Crestron® control systems are at the center of every Crestron facility control system.
The 2-Series line of control systems share commonality across the product line and
offer a variety of development tools and techniques previously unavailable in
previous Crestron control systems. Crestron 2-Series control systems include the
AV2 and PRO2. Consult the latest Crestron Product Catalog for a complete list of all
2-Series control systems.
The common architecture shared by 2-Series control systems allows similar
programming tools, console commands, programming methods, and other practices
to be used across the product line. This document will discuss many of the tools,
features, and techniques used to program and troubleshoot a Crestron control system:
• Programming Tools & Utilities
• Establishing Communications with the Control System
• Troubleshooting Communications
• 2-Series Console Commands
• 2-Series Memory & Directory Structure
• 2-Series Control System Error Messages
• Master-Slave Modes
• Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
• Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
• Uploading & Using Web Pages
• Compiling and Uploading a Program
• Uploading Touchpanel Projects
• Firmware Upgrade
• Updating the Operating System
• Test Manager
• Network Analyzer
• Super-Debugger
• C2N-NPA8 Network Poll Accelerator
Reference Guide – DOC. 6256A 2-Series Control Systems • 1
Reference Guide Crestron 2-Series Control System
Each of the 2-Series control systems has unique features to meet a variety of system
requirements. The following table lists all of the Crestron 2-Series control systems
and their key features.
2-Series Control Systems and Features
2-Series Engine and Dual-bus Architecture XXXXXXXXXXX X X
4GB Compact Flash Memory Card Slot XXXX X
Cresnet Port (Master/Slave) XXXXXXXXXX X X
Integrated Cresnet Network HubXX
C2N-NPA8 Support via Com Port XXXXXXXX
C2N-NPA8 Support via Ethernet Port (a) (a) (a)XXXX(a)
10/100 Ethernet Port w/SSL & DHCP (a) (a) (a)XXXXXX(a)
e-Control 2 Enabled (a) (a) (a)XXXXXX(a)
Built-in Firewall, NAT and Router (a) (a) (a)(a)
Integrated Control Ports:
Com (RS-232/422/485) 6+ 6+ (b)332222(b)
Com (RS-232 Only)22 4
IR/Serial 8+ 8+ (b)88444411(b)
Versiport I/O 8+ 8+ (b)8844448+
Digital Input44
Low-Voltage Relay 8+ 8+ (b)8844448+
Control Card Expansion Slots:
Y-Bus 3(c) 122
Built-in Wireless:
1-way 418 or 434 MHz 1-way RFX
38 kHz RC5 Infrared (IR) via CNXRMIRDXXXX
Audio, Video and RGB:
Integrated AV Switcher/ProcessorXXX
Integrated QuickMedia TransportX
Integrated Digital Video ProcessorX
Power Supply:
Internal Univeral Power Supply XXX
External Power Supply IncludedXXXXXX
Separate Power Supply RequiredXXXX
EIA Rack Units (Ears Included) 2241111112
Non-Rack Mount(d) (d)(e)
a. Requires appropriate Z-bus cardc. 3 Y-bus slots, requires optional CAGE2
b. Requires appropriate Y-bus card(s)d. Optional projector pole mount available
Z-Bus 1141
e. Installs in CAEN automation cabinets
2 • 2-Series Control Systems Reference Guide – DOC. 6256A
Crestron 2-Series Control Systems Reference Guide
Programming Tools & Utilities
Many of the activities discussed in this document require the use of Crestron’s suite
of programming tools and utilities. They include:
• SIMPL™ Windows
• VisionTools
• Crestron Toolbox
• Test Manager
• Viewport (limited use)
The latest versions can be obtained from the Crestron website
NOTE: Crestron software and any files on the website are for Authorized Crestron
dealers and Crestron Authorized Independent Programmers (CAIP) only. New users
may be required to register to obtain access to certain areas of the site (including the
FTP site).
SIMPL Windows
SIMPL Windows is Crestron's software for programming Crestron control systems.
It provides a well-designed graphical environment with a number of windows in
which a programmer can select, configure, program, test, and monitor a Crestron
control system. SIMPL Windows offers drag and drop functionality in a familiar
VisionTools Pro-e
Crestron VisionTools Pro-e (also referred to as VT Pro-e) Windows-based software
is for drawing touchscreen pages by using two and three-dimensional graphics and
text as well as video and sounds (recorded as WAV files). A set of pages make up a
project. Each of these “projects” can be loaded in a Crestron touchpanel or used as a
set of web pages stored on a control system for remote access to control system
Crestron Toolbox
Crestron Toolbox is a replacement for Crestron Viewport. Crestron Toolbox is a
broad-based software package that accomplishes multiple system tasks, primarily
using an RS-232 or TCP/IP connection between a PC and one or more Crestron
control systems.
You can use Crestron Toolbox to:
• Observe system processes.
• Upload operating systems and firmware.
• Upload programs and touchpanel projects.
• Set or change device Network IDs.
