Absolute sonic accuracy is the hallmark of these amplifiers with
solid bass reproduction, defined to the limits of audibility thanks
to the “over-engineered power supply”, capable of delivering
ample reserves of audio current. Wide-band output devices configured in the most advanced version of class AB and class H circuit design, assure detailed yet sparkling high frequency response.
VsL series amplifiers also feature a comprehensive protection system, yet totally transparent to the audio path. Also Crest’s unique
IGM circuit is included making it totally safe to use these amplifiers with load impedances as low as 2 ohm without any compromise in performance. For example it would be perfectly safe and
professional practice to power four 8 ohm 250 watt speakers from
each channel of a single VsL 1500 amplifier.
Crest VsL amplifiers are built with high quality
components, assuring long lasting operation.
VsL series amplifiers are built by the same factory that produces
the audio industry’s leading quality amplifiers; Crest Pro series,
used in touring sound systems all over the world all of the time.
Any internal component is selected for premium quality and tested for durability.
VsL amplifier printed circuit boards are machine assembled with
the highest accuracy and passed through a rigid pre-testing procedure before being fitted into the finished product and to assure sustained in-field operation receive a rigorous “hot room” cycled
burn-in, before going through a final checkout test, performed by
an automated state-of-the-art, precision audio measurement station, eliminating any possible human error in the interpretation of
critical “product quality assurance” data.
Cool power and Hot music:
The magic of Crest VsL amplifiers
Whilst for a single output device amplifier, it would be true that
the “thermal headroom” margin of a metal cased TO-3 style
power transistor is larger than its plastic encapsulated equivalent,
it is also true that modern power amplifiers use more than one pair,
and Crest amplifiers uses plastic transistors in their output stages
far in excess of competitive makers that use metal ones.
Extra transistors and their effect upon thermal headroom
This means that every power transistor in a Crest VsL amplifier
works within a much larger “safe operating area” drastically
increasing their long term reliability because of largely reduced
waste heat generated by more traditional devices.
To off-set the thermal effects of increased ambient temperatures,
the VsL design utilizes a specially designed extruded aluminum
heat-sink with super efficient dissipation characteristics, critically
placed in the airflow path of an extra large fan assuring to keep
internal temperatures of the output devices to a cool minimum,
even under the most exhausting demands for power.
Vsl Cooling Scheme
Crest VsL amplifiers let you not only hear, but
unmistakenly feel the difference in bass
response from competing products.
VsL amplifiers, like all Crest amps, are constructed around an
over-built power supply, with massive amounts of instantly available energy from a large capacitor storage reservoir and custom
made high current power transformers. Mains voltage surges or
spikes are electrical conditions that are largely outside your control and that’s why Crest gives you front panel mounted circuit
breakers that function as a fuse as well as being the amplifier’s
power switch. If you encounter problems of this nature, simply
flip the switch and you’re back in business without suffering prolonged embarrassing silence.
Choosing Crest VsL amplifiers is getting the
best money can buy.
With built-in insurance through Crest’s exclusive world standard
TourClass Protection and that includes protecting your loudspeakers as well. Crest’s comprehensive protection against abuse
or failure is unmatched today with the following exclusive circuit
designs featuring preventive as well as active protection.
Preventive protection includes IGM (instant gain modulation)
allowing you to double-up on speakers without causing the amplifier to prematurely suffer from overload.
The VsL 1500 can supply 1000 watts per channel into 2Ω;
the competition can only supply 500 watts per channel into 4Ω.
ACL (automatic clip limiter) at the same time prevents severe distortion or feedback capable of destroying your loudspeakers
because you accidentally pushed your mixer output level too high.
Active protection gives you Autoramp which guards your amplifier and speaker cones against damaging spikes during power-up or
down, apart from circuits that protect your amplifier from becoming damaged because of thermal runaway,input overload, shorted
outputs, dangerous transients or DC voltage appearing on the
amplifier’s output terminals.
Crest VsL amplifiers mean no further costly
With Crest VsL amplifiers running your sound you can be assured
that upgrading has stopped because they are amplifiers with staying power.
VsL Series amplifiers are covered by a
unique warranty. All models are covered
for three years as standard; Crest will
extend this by two more years when the
registration card is returned. This gives five
years total coverage; confirming our confidence that these amplifiers will perform
reliably for many years to come.
Product features
• High efficiency “toroidal” power transformer design.
• Utilizes the latest generation of “high speed” output devices.
• “Cool rack” front-to-side air flow path driven by 2-speed DC
fan unit.
• Electronically “balanced” TRS and cascade barrier input connectors.
• Universal 5-way “high current” binding post output connectors.
• “Multi mode” operation for stereo, parallel and bridged
• Heavy gauge “ground lift” strap.
• Front panel mounted, “stepped-input” attenuators.
• Magnetic, “instant reset” mains circuit breaker/fuse.
• Front panel indicators for signal present, clip, active and protect.
• Three+two, parts and labor warranty scheme available.*
Built-in protection
• Active Clip Limiter, to prevent speaker damage.
• Instantaneous Gain Modulation, to prevent over-stress of the
output devices.
• AutoRamp, to prevent damage from electrical spikes during
switch on/off.
• Thermal, management to protect the amplifier from conditions causing overheating.
• Protection of the amplifier caused by adverse conditions in
the output load.
• Protection of the speakers caused by adverse conditions in the
amplifier output section