The perfect
product for
small bakeries
and shops
Bakesmart is a baking oven which perfectly
suits the needs of small bakeries and active
service shops. Easy to use, easy to place,
easy to handle and easy to keep clean.
Thanks to Bakesmart you can bake almost
everything in your shop – from black rye
bread, baguettes and rustic bread to tasty
coffee-bread. But Bakesmart is more than
just a smart oven. You can complement
it with a prover, storage chamber and
evacuation system in several combinations.
It is also possible to install two ovens
one above the
“The scent of fresh baked bread is the absolute
strongest buying signal you can give to your
customers when they enter your shop.
And with the smell of fresh baked it is always
easier to sell a bit more than
you had imagined...”
Examples of Bakesmart combinations:
Left: Bakesmart with a high storage chamber.
Middle: Two Bakesmarts with a low storage cabinet.
Right: Bakesmart with condensating unit and prover.