Cutler Hammer, Div of Eaton Corp EASY-BOX-E4-UC1 Operation Manual

04/19 MN050009 EN
All brand owners.
Original Operating Instructions
is the German-language edition of this document
Publication date 04/19 MN050009 EN 2.0 Edition, Build 008
Copyright © 2018 by Eaton Industries GmbH, 53105 Bonn Author: Electrical Sector, Business Unit MOC Editor: Eaton Industries GmbH, Hein-Moeller-Straße 7-11, D-53115 Bonn
All rights, including those of translation, reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, whether electronic, mechanical, photocopying, micro-filming, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Eaton Industries GmbH, Bonn.
trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
Subject to alteration.
Dangerous ElectricalVoltage!
Before starting with the installation
l Installationrequires qualified electrician l Disconnectthe power supply of the device. l Secure against retriggering l Verify isolationfrom thesupply l Groundandshort-circuit l Cover or enclose any
neighboringlive parts.
l Follow the engineering instructions (IL) of the device
l Only suitably qualified personnel inaccordance with
EN 50110-1/-2 (VDE 0105 part 100) may work on this device/system.
l Beforeinstallationandbeforetouchingthe device
ensure that you are freeof electrostatic charge.
l Thefunctional earth (FE) must be connected tothe
protective earth (PE) or to theequipotential bonding. Thesystem installer is responsiblefor implementing this connection.
l Connectingcables andsignallines should be
installed so that inductive or capacitive interference does not impair the automation functions.
l Installautomation devices and relatedoperatingele-
ments in sucha way thatthey are wellprotected against unintentionaloperation.
l Suitablesafety hardware and software measures
shouldbe implemented for the I/O interfaceso that a lineor wire breakageon the signal sidedoes not res­ult in undefinedstates in the automation devices.
l Deviations of the mains voltage from the nominal
value must not exceed the tolerancelimits given in the specifications, otherwise this may result in mal­functionandhazardous states.
l Emergency-Stop devices complying with IEC/EN
60204-1 must be effective inall operatingmodes of the automation devices. Unlatching the emergency stop devices must notresult inan automatic restart.
l Built-in devices for enclosures or cabinets must only
be run and operated in an installed state; desktop devices andportable devices only whenthe housing is closed.
l Measures shouldbe taken toensure the proper
restartingof programs interruptedafter a voltage dip or outage. This should not result indangerous oper­ating states even for a short time. If necessary, emer­gency stop devices should be implemented.
l Wherever faults in the automation system may
cause damage topersons or property, externalmeas­ures must be implemented toensure asafe oper­ating statein the event ofa fault or malfunction (for example,by means of separate limit switches, mech­anicalinterlocks, etc.).
Table of Contents
easyE4 Manual 1
Imprint 2 Beforestarting withthe installation 3 Table of Contents 1
0.1 About this manual 13
0.1.1 List of revisions 13
0.1.2 Target group 14
0.1.3 Legal disclaimer 15
0.1.4 Short designations 16
0.1.5 Writingconventions 17 Warning labels 17 Documents with additional information 18
1. easyE4 control relays description 19
1.1 Use as intended 19
1.2 Function 19
1.2.1 Features 20
1.3 Device models - versions and part nos. 22
1.3.1 Basic features 22
1.3.2 Base device versions 23
1.3.3 I/O expansion versions EASY-E4-...-...E1 24 Overview of available easyE4 devices 25
1.4 Accessory devices 27
1.5 What the different parts of the part number mean 27
1.6 Nameplate 28
1.7 Support 28
1.8 Overview of devices 29
1.9 Programmingsoftware easySoft 7 31
1.10 Safety regulations 32
1.10.1 Basics 32
1.10.2 Mandatory requirements, personnelrequirements 32 Occupational safety 32
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1 Personnel qualifications 32 Device documentation 33 Installation, maintenance, anddisposal 33 Prerequisites for proper operation 34