• Change the serial number reported by a device.
Reference Guide – DOC. 6256A 2-Series Control Systems • 3
Reference Guide Crestron 2-Series Control System
• Run scripts to automate tasks.
• Perform system diagnostics, and much more.
Crestron Toolbox allows you to perform these functions using simple graphical
views and click and drag methods.
Crestron Toolbox also contains the Network Analyzer and Test Manager (expected
2Q 2006) utilities.
Network Analyzer
The Network Analyzer utility helps to identify Cresnet® network problems that can
be caused by faulty devices, electrical shorts, or breaks in network wiring. Network
Analyzer takes a sample of the voltage levels on the Cresnet "Y" and "Z" wires.
Network Analyzer is launched from within Crestron Toolbox by clicking the
Network Analyzer icon
For more information on Network Analyzer, refer to “Network Analyzer” on page
Test Manager
The Test Manager is a utility for testing and debugging a SIMPL Windows program,
by monitoring the status of selected signals in real time. Test Manager can test any
program that has been compiled and uploaded to the control system.
Test Manager is launched from within SIMPL Windows by clicking the Test Manager button or by selecting Tools | Test Manager. Test Manager can also be
opened as a standalone program.
For more information on Test Manager, refer to “Test Manager” on page 71.
Viewport (Limited Use)
Where noted in this guide, the Crestron Viewport can be used to perform certain
Viewport is available as a pull-down command from SIMPL Windows and VT Pro-e
(Tools | Viewport) or as a standalone utility. The Viewport utility performs multiple
system tasks, primarily via an RS-232 or TCP/IP connection between the control
system and a PC. It is used to observe system processes, upload new operating
systems and firmware, change system and network parameters, and communicate
with network device consoles and touchpanels, among many other tasks. Viewport
can also function as a terminal emulator for generic file transfer. All of these
functions are accessed through the commands and options in the Viewport menus.
NOTE: Except where noted, Crestron Toolbox should be used.
4 • 2-Series Control Systems Reference Guide – DOC. 6256A
Crestron 2-Series Control Systems Reference Guide
Establishing Communications with the Control System
Whether uploading programs, troubleshooting, or performing diagnostics
communication between the control system and a PC must be established.
In electronic terms, a “console” provides a means of communication between an
operator and the central processing unit of a computer. Crestron Toolbox lets you
talk to the console of a 2-Series dual bus control system. Crestron Toolbox allows
the operator to establish, monitor, and troubleshoot communications directly with the
control system.
Depending on the control system’s capabilities, the following communication
protocols may be used to communicate with a control system:
• Serial communication (RS-232) with a PC via the COMPUTER port
on the control system
• Ethernet communication via CTP (Crestron Terminal Protocol –
reserved port number, default port is 41795) *
• Ethernet communication via Secure CTP over a SSL connection to port
41797 at the IP address of the processor*
• Telnet (default port is 23)*
• Cresnet for processors operating in the Cresnet slave mode (refer to
“Master-Slave Modes” on page 32)
* These methods are only available if the control system supports Ethernet.
Whether the intent is to use RS-232 or Ethernet, these methods initially require
connection of the control system to a PC via RS-232.
Another method for submitting a command to the console is to use the “Console” or
“User Program Commands “ symbols in SIMPL Windows in the control system
program. The Console symbol transmits and receives serial data to and from the
control system’s console. The User Program Commands symbol allows data typed at
the console to be sent to the program. For more information on the Console symbol,
refer to “Console Logic Symbol” on page 16. For more information on the User
Program Commands symbol, refer to “User Program Commands Symbol” on page
Serial Connection
Complete the following steps to establish a serial connection between a PC and a
control system.
1. As shown in the following diagram, connect the COMPUTER port on the
control system to one of the COM ports (usually COM 1) on the PC. Use a
straight-through RS-232 cable with a DB9 male connector on one end and a
DB9 female connector on the other. Most commercially available cables are
acceptable; they should have at least five pins for transmit, receive, ground,
and hardware handshaking (pins 2, 3, 5, 7, 8).
NOTE: Most of the Crestron 2-Series control systems use a straightthrough RS-232 cable. However, some models use a null-modem cable.
Refer to your control system’s Operations Guide for cable details.
Reference Guide – DOC. 6256A 2-Series Control Systems • 5
Reference Guide Crestron 2-Series Control System
Typical Connection Diagram for Establishing Communication
Control System
NOTE: Certain control systems do not have a COMPUTER port and
require an alternate method for establishing serial communications. Refer to
your control system’s Operations Guide if the control system does not have
a COMPUTER port.
2. Open Crestron Toolbox and click Tools | Manage Address Book to display
a list of available devices. Select a connection to a control system (if an
entry for one exists), or Serial on COM1 as the connection type. Serial on COM1 is an address book entry for PC-to-control system communications
that is included with Crestron Toolbox.
The default settings for the Serial on COM1 entry, which will work with
most 2-Series control systems, are as follows:
• Port = COM 1. If the PC is to communicate with a control system
through a different serial port, select the correct COM port (COM1
through COM8) to be used.
