Sveba-Dahlen have delivered pizza
ovens all over the world since 1970.
Classic Pizza Oven is a robust and
reliable oven designed to meet every
user’s require ments for func tio n ality,
convenience and eco nomy.
Classic pizza oven is a reliable and
durable oven in many sizes, built to
withstand very high loads. The very
well insulated oven chamber keeps
the heat inside the chamber, where it
should be, and it has double halogen lighting. The instrument panel
is angled towards the oven door so
it’s easy to work with when working.
The oven reaches the set temperature fast and each oven section as well
as the top; bottom and front heat are
separately controlled.
Pizza Oven.
With all the
features you
could wish for
The Classic pizza ovens are modular, meaning that you can build your
oven according to your production.
The ovens are available in four different widths from 635 mm up to
1580 mm wide and can be built up
to three decks high.
Classic Pizza Oven model DC-22P.