1.10.3 Device-specifichazards 35
1.11 Engineering 38 Lengthof input cables 38 Analog signals 39 Notes onconnecting EASY-E4-AC-... devices 40
2. Installation 43
2.1 Prerequisites for the locationof use 44
2.1.1 Installationposition 44 Temperatures 44 Aeration and de-aeration 45
2.2 Unpacking and checking the equipmentsupplied 46
2.3 Mounting 47
2.3.1 Mounting easyE4 controlrelays 47 Installationon mountingrail 50 Screw mounting 52 Dismounting of a device 53
2.4 Connectionterminals 54
2.4.1 Cable cross-sections 54
2.4.2 Connectingthe power supply 55 Specialnotes on connecting EASY-E4-AC-... devices 56
2.4.3 Connectdigital inputs 57 Connectdigital counter inputs 59
2.4.4 Connectinganalog inputs 60
2.4.5 Connectingrelay outputs 61
2.4.6 Connectingtransistor outputs 62 Transistor output behavior in the event of a short circuit/overload64 Connectingoutputs in parallel 64
2.4.7 Analog I/O expansion device 65
2.4.8 Analog input expansion with temperature measuring 67
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2.4.9 Terminal configurations for individual devices 70
2.5 Externalconnections 72
2.5.1 Externalconnectionlayouts 72
2.5.2 Memory card 73
2.5.3 Ethernet 75 Connectingthe Ethernet cable 76
2.6 Programmingsoftware license 77
2.6.1 System requirements 78
2.6.2 Licensing 78 Getting alicense key 79
2.6.3 Adding alicense key later on 80
2.6.4 Software updates andhardwarechanges 81
2.6.5 Installationinstructions 82
3. Commissioning 87
3.1 Initial commissioning 87
3.2 Daily operation 87
3.3 Switch on 88
3.3.1 Startupbehavior of easyE4 control relays with LED indicators 88
3.3.2 Startupbehavior of easyE4 control relays with a display and keypad 90 Changing the menu language 91
3.3.3 Startupbehavior of base devices with connected expansion devices 93
3.3.4 Status display on easyE4 controlrelays with display andkeypad 94
3.3.5 Commissioning the Ethernet network 96 Network operation 96
3.3.6 Remoteoperation 97
3.4 Overview of switch-onbehavior 98
4. Operation 101
4.1 Base device withdisplay and buttons 101
4.1.1 LCD Display 101 Display color backlight 102
4.1.2 Keyboard 102
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4.1.3 Selecting menus andentering values 103
4.1.4 Cursor display 104
4.1.5 Enteringof values 104
4.2 Operatingmodes of the easyE4 105
4.2.1 RUN mode 105
4.2.2 STOP mode 105
4.3 Operationof themenu selection and value entry 107
4.3.1 How to navigate the device menus 107
4.3.2 Operatingprinciplein the circuit diagram and function block editor 107
4.3.3 Selecting adevicemenu 108
4.4 Overview of themenus onthe device 109
4.4.1 Mainmenu 109
4.4.2 STOP RUN operating modemenu 109
4.4.3 MenuParameter 110
4.4.4 Set clock menu 111
4.4.5 MenuCard 112
4.4.6 MenuInformation 113
4.4.7 System options menu 114
4.4.8 Program menu 116
4.5 Your first EDP program 118
4.5.1 Draw a wiring diagram 120
4.5.2 Testingthe circuit diagram 123
4.5.3 Control options in RUN mode 124
4.5.4 Delete Program 126
4.6 Transfer program tothe easyE4 device 127
4.6.1 Transfer with a microSD memory card 127
4.6.2 Establish Ethernetconnection 132
5. Programming on the device 135
5.1 Program 135
5.2 Circuit diagram display 136
5.3 Circuit diagram elements 138
5.3.1 Function blocks 138
5.3.2 Relays 138
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5.3.3 Contacts 139
5.3.4 Coils 140
5.3.5 Markers andanalog operands 145
5.4 Working with contacts andcoils 147
5.4.1 Enteringand modifying contacts 148
5.4.2 Changing an N/O contact to anN/C contact 149
5.4.3 Enteringand modifying coils 150
5.4.4 Deletingcontacts and coils 151
5.4.5 Creating and modifyingconnections 152
5.4.6 Deletingconnections 153
5.4.7 Adding arung 153
5.4.8 Deletinga rung 153
5.4.9 Got toa rung 154
5.4.10 Savingthe circuit diagram 154
5.4.11 Exitingthe circuitdiagram without saving 155
5.4.12 Searching for contacts and coils 155
5.4.13 Switching with the Cursor Buttons 156
5.4.14 Checking the circuit diagram 157
5.4.15 Jumps 158