• Baud rate = Auto-detect.
• Parity = None.
• Number of data bits = 8.
• Number of stop bits = 1.
• Hardware handshaking (RTS/CTS) enabled.
• Software handshaking (XON/XOFF) not enabled.
NOTE: If using a direct serial connection, an 8-bit serial connection must be used
when transferring a binary file. If a 7-bit serial connection is used, the transfer will
6 • 2-Series Control Systems Reference Guide – DOC. 6256A
Crestron 2-Series Control Systems Reference Guide
“Address Book” Window – Serial Setup
3. After setting the correct parameters, click OK to return to the Crestron
Toolbox main window.
4. Click the
entry for the control system or Serial on COM1 from the drop down list
(located on the bottom of the screen) if it is not already selected. If
communication is successful, the control system’s information is displayed
as shown in the following diagram.
icon to display the control system information. Select the
Reference Guide – DOC. 6256A 2-Series Control Systems • 7
Reference Guide Crestron 2-Series Control System
“System Info” Window for PRO2
Once the system information is displayed a variety of functions are available to the
user. For more information, refer to the Crestron Toolbox help file.
8 • 2-Series Control Systems Reference Guide – DOC. 6256A
Crestron 2-Series Control Systems Reference Guide
NOTE: Crestron Toolbox displays a customized list of functions depending on the
type of device with which it is communicating.
TCP/IP Connection
Before communicating with an Ethernet-enabled control system over TCP/IP, a static
IP address or the address/host name of the DHCP server (if DHCP is to be used)
must be obtained from the network administrator. The RS-232 connection previously
described must be used to configure the unit’s TCP/IP settings. After configuring the
IP information of the control system, further communications can be done over
TCP/IP. For more information, refer to the latest version of the Crestron e-Control
Reference Guide (Doc. 6052). The guide is available from the Crestron website
1. Select Functions | Ethernet Addressing… to open the “Ethernet
Addressing” window
“Ethernet Addressing” Window
2. Enable TCP/IP communications by checking Enable Ethernet and
configure for static or dynamic IP operation.
a) Static IP Operation
i. Clear (de-select) the Enable DHCP check box.
ii. Enter the static IP address and address mask in the address
fields. If applicable, enter the default gateway address. (If data
will not be routed outside the LAN, the default gateway can be
left blank.)
Reference Guide – DOC. 6256A 2-Series Control Systems • 9
Reference Guide Crestron 2-Series Control System
The IP addresses of LAN A and LAN B cannot be the same.
iii. Enter the hostname in the Host Name field. The host name
identifies the control system on the network and is
automatically translated into the numerical IP address. The
host name can consist of up to 64 characters. Valid characters
are 0 – 9, A – Z (not case-sensitive), and the dash (hyphen
character). No other characters are valid. The host name
cannot begin with a dash or number.
If a host name is specified, you can enter this host name
instead of the IP address in the Address Book.
iv. The Domain Name is an additional qualifier that some
networks may need to resolve the name properly.
b) Dynamic IP Operation
i. Select the Enable DHCP check box to enable DHCP for
Windows 2000 Server.
ii. Select both the Enable DHCP and Enable WINS check
boxes for Windows NT 4.0 Server. The address of the WINS
server will be provided by the DHCP server.
iii. Enter the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the control
system into the Host Name field. The host name identifies the
control system on the network and is automatically translated
into the numerical IP address. The host name can consist of up
to 64 characters. Valid characters are 0 – 9, A – Z (not casesensitive), and the dash (hyphen character). No other
characters are valid. The host name cannot begin with a dash
or number.
iv. If applicable, enter the domain into the Domain Name field.
This is only necessary if you are configuring DHCP on an
Ethernet connection to a control system that currently has a
static address. The domain name will be used to reconnect to
the control system after it reboots. With a serial connection,
the domain name does not need to be entered.
The domain name supplied by the DHCP server will overwrite
the domain name that is indicated in this field.
v. To request a new IP address from the DHCP server click the
Renew DHCP button.
NOTE: Other settings can be configured as well. Refer to the
Crestron Toolbox help file for more information.
3. Click OK to reboot the control system and set the new IP information.
Once the IP settings have been assigned, the control system can
communicate using the RS-232 connection or a TCP/IP connection.
For TCP/IP, use CAT5 straight through cables with 8-pin RJ-45 connectors
to connect the LAN port on the control system and the LAN port on the PC
to the Ethernet hub. Alternatively, you can use a CAT5 crossover cable to
connect the two LAN ports directly, without using a hub. The following
10 • 2-Series Control Systems Reference Guide – DOC. 6256A
Crestron 2-Series Control Systems Reference Guide
figure illustrates pinouts for straight through and crossover RJ-45 cables.
Pins 4, 5, 7, and 8 are not used.
RJ-45 Pinouts
4. Open the address book in Crestron Toolbox by selecting Tools | Manage
Address Book or clicking
5. Create a new entry for the control system by clicking Add Entry or
pressing F3.
