This document was prepared and written by the Technical Documentation department at:
Crestron Electronics, Inc.
15 Volvo Drive
Rockleigh, NJ 07647
Crestron eServer™ Ethernet OEM Module
Demo Already Installed!
The eServer™ comes with a demonstration already factory loaded. The demo
consists of a few web pages created with VisionTools™ Pro-e and a SIMPL+
module. The purpose of the demo is to prove the easy use of the eServer.
Crestron is only exercising one of the many features of the eServer by using this
preloaded demo to tell the eServer story. Refer to the "Quick Start" below for
immediate demo access. For details about the demo, refer to "Web Page Demos" on
page 25.
Quick Start
1. Install Crestron Viewport Software
The Crestron Viewport is loaded along with the SIMPL Windows install. The latest
version of SIMPL Windows can be obtained from the Downloads page (SIMPLWIN
Library) of the Crestron website ( New users are required to
register in order to obtain access to the FTP site. The Crestron Viewport is used to
set the IP address of the eServer.
2. Connect eServer
Use a serial cable (supplied with the dealer kit) to connect the PC COM port to the
COM IN port on the eServer. Refer to "eServer Ports" on page 3 for COM IN port
pinout details.
3. Assign IP Address
Start the Crestron Viewport software. Verify the PC communications parameters
(Alt+D) in the Viewport. No handshaking is required and the default baud rate is
57600. Click on OK and depress ENTER on the keyboard. The ">" prompt should
appear in the Viewport. To assign an IP address to the eServer, enter:
ip_adr ###.###.###.###
where ###.###.###.### is the desired IP address. Reboot for changes to take effect.
To reboot enter the following command:
For details regarding commands, refer to "Setup Menus" on page 11.
4. Connect to LAN
Use a network cable (not supplied) to connect the eServer 10 BaseT port (labeled
ETHERNET) to the LAN. Refer to "eServer Ports" on page 3 for ETHERNET port
pinout details.
5. Run Demo
Start the web browser on your PC and enter the IP address assigned in step 3. Upon
depressing ENTER from the keyboard, the web browser connects to the eServer and
loads the demo web pages that reside in the eServer. For details regarding the demo,
refer to "Web Page Demos" on page 25.
• Baud rates may be one of the following possible rates: 300, 1200, 1800,
2400, 3600, 4800, 7200, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600,
and 115200.
• Parity may be even, odd, none, or zero stick (parity bit always 0). When
specifying the parity use E, O, N, or Z, respectively.
• Data bits may be 7 or 8.
• Stop bits may be 1 or 2.
• Both XON/XOFF handshaking and RTS/CTS handshaking are
supported. XON/XOFF and RTS/CTS handshaking are mutually
exclusive in the eServer. If both are enabled, RTS/CTS is used. If CTS
handshaking is enabled, the CTS line is monitored by the eServer. The
CTS line can also be enabled as a digital input to the control system;
the RTS line can be enabled as a digital output.
• Break of any length can be generated.
• Provides character pacing in units of milliseconds for all of the data
specified. The range of the pacing is from 1 to 31 milliseconds. Pacing
greater than 31 millisecond defaults to the maximum (31 ms).
Due to the built-in SIMPL+ logic engine, the eServer is a very powerful one-port
control system with Ethernet and web server built in. The web server with 2Mb of
flash memory can store custom web pages for control of a connected device.
Physical Description
The eServer is housed in a black enclosure with silk-screened labels on the top panel.
There are eight LEDs on the top panel for indicating the unit’s current status. All
connections are made to either end of the shorter side panels. Refer to the physical
view shown after this paragraph. There are four rubber feet on the base of the unit for
stability and to prevent slippage.
There are two ports on each of the two shorter side panels of the eServer. Each port
has a silk-screened label located on the top panel. Refer to the illustration and
descriptions below.
eServer Ports
12VDC .5A
This DC power socket connector is used to supply power via an external AC power
pack. Crestron recommends and supplies specific power packs for its network
devices. Available power packs include Crestron part number PW-1205 (110V USA
and Canada) or PWI-1210 (220V International). If an external power pack other than
these Crestron models is obtained, verify that it meets the required specifications and
polarity as after this paragraph.
AC Power Pack Specifications
PW-1205120V~60Hz12VDC .5 A
PWI-1210230V~50Hz12VDC 1A
AC Power Pack Polarity
This 9-pin connector (DB9F) connects to serial equipment that is to be controlled.
This bidirectional serial port is used for RS-232 communication.
NOTE: The pinout of each 9-pin port is non-standard (refer to table after this note).
This may result in a conflict with some equipment and therefore do not use all nine
pins. Only the required pins for each communication type should be connected.
Carrier Detect (CD)
(RXD) RS-232 Receive Data
(TXD) RS-232 Transmit Data
RS-232 Signal Common
No Connect
(RTS) RS-232 Request to Send
(CTS) RS-232 Clear to Send
No Connect
Ethernet OEM Module Crestron eServer™
This 9-pin connector (DB9F) is used as a pass-through for device control. This
bidirectional serial port is used for RS-232 communication. It can also be used for
configuring the device with IP address, mask, etc.
