Professional Surround Sound
Tuning Kit: Quickstart
The following steps are designed to guide you through the basic hookup and use of
your Professional Surround Sound Tuning Kit.
Follow this checklist to tune your system.
1. Hardware Hookup
All components in the system should be powered off while making
Remove the plastic cover from the front of the AMS.
NOTE: Crestron’s Professional Surround Sound Tuning Kit may be used with
either an AMS or an AMS-AIP. For simplicity within this guide, both models will
hereinafter collectively be referred to as AMS.
Place the microphone stand upright.
Attach the microphone holder to the stand.
Insert the microphone in a vertical position in the holder.
NOTE: You must place the microphone in a vertical position with the capsule
facing the ceiling for all measurements.
Connect the mini female XLR end of the female mini XLR to male XLR
cable to the microphone.
NOTE: Use care when attaching the mini XLR cable so as not to strain the
Connect the male XLR end of the cable to the XLR end of the XLR to
stereo 3.5 mm cable.
Connect the stereo 3.5 mm plug to the microphone input on the AMS.
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Professional Surround Sound Tuning Kit Crestron
NOTE: Use care when attaching the microphone cable so as not to strain the
Using the included USB cable, connect your PC to the USB port on the
front of the AMS.
2. Room EQ Setup
NOTE: When Pro Sound Tools is run for the first time, a setup wizard will take
your through the process. Thereafter, the Configure button can be used to initiate the
Insert the CD that came with the kit and click Add/Change Mic Setup File.
Select the file for the microphone that came with your kit.
When a center speaker or subwoofer is not used, un-check the Front Center
Speaker and/or Subwoofer checkboxes.
Any subwoofer low-pass filter should be defeated or set to its maximum
frequency. Any subwoofer gain settings should be set to their nominal or 12
o’clock position. Also, any sort of “Auto Standby” or sleep mode for the
subwoofer should be disabled.
Click Room Equalization Setup… to begin the process. The “Job
Information” screen is used to record the name of the customer or job and
the name of the technician performing the job.
Click the forward arrow to proceed to the “Options” screen. The “Options”
screen is where you select the microphone file to match the microphone you
are using.
Select your microphone and click the forward arrow to proceed to the
“Measurement” screen.
3. Measurement
Quiet the room as much as possible.
Turn off phones, TVs, radios, air conditioners, etc. and close any open
Refrain from talking and do not sit or stand directly between any of the
speakers and the microphone.
NOTE: Do not touch the microphone stand or cable during the measurement
A. Position 1 Measurement
Place the microphone at the primary listening location, at the ear height of a
listener seated at this location.
NOTE: It is important to have the microphone in the primary listening position for
the first measurement.
iv • Quickstart Operations Guide – DOC. 6565B
Crestron Professional Surround Sound Tuning Kit
Press the Measure button. The Audyssey™ test signal will play a series of
10 “chirps” through each channel.
B. Additional Position Measurements
Move the microphone to another listening position and press the Measure
button again. Repeat the process for all listening positions in the room.
You will need to measure a minimum of three positions before you can
continue. The recommendation is to measure a minimum of eight positions
for typical rooms.
Click the forward arrow to finish the measurement process and continue to
the “Detection Results” screen, which displays the results of the
Click the forward arrow to proceed to the “Target Sound Options” screen.
4. Target Sound Options
Choose which of the Audyssey™ target curves you want to use by selecting
the radio button next to the curve:
For small to medium rooms (up to 2500 cu. ft.), choose the High
Frequency Roll Off 1 curve.
For medium to large rooms (up to 5000 cu. ft.), choose the High
Frequency Roll Off 2 curve.
For rooms larger than 5000 cu. ft., choose the SMPTE 202M
The Midrange Compensation option (selected by default) is used to adjust
the balance between on-axis and reflected sound in the crossover region. It
is recommended that you leave this box checked. You can return to this
screen later and change your setting if you prefer.
Click the forward arrow to calculate your correction curves and proceed to
the “Save Results” screen.
5. Save Results
A. Transfer the MultEQ® XT Filters
Click Transfer to Crestron to temporarily store the filters so you can listen
to them. This process may take several minutes.
B. MultEQ® Pro On/Off Demo
You can now use the Turn MultEQ On and Turn MultEQ Off buttons to
demo the MultEQ
XT filters.
C. Save the MultEQ® XT Filters
Click the Save Permanently to Crestron button to save the correction
curves. This process may take several minutes. After saving is complete,
click Close in the lower right corner of the window to exit the application.
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Professional Surround Sound Tuning Kit Crestron
NOTE: It is important to use the Save Permanently to Crestron function before
leaving the program. Otherwise, all measurements will be lost and you will have to
start the process over from the beginning.
Optional Adjustments
Sometimes users want to change the level of the center channel (for example, to
boost dialog) or subwoofer. This is optional and is not required most of the time but
if it is desired, adjustments to these or any other channels can be made by going into
Pro Sound Tools and clicking on Speaker Adjustments. This allows each speaker’s
level to be adjusted individually.
This concludes the Quickstart section of the Professional Surround Sound Tuning Kit
Operations Guide. Continue reading for more information on installing and operating
the Professional Surround Sound Tuning Kit.
vi • Quickstart Operations Guide – DOC. 6565B
Crestron Professional Surround Sound Tuning Kit
Professional Surround Sound
Tuning Kit
Creston’s Professional Surround Sound Tuning Kit for the Adagio® Media System
allows custom installers use the Audyssey MultEQ
AudysseyMultEQ® XT sound equalization technology to high quality listening
rooms. AudysseyMultEQ® XT creates an optimum listening experience for every seat
in your theater using an ingenious equalization solution that automatically corrects
the time, level and frequency response for each speaker within the space.
Every listening room or home theater room will add colorations to the direct sound
coming from the loudspeakers. These colorations occur at both bass and treble
frequencies. In the bass, they are caused by the natural resonances (also called
modes) every room has. In the treble, they come from wall, floor and ceiling
reflections of the sound from the loudspeakers. MultEQ
information throughout the listening area. Based on these measurements, MultEQ®
Pro calculates an equalization solution that effectively removes sonic colorations
caused by the interaction of sound from the speakers with the room, allowing the
speakers to attain their best possible performance.