Adjustable Frequency Drives
Brake Chopper Options
The brake chopper circuit
option is used for applications
that require dynamic braking.
Dynamic braking resistors are
not included with drive
purchase. Consult the factory
for additional dynamic braking
resistor selections that are
supplied separately. A list of
common resistors are listed
below and are complete
indoor assemblies, include a
pre-wired terminal block and
a thermal switch, and are not
UL Listed.
Dynamic Brake Resistor—Catalog Number Selection
PowerXL DG1 Series Drives
Duty Cycle
The duty cycle rating is based
on a 60-second period. For
example, the 20% duty cycle
resistor can carry 100%
current for 12 seconds out
of every 60 seconds, while
the 50% duty cycle resistor
can carry 150% current for
30 seconds out of every
60 seconds.
DBR –R100– W0800
If the braking torque required
is less than 15%, dynamic
braking is not required
because the regenerated
energy will be dissipated in
the drive and motor losses.
Dynamic Brake Resistor Resistance
1D0 =1.0 Ohms
100 =100 Ohms
Rated Watts
0800 = 800 Watts
8000 = 8000 Watts
080K = 80,000 Watts
230 V Brake Resistors
Drive hp
0.75 30.0 DBR-R100-W0400 12W x 5D x 5H DBR-R100-W0800 12W x 7D x 5H
130.0DBR-R100-W0400 12W x 5D x 5H DBR-R100-W0800 12W x 7D x 5H
1.5 30.0 DBR-R100-W0400 12W x 5D x 5H DBR-R036-W1200 12W x 10D x 5H
230.0DBR-R100-W0400 12W x 5D x 5H DBR-R036-W1200 12W x 10D x 5H
330.0DBR-R036-W0800 12W x 7D x 5H DBR-R036-W2000 12W x 16D x 5H
430.0DBR-R036-W0800 12W x 7D x 5H DBR-R030-W2400 19W x 10D x 5H
530.0DBR-R036-W0800 12W x 7D x 5H DBR-R030-W2800 19W x 13D x 5H
7.5 20.0 DBR-R020-W1200 12W x 10D x 5H DBR-R020-W4800 26.5W x 13D x 5H
10 10.0 DBR-R015-W1600 12W x 13D x 5H DBR-R112-W6000 26.5W x 13D x 5H
15 10.0 DBR-R012-W2400 19W x 10D x 5H DBR-R010-W9000 28W x 10D x 10H
20 3.3 DBR-R9D3-W3200 19W x 10D x 5H DBR-R3D4-W012K 28W x 10D x 10H
25 3.3 DBR-R5D5-W4000 26.5W x 10D x 5H DBR-R5D1-W015K 28W x 16D x 10H
30 3.3 DBR-R4D8-W4800 26.5W x 10D x 5H DBR-R4D1-W020K 28W x 16D x 10H
40 1.4 DBR-R004-W6000 26.5W x 13D x 5H DBR-R3D4-W025K 30W x 18D x 16H
50 1.4 DBR-R3D1-W7500 26.5W x 16D x 5H DBR-R2D1-W030K 30W x 18D x 24H
60 1.4 DBR-R2D8-W9000 26.5W x 16D x 5H DBR-R002-W036K 30W x 18D x 24H
75 1.4 DBR-R2D6-W012K 28W x 10D x 10H DBR-R1D5-W045K 30W x 18D x 32H
100 1.4 DBR-R002-W015K 28W x 16D x 10H DBR-R1D4-W060K 30W x 18D x 40H
20% Duty Cycle, 100% Torque 50% Duty Cycle, 150% Torque
Catalog Number Dimensions (Inches) Catalog Number Dimensions (Inches)
V6-T2-58 Volume 6—Solid-State Motor Control CA08100007E—March 2019

Adjustable Frequency Drives
PowerXL DG1 Series Drives
480 V Brake Resistors
Drive hp
163.0DBR-R100-W0400 12W x 5D x 5H DBR-R100-W0800 12W x 7D x 5H
1.5 63.0 DBR-R100-W0400 12W x 5D x 5H DBR-R100-W1200 12W x 10D x 5H
263.0DBR-R100-W0400 12W x 5D x 5H DBR-R100-W1200 12W x 10D x 5H
363.0DBR-R100-W0800 12W x 7D x 5H DBR-R100-W2000 12W x 16D x 5H
563.0DBR-R100-W0800 12W x 7D x 5H DBR-R100-W2800 19W x 13D x 5H
663.0DBR-R100-W1200 12W x 10D x 5H DBR-R070-W4000 19W x 16D x 5H
7.5 63.0 DBR-R100-W1200 12W x 10D x 5H DBR-R063-W4800 26.5W x 13D x 5H
10 63.0 DBR-R063-W1600 12W x 13D x 5H DBR-R063-W6000 26.5W x 16D x 5H
15 42.0 DBR-R042-W2400 19W x 10D x 5H DBR-R042-W9000 28W x 10D x 10H
20 21.0 DBR-R030-W3200 19W x 13D x 5H DBR-R023-W012K 28W x 13D x 10H
25 21.0 DBR-R030-W4000 19W x 16D x 5H DBR-R021-W015K 28W x 13D x 10H
30 14.0 DBR-R020-W4800 26.5W x 13D x 5H DBR-R014-W020K 30W x 18D x 24H
40 6.5 DBR-R112-W6000 26.5W x 13D x 5H DBR-R007-W025K 30W x 18D x 16H
50 6.5 DBR-R013-W7500 26.5W x 16D x 5H DBR-R8D5-W030K 30W x 18D x 24H
60 6.5 DBR-R010-W9000 28W x 10D x 10H DBR-R7D3-W036K 30W x 18D x 24H
75 3.3 DBR-R009-W012K 28W x 13D x 10H DBR-R3D3-W045K 30W x 18D x 32H
100 3.3 DBR-R5D1-W015K 28W x 16D x 10H DBR-R004-W060K 30W x 18D x 40H
125 3.3 DBR-R4D1-W020K 28W x 16D x 10H DBR-R004-W070K 30W x 18D x 48H
150 3.3 DBR-R3D4-W025K 30W x 18D x 16H DBR-R3D5-W085K 30W x 18D x 56H
200 3.3 DBR-R3D3-W030K 30
250 1.4 DBR-R2D5-W036K 30W x 18D x 24H
300 1.4 DBR-R1D5-W045K 30W x 18D x 32H
350 1.4 DBR-R1D4-W060K 30W x 18D x 40H
400 0.9 DBR-R1D4-W060K 30W x 18D x 40H
500 0.9 DBR-R0D9-W080K 30W x 18D x 48H
550 0.9 DBR-R001-W085K 30W x 18D x 56H
Consult factory.
20% Duty Cycle, 100% Torque 50% Duty Cycle, 150% Torque
Catalog Number Dimensions (Inches) Catalog Number Dimensions (Inches)
W x 18D x 24H DBR-R3D3-W110K 30
W x 18D x 72H
Volume 6—Solid-State Motor Control CA08100007E—March 2019 V6-T2-59