6. Enter a name for the control system connection and select TCP as the
connection type.
“Address Book” Window - Entering New TCP-IP Entry
7. Enter the IP address or hostname of the control system that was created on
page 10.
8. Click OK to save the address book entry.
9. To verify the connection, click the
“System Info” window will be displayed.
icon. If the settings are correct, the
Modem Connection
In applications where remote access to a control system is required but a serial or
Ethernet connection cannot be used, a modem can be connected to the control system
for communication with a PC console over a standard telephone line.
Reference Guide – DOC. 6256A 2-Series Control Systems • 11
Reference Guide Crestron 2-Series Control System
NOTE: This procedure requires the use of the Crestron Viewport.
For detailed instructions and information, refer to “Appendix A: Interfacing a
Control System with a Modem” on page 82.
Passthrough Mode (Viewport Only)
Viewport can be used to communicate with devices that are attached to a control
system’s serial port. For more information, refer to “Appendix B: Passthrough
Mode” on page 89.
12 • 2-Series Control Systems Reference Guide – DOC. 6256A
Crestron 2-Series Control Systems Reference Guide
Troubleshooting Communications
Use the following checklist if communication cannot be established with the control
1. If possible remove any cards that are in the card cage, Cresnet devices and
the Ethernet card (if applicable).
2. Verify that you are using the correct cables. As described previously, most
RS-232 connections between a control system and a PC require a straightthrough serial cable. That is, pin 1 on one end is connected to pin 1 on the
other end. Pin 2 connects to pin 2, etc. With a TCP/IP connection, a CAT5
cable with 8-pin RJ-45 connectors and the wiring shown on page 11 must
be used.
NOTE: If you are using a serial adapter, Crestron Toolbox should be used
to establish PC-to-control system communications.
3. If using a serial connection, verify that the correct COM port on the PC has
been selected. Some computers have more than one COM port; some may
be internal (e.g., for a modem). Consult the manufacturer’s documentation
for further information about the COM ports on your PC.
4. Check the MSG / ERR LED indicator on the front panel of the control
system. If this LED is illuminated before a program is loaded, unplug the
unit and reapply power after a few seconds. If the LED illuminates again,
call Crestron customer service.
5. With a serial connection, reset the control system as follows:
a. Open Crestron Toolbox and open a text console connection to the
control system by clicking
system’s serial connection from the dropdown list on the bottom of the
NOTE: The address book entry for the serial connection should
specify a 115200 baud rate. Do not select “Auto-Detect”.
b. Set the baud rate of the control system to 115200, as follows:
- Press and release the HW-R button on the unit’s front panel.
- Immediately press and hold the SW-R button for approximately
ten seconds. The Crestron Toolbox text console should display the
following message:
and selecting the entry for the control
Reference Guide – DOC. 6256A 2-Series Control Systems • 13
Reference Guide Crestron 2-Series Control System
Crestron Toolbox Message (PRO2 Shown)
- Release the SW-R button.
c. If communication still cannot be established or the console is
displaying a <CS> prompt:
- Remove power from the control system.
- Press and hold the SW-R button on the front panel of the control
- Reapply power to the control system while still holding the SW-R
- The console should display the message previously shown.
- Release the SW-R button.
d. If communication still cannot be established, use the System Monitor
as described in the following paragraph.
If after performing all of the troubleshooting steps described in “Troubleshooting
Communications”, communication can still not be established or the control system
is still locked-up, perform the following to reload the control system’s firmware.
To erase and reinstall the control system firmware:
NOTE: This procedure will erase the control system’s firmware and reinstall it. If
problems persist before a SIMPL Windows program is loaded, contact Crestron’s
True Blue Technical Support Group. If the system locks up after a SIMPL Windows
program is loaded, there is probably an issue with the SIMPL Windows program.
1. Connect a serial cable (If using the QM-RMC or the QM-RMCRX(-BA),
use a null modem cable) from the control system to a PC.
2. Open the address book in Crestron Toolbox by selecting Tools | Manage Address Book or clicking
3. Create a new address book entry with the following settings:
• Port = COM 1. If the PC is to communicate with a control system
through a different serial port, select the correct COM port (COM1
through COM8) to be used.
• Baud rate = 57600.
• Parity = None.
14 • 2-Series Control Systems Reference Guide – DOC. 6256A
Crestron 2-Series Control Systems Reference Guide
• Number of data bits = 8.
• Number of stop bits = 1.
• Hardware handshaking (RTS/CTS) enabled.
• Software handshaking (XON/XOFF) not enabled.
4. Power down the control system.
5. In Crestron Toolbox, open a text console to the new address book entry.
6. While powering up the control system, press and hold ALT + K on the
keyboard (for the QM-RMC and QM-RMCRX(-BA), press Enter after
pressing ALT + K) until the following text (or similar) appears in the
Crestron Toolbox text console:
7. Increase the baud rate to 115200 by opening the “System Info” window,
selecting Functions | Serial Communications, and selecting 115200 as the
new baud rate. Click OK or Apply to set the new baud rate.
