Saros® In-Ceiling Tile Loudspeakers
The Saros ICT5T series of loudspeakers are designed for installation in a suspended ceiling grid using 15/16 in. tees and 2 ft x 2 ft or 2 ft x 4 ft tiles.
With a 4 in. overall height, the loudspeakers have a very low profile and can be installed in a crowded plenum space.
The ICT5T-12 is a 1 ft x 2 ft in-ceiling tile loudspeaker while the ICT5T-22 is a 2 ft x 2 ft in-ceiling tile loudspeaker.
Check the Box
Item Qty
Cross Tee, 2 ft 2
Cross Tee, 2 ft 2
Install the Speaker
Required Tools/Recommended Accessories
• Utility knife
• Flat blade screwdriver
• #1 Phillips screwdriver
• SPKA-ST-15 Safety Tether/Tie Down Kit (sold separately)
Install the Loudspeaker
The ICT5T-12 loudspeaker has the following dimensions for installation in a 2 ft x 2 ft or 2 ft x 4 ft suspended ceiling grid.
The ICT5T-22 loudspeaker has the following dimensions for installation in a 2 ft x 2 ft or 2 ft x 4 ft suspended ceiling grid.
23-3/4 in.
1. Remove a 2 ft x 2 ft or 2 ft x 4 ft tile from the suspended ceiling grid.
2. When installing the loudspeaker in a tile space that is larger than the loudspeaker, use a utility knife to cut a 1 ft x 2 ft (for the 1 ft x 2 ft
loudspeaker) or a 2 ft x 2 ft (for the 2 ft x 2 ft loudspeaker) section from the end of the tile.
3. When installing the loudspeaker in a tile space that is larger than the loudspeaker, install the included cross tee in the grid so the loudspeaker
and ceiling tiles are supported on four sides.
Install cross tee (ICT5T-12 shown)
NOTE: The loudspeaker is designed for use with a suspended ceiling grid with 15/16 in. cross tees.
4. Return the remaining ceiling tile to the suspended ceiling grid and place the loudspeaker in the new opening on the grid.
5. To secure the loudspeaker and make the loudspeaker terminations, temporarily remove an adjacent tile for access to the area above the
6. Secure the loudspeaker to the building structure above using SPKA-ST-15 Safety Tether/Tie Down Kits (sold separately) or ceiling grid hanger
Attachment points Attachment pointsTab
Transformer tap selector Cross teeLoudspeaker
To distributed loudspeaker
To distributed loudspeaker
Secure the loudspeaker (ICT5T-12 shown)
CAUTION: When attaching the loudspeaker to the building structure, always observe local building codes for compliance with the authority
having jurisdiction.
NOTE: Secure the loudspeaker at the corner points for optimal installation. At a minimum, secure the tab located at the top of the
Connect the Loudspeaker
1. Use a #1 Phillips screwdriver to remove the two screws securing the terminal block cover, and remove the terminal block cover as shown in the
diagram below. The terminal block is revealed.
Remove terminal block cover (ICT5T-12 shown)
3. Terminate the speaker wire to the terminal block connector.
4. Replace the terminal block cover.
5. The loudspeaker uses a rotary switch to set the transformer tap to the 8Ω low impedance selection or various high impedance taps for
distributed system applications. Turn the knob to select the operating mode (1W, 2W, 4W, 8W, or 16W for 70V operation, or 2W, 4W, 8W, or
16W for 100V operation).
6. Replace all ceiling tiles that were removed during installation.
Terminal Block Cover
1/2 in. knockouts
2. Remove a knockout from the terminal block cover and feed the speaker wire through the terminal block cover to the terminal block. Use a
1/2 in. clamp (not included) to secure the cable to the terminal block cover.
NOTE: For distributed systems with additional loudspeakers, the second knockout can be removed.
Compliance and Legal
Original Instructions: The U. S. Engli sh versi on of this d ocument is the original instructions. All other lang uages ar e a transl ation of t he original ins tructions.
Regulatory Model: M201904004
This pro duct is Listed to applicable UL® Standards and requirements tested by Inter tek.
Ce produ it est ho molog ué selon les norm es et les ex igences UL appl icables par Intertek.
As of the date of manufacture, the p roduc t has bee n tested a nd found to comply w ith spe cifica tions fo r CE marki ng.
Additional Information
Scan or click the QR code for detailed product information.
SA R OS I C T 5 T-12-W-T- E ACH +* SAROS ICT5T-22-W -T-EAC H+
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Crestron, the Crestron logo, an d Saros are either t radema rks or registered trade marks of Crestron Elec tronic s, Inc. in the Uni ted State s and/or other countr ies. Th e ETL logo is eith er a trade mark
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©2019 Crestron Electronics, Inc.
Crestron Electronics, Inc.
15 Volvo Dr ive, Rockleigh , NJ 07647
Fax: 201.767.7576
Quick Start - Doc. 848 8A
Specifications subject to
change without notice.