5.4.16 WiringNET operands inthe circuit diagram 160
5.5 Transferring programs from and toa memory card 164
5.5.1 Configurationon base devices with a display 165 PROGRAM submenu 166
5.6 Working with function blocks 168
5.6.1 Adding functionblocks to the circuit diagram for thefirst time 168
5.6.2 Function block list 170
5.6.3 Configuring parameters inthe functionblock editor 171
5.6.4 PARAMETERS menu 174
5.6.5 Deletingfunction blocks 174
5.7 Organizing marker ranges 177
6. Function blocks 180
6.1 Manufacturer functionblocks 182
6.1.1 Timer modules 182
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5 HW - 7-day time switch(Hour Week) 182 HY - Year time switch (Hora Year) 192 OT - Operating hours counter 202 RC - Real-time clock 206 T - Timingrelay 210 YT - Year time switch (Year Table) 225 WT - Weekly timer (WeekTable) 232 AC - Astronomic clock 236
6.1.2 Counter Function Blocks 245 C - Counter relay 245 CF - Frequency counter 251 CH - High-speedcounter 257 CI - Incremental Counter 263
6.1.3 Arithmeticandanalog function blocks 270 A - Analogvalue comparator 270 AR - Arithmetic 277 AV - Average 282 CP –Comparator 291 LS - Value scaling 295 MM - Min-/Max function 300 PM - Performance map 303 PW - Pulse widthmodulation 309
6.1.4 Open-loopandclosed-loopfunctionblocks 315 DC - PID controller 315 FT - PT1-Signalsmoothing filter 323 PO - Pulse output 329 TC - Three step controller 342 VC - Valuelimitation 347
6.1.5 Data and register function blocks 351 BC - Block compare 351 BT - Block transfer 358 DB - Datafunctionblock 364 MX - Data multiplexer 369 RE - Reciperecords 373
easyE4 04/19 MN050009 EN SR - Shift register 378 TB - Table function 386
6.1.6 NET Function blocks 391 GT - Get values from NET 391 PT - Put values to NET 395 SC - Synchronizingclock via NET 399
6.1.7 Other functionblocks 403 AL - Alarm function block 403 BV - Boolean operation 407 D - Text display 411 D - Text display editor 421 DL - Data logger 438 JC - Conditional jump 449 LB - Jump label 454 MR - MasterReset 456 NC - Numerical converter 460 ST - Set cycletime 466
6.2 interrupt functionblocks 469
6.2.1 IC - Counter-controlled interrupt 469 General 469 Operatingprinciple 470 Thefunctionblock and its parameters 471 Other 474
6.2.2 IE - Edge-controlled interrupt 482 General 482 Operatingprinciple 483 Thefunctionblock and its parameters 484 Other 486
6.2.3 IT - Time-controlled interrupt function block 488 General 488 Operatingprinciple 488 Thefunctionblock and its parameters 490 Other 492
6.3 UF - User functionblock 496
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6.3.1 General 496 General information on user functionblocks 497
6.3.2 Creating a user function block 497
6.3.3 Configuring a user function block 499
6.3.4 Programminga user function block 503 Programmingview tabs 504
6.3.5 Callinga user function block inthe main program 504 User functionblocks in anST mainprogram 508
6.3.6 Savinga user function block 509
6.3.7 Exporting auser functionblock 511 Plausibility check 512
6.3.8 Importinga user functionblock 513
6.3.9 Replacing a user function block 514
6.3.10 Deletinga user function block 514
6.3.11 Comparing user function blocks 515
6.3.12 Printing a user function block 517
6.4 Timingandcounter relay example 518
7. System settings 523
7.1 System options - Base device withdisplay and buttons 524
7.2 Display 525
7.3 Device ID 525
7.4 Splash screen 526
7.5 NET 527
7.6 Ethernet 528
7.7 Update 529
7.8 Switch languages 530
7.8.1 Selecting amenu language on abase device witha display 530
7.8.2 Setting the menu language inthe easySoft 7 530
7.9 Setting the startup behavior 531
7.9.1 Enabling /disabling the RUN START option 531 Configurationon abase devicewith a display 531
7.9.2 Enabling /disabling the CARD START option 532 Configurationon abase devicewith a display 532
easyE4 04/19 MN050009 EN Configuring the easySoft 7 533
7.10 Debounce 534
7.10.1 Configuring input debouncingon abase device with adisplay 534
7.10.2 Configuring input debouncingin easySoft 7 534
7.11 Download comments 535
