Cyclades AlterPath BladeManager User Manual

AlterPath BladeManager
User Manual
Product Version 1.3.0
Revision No. 7
This document contains proprietary information of Cyclades and is not to be disclosed
or used except in accordance with applicable contracts or agreements.
Cyclades Corporation, 2005
Cyclades, AlterPath ACS, AlterPath KVM/net, AlterPath Manager E2000, and AlterPath BladeManager are registered trademarks of Cyclades Corporation. IBM, IBM BladeCenter and ServeRAID are registered trademarks of IBM Corporation. Microsoft, Windows 95, 98, XP, ME, NT, and 2K are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. UNIX is a trademark of UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.
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Table of Contents

Before You Begin
Audience i Document Organization i Typographical Conventions ii Naming Conventions ii
Chapter 1: Introduction
Connectivity and Capacity 1-2 Key Features 1-2
Single Point Security Gateway 1-3 Centralized Authentication 1-3 Consolidated Views and Blade Access 1-3 Simple and Easy Web User Interface 1-3 One-Click Access to Blades and Switches 1-4 Centralized Data Logging System 1-4 Log File Compression and Rotation 1-4 Prioritized Triggers & Alarms 1-4 Other Alarm Features 1-5 Blade Wizard 1-5 Chassis, Blades, and User Group Management 1-5 Backup, Restore, and Replicate User Data 1-5 Exhaustive Reporting 1-6 Multiport Ethernet Cards 1-6 Command Line Interface (CLI) 1-6
Deploying the BladeManager 1-7
Chapter 2: BladeManager Installation
Product Installation Checklist 2-1 Rack Mounting Guidelines 2-2 Major Components of the BladeManager 2-11
AlterPath Blade Manager Manual
Table of Contents
Installation Safety Guidelines 2-12 System Reliability Guidelines 2-12 Static-Sensitive Devices 2-12 Installation Procedures 2-13
Installing DIMMs 2-13 Installing a Hard Disk Drive 2-15 Installing a Simple-Swap Serial ATA Hard Disk Drive 2-15 Installing a SCSI Hard Drive 2-16 Installing an Adapter 2-17
Completing the Installation 2-21 Connecting the Cables 2-22 Updating the Server Configuration 2-23 BladeManager Controls, LEDs, and Power 2-23 BladeManager Power Features 2-26
Switching On the Server 2-26 Switching Off the BladeManager 2-27 Pre-Configuration Requirements 2-28 Configuring the COM Port Connection
and Logging In 2-29
Chapter 3: BladeManager Web Access
User Interface Overview 3-1 Using the Web Interface as a Regular User 3-2 General Screen Features 3-4
Sorting a List Form by Column/Field Name 3-4 Search and Filter Functions 3-5
Alarms 3-5
Alarm Logs 3-6 Responding to an alarm 3-6 Alarm List Form 3-6 Viewing the Alarm Detail Form 3-8 Viewing Alarm or Console Logs 3-10 Assigning a Ticket to a User 3-10
II AlterPath BladeManager Manual
Blades 3-11
Viewing the Blade List 3-11 Connecting to a Blade Console 3-13 Multiple Users and Read/Write Access 3-13 Viewing a Blade or Switch 3-14
Consoles Detail Form 3-14
Consoles Access Form 3-16 Consoles Notify Form 3-16 Consoles Groups Form 3-17
Logs 3-18
Viewing the Logs 3-19 Access Logs 3-20 Event Logs 3-21 Data Buffer 3-22
User’s Profile 3-23 Changing Your Password 3-25 Viewing the Use Access Form 3-25 Viewing the User Groups Form 3-25 Viewing the Security Form 3-27
Table of Contents
Chapter 4: BladeManager Web Administration
Operational Modes 4-2 Configuration Process Flow 4-3 First Time Configuration Wizard 4-4
Running the First Time Configuration Wizard 4-4 Resetting Configuration to Factory Settings 4-5 First Time Configuration Wizard: An Example 4-6 Setting the Authentication Method 4-8
Hostname Configuration Must
Follow RFC Standard 4-8
AlterPath BladeManager Manual III
Table of Contents
