Sveba-Dahlen brings bakeries to a
new level with its Flexismart bakery
concept. Through a combination of
four basic elements – rotating mini rack
oven, convection oven, deck oven and
a prover, which in turn are available in
different widths and heights, the
baker and the bakery/
store get completely
unique possibilities
to tailor-make their
baking equipment.
Put simply –
exible is smart!
All you need can be
assembled in one and
the same unit and
placed in one and the
same place. Flexismart
is entirely adjustable
to the baking needs
of the day for different
products, volumes and
Examples of Flexismart combinations.
Left: S200 mini rack oven, DC-1 Classic deck oven and DCJ-1
Classic prover. Right: Double Bakesmart oven, DC-3 Classic deck
oven and DCJ-3 Classic prover.