7.12 P buttons 536
7.12.1 Configuring the P buttons ona base device with adisplay 536
7.12.2 Configuring the P buttons in easySoft 7 536
7.13 Define program name 537
7.14 Retention function 538
7.14.1 Retention inthe easySoft 7 539
7.15 Security – password protection 541
7.15.1 Configuring the password ona base device witha display 541 What happens if you forgetyour password or enter the wrong password? 543
7.15.2 Configuring the password ineasySoft 7 544
7.16 Configuring the memory cardand device ID 546
7.17 Time and Date setting 547
7.17.1 Time and date on a base device witha display 547
7.17.2 Setting time and date in theeasySoft 7 550
8. microSD memory card 553
8.1 Automatic booting from the card 553
8.1.1 Preparingthe card in the PCfor booting witheasySoft 7 554 Transfer program 555 Setting aprogram as the starting program 557
8.1.2 Preparingthe card in the easyE4 device for booting with easySoft 7 558 Transfer program 560 Setting aprogram as the starting program 561
8.1.3 Preparingthe card for booting on the easyE4 device itself 562
8.2 Reset –resettingthe deviceto factory settings 564
8.3 Loading the new operating system - from OS version 1.10 565
8.3.1 Firmware update Basisgerät 566
8.3.2 Firmware update expansiondevice 568
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9 An expansionis updated from the base device withdisplay 569
8.4 Loading the new operating system - up toOS version 1.00 570
8.5 microSD Ejectingthe memory card 572
8.6 Setting asplash screen for theEASY-E4-...-12...C1 display 573
9. easyE4 Inside 575
9.1 Program execution 575
9.2 Transfering an existingcircuit diagram 578
9.3 Device information 579
9.4 NET network 580
9.5 Operatingstates easyE4 583
9.6 Device easyE4 time responses 584
9.6.1 Time behavior of the inputs and outputs 584
9.6.2 Base device timing 585 Delay time for operationwith DC power supply 585 Delay time for operationwith AC power supply 587
9.6.3 Timingcharacteristics of expansiondevices 589 Delay time for ACexpansiondevices 589
10. Operating system diagnostic messages 591
10.1 Transistor outputs (overload /short-circuit) 593
10.2 Diagnostics buffer 593
10.3 LED status messages on the device 594
11. Connection to other devices 595
11.1 Functions offline 596
11.1.1 Circuit diagram window incommunication view 602
11.1.2 Status display on 604
11.1.3 Wiringtest 605
11.1.4 Groupdiagnostic alarms 605
11.2 Establishingan Ethernet connection 606
11.3 Setting up a NET 613
11.3.1 Access on theNET 615
11.3.2 Communication via NET 615
11.3.3 NET settings 617
11.4 Modbus TCP 621
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11.4.1 General 621
11.4.2 Programmingcommunicationwith Modbus TCP 622 ReadCoils 0x01: 623 ReadDiscrete Inputs 0x02: 624 ReadHolding Registers 0x03: 624 ReadInput Registers 0x04: 625 Write Single Registers 0x06: 626 Write MultipleRegisters 0x10: 627
11.4.3 Modbus TCPerror handling 629
11.4.4 Modbus map 633
11.5 Setting up a web server 636
11.5.1 Configuring the web server function ineasySoft 7 638
11.6 Web client 642
11.7 E-mail function 659
12. Faults 669
12.1 Messages from the operatingsystem 670
12.2 Possible situations when creating programs 671
12.3 Event 672
12.4 Functionality of the NETfaulty 673
13. Maintenance 675
13.1 Cleaning and maintenance 675
13.2 Repairs 675
13.3 Storage,transport and disposal 676
13.3.1 Storage and transport 676
13.3.2 Disposal 677
Appendix 679
A.1 Dimensionand weight specifications 680 A.2 Approvals and declarations 683 A.3 Technicaldata 684 A.3.1 Data sheets 684 A.3.1.1 Base devices 684 A.3.1.2 Expansions 684 A.3.1.3 Accessory devices 684
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A.4 Further reading 688 A.5 SampleProjects 690 A.5.1 Applicationexample easyE4_Running_Light_EDP.e70 690
Alphabetical index 693 List of Figures 704 Glossary 715
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0.1 About this manual
0.1 About this manual
This manualcontains all the information youwill need in order to use the easyE4 safely andeffectively.