Connecting to the Web Interface 4-9 BladeManager Web Interface: Admin Mode 4-10 Forms Summary 4-10 Logging Into the BladeManager Web Interface 4-14 Parts of the Web Interface 4-14
Sorting, Filtering, and Saving a List Form 4-16 Using the Form Input Fields 4-17 Verifying Error Messages 4-17
Chassis Management 4-17 Chassis > Devices List Form 4-19 Using a DHCP Server and Selecting the
Correct IP Mode 4-24 Function of the Status Field 4-24 Selecting the Group(s) to Access a Chassis 4-25
Proxies 4-26
Proxy Types 4-26 Configuring the Proxy 4-28 Verifying your Proxy Setting 4-29 Disabling the Proxy 4-29 Configuring Ports to be Proxied 4-29
Configuring the Chassis Switch 4-29
Two Methods of Blade Configuration 4-31 Running the Blade Wizard 4-32 Configuring Blades Manually through the Menu 4-37
Consoles List Form 4-37
Connecting to a Device 4-38
Deleting a Device 4-38 Deleting a Device from a Group 4-39 Deleting a Device Group 4-39
Alarm Trigger 4-39
Alarm Trigger Management 4-40
IV AlterPath BladeManager Manual
Viewing the Alarm Trigger List 4-40 Creating an Alarm Trigger 4-41 Deleting an Alarm Trigger 4-43 Using the Logical AND in the Alarm Trigger Expression 4-43
Blades / Switches 4-43 Consoles List Form 4-44
Viewing the Console List 4-45 Adding a Serial Console 4-46
Adding a Switch Console 4-49 Selecting Users to Access the Console 4-49 Selecting Users to be Notified 4-50
Assigning the Console to a Group 4-51
Deleting a Console from a Group 4-52
Deleting a Console Group 4-53
Connecting to a Console 4-53
Log Rotation 4-53 Initiating Log Rotation 4-53 Setting Log Rotation in Auto Mode 4-54
Table of Contents
Users 4-54
User List form 4-55
Adding a User 4-55
Selecting Consoles for a User 4-58
Selecting User Group(s) for a User 4-59
Deleting a User 4-60
Deleting a User from a Group 4-60
Deleting a User Group 4-60
Setting the Local Password 4-61 Setting Up Local Authentication 4-61 Setting a User’s Security Profile 4-61
Groups 62
Creating a Group 4-62
Deleting a Group 4-64
AlterPath BladeManager Manual V
Table of Contents
Assigning a Security Profile to a User Group 4-64
Security Profiles 4-65
Security Profile List 4-66 Adding or Editing a Security Profile 4-67 Security Profiles: Source IP 4-68 Security Profiles: LAN ITF 4-70 Security Profile: Date/Time 4-72 Configuring Authorization 4-73 Deleting a Security Profile 4-75
Backing Up User Data 4-75 Backup and Restore Scenarios 4-76 System Recovery Guidelines 4-76 BladeManager Database Transaction Support 4-77 Responding to the Warning Message 4-77 Changing the Default Configuration 4-78 Info / Reporting 4-78
Chapter 5: Advanced Configuration
Working from a CLI 5-1 Shell Commands 5-2 Copying and Pasting Text within the
Console Applet Window 5-2 Connecting Directly to Ports 5-3 Sample Command Line Interface 5-3 Set Commands 5-5 Changing the Escape Sequence 5-9 Re-defining the Interrupt Key 5-10 Changing the Number of Lines in
the SSH Applet 5-11 Changing the Session Timeout 5-11 Enabling Telnet 5-11 NIS Configuration 5-12 Active Directory Configuration 5-14 Disabling HTTP to Use Only HTTPS 5-15
VI AlterPath BladeManager Manual
Firmware 5-16
Upgrading the APBM Firmware 5-16 Backing Up User Data 5-17 Managing Log Files 5-18 Changing the Database Configuration 5-19 Installing SSL Certificates 5-20
Appendix A: Hardware Specifications A-1 Glossary
Table of Contents
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Table of Contents
VIII AlterPath BladeManager Manual

Before You Begin

Welcome to the AlterPath BladeManager Manual! This manual is designed to help you install, configure, and operate the BladeManager, as well as to guide you in your daily operations of the product.
