498 × 1140
Ultra-High m High m Low m Ultra-High Pa 157 / 196 137 / 206 137 / 196 High Pa 98 / 108 98 / 118 78 / 88 Low Pa 78 / 69 49 / 69 59 / 69
Ultra-High dBA 36 – 37 / 37 39.5 – 41.5 / 40.5 40 – 42.5 / 41 High dBA 35 – 36 / 35 38 – 39 / 38 38 – 41 / 38 Low dBA 31 – 32 / 30 34 – 36 / 33 35 – 37 / 35 Ultra-High dBA 36 – 37 / 37 40.5 – 41.5 / 40.5 40 – 42.5 / 41 High dBA 35.5 – 36 / 35 38 – 39 / 38 38 – 41 / 38 Low dBA 31 – 32 / 31 33.5 – 36 / 33 35 – 37 / 35
/ h 1000 / 1000 1500 / 1500 2000 / 2000 / h 1000 / 1000 1500 / 1500 2000 / 2000 / h 870 / 800 1200 / 1200 1400 / 1400
2 0.230 × 4 0.230 × 4
Test conditions are as follows
Indoor unit Outdoor unit
˚CDB R·H (%) ˚CDB R·H (%)
Cooling condition 27 50 35 60 Heating condition 20 40 7 70
1. Operation sound is measured at 1.5 m below the center the body.
2. Fan speed can be changed over to Low mode or High mode.
3. Operating sound is measured in an anechoic chamber. Operating sound level generally become greater than this value depending on the operating conditions, reflected sound, and peripheral noise.
4. The sound level at the air discharge port is about 8 dB higher than the unit’s operating sound.
(50 / 60Hz)
8 Product Specification
Part 3
1. Operation ..............................................................................................10
1.1 Explanation for Systems........................................................................ 10
1.2 Operation HRV Units with The Remote Control exclusively
for Air Conditioning Operation. (BRC301B61)....................................... 11
1.3 Operating The HRV Unit Using The Remote Controller
of The VRV-System Air Conditioner...................................................... 13
1.4 Independent Operation of The HRV Unit Using
The Centralized Controller (DCS302B61) ............................................. 14
Operation 9
Operation SiE71-202

1. Operation

1.1 Explanation for Systems

This product is operated differently depending on the system configuration. For the operation of the remote controller for indoor unit and centralized controller, refer to the instruction manual provided with each unit.
Operation for Each System
System Example Operation Method
Independent System
HRV unit
Remote controller for HRV unit (BRC301B61)
The remote controller turns on and off the air conditioner and HRV unit.
Combined Operation System with VRV Systems and Skyair Series
Centralized System
Indoor unit
Remote controller for indoor unit
Indoor unit
Remote controller for indoor unit
Remote controller for HRV unit (BRC301B61)
HRV unit
Remote controller for HRV unit (BRC301B61)
Remote controller for indoor unit
HRV unit
HRV unit
The remote controller for VRV turns on and off the air conditioner and HRV unit. If only the HRV unit is used without operating the air conditioner, set the unit in the “ VENTILATION mode.
The ON/OFF and timer operation can not be performed using the HRV remote controllers. (The indication of centralized control “
appears on the display.) Other operations can be performed using the HRV remote controllers. Starting and stopping operations of the indoor unit and the HRV unit can be performed using the indoor remote controllers.
When the HRV remote controllers is not connected, the Centralized controller controls the operation of the HRV unit.
When the HRV remote controllers is connected, operation can be started and stopped using the Centralized controller or the indoor and the HRV remote controllers. During the indication of centralized control “
appears on the display, the ON/ OFF and timer operation may not be possible with the HRV remote controllers. Other operations can be performed using the HRV remote controllers.
10 Operation
SiE71-202 Operation
1.2 Operation HRV Units with The Remote Control exclusively for Air Conditioning Operation. (BRC301B61)
For non-independent systems, starting/stopping operation and timer operation may not be possible. Use the air conditioner remote control or the Centralized controller in such cases.
Remote Controller for HRV BRC301B61
1. Operation lamp This pilot lamp (red) light up while the unit is in Operation.
2. Operation/Stop button When pushed once, the unit starts operating. When pushed twice, the unit stops.
3. Air flow rate changeover button Air flow rate can be changed over to [Low FRESH UP] mode,
FRESH UP” [High FRESH UP] mode.
[Low] mode or
[High] mode,
Freshup“ operation
For When this indication does not show: The volume of outdoor air supplied into the room and that of the room air exhausted outdoors is equivalent. For
Freshup“ operation,
If it is set to “Fresh up air supply“: The volume of outdoor air supplied into the room is larger than that of room air exhausted outdoors. (This operation prevents the odor and moisture from kitchens and toilets from flowing into the rooms.
If it is set to “Fresh up air exhaust“: The volume of room air exhausted outdoors is larger than that of outdoor air supplied into the room. (This operation prevents the hospital odor and floating bacteria from flowing out to the corridors.)
Operation 11
Operation SiE71-202
4. Ventilation mode changeover: button
“” (Automatic) mode ...... The temperature sensor of the unit automatically changes the
ventilation of the unit in [Bypass] mode and [Heat Exchange] mode.
“” (Heat Exchange) mode ...... In this mode, the air passes through the heat exchange element
to effect [Total Heat Exchanging] ventilation.
“” (Bypass) mode ...... In this mode, the air does not pass through the heat exchange element
but bypasses it to effect [Bypass] ventilation.
5. Indication of operation control method: When the operation of HRVs are linked with the air conditioners, this indication may be shown. While the indication is shown, the ON/OFF of HRVs cannot be operated by the HRV remote controller.
6. Indication of operation standby: It indicates the precooling/preheating operation. This unit is at stop and will start operation after the precooling/preheating operation is over. Precooling/preheating operation means the operation of HRVs is delayed during the startup operation of linked air conditioners such as before the office hours. During this period the cooling or heating load is reduced to bring the room temperature to the set temperature in a short time.
7. Indication of centralized control: When a remote controller for air conditioners or devices for centralized control are connected to the HRVs, this indication may show. During this indication appears on the display, the ON/OFF and timer operation may not be possible with the HRV remote controllers.
8. Indication of air filter cleaning When the indication “” appears on the display, clean the filter.
9. Filter signal reset button
10.Inspection button This button is to be used only for service. It is not to be used normally.
11.Push the button “” and select either one of “” or “” . Each time the button is pushed, the indication changes as shown below.
No indication
12.Push the button “” and set the time. Each time when “” is pushed, the time advances one hour. Each time when “” is pushed, the time goes back one hour.
13.Push the button “” . Then, the reservation is finished. Either “” or “” changes from flashing to lighting. After the reservation is finished, the remaining time is indicated in the display. For cancelling the timer operation, push the button “” once again. The indication disappears.
12 Operation
SiE71-202 Operation

