Cub Cadet Big Country - Steel Bed User Manual

Service Manual
NOTE: These materials are for use by trained technicians who are experienced in the service and repair of outdoor power  equipment of the kind described in this publication, and are not intended for use by untrained or inexperienced individuals.  These materials are intended to provide supplemental information to assist the trained technician. Untrained or inexperienced  individuals should seek the assistance of an experienced and trained professional. Read, understand, and follow all instructions  and common sense when working on power equipment. This includes the contents of the product’s Operators Manual, supplied  with the equipment. No liability can be accepted for any inaccuracies or omission in this publication, although care has been  taken to make it as complete and accurate as possible at the time of publication. However, due to the variety of outdoor power  equipment and continuing product changes that occur over time, updates will be made to these instructions from time to time.  Therefore, it may be necessary to obtain the latest materials before servicing or repairing a product. The company reserves the  right to make changes at any time to this publication without prior notice and without incurring an obligation to make such  changes to previously published versions. Instructions, photographs and illustrations used in this publication are for reference  use only and may not depict actual model and component parts. © Copyright 2005 MTD Products Inc. All Rights Reserved
MTD Products LLC - Product Training and Education Department
Cub Cadet Big Country 4x2
This Service Manual is not a substitute for the Operators Manual. You must read, understand and follow all of the directions in this manual as well as the Operators Manual before working
on this power equipment.
FORM NO.769-00965 (11/2003)
Visual Inspection...............................................................................................1
Operational Tests..............................................................................................2
Complete Inspection..........................................................................................3
Brake Adjustment..............................................................................................7
Brake Linkage Adjustment ................................................................................9
4x2 Drive – Dana Transaxle.............................................................................. 13
Engine/Transmission Cradle............................................................................. 13
“Dogbone” Link Assembly................................................................................. 13
Transaxle Maintenance.....................................................................................13
Transaxle Removal ...........................................................................................14
4x2 Pushbutton Gear Selector..........................................................................15
Self Diagnostics.................................................................................................18
Terms and Definitions ....................................................................................... 19
Gear Selector System Diagnostics.................................................................... 20
Explanation of Methodology..............................................................................20
Basic Checks ....................................................................................................20
Vacuum Tests ................................................................................................... 23
Differential Lock Actuator.................................................................................. 27
Gear Selector Electrical System........................................................................28
Differential Lock.................................................................................................31

Big Country 4 x 2

It is important that the brakes of the Big Country 4 X 2 Utility Vehicle be properly maintained in order for the utility vehicle to operate safely and dependably. In addition to the obvious safety concerns, there is an electric interlock between the brakes and the gear selector mechanism. If the brakes are out of adjust­ment, the gear selector mechanism will not work as it was designed to. The condition and adjustment of the brake system should be checked in accordance with the two-tiered service interval described under the “Service Intervals” heading in “Description of the Brake System”.


The brake pedal arm lifts up on the pull bolt that transfers the force through a stack of bellville washers to an equalizer bracket. The equalizer bracket distributes the brake pedal force between the cores of two cables. The bellville washers are stacked in opposite directions to provide a spring action, softening the brake pedal feel.
Each cable housing is mounted to a bracket on the firewall using two large jam nuts. Each cable actuates a drum brake at the end of each rear axle.
•A parking brake latches the brake pedal in the applied position when engaged.
There are two electrical switches in the sys­tem. A parking brake switch lights an indicator bulb in the instrument panel to help prevent the operator from trying to drive the Big Country 4 X 2 with the brakes engaged. A brake switch works with the Electronic Shift Module to prevent the operator from shifting gears without the brake applied.
Service intervals will vary with the type severity of use. If the vehicle is operated on hills or with heavy loads, it may be necessary to shorten the maintenance intervals because of the increased load on the brake system and the increased con­sequences of brake system failure. A visual inspection and operational test should be per­formed every 50 hours. The brake drums should be removed for a complete inspection every 500 hours or 24 months, as the tran­saxle gear lube is being changed.


1.1. Open the hood of the Big country 4 X 2 and
examine the brake arm, parking brake latch, and all of the associated hardware.
1.2. Check the condition of the brake cables and
their mounting hardware: See Figure 1.2.
Left brake cable
Cable clamp
Fuel tank
Figure 1.2
Jam nuts at the front should be secure.
Locating clamps at the front of the engine com-
partment should be secure.
Mounting clips and clevis pins at the back end of
the cable housing should be secure and in good condition.
Cable cores should not be frayed or corroded.
Rubber boots should be intact.
Cable housings should not be kinked, chafed,
burned, crushed or otherwise damaged.
1.3. Any significant wear, damage, or binding should
be addressed prior to making an operational test.
Big Country 4 x 2
1.4. If the operator of the vehicle has any specific brake performance complaints, these complaints should direct the visual examination and be con­firmed during the operational test. If the opera­tor describes an inherently unsafe condition, a complete inspection should be performed in lieu of the operational test.


