Architectural & Engineering Specifi cations
Macro-Tech 602 (120 V, 60 Hz models)
The power amplifi er shall be a solid-state twochannel model employing multi-mode
grounded bridge
The outputs shall be switchable as stereo,
bridged-mono or parallel-mono modes of
operation. The bridged-mono mode shall bridge
the outputs to provide increased output voltage. The parallel-mono mode shall parallel the
outputs to provide increased output current.
The output impedance of each channel shall be
less than 10 milliohms in series with less than
2 microhenries in stereo mode.
The amplifi er shall contain protection circuitry
which limits the drive level placed on the output
devices before their SOA (Safe Operating Area)
is exceeded. This protection circuitry shall
calculate the instantaneous voltage across and
current through the output devices while factoring in their simulated junction temperatures to
predict how close they are to their operating
limits. This protection shall be called “ODEP.”
The amplifi er shall contain protection from
shorted, open and mismatched loads, general
overheating, DC, high-frequency overloads, and
internal faults. This protection shall be called
The amplifi er shall contain controlled slewrate voltage circuitry to protect it against radio
frequency interference burnouts. It shall also
be protected from current overload at its output
stage. The slew rate of the amplifi er shall be
greater than 13 volts per microsecond in stereo
The amplifi er shall temporarily go into a standby mode if its power transformer becomes
excessively hot and shall automatically resume
normal operation once it has cooled to a safe
operating temperature.
The amplifi er shall be safe when driving any
kind of load, including highly reactive ones.
Front-panel controls shall include an enable
on/off switch and a detented input level control
for each channel.
output circuitry.
Rear-mounted controls shall include a ground
lift switch to isolate the signal ground from the
chassis ground and a switch which selects between stereo, bridged-mono and parallel-mono
modes of operation.
Internal controls shall include an input sensitivity switch to select between 0.775 V, 1.4 V or a
fi xed voltage gain of 26 dB for full rated output.
The amplifi er shall be fully compatible with and
shall provide appropriate input cables and connectors for Crown
optional input adapter shall be available so the
amplifi er can also accept standard Crown PIP™
input modules. The amplifi er shall be fully
compatible with Harmon Pro System Architect
or the Crown IQ System
Front panel indicators shall include an amber
power enable indicator, an amber protection
system indicator for each channel which shall
normally be illuminated to confi rm the availability of reserve thermodynamic energy and which
shall dim in proportion to limiting when the
power demands of the output stages have been
exceeded, and a green dual-function signal
presence/input-output comparator indicator
for each channel which shall normally fl ash at
moderate intensity to show the presence of an
audio signal and shall fl ash brightly if distortion
of any kind equals or exceeds 0.05%.
The power amplifi er shall meet or exceed the
following performance criteria. Input sensitivity
for rated output: 26 dB voltage gain (unbalanced). Rated FTC output in stereo mode with
less than 0.1% THD (20 Hz to 20 kHz): 335
watts per channel into 2 ohms, 300 watts per
channel into 4 ohms; 210 watts per channel
into 8 ohms. Rated FTC output in bridgedmono mode with less than 0.1% THD (20 Hz
to 20 kHz) : 650 watts into 4 ohms; 605 watts
into 8 ohms. Signal-to-noise ratio: at least 105
dB (A weighted) below full rated output power.
Phase response: ±10 degrees from 10 Hz to 20
kHz at 1 watt. Frequency response: 20 Hz to 20
kHz, ±0.1 dB at 1 watt into 8 ohms per channel
in stereo mode. Damping factor: greater than
PIP2™ input modules. An
1000 from 10 to 400 Hz into 8 ohms. Intermodulation distortion (SMPTE): less than 0.05%
from 163 milliwatts to rated power into 8 ohms
in stereo mode. Total harmonic distortion at
rated full-bandwidth power: less than 0.05%
from 20 Hz to 1 kHz and increasing linearly to
less than 0.1% at 20 kHz.
The power requirements shall be 120 VAC at 60
Hz. At idle, the amplifi er shall draw 100 watts
or less.
The amplifi er chassis shall be constructed of
steel with a durable black fi nish and shall be
designed for fl ow-through fan-assisted ventilation from the front panel to the side panels. The
amplifi er shall have an aluminum front panel
with Lexan overlay and air fi lter media.
The dimensions of the amplifi er shall allow
for 19-inch (48.3-cm) EIA standard (RS-310B) rack mounting. The amplifi er shall be 3.5
inches (8.9 cm) tall, 16 inches (40.6 cm) deep
behind the rack-mounting surface, and 2.5
inches (6.4 cm) in front of the rack-mounting
The amplifi er shall weigh 39 pounds, 9 ounces
(17.9 kg) and shall have a center of gravity
approximately 6 inches (15.2 cm) behind the
front panel.
The amplifi er shall be designated the Crown
Macro-Tech 602.
Crown International, Inc.
1718 W. Mishawaka Rd.
Elkhart, IN 46517-9439
TEL: 574-294-8200
FAX: 574-294-8FAX
Specifi cations subject to change without prior notice. Latest
information available at www.crownaudio.com.
Crown, IOC, IQ System, Macro-Tech, Multi-Mode and ODEP
are registered trademarks and Grounded Bridge, PIP and PIP2
are trademarks of Crown International, Inc. Printed in U.S.A.
2005 Crown International, Inc.
5/05 130241-1C