Note: For convenience, this document refers to the AlterPath BladeManager
as simply BladeManager or, as in the case of the command line interface, IPBM.
This document is designed for system administrators and regular users of the BladeManager. Users are expected to have basic knowledge of using a graphical user interface such as Microsoft Windows.
Document Organization
The document is organized as follows:
Chapter Title Description
1: Introduction Defines and explains the overall
product features and uses of the BladeManager.
2: BladeManager Installation Explains the procedure for installing
the BladeManager.
3: BladeManager Web Access Explains to regular users (as opposed to
admin users) how to use the web user interface. It highlights such procedures as connecting to a blade, dealing with alarms, and other system tracking and management procedures.
Before You Begin
Chapter Title Description
4: BladeManager Web Administration
5: Advanced Configuration Addressed to the advanced user,
Typographical Conventions
Form/Window Labels
Words that appear on forms, windows, or any part of the user interface are typed in boldface.
Explains to the system administrator how to configure the BladeManager through the web interface and enable users to perform the various fault management procedures such as connecting to a blade, responding to an alert and more. Configuration settings include user access, alarm triggers, chassis and blade management, security profiles, as well as running the blade wizard.
provides configuration procedures using command line interface (CLI). It includes such procedures as backing up log files and user data, and installing SSL certificates.
The Alarm Trigger List form; the Password field.
Hypertext Links
With the exception of headings and the Table of Contents (which are already linked), all underlined
Form/Window Levels
Form levels are indicated by the “greater than” symbol (>), starting from the parent screen to child. Most BladeManager screens or windows contain only two levels.
ii AlterPath BladeManager Manual
words are hypertext links.
Naming Conventions
Blades List > Blade Detail
Naming Conventions
Administrator Also referred to as the Admin User. The system
BladeManager The short name for AlterPath BladeManager.
Form The form is the largest area of the user
Form Names The form names of the application’s GUI do
administrator of the BladeManager who has the authority to configure and manage the Bla­deManager.
interface; it contains the user selection or input fields for each selected item in the menu.
not necessarily appear on the actual window. Because some forms do not have titles, these names are used to distinguish each form as well as to reflect the form function. The most commonly used form names are List forms and Detail forms. The configuration forms of the BladeManager (i.e., Chassis, Blades, Users, Alarm Trigger) use the two types of forms.
Blade List form; Blade Definition form.
Regular User Refers to anyone who uses or logs onto the
BladeManager application as a regular user (i.e., the web management interface is on Access mode, not Admin mode) even though the user may be a system administrator.
Select To select is the same as to click your mouse.
AlterPath BladeManager Manual iii
Before You Begin
Command Line Syntax
While this manual is primarily designd for using the BladeManager web interface, some special features show you how to configure the BladeManager using the Command Line Interface (CLI). CLI configuration is discussed in Chapter 5 (Advanced Configuration) of the manual. The typographical conventions used for showing the syntax for these commands are as follows.
Brackets and Hyphens (dashes)
The brackets ([])indicate that the parameter inside them is optional, meaning that the command will be accepted if the parameter is not defined. When the text inside the brackets starts with a dash (-) and/or indicates a list of characters, the parameter can be one of the letters listed within the brackets.
iptables [-ADC] chain rule-specification [options]
Ellipses (...) indicate that the latest parameter can be repeated as many times as needed. Usually this is used to describe a list of subjects.
ls [OPTION]... [FILE]...
The pipe (|) indicates that one of the words separated by this character should be used in the command.
netstat {--statistics|-s} [--tcp|-t] [--udp|-u] [--raw|-w]
When a configuration parameter is defined, the Linux command syntax conventions will be also used, with a difference.
Greater-than and Less-than signs
When the text is encapsulated with the “<>” characters, the meaning of the text will be considered, not the literal text. When the text is not encapsulated, the literal text will be considered.