NOTE: This port is also known as the Console (Main) port in some setup menus
discussed in "port" on page 15.
NOTE: The pinout of each 9-pin port is non-standard (refer to table after this note).
This may result in a conflict with some equipment and therefore do not use all nine
pins. Only the required pins for each communication type should be connected.
Carrier Detect (CD)
(TXD) RS-232 Transmit Data
(RXD) RS-232 Receive Data
RS-232 Signal Common
No Connect
(CTS) RS-232 Clear to Send
(RTS) RS-232 Request to Send
No Connect
This RJ45 modular connector provides Ethernet connection, thereby making the unit
IP addressable and compatible with 10 BaseT Ethernet systems. The Ethernet port is
the standard 10 BaseT pinout. Refer to the pinout table after this paragraph.
There are eight LED indicators located on the top panel of the eServer. Each has a
silk-screened label. Refer to the illustration below and the descriptions that follow.
eServer Indicators
PWR (Power)
This LED illuminates when 12 volts (from the external power pack) is supplied to
the eServer.
RXD (Ethernet)
This LED illuminates when the Ethernet port on the eServer receives Ethernet data.
TXD (Ethernet)
This LED illuminates when the Ethernet port on the eServer transmits Ethernet data.
LNK (Ethernet)
This LED illuminates when there are attachments to the Ethernet port on the eServer.
ERR (Ethernet)
This LED illuminates when any error is detected. It flashes when permanent ROM is
RXD (Device)
This LED illuminates when the eServer receives data on the DEVICE port.
TXD (Device)
This LED illuminates when the eServer transmits data on the DEVICE port.
PASS (Device)
This LED illuminates when the pass-through mode is enabled on the DEVICE port
of the eServer.
The table below provides a summary of leading specifications for the eServer.
Dimensions and weight are rounded to the nearest hundredth unit.
Leading Specifications of the eServer
Power Requirements
CNMSX-AV/PRO Upgrade File (.upz)
CNRACKX/-DP Upgrade File (.upz)
Web Browser
Dimensions & Weight
1 The latest software versions can be obtained from the Downloads page (SIMPLWIN and VTPRO-E
2 CNX upgrade files are required for either CNMSX-AV/PRO or CNRACKX/-DP. Filenames for
3 Crestron recommends the use of Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Libraries) of the Crestron website (
obtain access to the FTP site.
CNX upgrade files have a UPZ extension and SmarTouch files are in one EXE. All can be obtained
from the Downloads page (OPSYS Library) of the Crestron website.
As of the date of manufacture, the eServer has been tested and found to comply with
specifications for CE marking.
12 VDC, 500 mA (domestic)
12 VDC, 1000 mA (international)
Version 1.40.04 or later1 with library update file
smwlib62.exe & update document smwlib62.txt or later
Version 2.1.9 or later
Version 5.10.11x or later
Version 5.10.11w or later
Microsoft® Internet Explorer version 5.0 or later
or Netscape® Communicator version 4.7 or later
*Capable of five simultaneous browser connections
*Externally hosted web page GUI control
2MB Flash for SIMPL+ program and web pages
Height: 5.55 in (14.09 cm)
Width: 3.33 in (8.46 cm)
Depth: 1.22 in (3.10 cm)
Weight: 0.563 lb (0.255 kg)
. New users are required to register in order to
NOTE: This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to
the following two conditions: (1) these devices may not cause harmful interference,
and (2) these devices must accept any interference received, including interference
that may cause undesired operation.
Control & Configuration
The flexibility of the eServer compels the eServer developer to make certain up-front
design decisions. The next three sections cover the method/configuration decisions
that need to be made and how to implement them.
Choose the Interface Method
The first question to answer when deciding to incorporate an eServer into a
development project is how the device is to be used. There are two interface methods
available, Crestron control and non-Crestron control.
Crestron control is defined as an interface to a Crestron Ethernet device.
Implementation of this method is necessary for a device to communicate with a
Crestron control system. Use of this interface method does not place design
limitations on the project. For example, a device can implement a Crestron control
system interface, have a web interface, and have a custom PC application
communicating to the same eServer. Refer to configuration # "2. Crestron Control
System Control of a Device Through the eServer" on page 8 for details of this
interface method.
Non-Crestron Control
Non-Crestron control is defined as control and monitoring of equipment through any
web browser or custom application. Since the eServer has many applications outside
the audio-video industry, a designer can use the device without other Crestron
devices. As a result, the only interface necessary is a web browser or a custom
application built by an OEM designer. Use of this interface method does not place
design limitations on the project. For example, Crestron tools such as VisionTools™
Pro-e, the e-control™ Software Development Kit (SDK), and SIMPL+ can be
utilized to build the project, but no Crestron device or software is needed to
communicate with the box. Refer to the next section for multiple configuration
possibilities of this interface. Only one (configuration # "2. Crestron Control System
Control of a Device Through the eServer" on page 8) of the five configurations
presented does not apply.
