10" All-In-One PC POS System With Built-In Printer
FUSION is a 10" PC POS with a stylish and compact design for Retail as "all in one" point of sale and for customer services
(phone top-ups, bets, stamp duty payment). Featuring an innovative design and technology, FUSION offers a new way of using
the Touch Screen, which has been vertically mounted to improve ergonomics, for a modern look and to take up a reduced
amount of space at the till. Fusion is fitted with a bright 10" (800x1280) monitor with project capacitive touch screen, an
autocutter integrated 80mm printer, an assisted paper feeding mechanism and an integrated customer display. Available with
its SDK to interface printer and display.
www.custom.biz - info@custom.biz
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FUSION Android (GPMB-MX6DQ) is SOTI MobiControl certified.
SOTI MobiControlis a mobility management solution that ensures physical asset tracking, application and content
management, as well as device and data protection, all through a single, easy-to-use interface.
MSR reader
Dallas key
www.custom.biz - info@custom.biz
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