Before You Begin .............................................................. 1
Important Safety Instructions .......................................... 1
Important Information About Safety Instructions .............. 1
Safety Symbols and Labels ............................................. 1
General Safety Precautions ............................................. 2
Customer Service Information ......................................... 3
If You Need Help .............................................................. 3
Product Data Plate ........................................................... 3
Model Identification .......................................................... 3
Product Specifications ..................................................... 4
Product Dimensions ......................................................... 4
Planning the installation ................................................... 6
Selecting the Location ...................................................... 6
Cabinet Cutout ................................................................. 6
Electrical Specifications ................................................... 9
Installation instructions .................................................... 9
Parts List .......................................................................... 9
Electrical Service installation ......................................... 10
Final Installation ............................................................. 12
Verify Proper Operation ................................................. 14
installation Checklist ...................................................... 15
• Installer: In the interest of safety and to minimize problems, read these installation instructions completely and care-
fully before you begin the installation process. Leave these installation instructions with the customer.
• Customer: Keep these installation instructions for future reference and the local electrical inspector's use.
Important Information About
Safety Instructions
The Important Safety Instructions and warnings in
these instructions are not meant to cover all possible
problems and conditions that can occur. Use common
sense and caution when installing, maintaining or oper-
ating this or any other appliance.
• Always contact the Dacor Customer Service Team
about problems and conditions that you don't under-
stand. See Customer Service information.
Safety Symbols and Labels
j [_ DANGER _ ]
I lmmed! ate hazardS that WILL result insevere personal I
l injury or death. J
Hazards or UnSafe practices that COULD result in SeVere
personal injury or death.
Hazards or unSafe practices that COULD result in
perSonal injury Orproperty damagel
IMPORTANT: Do not st0re or Use _stibJe; flam:
mablel orexplosiVe Vap0rS and liquids (such as gasoline)
ins!de orin the Vicinity d this 0r any other appliance: AIS0
keep !tems that C0uld explode, such as aer0s01 cans i
away from the oven_ D0 n0t st0re flammabte or explos!ve
materials in adjacent cabinets or areas:
WARNING _ NEVER use this appliance as a space
heater t0 heat Or Warm the room: DOing So may reSult in I
overheating of the appliancel
WARNING _ NEVER COVeFany slOts,hOles Or passages
in the 0Yen bott0m 0r cover an entire rack With materials
Such as aluminum foil DOing SOblocks air floW through
the oven and may Cause a fire hazard Or carbon monox-
ide poisoning.
instal ! this appliance oUtdOorS and/ornear water; I
for example; near a pool:
theBRm T ON BROILset' I
tings, the oven d0or must be completely shuL J
_a_D_ 1