Spacing and Separators
The list of users in the following example must be separated by semicolons (;); the outlets should be separated by commas (,) to indicate a list or with
iv AlterPath BladeManager Manual
Command Line Syntax
dashes (-) to indicate range; there should not be any spaces between the values.
sXX.pmusers: The user access list. For example: jane:1,2;john:3,4. The format of this field is:
[<username>:<outlet list>][;<username>:<outlet list>...]
Where <outlet list>'s format is:
[<outlet number>|<outlet start>-<outlet end>][,<outlet number>|<outlet start>-<outlet end>]...
AlterPath BladeManager Manual v
Before You Begin
vi AlterPath BladeManager Manual
Chapter 1


The AtlerPath BladeManager is a comprehensive in-band and out-of-band blade management tool designed to complement the IBM Director. It provides BladeCenter users the necessary security, authentication, access control and administration capabilities to remotely manage blade servers and switch modules.
The BladeManager provides a wide range of features which includes the following:
Continuously captures and records data logs for all BladeCenter devices for diagnostic and audit purposes.
Generates system alarms and user notifications to avoid or reduce system failures.
Provides secure, remote access to OS, POST and BIOS on every blade server and switch module to enable administrators to quickly diagnose and restore disconnected devices.
Easy-to-use web interface for administrators and regular users.
For a summary of all the AlterPath BladeManager features, see “Key Features” on page 1-2 of this chapter.
The BladeManager web interface provides two modes based on the type of user:
The Access mode is for regular users to view and access the blade servers to which they have authorized access. The Admin mode is for system administrators to configure and administer the BladeManager and its users.
Note: Anyone who uses the BladeManager application in Access mode
referred to as a user, regardless of whether that user is a system administrator or not. An administrator or admin user is anyone who has the exclusive authority to configure and to perform various system administrative tasks for the BladeManager.
1: Introduction
Connectivity and Capacity
The BladeManager hardware platform is based on the IBM eServer xSeries
306. It comes with a Blade Wizard which enables the admin user to create up to 14 blades and 4 switches for each chassis. The BladeManager supports up to 6 chassis; altogether, the module support a maximum of 84 blades and 24 switches.
All blades have Serial over LAN (SOL), KVM/IP, virtual media, and power options created. For security, blade users are controlled by the Control Access List (ACL) which is configured through the Security Profile settings.
The switches connect as secondary or cascaded devices to the chassis.
Front view of the BladeManager:
See Chapter 2: BladeManager Installation to view the port connections available from the BladeManager.
Key Features
The key features of AlterPath BladeManager are:
Single point security gateway
Centralized authentication
Consolidated views
One-click access to consoles and devices
Centralized data logging system
Access log audit trail
Log file compression and rotation capabilities
Prioritized triggers and alarms
•Blade wizard
Device, Console, and User Group Management
Backup, restore, and replicate user data
Exhaustive reporting
Convenient web user interface
Easy command line interface
Product maintenance
1-2 AlterPath BladeManager Manual
Key Features
Single Point Security Gateway
Centralized Authentication
Consolidated Views and Blade Access
The BladeManager has been designed such that communication between users and the management network must pass through a single point of access (the BladeManager) to optimize security and enforce adherence to your corporate security policy.
A single, secure access point reduces management overhead for managing blade servers. Moreover, the multiple authentication options available ensures compatibility with existing infrastructure.
Centralized authentication saves the user or administrator from using a password for each blade server, and thereby maintain a secure password. You need only use your password once upon logging onto the BladeManager. To access the blade servers and switch modules, the BladeManager provides the following authentication methods: local database, RADIUS, LDAP, Kerberos, Tacacs+, NIS and active_directory.
The BladeManager provides secure OS, POST and BIOS access to individual blades and switch modules.
From the BladeManager web interface, you can view a list of all blades to which you have authorized access. Information about each blade includes blade name, port, location, description, and status. For added security, users cannot view blades which they are not authorized to use.
Simple and Easy Web User Interface
The BladeManager provides a convenient and user-friendly web user interface for the regular user and the administrator. Hyperlinks enable you to access consoles, view data logs, and other information even faster. From one single interface, you can achieve just about everything you need to manage your network’s consoles.
