Crompton Instruments Integra Ri3 Installation Guide

Installation and Operating Instructions
Integra Ri3
DIN-rail digital meter for single and three-phase electrical systems


This unit measures and displays the characteristics of single-phase two-wire, three-phase tree-wire and three-phase four-wire supplies, including voltage, frequency, current, power and real and reactive energy, imported and exported.
For more in-depth operating instructions, please refer to the full manual that is available on the Crompton Instruments website, at


In measurement mode, the buttons control the displayed measurement as follows:
Selects the Voltage and Frequency display screens. Successive operations of the button select voltage, frequency and %THD (Total Harmonic Distortion). In Set-up mode, this is the ‘Back’ button.

Setup Menu Structure

Change password
nnnn – 4-digit number, default ‘0000’.
Supply system
3-phase 3-wire or 4-wire or single phase.
CT Set the value of the CT primary in use
nnnn – 4-digit number, 0001 to 9999.
dIT - Demand Integration Time
This is the period in minutes over which the current and power readings are integrated for maximum demand measurement. Options are: Off, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20, 30 and 60 minutes.
RSET Resets cumulative Energy and/or Demand
measurements to zero.
COMS Communication parameters for RS485 interface:
FMT – Format:
Modb Modbus protocol,
Baud rate 2400/4800/9600/19200/38400 Parity none/odd/even Stop bits 1 (1 or 2 if parity is None) Network address nnn – 3-digit number, 1 to 247 Order: Norm/Rev – Indicates Modbus word order.
N2 Johnson Controls (JC) N2 protocol,
Network address nnn – 3-digit number, 1 to 255.
Rly - Relay pulse output
kWh/kVArh (Active/reactive) Import or Export Rate 0.001/0.01/0.1/1/10/100/1k/10k kWh or kVArh per pulse Pulse width 200/100/60 ms.
NRGy - Energy
Unit/kilo/Mega units selection 1% limit on/off. If on, power values <1% of range max. will not be included in energy measurements (prevents ‘creep’).
Display on – all elements on to check display dISTG – Display toggle. Each element is turned on and off Phase sequence (V123 I123).
Displays firmware version and build numbers.

Menu Option Selection

1. Use the (up) and (down) keys to select the required item from the menu. Selection does not roll over between
bottom and top of list.
Selects the Current display screens. Successive operations select phase and neutral (3ph4w) currents, max. demanded currents and current %THD. In Set-up mode, this is the ‘Up’ button.
Selects the Instantaneous Power screens. Successive operations select power (W, VAr & VA), max. demanded power and power factor. In Set-up mode, this is the ‘Down’ button.
Selects the Energy display screens. Successive operations select imported/exported Wh and Varh. Display can indicate up to 9999999·9. Running man symbol flashes as data accumulates. 1% symbol shows that power values of <1% of range maximum will be included in energy readings. In Set-up mode, this is the ‘Enter’ button.
Display shows the units of measurements in use for each range. Energy units can be set via set-up screens; other units are set automatically.
A Demand Reset resets maximum demand readings to zero.

Setting up

To enter set-up mode, firmly press the and buttons simultaneously and hold for 5 seconds, until the password screen
appears. Setting up is password-protected so you must enter the correct password (default ‘0000’) before proceeding. If an incorrect password is entered, the display reverts to measurement mode.
To exit setting-up mode, press measurement screen is restored or hold
simultaneously for 5 seconds.
repeatedly until the
and buttons
2. Press
3. If an item flashes, then it can be adjusted by the and
4. Having selected an option from the current menu layer, press
5. Having completed a parameter setting, press a higher menu level. The SET indicator will be removed and you will be able to use the
menu selection.
6. On completion of all setting-up, press measurement screen is restored.
to confirm the selection.
(down) keys. If not, there may be a further layer,
Comms - Baud rate, before adjustment is possible. Press
to select the lower layer.
to confirm your selection. The SET indicator will appear.
to return to
and keys for further
repeatedly until the

Number Entry Procedure

When setting up the unit, some screens require the entering of a number. In particular, on entry to the setting up section, a password must be entered. Digits are set individually, from left to right. The procedure is as follows:
1. The current digit to be set flashes and is set using the (up) and (down) keys.
2. Press to confirm each digit setting. The SET indicator appears after the last digit has been set.
3. After setting the last digit, press to exit the number setting routine. The SET indicator will be removed.



