B e fore Putting Into Use
I m p o rt a n t
• B e fore connecting the appliance to the power supply, let it stand for about 2
h o u r s, which will reduce a possibility of malfunctions in the cooling system due
to tra n s p o rt handling.
• Clean the appliance, and be thorough, especially in the interior (See Cleaning
and Maintenance).
Instructions for Use
These instruction for use are intended for the user. They describe the appliance
and its correct and safe use.
Tips for Energy Sav i n g s
• Try not to open the door too often, especially when the weather is wet and hot.
Once you open the door, mind to close it as soon as possibl e.
• E ve ry now and then check if the appliance is sufficiently ventilated (adequate
air circulation behind the appliance).
• Set thermostat from higher to lower settings as soon as possible (depends on
h ow loaded the appliance is).
• B e fore loading the appliance with packages of fresh fo o d s, make sure they are
cooled to ambient tempera t u r e.
• Ice and frost layer increase energy consumption, so do clean the appliance as
soon as the layer is 1/8” thick .
• D a n ger or Warning: Risk of child entrapment.
• Child entrapment and suffocation are not problems of the past. Ju n ked or
abandoned appliances are still dangerous. . . even if they will “just sit in the
g a rage a few day s.”
B e fore you throw aw ay your old refrigerator or freeze r :
L e ave the shelves in place so that children may not easily climb inside.
If you have bought this appliance to replace an old one equipped with a lock that
cannot be opened from inside (lock, bolt), make sure that the lock is broke n .
This will make it impossible for children to lock themselves inside the appliance
and suffo c a t e.
• The appliance must be correctly connected to the power supply. (See: How to
i n s t a l l )
• Do not touch the cooled surfaces while the appliance opera t e s, especially not
with wet hands, because the skin may stick to the cold surfa c e s.
• Do not freeze bottles containing liquid, such as mineral wa t e r, sparkling wine,
b e e r, cola etc., because liquid expands during freezing and the glass bottle is
ve ry likely to ex p l o d e.
• If the food has strange smell or color, throw it away, because it is ve ry like l y
that it is spoiled and therefore dangerous to eat.
• Disconnect the appliance from the power supply before repairing it (only a
qualified technician should repair it).
• Do not defrost the appliance with other electric devices (hair dryer etc.) and
n ever scrape the ice or frost layer with sharp tools.
Ta ke off the doors.
• The rating plate is inside the appliance or outside on the rear wa l l .

Defrost the refri g e rator when the frost accumulated on the eva p o rator is about
5mm (1/5inch) thick .
Set the thermostat dial to “OFF”. Remove frozen or peri s h a ble fo o d s. Insert dri p
t ray below the freezer compartment only for defrosting (as shown below ) .
Defrosting usually takes a few hours. To defrost quickly remove all foods from
the refri g e rator and leave the door open.
N ever use a knife or other metal instrument
to scrape ice/frost from the eva p o r a t o r.A f t e r
defrosting, empty water from drip tray and return
the themostat dial to the desired position.
N OT E : Wait 3-5 minutes before restarting if you unplug the refri g e ra t o r.
The unit may fail to operate properly if restarted too quick l y.
S t a rting your new Refrige r a t o r
1. Clean the refri g e rator thoroughly. Wipe the outside with a soft dry cloth, the
i n t e rior with a damp cloth.
2. I n s e rt the power supply cord into the socke t .
3. Tu rn the thermostat dial to “7”. Close the door and let the refri g e ra t o r
o p e rate for 15-20 minu t e s.
Temperature contro l
To control the internal tempera t u r e, adjust
the thermostat dial. The dial is nu m b e r e d
from 1-7.
Number 1 is the wa rmest setting, number 7
the coldest.
The dial may be set any place on the scale.
It does not have to be set exactly on a
nu m b e r. To make ice cubes in the freeze r
c o m p a rtment, adjust the thermostat to the
coldest setting.
! Fr e e ze r
@ D rain Pa n
# Control Box
$ Plastic Coated Shelf
% Magnetic Door Seal
^ Ice Cube Tray
& R a ck
* Bottle Rack
( C ri s p e r
H ow to defro s t