Users can only view and access those blades and switches to which they are assigned. This customization adds security to the system since users cannot view or access any blade or switch that does not concern them.
AlterPath BladeManager Manual 1-3
1: Introduction
One-Click Access to Blades and Switches
Centralized Data Logging System
Placing the mouse cursor over a chassis name from the Chassis List form allows the system administrator to access the BladeManager through the web or CLI. The default session type is configurable.
To access a blade, the regular user can choose and click on any blade or switch listed on the Blades List form. This opens a console session (through Secure Shell) for that particular blade, allowing the user to remotely fix problems related to the target blade.
By placing the mouse cursor over a blade or switch console name from the Blades List form, the user can select KVM, serial over LAN (SOL), or to power ON/OFF the selected blade or switch.
The BladeManager provides continuous online and offline data logging of all system messages. It captures all console log messages and writes them to its internal hard disk drive. With a console log capacity of 20GB, the secure online/offline storage ensures availability of all important console messages.
Each line of the logfile contains a timestamp (a feature which prevents tampering) and provides a tool for analyses and audit trailing. Each time a user connects to a blade or switch, BladeManager adds a timestamp to the log file. The user identification timestamp is recorded in the data buffer and logged separately on the BladeManager access log database.
Log File Compression and Rotation
When a log file reaches a certain size (which is specified by the administrator), the system automatically compresses the file and then creates a new file to collect a new set of console data. The file rotation should be seamless with no data loss as the system copies from one file to another.
The administrator has the option to move the compressed log file to another server for archiving.
Prioritized Triggers & Alarms
BladeManager’s event handling feature enables the system to identify possible issues and alert the user. As the BladeManager sends a message to the hard disk for storing and consolidation, it also scans the message for
1-4 AlterPath BladeManager Manual
Key Features
Blade Wizard
triggers. A trigger is a text string pre-defined by the administrator which the system uses to detect a trigger text from messages. When the BladeManager detects a trigger text, based on how the trigger was configured by the administrator, it does the following:
Send an email to a user list
Create a prioritized alarm entry in the Alarm database
Write a log message to the BladeManager logging system to acknowledge the trigger.
Other Alarm Features
Notes - You can add notes to an alarm to indicate what action you have taken. These notes can be useful for future reference to similar issues.
Reports - You can generate a report to show what actions were taken by whom, and how long it took to fix the issue.
The blade wizard allows the system administrator to define the blades automatically using default and customized values. The wizard automatically configures the selected blade(s) and switch(es) and applies them. The wizard saves the time-consuming task of configuring each blade and switch manually.
Chassis, Blades, and User Group Management
Chassis, blades, and users can be grouped to further simplify the organization and management of these system components. The administrator may create, update and delete any of the groups at anytime through the web management interface. Users can view only those groups to which they belong or have access.
Backup, Restore, and Replicate User Data
This feature allows users to create a backup of the BladeManager configuration and data files. The backup includes data from the compact flash, configuration data from the database, and log data from the console buffer files. This feature also enables users to copy console log files to a server for further analysis and archiving.
AlterPath BladeManager Manual 1-5
1: Introduction
Exhaustive Reporting
Multiport Ethernet Cards
Command Line Interface (CLI)
Because the BladeManager consolidates all its logs and maintains its own databases, it provides in-depth reporting capabilities to suit the reporting needs of users and managers.
The BladeManager supports up to two multiport PCI ethernet cards for secure networks that use multiple network segments. This enables the BladeManager to physically separate devices and connect to multiple network segments.
The Ethernet cards are detected by the configuration wizard during boot time.
For emergency access situations, the BladeManager can provide you with a command line interface by making a regular Secure Shell connection to the BladeManager.
CLI is one of two user interfaces (the other is the web interface) available to BladeManager users. The CLI is also used for First Time Configuration and system recovery procedures.
1-6 AlterPath BladeManager Manual
Deploying the BladeManager
Deploying the BladeManager
The diagram below shows how the BladeManager may be set up to connect to a management network and a public network. Equipped with its own Ethernet switches, the two networks are physically separated. Any BladeManager user who needs to access a blade server or switch must authenticate and pass through the BladeManager.