2.1. Operational be performed in a safe location that is free of traffic, obstacles and hazards. See Figure 2.1.
2.7. The parking brake should hold the vehicle securely on a 22 degree incline with an operator and a capacity load (800lbs.) in the bed. It should take less than 100 pounds of pedal pres­sure to push the pedal down far enough to engage the parking brake. See Figure 2.7.
Figure 2.7
Figure 2.1
2.2. Check the following points of performance:
2.3. The brakes should not drag when they are not applied.
2.4. The gear selector buttons should operate when there is enough pressure on the brake pedal to prevent vehicle motion.
2.5. When the brakes are applied at speed, there should be no unusual noises, and no pedal pul­sation.
2.6. When the brakes are applied at speed on a low­coefficient surface (such as a gravel parking lot) the brakes should lock both rear wheels at the same time.
2.8. There should be 7/8” of pedal travel as mea­sured at the edge of the brake pedal pad before pressure on the pedal begins to build. See Figure 2.8.
.875” free-play
from here
Figure 2.8
2.9. If the Big Country 4 X 2 does not perform as described, adjust the brakes as described in the “Brake Adjustment” section of this manual.
2.10. If adjustment does not completely fix the prob­lem, follow the procedures described in the “Complete Inspection” section of this manual, and repair any mechanical faults encountered.
Big Country 4 x 2


3.1. Perform operational tests if no unsafe conditions have been described by the operator.
NOTE: All brake repair work should be done in compliance with applicable OHSHA and EPA
3.2. Loosen the five lug nuts on each rear wheel 1/2 turn each using a 3/4” socket.
3.3. Raise and safely support the rear of the Big Country 4 X 2 with jack stands. See Figure 3.3.
Safe jack location
3.5. Engage the parking brake. Insure the parking brake assembly is engaging and disengaging properly. The latch (parking brake lever) should hook securely over the tab on the brake pedal arm. See Figure 3.5.
Parking brake lever
pedal arm
Figure 3.5
3.6. Attempt to rotate the rear wheels (drive wheels) by hand. Neither wheel should rotate.
Figure 3.3
3.4. With the parking brake disengaged, attempt to rotate the rear wheels. They should not drag. If one or both rear wheels are difficult to rotate, check the adjustment as described in the “Brake Adjustment “ section of this manual.
3.7. If either wheel rotates: release the parking brake and check the adjustment as described in the “Brake Adjustment “ section of this manual.
3.8. Open or remove the hood. See Figure 3.8.
Slide to remove
Figure 3.8
NOTE: With some front mounted accessories in
place, it may be easier to open the hood far enough to remove the hairpin clip from the hood mounting pin, slide the hood assembly to the right, and remove it completely
Big Country 4 x 2
3.9. Inspect the brake cables for any damage or wear. Inspect the hardware securing the cables to the brake pedal assembly. See Figure 3.9.
Equalizer bar
Brake cables
Bellville washer
Jam nuts
Figure 3.9
3.10. Release the parking brake.
3.11. Inspect the brake cables at the rear drive wheels. Inspect the clevis pin, cotter pin, E-clip, cotter pin, and washer securing the the brake cables and the brake actuator hardware. See
Jam nut
Clevis pin
Mounting bolts
Brake actuator
3.15. Slacken the brake adjuster using a brake adjuster spoon or flat blade screw driver. See Figure 3.15.
Star wheel
Brake adjuster
Figure 3.15
NOTE: The brake adjuster is the same on both
sides of the Big Country, but is installed in oppo­site directions. The adjuster is installed with the star wheel toward the front of the left side brake assembly. The adjuster is installed with the star wheel towards the rear of the right side brake assembly. There is a conventional right hand thread on the shaft attached to the star wheel.
Walk the teeth of either star wheel down in order to loosen the brake shoe adjustment. Walk the teeth up in order to tighten the adjustment.
3.16. Inspect the brake shoes and drum for wear. The shoes should be free of oil. See Figure 3.16.
Brake shoes
Window in
brake drum
Brake actuator extension arm
Cotter pin
Figure 3.11
3.12. Remove the rear wheels.
3.13. Remove the brake drums. If the brake drum will not slide easily over the brake shoes, perform the following two steps.
3.14. Rotate the brake drum until the access hole (closest to the outer edge of the hub) is at the 6 O’clock position.
Brake drum
Figure 3.16
NOTE: If the friction material is contaminated
with oil, identify the source, repair the leak, and replace the shoes.
NOTE: The friction material on the brake shoes should not be worn to a thickness of less than 3/32”. The friction material should not be contaminated with oil. The friction material should not show any signs of separating from the steel portion of the brake shoe. If any of these conditions exist, replace the brake shoes.
NOTE: If drums are reused at the time of reline, they should be turned if the depth of scoring exceeds .010"; if the inside diameter at the open end of the drum exceeds the inside diameter at the closed end by more than .010: (bellmouth condition); if the drum rubbing surface is con­cave or convex by more than .005"; if they are heat checked; and if they are out of round by more than .010 total indicator reading or if pedal pulsations or brake roughness is noticed. The rebore limit is .060" over the original maximum drum diameter of 7.005". If reboring to .060” maximum does not correct any of these condi­tions, then the drum should be replaced. New drums have a #50 grit blast applied to the rub­bing surface. Drum surface finish is 40-125 micro-inches friction surface of the drum should be smooth and true within .003 “.
3.17. Remove the cotter pins and clevis pins securing the brake cables to the actuators on each brake. The brake pedal may be carefully depressed while the cable is disconnected from the actua­tor. This will confirm that the cable and linkage move without binding. See Figure 3.17.
Big Country 4 x 2
3.18. Remove the “R” shaped clips securing the brake actuator to the brake shoes. See Figure 3.18.
“R” Shaped clips
Figure 3.18
3.19. Remove the brake actuator.
NOTE: The clevis pin is installed in the hole fur­thest from the pivot pin. The head of the pivot is facing. The Pivot pin is secured to the actuator by a C-clip and wave washer.
3.20. Inspect the actuator for any binding at the pivot pin. See Figure 3.20.
Check for binding and wear
Brake Actuator
Figure 3.20
3.21. Rotate the star wheel on the adjuster to shorten the adjuster to the end of its travel.
Figure 3.17
Big Country 4 x 2
3.22. Pry out on the base of the brake shoes while removing the adjuster. See Figure 3.22.
Blue extension spring
Brake adjuster
Figure 3.22
3.23. Remove the blue extension spring from the base of each brake shoe. The extension spring keeps the adjuster in contact with the base of the brake shoe. See Figure 3.23.
Brake Shoe
3.24. Remove the torsion springs. See Figure 3.24.
Release from bottom lip using a screwdriver or brake spoon
Figure 3.24
NOTE: Relieve the tension from the torsion
spring by prying up on the bottom of the spring until it separates from the ledge on the brake shoe.
NOTE: There is one blue and one yellow torsion spring on each brake assembly. The blue
spring is installed towards the front on the right side brake assembly and towards the rear on the left side brake assembly.
Blue extension spring
3.25. Slide the brake shoes out from behind the cast ears that hold them in place, and remove them. See Figure 3.25.
Brake Shoe and Spring Orientation
Cotter pin tool
Figure 3.23
Figure 3.25
3.26. Replace any damaged, worn, or corroded parts.
Big Country 4 x 2
3.27. Assemble the brakes by reversing the shoe removal process. See Figure 3.27.
Dust cover
Brake mounting plate
Figure 3.27
NOTE: Apply a small amount of white lithium
grease to the metal-to-metal contact points as the brake is assembled.
NOTE: Measure the bore of each drum, then set the adjuster to bring the brake shoes for that drum out to slightly less than the I.D. of the drum. If a brake shoe and drum caliper is not available, a tape measure will usually provide a measurement that is close enough.
3.29. Adjust the brakes as described in the “Brake Adjustment” section of this manual.
3.30. After brake adjustment is complete, perform the operational test as described in the “Visual Inspection and Operational Test” section of this manual.