Choose the Configuration
The second question to answer when deciding to incorporate an eServer into a
development project is which configuration should be used. The configuration
depends on the application. Any combination of the configurations listed below are
permissible with the eServer. Although most projects would probably utilize only
one configuration to simplify development, using more than one configuration at the
same time is generally allowed. The only exception is #5. Opening a TCP connection
while utilizing #1, 2, 3, or 4 temporarily suspends configuration 1, 2, 3, or 4 until the
TCP connection is closed.
1 Web browser control of a device through the eServer
2 Crestron control system control of a device through the eServer
3 Web browser control of a device through the eServer utilizing PC-
based web server and Crestron CNX gateway software
4 Custom application control of a device through the eServer utilizing
Crestron ActiveCNX control
5 Custom application control of a device through the eServer utilizing
standard TCP/IP sockets.
Implement the Chosen Configuration
1.Web Browser Control of a Device Through the eServer
This configuration permits any standard web browser to become the interface for the
device. For example, the IP address for the eServer dedicated to the switcher can be
entered into a web browser. If designed properly, the resultant screen shows the
current state of the device. The device interface on the web page can allow real-time
control assuming Crestron software tools such as VT Pro-e or the e-control SDK
were used to design the pages and the pages were uploaded to the eServer. Refer to
"Appendix B: Uploading Web Pages" on page 33 for uploading details. Not only is
control available, but almost any other type of web document may be linked to the
device page. Links can include any of the following.
• URL link to obtain the latest version of the device firmware
• URL link to a PDF manual that shipped with the device
• Device wiring diagrams
• URL link directly to the manufacturer's website
• A Macromedia Shockwave™ flash tutorial explaining how to operate
the device using animated graphics and sound
• Basically almost any type of content that would go on a PC web server
can be served from the eServer.
Web Browser Control of a Device
Web Browser
Files for
The advantage of this configuration, as far as the eServer is concerned, is that these
documents are binary files. Therefore, it is up to the browser to do most of the work
of displaying these media-rich files in a useful way.
2. Crestron Control System Control of a Device Through the
Manufacturers have requested that Crestron support a Cresnet port on non-Crestron
devices. However, Crestron believes in an open platform approach, allowing our
partner manufacturers to use their preferred communications protocol. This allows
our partners products to operate to their specifications without imposing outside
system limitations or undue increased production costs. Using these communications
protocol allow our dealers to seamlessly integrate any products into a Crestron
system. As a result, there is the additional advantage of communicating with any
other IP-based device through the network.
To realize this Crestron control system solution, an OEM designer need only write
and compile a SIMPL+ module that can translate their existing device's serial
protocol to a standard Crestron symbol. The module would translate serial strings
into standard Crestron digital, analog, and serial strings.
Once the SIMPL+ module is created, it can be uploaded to the device via the serial
or Ethernet port using the Crestron Viewport. Refer to "Appendix C: Uploading a
SIMPL+ Program" on page 35 for details regarding the loading of a program from
The SIMPL Windows programmer can implement this device in their system by
adding a generic e-control touchpanel symbol to their program, then reading the
documentation generated by the OEM designer to determine what join number maps
to what function on the device. Refer to "Programming with SIMPL™ Windows"
on page 20 for details.
3. Web Browser Control of a Device Through the eServer
Utilizing PC-based Web Server and Crestron CNX Gateway
Compared to the two previously mentioned configurations, this one is less common.
This configuration allows the customer's device to interface to a web server and GUI
web pages stored and running on a local PC. Although there are many reasons a
designer may choose this configuration, the primary cause is for security. For
example, if the objective is to control a projector through the Internet and not to
expose the eServer web server to the Internet, the designer can use a standard PC
web server. Such an arrangement also allows for more than the 2 MB of flash
memory limit of the eServer for web pages. In this configuration, web page files are
stored on file system in the PC.
The eServer designer can create one SIMPL+ module and one set of e-control web
pages. Then it is up to the end user to decide if they wish to run in "embedded web
server mode" (refer to configuration # "1.Web Browser Control of a Device Through
the eServer" on page 7) or "external web server mode".
Web Browser Control of a Device Utilizing PC-based Web Server and Crestron CNX Gateway
Stored Files for
Web Server
CNX Gateway
Web Pages
Another rationale for this configuration is if a device expects to utilize many
connections (more than five). The CNX gateway allows many more than five
simultaneous connections. Refer to the Software Development Kit & CNX Gateway
Operations Guide (latest revision of Doc. 5778) for additional CNX Gateway
4. Custom Application Control of a Device Through the
eServer Utilizing Crestron ActiveCNX Control
Many manufacturers have spent years developing PC-based applications and would
like to use their existing tools that communicate via standard RS-232 with the
eServer. With relatively little work, such a configuration effectively makes their
tools "Internet ready". The ActiveCNX control, a free download component of the
Crestron e-control SDK, permits implementation of this configuration fairly easily.
Refer to the Active CNX Software Introduction & Tutorial manual (latest revision of
Doc. 5777) for additional information.
Many designers use Microsoft's serial control for doing low-level COM port
communications. Crestron ActiveCNX control has similar functions, events, and
properties. Therefore, it should be fairly easy to integrate with existing code. The
ActiveCNX control takes care of low-level Internet communications for a designer.
Custom Application Control of a Device Utilizing Crestron ActiveCNX Control