AlterPath BladeManager Manual 1-7
1: Introduction
1-8 AlterPath BladeManager Manual
Chapter 2

BladeManager Installation

This section discusses the procedures and requirements for installing the AlterPath BladeManager, and is organized as follows:
Product Installation Checklist
Rack Mounting Guidelines
Major Components of the BladeManager
Installing a DIMM
Installing a Hard Disk Drive
Installing a Simple-Swap Serial ATA Hard Disk Drive
Installing a SCSI Hard Disk Drive
Installing an Adapter
Completing an Installation
Connecting the Cables
Updating the Server Configuration
Preparing Console for Initial Configuration
Product Installation Checklist
Your AlterPath BladeManager is shipped with the following hardware components:
Console cable (null modem)
Power cable
2 Ethernet cables
Mounting kit
2: BladeManager Installation
Rack Mounting Guidelines
When rack-mounting the BladeManager, consider the following:
Ensure the room temperature is below 35
If you install the BladeManager in a closed or multi-rack assembly, the operating ambient temperature of the rack environment may be greater than the room ambient temperature. Ensure that you install the equipment in an environment compatible with the manufacturer’s maximum rated ambient temperature.
Do not block any air vents. Usually, 15 cm (6 in.) of air space provides proper airflow.
Plan the device installation starting from the bottom of the rack cabinet.
Install the heaviest device in the bottom of the rack cabinet.
Do not extend more than one device out of the rack cabinet at the same time.
Connect all power cords to properly wired and grounded electrical outlets.
Maintain reliable earthing of rack mounted equipment by inspecting supply connections other than direct connections to the branch circuit such as power strips or extension cords.
Do not overload the power outlet when installing multiple devices in the rack.
Remove the rack doors and side panels to provide easier access during installation.
The slide rails in the kit come preset to the correct length for installing in an IBM rack cabinet and they are adjustable for other rack cabinets.
The slide rails are marked RIGHT/FRONT and LEFT/FRONT for proper placement on the rack-cabinet flanges.
Ensure that the equipment is mounted or loaded evenly to prevent a potentially hazardous condition.
Do not place any object weighing more than 50 kg (110 lb) on top of rack­mounting devices.
C (95o F).
2-2 AlterPath BladeManager Manual
Rack Mounting Guidelines
To install the BladeManager in a rack cabinet, you need the following items:
2 slide rails
6 cable straps
6 M6 screws (for shipping and for securing vibration-prone areas)
a. Press on the rail-adjustment bracket (1) on the rear of the slide rail to
prevent the bracket from moving.
b. Press on tab (2) and tab (3) and slide the rail-locking carrier toward
the front of the slide rail until it snaps into place.
c. Press on tab (2) and tab (3) on the front rail-locking carrier and slide
the rail-locking carrier toward the rear of the slide until it snaps into place.
AlterPath BladeManager Manual 2-3
2: BladeManager Installation
a. Lift the release tab (1) and fully extend the rail-adjustment bracket
from the rear of the slide rail until it snaps into place, if you need to adjust the slide rail length.
b. Align the pins on the rear rail-locking carrier with the holes on the
rear mounting flange.
c. Press the tab (2) to secure the rear of the slide rail to the rear
mounting flange.
Important: Ensure that the pins are fully extended through the mounting
flange and slide rail.
2-4 AlterPath BladeManager Manual
Rack Mounting Guidelines
a. Align the pins (1) on the front rail-locking carrier to the front
mounting flange.
b. If you adjusted the rail length, push the rail-locking carrier back
toward the rear of the slide rail to align the slide rail with the mounting flange.
c. Press the tab (2) to secure the front of the slide rail to the front
mounting flange.
d. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the other slide rail.
AlterPath BladeManager Manual 2-5
2: BladeManager Installation
a. If you plan to transport the rack cabinet to another location with the
server installed, remove one screw and loosen the other screws as indicated.
b. Fully extend the rail and re-insert the screw and tighten all screws to
secure the rail.
c. If you do not plan to transport the rack cabinet with to another
location with the server installed, continue with step 5.
2-6 AlterPath BladeManager Manual
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