NOTE: Crestron Toolbox will automatically change the baud rate it uses to
communicate with the control system for the current session to ensure that
communications are maintained.
8. From the text console window, adjust the baud rate of the PC to control
system connection by clicking
9. At the control system prompt, type erase and press Enter. The following
text appears in the console window.
10. Send the new firmware file as described in “Firmware Upgrade” on page
NOTE: The following processor firmware versions require the selection of
a CE*.CSU file that can be extracted from the .CUZ file using WinZip or
other ZIP file extraction tool:
• CNX-DVP4/C2N-DVP4DI: 2.006, 3.017
• MP2/MP2E: 3.016
• QM-RMC: 3.052
and selecting 115200 as the new baud
After extracting the CSU file, select it and click Open.
Once “Completed Successfully” appears in the text console window, close the text
console window.
Reference Guide – DOC. 6256A 2-Series Control Systems • 15
Reference Guide Crestron 2-Series Control System
2-Series Console Commands
The 2-Series processor is capable of understanding and responding to a set of
recognizable words known as console commands. The processor, in essence, is a
computer capable of interpreting commands received by the console via different
methods. Methods include:
• Serial communication (RS-232) with a PC via the COMPUTER port
on the control system
• Ethernet communication via CTP (Crestron Terminal Protocol –
reserved port number, default port is 41795) *
• Ethernet communication via Secure CTP over a SSL connection to port
41797 at the IP address of the processor*
• Telnet (default port is 23)*
• Cresnet for processors operating in the Cresnet slave mode (refer to
“Master-Slave Modes” on page 32)
* These methods are only available if the control system supports Ethernet.
Another method for submitting a command to the console is to use the “Console” or
“User Program Commands “ symbols in SIMPL Windows in the control system
program. The Console symbol transmits and receives serial data to and from the
control system’s console. The User Program Commands symbol allows data typed at
the console to be sent to the program.
NOTE: The method of transmitting each command to the control system varies
from command to command. Refer to “Appendix C: Console Command Listing” on
page 91 for a complete list of commands and their possible sources.
SIMPL Windows Symbols
Console Logic Symbol
Use the Console logic symbol to activate console commands via the SIMPL
Windows program. This feature is available for advanced programmers of SIMPL
The Console logic symbol only appears in the System Control folder in the Symbol Library, after enabling a special symbol set for display. To enable this set while in
SIMPL Windows, select Edit | Preferences, which opens the "SIMPL Windows
Preferences" window. In the Symbol Set area of the General tab, select Special as
shown in the following diagram.
16 • 2-Series Control Systems Reference Guide – DOC. 6256A
Crestron 2-Series Control Systems Reference Guide
“SIMPL Windows Preferences” Window
After enabling viewing of special symbols, the Console symbol can be viewed as
shown in the following diagram.
The Console Logic Symbol in SIMPL Windows
When the program sends data on the TX$ signal of the Console symbol, the control
system interprets the console command just as if it was received via the RS-232 or
Ethernet console and outputs a serial string to the RX$ signal of the console symbol
which can be programatically interpreted.
User Program Commands Symbol
Use the User Program Commands symbol to send data typed at the console to the
program. This feature is available for advanced programmers of SIMPL Windows.
The User Program Commands logic symbol only appears in the System Control
folder in the Symbol Library, after enabling a special symbol set for display. To
enable this set while in SIMPL Windows, select Edit | Preferences, which opens the
"SIMPL Windows Preferences" window. In the Symbol Set area of the General tab,
select Special as shown in the following diagram.
Reference Guide – DOC. 6256A 2-Series Control Systems • 17
Reference Guide Crestron 2-Series Control System
“SIMPL Windows Preferences” Window
After enabling viewing of special symbols, the Console symbol can be viewed as
shown in the following diagram.
The User Program Commands Symbol in SIMPL Windows
The User Program Commands symbol receives data entered at the 2-Series console
prompt using the USERPROGCMD command. The syntax of the console command
requires double-quotes before and after the command string. The string may include
escape codes such as "\x".
The double quotes are stripped off and any escape codes are processed before
passing the string to the User Program Commands symbol. For example, if the user
The string TURN ON DEBUG (without the double quotes) will be passed to the
User Program Commands symbol. The string can then be processed as desired.
Command Groups
Console commands are grouped logically. If the operator enters “help” from the
console, the 2-Series processor responds with a list of categories. It is possible to
find the same command in more than one category. Categories include:
• All – all 2-series console commands.
• Device – pertains to the unit itself.
• Ethernet – govern parameters that involve the Ethernet port(s).
• File – influence the internal file system.
• System – sets system-wide parameters.