General Safety Precautions
To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, serious injury or death when using your appliance, follow basic safety precau-
tions, including the following:
, Read the accompanying use and care manUal
, Keep PaCkaging mater als away from children,
Plastic sheets and bagS can Cause suffocationl
; you rece!ve a damaged prOdUcL immediately con-
tact Your dealer or builderi Do not install or Use a
damaged appliance: DO not installor use the appli.
, This oven must be properly installed and grounded
by a qualified installer according to these instal:
!ati0n inStrUctionsPri0r t0 Use: The installermust
show the Customer the location of the cirCuit break:
: er panel or fus_! b0x SOthat they knowwhere and
h0w to turn off electric power t0 the
isnot responsible for servic e required t0 correct a
faulty installationl The owner is resPonSible t0 make
sure this applianCe iS Properly nStalled:
, D0not use the do0r handle(s)t0 lift or move the
A minimum 0f two people are required to safely
install this appliancel
:i' Toavoid an electriC shock hazard do not installthis
appliance OutSideor near Water:D0 not installor
use this appliance if it has been exp0sed t0 water:
" DO not instal!;rePa!r or replace any part of the oven :
unless specifically recommended in the iterature
accompanying it:A qUalified seWice technician
should perform all other service;
' Bef0re performing any tYPeOf service or installai
tjon, make sure that the electdc power tothe oven
is turned off at the circuit breaker Orfuse box!
" only use the oven for cook!ng tasks expected of a
home appliance as out!jned in the literature accom-
panying it. This oven is not intended for commercial
Do not climb 0n any pait of the appliancel
Do not leave children alone or Unattended inthe
area around the oven DOnot allow childie n
with the controls; pul! on the handle or touch other
parts of the oven:
; Do not store itemS of intereSttOChildren above the
OVenl Children could be burned or injured While
climbing on the appliance
; DOnot tamper With the ContrOls: Donot adjust
Or alter any part of the oven,
instructed to do so in this manual:
- To prevent injury due to the unit tipping forward.
secure the oven to the cabinet using the supplied
mounting screws.
- Keep flammable items, such as paper, cardboard.
plastic and cloth away from hot surfaces. Do not put
such items in the oven. Do not allow pot holders to
touch hot surfaces.
- Do not wear loose or hanging apparel while using
the oven. Do not allow clothing to come into contact
with the interior of the oven and the surrounding
areas during and immediately after use.
- Do not use the oven for storage.
- Do not touch the interior surfaces of the oven during
use. After use, make sure these surfaces have had
sufficient time to cool before touching them.
- Do not touch the outside surfaces of the oven dur-
ing the self-clean cycle. They will be hot. Venting
from the oven may cause the trim to become hot.
- For your safety, do not use the oven to cook without
the convection filter installed. When the filter is not
installed, the spinning fan blades at the back of the
oven are exposed.
Non-stick coatings, when heated, can be harmful to
birds. Remove birds to a separate, wel!-ventilated
room during cooking.
• To prevent damage, remove the meat probe from
the oven when it is not being used.
- Do not line the oven with aluminum foil or other
materials. These items can melt or burn up during
self-cleaning and cause permanent damage to the
- Do not leave objects, such as aluminum foil, the
meat probe, cookie sheets, etc. on the bottom of
the oven. Objects left on the bottom of the oven
could damage the bake element. In addition, the
objects themselves could be damaged.
• Do not allow heating elements in the top and bot-
tom of the oven chamber to become covered up
by cookie sheets, aluminum foil, pots, pans, etc.
Covering the heating elements could cause them to
over-heat, damaging the oven.
• Always ensure that the light fixture lens covers are
in place when using the oven. The lens covers pro-
tect the I_ghtbulbs from breakage caused by high
2 _8C0_

if You Need Help... Model identification
If you have questions or problems with installation, contact
your Dacor dealer or the Dacor Customer Service Team.
For repairs to Dacor appliances under warranty call the
Dacor Distinctive Service line. Whenever you call, have the
model and serial number of the appliance ready. The model
and serial number are printed on the product data plate.
Dacor Distinctive Service (repairs under warranty only)
Phone: (877) 337-3226 (U.S.A. and Canada)
Monday -- Friday 6:00 A.M.to 4:00 P.M.Pacific Time
Dacor Customer Service
Phone: (800) 793-0093 (U.S.A. and Canada)
Monday -- Friday 6:00 A.M.to 5:00 P.M.Pacific Time
Web site: www.Dacor.com
Epicure oven
Millennia oven (horiz. trim)
Millennia oven (vert. trim)
Single oven = 1
Double oven = 2
Product Data Plate
27 inch = 27
The product data plate contains the model and serial
number information and the electrical requirements.
It is located inside the oven door, in the slot above the
left hinge (inside the lower door on a double oven). To
read the information on the data plate:
1. Push the data plate tab.
2. Pull the data plate up.
30 inch = 30
Black glass
Stainless steel, black chrome trim
Stainless steel, chrome trim
Stainless steel, brass trim
Stainless steel, copper trim
Stainless steel =S
= EO
Data plate
Push the product
ing the dOorl

Product Dimensions
All tolerances: +1/16 (+1.6 mm), unless otherwise stated.
(68.6 cm)
27 15/16"
(71.0 cm)
(76.2 cm)
(68.6 cm)
51 1/16"
(129.7 cm)
(76.2 cm)
9/16" 1" 1 7/8"
(1.4 cm) (2.5 cm) (4.6 cm)
23 3/8"
(59.4 cm)
2 5/16"
(5.9 cm)
7 3/8"
(18.7 cm)
25 3/8"
(64.4 cm)
27 3/8"
(69.5 cm)
28 3/8"
(72.1 cm)
6 3/8"
(16.2 cm)
25 3/8"
(64.4 cm)
50 ½"
(128.3 cm)
28 3/8"
(72.1 cm)
EO- Epicure
MOH/MOV - Millennia ®
"-3 5/16"_
(8.4 cm)
,2 I
Handle Dimensions -All Models (Side View)
22 11/16"
(57.6 cm)
Door Dimension =All Models
4 _SCD_