TheManual easyE4 manualis considered an integral part ofthe devices and must always be readily availablein the device's close proximity so that users have access to it.
As an integratedpart, the easySoft 7 Help groups together the relevant sections in the easySoft 7.
This Manual describes all of thedevices' lifecyclestages: transportation,installation, commissioning, operation,maintenance, storage, and disposal. It assumes you have electrical engineering knowledgeand skills.
Make sure to always use thelatest documentationfor your device.
Manual easyE4
0.1.1 List of revisions
Thelatest versionof this documentation,as well as additional references, is available for download on the Internet.
Please send any comments, recommendations, or suggestions regarding this doc­ument to:
Thefollowing significant amendments have been introduced since previous issues:
Publication date Page Keyword New Modification Deleted
11/2018 New edition ✓ 11/2018 V1.1 A3
1/2019 V1.2 ff Corrections 2/2019 Added models EASY-E4-
4/2019 Webserver, E-Mail function,
A5 24
Real-time clock char­acteristic curve Sample program article no. MEMORY-SUD-A1
AC-... and EASY-E4-DC-4PE1; added AC, AV, PM, and RE function blocks
time response, micro SD card
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0.1.3 Legal disclaimer
0.1 About this manual
All the information in this manual has been prepared tothe best of our knowledgeand in accordancewith thestate of the art. However, this does notexcludethe possibility of therebeing errors or inaccuracies. We assume noliability for thecorrectness andcom­pleteness of this information. Inparticular, this informationdoes not guarantee any par­ticular properties.
Do not use the easyE4 before reading and understanding this manual. It is assumed that the user of this manual is thoroughly familiar with the information
found in the manuals for incorporatingthe controlrelay into automation processes. Hazards posed by the controlrelay cannot beruledout if thesafety instructions arenot
observed –especially if thecontrol relay is installedand commissioned by inadequately qualified personnel or if it is usedimproperly. Eaton assumes no liability for any dam­ages resultingfrom cases suchas these.
Theuse of sample programs andof theeasySoft 7 programming softwareis subject to the following instructions andrules ofuse:
1. The program examples provided were createdto the best of our knowledgeand belief andin accordance withthe currentstate-of-the-art. The program examples provided were created to thebest of our knowledgeandbelief and in accordancewith thecurrentstate-of-the-art. However, errors cannot betotally excluded,andthe example programs do not cover allfunctionblocks and applic­ations thatare available for thecontrol relays.
2. Electrical engineering skills and know-how are required in order tobe ableto pro­gram and commission controlrelays. An incorrectly wiredor incorrectly con­figured control relay will pose aproperty damagerisk and aninjury hazard when active components such as motors and pressure cylinders are being driven.
3. When using the providedsample programs andgenerating aprogram with SWDeasySoft 7, the user has the soleresponsibility to observe the following:
l All relevant rules andpractices for preparing circuit diagrams for the circuit
relays as specifiedin the latest documents for these relays.
l All occupational health and safety andaccident preventiondirectives, stand-
ards, and regulations applicable tothe commissioning,circuit diagram cre­ation for, and use of the control relays for your plannedapplication, in particular those imposedbyemployers' liability insurance associations (Berufsgenossenschaften).
l Acknowledgedrule of technology andstate ofscience. l All other general due diligence regarding the prevention of damages tolife
andphysical conditionof persons as well as materialdamage.
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0.1 About this manual
0.1.4 Short designations
4. The manufacturer cannot accept any liability for any damages thatare caused by customers not usingthe program examples provided in accordancewith the conditions of use specifiedhere under points 1 to 3.
Thefollowing general terms are used throughout this manual:
Short designation Explanation
easyE4 Entire series, used to refer to all the devices in the product family EASY-E4-... Used to refer to the devices in the series EASY-E4-...-12...CX1 Base devices from the product family with diagnostic LEDs EASY-E4-...-12...C1 Base devices from the product family with an LCD display and a keypad Expansions
All input and output expansions as devices in the product family
For the exact designationfor your easyE4, please refer tothe inscription on the device.