18 • 2-Series Control Systems Reference Guide – DOC. 6256A
Crestron 2-Series Control Systems Reference Guide
Commands are case insensitive and can be entered from the appropriate prompt (i.e.,
AV2, PRO2, DVP4DI, etc.). Help on individual commands is available by typing the
command followed by a "?" (i.e., ADDMASTER ?). The following table lists
acceptable commands alphabetically and provides a brief description of each
command. Refer to “Appendix C: Console Command Listing” on page 91 for
detailed information.
NOTE: The commands listed are not applicable to every processor. Refer to
“Appendix C: Console Command Listing” on page 91 to determine if the command
is applicable to your processor.
List of Acceptable Commands for the 2-Series Dual Bus Control System
ADDDNS Add a DNS server to the static list
ADDMASTER Add an entry to IP table to act as a master to the current system
ADDPORTMAP Add a port map to the NAT table
AUTONEGOT Set auto negotiation for Ethernet device
BROADCAST Enable/disable the broadcasting of error messages
BYE Close user session
CALTOUCH Start DVP4 touchscreen calibration
CARDS Display cards detected in system
CD Change the file directory
CFLOGERR Enable logging errors to compact flash
CFPROJDIRS Display a list of project directories on compact flash
CFTRANSFER Transfer a project to/from compact flash
CIPPORT Specify the port for the CIP interface
CLEARERR Clears the current error log
CNETID Set the Cresnet ID of the system
COMPACT Remove invalid files from system
COMCONSOLEMODE Sets operating mode of COM B
CTPPORT Specify the port for the CTP console
CURSOR Set the cursor option for the DVP4
DEFROUTER Set default router
DELETE Delete file(s)
DHCP Enable/disable dynamic IP address via DHCP
DIR Display files in directory
DOMAINNAME Enter a domain name to be used in DHCP
ECHO Enable/disable character echoing
EEPROM Displays the parameters stored in EEPROM
ERRLOG Prints the current error log
ESTATUS Displays the status and parameters for the Ethernet card
ETHERNET Enable/disable Ethernet
ETHERTEST Perform diagnostic test on the Ethernet card
FPPASSWORD Set front panel password
FREE Show available file space
GETCODE Retrieve the code needed for e-Control2 activation
GETFPLINE Show LCD front panel display on the console
HEAPFREE Show available RAM space
HELP Display help screens
Add an entry to IP table to act as a peer or slave to the current
Enables an automatic start of programs when compact flash is
inserted or extracted
(continued on next page)
Reference Guide – DOC. 6256A 2-Series Control Systems • 19
Reference Guide Crestron 2-Series Control System
List of Acceptable Commands for the 2-Series Dual Bus Control System (Continued)
HOSTNAME Set the host name to be used in a DNS/DHCP environment
I2CERROR Enable reporting of I2C errors
ICMP Enable/disable response to ICMP ping requests
INFO Print software capabilities
INITIALIZE Clear internal file system
INPUT Set the DVP4 input resolution
IPADDRESS Set IP address
IPMASK Set IP subnet mask
IPTABLE Display IP table
ISDIR Check to see if path is a directory
KILLSOCKET Terminate a TCP console connection
LISTDNS Displays a list of DNS servers
MAKEDIR Create a file directory on compact flash
MESSAGE Display a message on front panel screen
MODEMINITSTRING Displays and changes the modem initialization string
Enable/disable configuring the Network Address Translator (NAT)
from the WAN (LAN A) port
Enables/disables storing special reboot information when the
processor unexpectedly reboots.
(continued on next page)
20 • 2-Series Control Systems Reference Guide – DOC. 6256A
Crestron 2-Series Control Systems Reference Guide
List of Acceptable Commands for the 2-Series Dual Bus Control System (Continued)
SHOWEXTRAERRORS Enables extended error reporting
SHOWHW Display hardware configuration
SHOWPORTMAP Display the portmap from the NAT table
SSL Configure the SSL options
STANDBY Put the DVP4 into standby mode
STBYTO Set the standby timeout for DVP4
SYSTEM Xmodem download new firmware
TELNETPORT Enable/disable connections on the Telnet port (23)
TESTDNS Perform a DNS lookup on a given name
TIMEDATE Set the time and date
TOUCH Set the touch input for a DVP4
TYPE Display file contents
UPLOAD Load file into cresnet device
UPTIME Display the amount of time the system has been running
USERPROGCMD Send a string from the console to the user program
USERPASSWORD Enter the password to protect user pages
VERSION Print version to console
WEBINIT Initialize Webserver default file
WEBPORT Specify the port for the Webserver
WEBSERVER Enable/disable Webserver
WHO Display a list of the active console and gateway connections
XGETFILE Use Xmodem to retrieve file from system
XONXOFF Set/clear software handshaking
XPUTFILE Use Xmodem to transfer file to ROM
Processor Groups
At the time this document was released, Crestron offered 14 different 2-Series
processors. Selection of a processor depends on the application of the system.
Commands may only be supported on a ‘subset’ of 2-Series processors or processor group. The table below lists the specific processors that belong to a processor group.
