Crown CM-311AE, CM-311E, CM-312AE, CM-312E, GLM-100E Technical Bulletin

AS OF AUGUST 1, 2008
GLM-100E, CM-311E
CM-311AE, CM-312E, CM-312AE
For more help, contact one of these technical support numbers: Crown 800-342-6939 AKG 800-878-7571 Audio-Technica 330-686-2600 Beyerdynamic 800-293-4463 Comtek 800-496-3463 Electro-Voice 877-863-4168 HM Electronics 800-848-4468 Lectrosonics 800-821-1121 Lightspeed 800-732-8999 Nady 510-652-2411 Paso 800-231-3034 Peavey 877-732-8391 Samson 800-3-SAMSON Shure 847-600-8440 Sony 866-766-9272 Telex 800-553-5992 TOA 800-733-4750 Vega 800-877-1771
2008 Crown Audio®, Inc. Latest information available at Crown Crown International. Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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You can connect the GLM-100E for unipolar or bipolar powering. With unipolar powering (B+ and ground), the GLM can handle up to 120 dB SPL without distortion. With bipolar powering (B+ and B- relative to ground), the GLM can handle up to 150 dB SPL. Not all transmitters provide bipolar powering.
AKG TA3F 1-shield WMS40 (PT40) 2-white WMS400 (PT400) 3-red WMS4000 (PT4000)
________________________________________________________ Audio-Technica Hirose HRI0- 1 and 2-shield
ATW, T31, T35, 7P-4S 3-white T27, WT-15, 4-red T51, T75,
ATW T21 4 pin DIN case-shield
1-white 3-red
Beyerdynamic Lemo FG331 1-shield TS-170, TSP, 2-red TS-600 3-white
TS-190, 4-pin binder 2-shield TS-900 (UHF) conn. #711 3-white
Comtek 750 mono mini, 1-shield M72, M72-B 851 micro mini, 2-white
Switchcraft TA4F, 3-red Lemo 4-pin
Electro-Voice Switchcraft TA4F 1-red MB2000A, 3-white MB2500 4-shield
HME Switchcraft TA4F 1-shield TX-425, TX-550, 2-white TX-822 3-red
Lectrosonics Switchcraft TA5F 1and 4-shield M185, UM190, 2-red UM195, M187, 3-white UM200
Lightspeed Hirose HR10- 1-shield Technologies 7P-4S 3-white BP Series 4-red
Nady Switchcraft TA3F 1-shield All models 2-red
Paso MA-23, Switchcraft TA3F MA-27 1-shield
2-white and red 3-jumper to pin 1
Peavey Switchcraft TA3F 1-red BPX 2-shield and white
Samson Hirose HR10- 1-red TX-3, UT-5, 7P-6S 2-white UT-4, BT-3, CT-2 6-shield
Samson ST-2 Hard wired 1 and 2-shield 3-red (B+) 4-white (audio)
Samson CT-3 Hard wired 1-red (B+) 2-white (audio) 3 and 4-shield
Sennheiser Sennheiser/ Ground-shield and white SK-2012 B&K microdot Center-red
Lemosa 2-red 3-white and shield shell-shield
Shure Switchcraft 1-shield L-11, SC1, LX1, TA4F 2-red U-1 (UHF), T-1 3 and 4-white UT-1, UC-1
U1L-VA Lemo 4-pin 1-white UC1L 2-red
4-shield 3-jumper to pin 1
Sony SMC-9 1-red WRT-28, 2-white WRT-820A 3 and 4-shield
Telex Switchcraft TA4F 1-shield WT-55, WT-60, or Lemo 4-pin 2-white WT-80, WT-150, 3-red WT-450
TOA Mini phone plug Tip-red, WM-340U, Sleeve-shield and white WM-370 To prevent capsule
damage from static sparks, solder a 3.3K resistor between white and tip.
Vega Lemo 4-pin 1-white F.O. 304 2-red NYL U/3.2 4-shield
If RFI is a problem, solder a 560 pF cap. between pins 1 and 4. Switchcraft TA4F 1-red
3-white 4-shield
X-wire TA3F 1-shield 2-white 3-red
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