The loudspeakers should be connected using a suitable pair of cables designed specifically for
audio use. Two pairs of screw terminals marked ’A’ allow for either bare wire or spade lug
connectors to be passed through the hole or around the bush. Tighten the term i nal fully after fitting
the speaker wire. Please consult your dealer for advice if you are unsure.
It is very important to connect the loudspeakers to the loudspeaker terminals in the correct phas e.
Cables are normally polarised with a line or a raised bump on the positive side. If one channel is not
connected in the same f ashion as the other, a severe loss of bass performance and a spreading of
the stereo image will result.
A second set of term i nal s marked ’B’ allow the user to select from the rotary control in the centre of
the front panel, the option of having two pairs of speakers running separately, or together. The
options include speakers off, when using headphones, speakers A, speakers B and speakers A and
B together.
It is not recommended to use loudspeakers of les s than 40 resistance or more t han two pairs of 80
speakers running from the amplifier at one time. However, bi-wiring of one pai r of speakers, using
the four terminal posts, can improve the sound of your s ys tem (consult your dealer for more details).
M.B. It is VERY IMPORTANT not to short the loudspeaker cables together when the other
ends are still connected to the amplifier, otherwise permanent damage can result. If i t i s
necessary to move or change the location of your loudspeakers, make sure that you switch
off the amplifier from the main s fi rst.
On the 5250 all six line inputs, incl udi ng the tape input, have zero gain (passive circuitry), which can,
if required, be increased by installing a Creek 5350 line stage pre-amp.
The tape input is in a loop with the tape output , enabling you to record anything you can hear, or in
other words, Monitor recordings without interrupting the signal. The rotary selector switc h on t he
left-hand side of the ampl i f i er i s used to select and list en to any of the desired inputs. The second
rotary selector switch on the 5250, marked Record, allows you to record any input independent of
the input you are listening to.
As all the line input levels are the same, it is not necessary to use the precise inputs as designated.
You may, for example, plug a CD player into the Tuner input and obtain exactly the same result and
performance as the dedicated CD input. For added flexibility, the first input on the 5250 can be used
either for vinyl Disc or Auxiliary Line.
An optional low noise
MM orMC Phono Amplifier Module
is available, which replaces the s tandard
passive Link pcb, internall y. Check with your dealer for more details i f requi red.
Two pairs of speakers and one pair of headphones can be s el ected from the knob in the middle of
the front panel, marked Sp eakers. For listening through the headphones without loudspeakers,
select Off. If one pair of speakers is required, select position A or B , dependi ng on which sockets
have been used on the rear panel. In this way two pairs of speakers can be selected together or