Breakdown of Processor Groups
All 2-Series Processors
Audio Processors MP2 and MP2E
Ethernet Processors
Dual Ethernet Processors PRO2, AV2, PAC2, and RACK2
Compact Flash Processors PRO2, AV2, PAC2, RACK2, CNX-DVP4, and C2N-DVP4DI
Reference Guide – DOC. 6256A 2-Series Control Systems • 21
Reference Guide Crestron 2-Series Control System
Command Structure
Details about each of the acceptable commands that can be interpreted by the
2-Series Dual Bus Control System can be found in “Appendix C: Console Command
Listing” on page 91. Commands are listed alphabetically. Each listing includes a
description of the command, a list of help menus that contain the command, the
proper syntax for entering the command, definitions of parameters that may be
included in the syntax, a list of possible sources
CUZ with which the command is recognized by the processor, and the specific
processor group
that supports the command. For a description of each detail listed
for a given command, refer to the SAMPLE COMMAND table shown below.
1. Possible sources refers to the methods by which console commands are delivered to the control
system, as explained on page 16.
2. Processor groups are defined in more detail with “Processor Groups” on page 21.
Description: Provides a textual description of the command.
Help Menu(s): Provides the category, which is used with the console HELP command.
Syntax: Provides the text characters required to execute the command.
Parameters: Provides a description of each parameter used in the syntax.
Possible Source: Indicates the method of console connection used for the sample command. Connection methods include:
RS-232 - a Crestron Toolbox connection to the computer port of the 2-Series processor.
CTP - an Ethernet connection to port 41795 at the IP address of the 2-Series processor.
Telnet - an Ethernet connection to port 23 at the IP address of the 2-Series processor.
User Program - a command entered using the SIMPL Windows Console symbol.
Secure CTP - SSL connection to port 41797 at the IP address of the 2-Series processor.
Minimum CUZ: Indicates the first version of firmware that supported the command. CUZ is the extension name for the
Processor Group: Since the 2-Series line has such a diverse feature set, some processors may not support all the
zipped file that holds the updated operating system for the 2-Series processor. As new features or
improvements are developed, the capabilities of the operating system are enhanced and the changes
are reflected in a later CUZ version number.
commands. This detail indicates the group to which the command belongs. Refer to the table in
”Processor Groups" on page 21 of this guide for the specific processors that belong to a processor
for the command, the minimum
22 • 2-Series Control Systems Reference Guide – DOC. 6256A
Crestron 2-Series Control Systems Reference Guide
2-Series Memory & Directory Structure
A 2-Series control system has 36MB of built-in memory (non-volatile and volatile).
The following diagram illustrates the memory structure of the 2-Series Control
2-Series Memory Structure
32 MB SDRAM Volatile Memory
256 kB NVRAM
1.5 MB of operational memory
(CUZ file)
2.5.MB of Non-Volatile Memory
(SIMPL program storage, web files,
accessible directory structure)
The total of 36MB is specified as follows: 4MB flash (non-volatile), 32MB SDRAM
(volatile), and 256KB NVRAM (battery backed up). Flash memory contains the file
system inside the 2-series control engine. Non-volatile memory contains information
that is retained after the loss of electrical power. Volatile memory is lost after a
power failure. Refer to the lists below for a breakdown of memory usage for
program-related information stored in the unit.
Expandable to 4GB using flash
1. SIMPL Program
2. SIMPL+ Modules
3. Operating System (.cuz file)
Reference Guide – DOC. 6256A 2-Series Control Systems • 23
Reference Guide Crestron 2-Series Control System
The 4MB flash memory consists of approximately 1.5MB used for firmware (.cuz
file), and approximately 2.5MB available for the SIMPL program and SIMPL+
modules. The files that reside in flash conform to a flat directory structure. The
following table presents the structure of the overall file system.
The directory structure of the 2-series control system can be broken down into two
parts. The first part resides on the on-board flash memory (and discretionary
NVRAM memory when the NVRAMDISK option is enabled) and the second resides
on the optional external compact flash/microdrive card. Programs, data files, and
data can be stored in the on-board flash or on the compact flash card (if installed).
This section briefly describes the structure of the file system.
The files that reside in the internal flash/NVRAM conform to a flat directory
structure while the compact flash system contains a fully FAT32 compatible file
system to allow the same compact flash card to be used in a Windows environment.
The table, shown after this paragraph, presents the structure of the overall file
Control System Directory Structure
\ Root of the file system
SYS Contains various system configuration files
SETUP Directory for NAT configuration Web pages
HTML Web pages
SIMPL Control system program files
SPLUS SIMPL+ module files
USER Used for user-defined files
MAILBOX Directory contains the user mailbox file
NVRAM NVRAM disk is enabled
Legacy directory used in Crestron Isys® panels
to hold display lists
The mounting point for the compact flash files;
the 0 (or zero) refers to the on-board compact
flash slot
Although the file system names are case insensitive, the case is preserved to maintain
file checksums. The compact flash directory only appears when a compact flash card
is inserted into the system. The NVRAM directory only appears if an NVRAM disk
has been created. To reference files on the compact flash, prefix the “\CF0\” to any
fully qualified path from the Windows environment. For example, if the file in
Windows is “\MyDirectory\MySubdirectory\MyFile.ext”, the complete 2-Series path
for a file on the first compact flash slot (onboard) is:
When the SIMPL Windows program is stored on the compact flash, the files reside
in the directories \CF0\SIMPL and \CF0\SPLUS. When web pages are stored on the
compact flash, the directory is \CF0\HTML. Storing the program or web pages on
the compact flash gives those files precedence over files stored on internal flash.