During normal operation, voltages hazardous to life may
be present at some of the terminals of this unit. Installation and servicing should be performed only by qualified, properly trained personnel abiding by local regulations. Ensure all supplies are de-energised before attempting connection or other procedures.
Terminals should not be user accessible after installation
and external installation provisions must be sufficient to prevent hazards under fault conditions.
This unit is not intended to function as part of a system
providing the sole means of fault protection - good engineering practice dictates that any critical function be protected by at least two independent and diverse means.
The unit does not have internal fuses therefore external
fuses must be used for protection and safety under fault conditions.
Never open-circuit the secondary winding of an
energised current transformer.
This product should only be operated with the CT
secondary connections earthed.
If this equipment is used in a manner not specified by the
manufacturer, protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.
Caution: Risk of
Electric Shock
Case Dimensions:
Width 71·3 mm, Depth 57·5 mm, Length 90·5 mm Length including fixing tag 93·5 mm.
The unit is intended for mounting on a standard DIN rail. Avoid mounting the unit where there is excessive vibration; in excessive direct sunlight; or outside a reasonably stable ambient temperature of -10 to +55°C.


The unit is designed in accordance with BS EN 61010-1:2001 (IEC 61010-1:2001) – Permanently connected use, Normal condition. Installation category III, pollution degree 2, basic insulation for rated voltage. Measurement Category III.

EMC Installation Requirements

Whilst this unit complies with all relevant EU EMC (electro-magnetic compatibility) regulations, any additional precautions necessary to provide proper operation of this and adjacent equipment will be installation dependent and so the following can only be general guidance:
Avoid routing wiring to this unit alongside cables and products that are, or could be, a source of interference.
The auxiliary supply to the unit should not be subject to excessive interference. In some cases, a supply line filter may be required.
To protect the product against incorrect operation or permanent damage, surge transients must be controlled. It is good EMC practice to suppress transients and surges at the source. The unit has been designed to automatically recover from typical transients; however in extreme circumstances it may be necessary to temporarily disconnect the auxiliary supply for a period of greater than 5 seconds to restore correct operation.
Screened communication leads are recommended and may be required. These and other connecting leads may require the fitting of RF suppression components, such as ferrite absorbers, line filters etc., if RF fields cause problems.
It is good practice to install sensitive electronic instruments that are performing critical functions in EMC enclosures that protect against electrical interference causing a disturbance in function.


Input connections are made to screw clamp terminals. Choice of cable should meet local regulations for the operating voltage and current.
The current inputs of these products are designed for connection into systems via current transformers only.
All negative current inputs are commoned inside the unit and grounding should be at one point only. To minimise measurement errors, the CTs should be grounded as shown in the wiring diagram.
CT secondaries must be grounded in accordance with local regulations. It is desirable to make provision for shorting links to be made across CTs to permit easy replacement of a unit should this ever be necessary.

Additional considerations for three wire systems

The neutral terminal (terminal N) is indirectly connected to the voltage input terminals (terminals L1, L2, L3). When connected to a three wire system the neutral terminal will adopt a potential somewhere between the remaining lines.
If external wiring is connected to the neutral terminal it must be connected to either the neutral line or earth (ground) to avoid the possibility of electric shock from the neutral terminal.


This unit must be fitted with external fuses in voltage and auxiliary supply lines. Voltage input lines must be fused with a quick blow fuse 1A maximum. Auxiliary supply lines must be fused with a slow blow fuse rated 1A maximum. Choose fuses of a type and with a breaking capacity appropriate to the supply and in accordance with local regulations.
A suitable switch or circuit breaker should be included in the installation. It should be positioned so as to be easy to operate, in close proximity to the equipment, and clearly identified as the disconnecting device.

Earth/Ground Connections

For safety reasons, current transformer secondary connections should be grounded in accordance with local regulations. Under no circumstances should this product be operated without this earth connection.
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