Crest Audio AM-811 AUTOMATIC MIXER Specifications

• Switchable low cut filter (-3 dB at 100 Hz)
• Switchable phantom power (+48 Volts)
• Switchable manual or automatic operation
• Switchable mutebus (all attached channels can be muted
• Adjustable priority (channels 1 & 2)
• Defeatable signal processor loop on all channels
• External muting capability
• Direct outputs
• Activity logic output (TTL status)
General Features:
Three sweepable notch filters
Downward expander
Transformer balanced outputs
Easily linked to create 16, 24, 32. channel mixer
Remote volume capability
Plexiglass security panel
The Crest AM-811 is a high quality automatic mixer with eight transformer balanced mic/line inputs. Each chan­nel provides a gain control, 48 Volt phantom power (mic inputs), low cut filter, activity/clipping LED, an aux send control, and a choice between manual or automatic operation. Each channel also provides a defeatable insert point, five Volt TTL status output, and can be muted individually or multiple channels can be muted simultaneously via an assignable mutebus. In addition, channels one and two provide an adjustable priority control.
The master section provides a gain trim control, three1/9 octave sweepable notch filters, a downward expander, transformer balanced outputs (main and aux) and remote volume connections. The AM-811 has been designed to easily link multiple units together to form a single mixer with many more inputs (16, 24, 32). The AM-811 is supplied with a see-through plex­iglass security panel to prevent changes to the installers settings.
Automatic Mixer
AMTM-811 Automatic Mixer
Crest Audio Inc.
16-00 Pollitt Dr. Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 USA
TEL: 201.909.8700 FAX: 201.909.8744
Crest Audio reserves the right to make improvements in manufacturing or design which may affect specifications.
test conditions:
preamp gain range:
input impedance:
priority (channels 1 and 2):
phantom power:
input sensitivity:
maximum input level:
common mode rejection:
frequency response:
output impedance:
nominal output level:
maximum output level:
channel clip LED:
output level indicators:
power requirements:
120 Vrms, 60 Hz line voltage maintained throughout testing 0 dBu = 0.775 Vrms
-128 dBu (R s = 150 Ohms), typical 10 dB - 65 dB (MIC inputs)
-13 dB - 44 dB (LINE inputs) 2K Ohms (Mic inputs) >10K Ohms (LINE inputs) >10K Ohms (INSERT inputs)
0 dB to 9 dB +48 Volts MIC inputs -61 dBu LINE inputs -40 dBu INSERT inputs +4 dBu
MIC inputs +12 dBu LINE inputs +30 dBu INSERT inputs +21 dBu >70 dB 20 Hz - 20 kHz
75 Hz (-3 dB) to 20 kHz (-1 dB) (at +4 dBu; reference: 1 kHz; 75 Hz HPF) >0.1% at +4 dBu (22 Hz - 30 kHz BPF) (R s = 150 Ohms; 30 kHz LPF) >85 dB (all controls fully CCW) >200 Ohms
LINE level output +4 dBu MIC level output -26 dBu INSERT outputs +4 dBu LINE level output +21 dBu (hi-Z load)
+18 dBu (600 load)
MIC level output -9 dBu (hi-load)
-12 dBu (600 load)
INSERT outputs +21 dBu (hi-Z load)
red LED lights 2 dB before clipping also lights to indicate mute on channel 1 and 2 inputs
red LED lights 2 dB before clipping yellow LED lights at +4 dBu green lights at -16 dBu
120 Vrms, 60 Hz domestic 230 Vrms, 50/60 Hz export 15 Watts nominal
1.75x 19x 9.38(45 mm x 483 mm x 238 mm)
7.5 lbs (3.4 kg)
Architects’ & Engineers’ Specifications:
The automatic microphone mixer shall have four elec­tronically balanced, low noise microphone/line inputs. Each input shall have its own gain control. Input 1 and 2 shall each have the patented Priority Control Circuitry with a priority assign and individual front panel mute controls. Each channel shall have individ­ual line level inserts with enable/bypass switch. Forty­eight Volt phantom power shall be available on all channels and be switched on inputs 1 and 2. A secu-
rity cover is included, protecting the main controls on the front panel with marking zones for each input. The master section shall be equipped with gain manage­ment computer logic for seamless operation. There shall be a balanced mic or line master output with switch. In addition, there is a master, unbalanced aux­iliary output. There is a master/ slave linking connec­tion and switch on the back panel for connection to additional AM-411 units, and also the AM-811 as well as the MM 623 mixer. All audio connections shall be
made with removable eurotype connectors. The mixer shall have a frequency response of 75 Hz to 20 kHz +/- 1 dB. It shall have an EIN of -128 dBu and the total harmonic distortion shall be less than 0.1% at +4 dBu (22 Hz to 22 kHz BPF). The maximum line output level shall be +21 dBu (hi-Z load), +18 dBu (600 load). The unit shall be packaged in a rugged metal chassis 19wide by 1.75high by 9.38deep. The unit shall operate from 120 VAC, 60 Hz domestic and from 230V AC, 50/60 Hz export.