4.1. If the brake adjustment is being performed after other brake service, such as brake shoe replacement or brake cable replacement, begin with the “Brake Shoe Adjustment” step. Con­tinue with the “Brake Linkage Adjustment”.
4.2. If brake adjustment is being performed as part of
scheduled maintenance or because of a per­formance complaint, begin by performing the
steps of the “Complete Inspection” section of this manual up through the point of brake drum removal, then proceed from the “Brake Shoe Adjustment” step. Continue with “Brake Linkage Adjustment”.


4.3. With the brake drums removed, make a visual inspection of the brake shoes and the compo­nents that actuate them. See Figure 4.3.
3.28. Install the brake drum without the wheel using two of the five lug nuts. Install the lug nuts inside-out, so that the flat side is against the brake drum. See Figure 3.28.
Lug nuts
Figure 3.28
NOTE: Rotate the brake drum as the lug nuts
are tightened to insure that it is centered.
Figure 4.3
Big Country 4 x 2
4.4. Disconnect the clevis on the end of each brake cable from the brake actuator extension arm by removing the cotter pin and clevis pin. See Figure 4.4.
Figure 4.4
NOTE: This step isolates the brake form the link-
age that actuates it, so that the two portions of the system do not interfere with each other.
4.7. Set the adjuster so there is slight drag on the brake drum when turned by hand. Then adjust until no drag is present. At this point, play should be absent from the actuator. See Figure 4.7.
Loosen Tighten
Star Wheel
Figure 4.7
4.8. Repeat the process for the second brake, and proceed with the brake linkage adjustment.
4.5. Install the brake drum using two of the five lug nuts. Install the lug nuts inside-out, so that the flat side of the nut faces the drum. Rotate the drum during installation to center it. See Figure 4.5.
Flat blade screw driver
Figure 4.5
4.6. Position the access slot in the drum at the 6 o­clock position, so that a brake adjuster spoon or flat blade screwdriver can be inserted to reach the star wheel on the brake adjuster.
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