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1. easyE4 control relays description
1.2 Function
1.2.1 Features
l Logic gates l Time and counter functions l Time switchfunctions l Arithmeticfunctions l PID controllers l Control relays with 16-character x 6-line LCD display (128 x 96 pixels) and keypad
l Function expansions canbe implemented withinsertable microSD cards l Integratedoperatingsystem, canbe loaded l Built-in Ethernet interface l Requires little space; can be usedin an upright positionas well l Device construction for mounting rails l Programminglanguages: Ladder diagram (LD), Function Block Diagram (FBD),
Structured Text (ST),and easy Device Programming (EDP) on device and in easySoft 7
easyE4 base devices combinethe functions of a controlrelay and an input device inone singleunit
TheEthernet port makes it possible to integratethe base device into a network. This allows thedesignof systems using high-speed controllers with decentralized intel-
ligence. There is ladder diagram languageversion called easy Device Programming (EDP) that
you can use to put together acircuit diagram on the device. In the case ofdevices witha display, you can enter the program as a circuitdiagram dir­ectly on the deviceby using the corresponding buttons. Youcanalso program it on your computer with the easySoft 7 programming software program (this optioncan also be used for base devices without a display).
For example,you can:
l ConnectN/O and N/C contacts inseries andin parallel l Connectoutput relays and markers. l Define outputs as coils, impulse relays, rising
or falling edge-triggered relays or as latching relays.
l ...
Youcan use the function blocks to run arithmeticfunctions, comparevalues, count up, count down, etc. All thefunctionblocks available are provided in a list
→ Section"Functionblocks", page 180
If you wish towire a easyE4 device via your PC, i.e. create a circuit diagram, use the easySoft 7
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1. easyE4 control relays description
→ Section"Programming softwareeasySoft 7", page 31.
1.2 Function
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21 Overview of available easyE4 devices
Make sure to take advantage of theEATON onlinecatalog. Enter "easy" intothe search box and the catalog will take youdirectly to the correspondingproduct groupin the Automation,Controlandvisualizationsection.
easyE4 control relays
l Featuring screw terminals and areal-time clock (RTC) l Canbe expanded withI/O expansions from theeasyE4 series l Canbe networked using the correspondingEthernet port
1. easyE4 control relays description
1.3 Device models - versions and part nos.
Article no. and type
197211 - EASY-E4-UC-12RC1
197212 - EASY-E4-UC-12RCX1
197213 - EASY-E4-DC-12TC1
197214 - EASY-E4-DC-12TCX1
197215 - EASY-E4-AC-12RC1
97216 - EASY-E4-AC-12RCX1
Base device with display; 12/24 VDC, 24 VAC; digital inputs: 8, of which 4 can be used as analog inputs; digital outputs: 4 relay outputs
Base device with diagnostic LED; 12/24 VDC, 24 VAC; digital inputs: 8, of which 4 can be used as analog inputs; digital outputs: 4 relay outputs
Base device with display; 24 VDC; digital inputs: 8, of which 4 can be used as analog inputs; digital outputs: 4 transistor outputs
Base device with diagnostic LED; 24 VDC; digital inputs: 8, of which 4 can be used as analog inputs; digital outputs: 4 transistor outputs
Base device with display; 100 – 240 VAC, 100 – 240 VDC; digital inputs: 8; digital outputs: 4 relay outputs
Base device with diagnostic LED; 100 – 240 VAC, 100 – 240 VDC; digital inputs: 8; digital outputs: 4 relay outputs
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1. easyE4 control relays description
1.3 Device models - versions and part nos.
I/O expansion for easyE4 control relays
l Featuring screw terminals l Canbe networked using the correspondingEthernet port
Article no. and type
197217 - EASY-E4-UC-8RE1
197218 - EASY-E4-UC-16RE1
197219 - EASY-E4-DC-8TE1
197220 - EASY-E4-DC-16TE1
197221 - EASY-E4-AC-8RE1
197222 - EASY-E4-AC-16RE1
197223 - EASY-E4-DC-6AE1
197224 - EASY-E4-DC-4PE1
12/24 V DC, 24 V AC, digital inputs: 4, digital output: 4 relays
12/24 V DC, 24 V AC, digital inputs: 8, digital output: 8 relays
24 V DC, digital inputs: 4, digital output: 4 transistors
24 V DC, digital inputs: 8, digital output: 8 transistors
100 - 240 V AC, 100 - 240 V DC, digital inputs: 4, digital output: 4 relays,
100 - 240 V AC, 100 - 240 V DC, digital inputs: 8, digital output: 8 relays
24 V DC, analog inputs: 4, analog outputs: 2
with temperature measuring Pt100, Pt1000 or Ni1000 24 VDC; analog inputs: 4; outputs: None
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