That is to say, if you have different programs stored in both internal flash and
compact flash, the program on compact flash runs at boot-up.
Non-volatile (NVRAM)
1. SIMPL+ Variables (Default if no options are specified, or using
"nonvolatile" qualifier or #DEFAULT_NONVOLATILE)
24 • 2-Series Control Systems Reference Guide – DOC. 6256A
Crestron 2-Series Control Systems Reference Guide
2. Signals explicitly written to NVRAM (by symbols such as Analog
RAM, Analog RAM from database, Serial RAM, Serial RAM from
database, Analog Non-volatile Ramp, Digital RAM, etc.)
Volatile (SDRAM)
1. Digital, analog and serial signal values
2. SIMPL+ Variables (if "volatile" qualifier is used, or
DRAM is used by the operating system for dynamic storage of variables, signals and
other constructs used at runtime. The actual amount of DRAM used at any given
time depends on the particular program that is running, i.e., usage is variable, or
dynamic, during normal operation.
NOTE: SDRAM is internal to operations and is not available to the programmer.
Non-Volatile Random Access Memory (NVRAM)
2-Series control systems are equipped with Non-Volatile Random Access Memory
(NVRAM). NVRAM contains information that is retained after the loss of electrical
power. Information that can be stored in NVRAM includes:
• SIMPL+ Global Variables (using "nonvolatile" qualifier or
• Signals explicitly written to NVRAM (by symbols such as Analog RAM,
Analog RAM from database, Serial RAM, Serial RAM from database,
Analog Non-volatile Ramp, Digital RAM, etc.)
• Portions of the NVRAM may be set aside for implementing an “NVRAM
Disk”. This can be used to provide file system access from SIMPL+.
NOTE: NVRAM values are position sensitive in the program. When saving the
NVRAM is crucial to your application, it is recommended to place all symbols and/or
modules that use NVRAM at the beginning of the program. When NVRAM (.nvr file)
is restored, all the values should line up with the program. If the program is modified,
and new logic that uses NVRAM is placed before any older symbols using NVRAM,
the previously stored values will not line up and presets will have to be re-entered. To
avoid concerns regarding the position of values within NVRAM, values can be stored
on a file on the NVRAM disk by writing a SIMPL+ module to read and write the
values to the file.
Setting Up an NVRAM Disk
Use Crestron Toolbox to set up a NVRAM disk on the processor. NVRAM disk
provides compact flash (CF) type file storage on systems without a CF slot. It also
works on systems with CF. The NVRAM disk’s storage capacity is limited in size.
Any space allocated to the NVRAM disk is not accessible by the SIMPL Windows
NVRAM symbols or SIMPL+ non-volatile variables.
Reference Guide – DOC. 6256A 2-Series Control Systems • 25
Reference Guide Crestron 2-Series Control System
To set up an NVRAM disk, perform the following.
1. Open Crestron Toolbox and establish communications with the control
system as described on page 5.
2. Select Functions | NVRAM Disk… to open the “NVRAM Disk” window.
“NVRAM Disk” Window
3. Enable the NVRAM Disk by selecting Enable NVRAM Disk.
4. Select the size of the NVRAM Disk.
5. Click OK or Apply to create the NVRAM Disk.
Files stored in NVRAM disk are accessed in the \NVRAM directory of the file
system. Entering the command without a parameter displays the current setting.
Each time the NVRAMDISK is enabled, the contents of the NVRAM disk are wiped
NOTE: The NVRAMDISK function (available in CUZ files later than 3.030), will fail
unless it can determine the amount of NVRAM used by the program, to ensure that the
NVRAM is not overwritten. Programs compiled in SIMPL Windows version 2.04.11
or later can provide this information. In the event of a failure of the NVRAMDISK
command, ensure that your program has been recompiled in an appropriate version of
SIMPL Windows and reloaded.
For more information on the NVRAMDISK command and other NVRAM-related
functions, refer to “Appendix C: Console Command Listing” on page 91.
Retrieving NVRAM Files from the NVRAM Disk
NVRAM files can be retrieved from the processor and saved to a local disk. To
retrieve NVRAM data from the processor and save to a file:
1. Open Crestron Toolbox and establish communications with the control
system as described on page 5.
2. Select Functions | Program NVRAM… to open the “Program NVRAM”
26 • 2-Series Control Systems Reference Guide – DOC. 6256A
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