1.3 Operating The HRV Unit Using The Remote Controller of The VRV-System Air Conditioner

Remote Controller for VRV BRC1C51·61
1. Operation lamp
2. Operation/stop button
3. Air flow rate changeover button
4. Ventilation mode changeover button
5. Indication of air flow rate
6. Indication of operation control method
7. Indication of centralized control
8. indication of air filter cleaning
9. Filter signal reset button
10.Inspection button
11.Push the button “ ” and select either one of “ ” or “ ”. Each time the button is pushed, the indication changes as shown below.
No indication
12.Push the button “ ” and set the time. Each time when “ ” is pushed, the time advances one hour. Each time when “ ” is pushed, the time goes back one hour.
13.Push the button “ ” Then, the reservation is finished. Either “ ” or “ ” changes from flashing to lighting. After the reservation is finished, the remaining time is indicated in the display. For cancelling the timer operation, push the button “ ” once again. The indication disappears.
14.If you press these buttons when using independent operation of the HRV unit, the message “Not Available” will appear on the display for a few seconds.
When the VRV-system air conditioner is connected with the HRV unit with a direct duct, the remote
controller of the air conditioner cannot be used to select the VENTILATION mode. To use the HRV unit without operating the air conditioner, set the air conditioner in the FAN VENTILATION mode and select the low fan speed.
Operation 13
Operation SiE71-202
Remote Controller for VRV BRC1A51
1. Operation lamp
2. Operation/stop button
3. Operation mode display
4. Operation mode selector
When the VRV-system air conditioner is connected with the HRV unit with a direct duct, the remote
controller of the air conditioner cannot be used to select the VENTILATION mode. To use the HRV unit without operating the air conditioner, set the air conditioner in the FAN VENTILATION mode and select the low fan speed.
Every time the operation mode selector is pressed, the operation mode display changes as shown
When air conditioner and HRV unit are not connected by duct
Cooling Ventilation
Fan Ventilation
When the “FILTER indication appears on the display, clean the filter of the HRV unit.
When air conditioner and HRV unit are connected by duct
Cooling Ventilation
Fan Ventilation

1.4 Independent Operation of The HRV Unit Using The Centralized Controller (DCS302B61)

After selecting the zone where the only the HRV unit operation is desired, press the operation mode
selector and select ““ VENTILATION. The HRV unit can then be operated independently from the air conditioner.
When the FILTER indication appears on the display, clean the filter of the HRV unit.
14 Operation
Part 4
1. Maintenance..........................................................................................16
1.1 Maintenance for The Air Filter ............................................................... 16
1.2 Maintenance for The Heat Exchange Element...................................... 18
Maintenance 15
Maintenance SiE71-202

1. Maintenance

1.1 Maintenance for The Air Filter

Caution During operation, never check or clean the HRV. It may cause electrical shock and it is very dangerous to
touch the rotating part. Be sure to turn off the OPERATION switch and disconnect the power.
1. Go into ceiling through the inspection hole, remove the hanging metals of maintenance cover and take it off.
1Maintenance Cover 2 Binding Metal 3Hanging Metal
1Maintenance Cover 2 Binding Metal 3Hanging Metal
16 Maintenance
SiE71-202 Maintenance
2. Take out the heat exchange elements from the unit body.
1Heat Exchange Element (X2) 2 Handle 3Rail 4Filter × 2
1Heat Exchange Element (X4) 2 Handle 3Rail 4Filter × 4
3. To clean the air filter, lightly pat it with hand or remove dust with a vacuum cleaner. If excessively dirty, wash it in water.
4. If the air filter is washed, remove water completely and allow to dry Air filter for 20 to 30 minutes in the shade. When dried completely, install the air filter back in place.
Maintenance 17
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