Creative Zen Mosaic User Manual

How to use this manual

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This user's guide details the features of your Creative ZEN™ Mozaic. Creative ZEN Mozaic is a music and video player, alarm clock, recorder, and radio, all rolled into one. For setup and installation instructions, refer to the printed Quick Start that comes with your player.
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Your Player at a Glance

This section introduces your player and its parts. Click the numbered labels for more information.
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Turning Your Player On and Off

To turn on your player, slide the On/Off/Lock switch towards and hold until the display lights
up. To turn off your player, slide the On/Off/Lock switch towards and hold until the Shutting
down... message appears.
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Selecting Menus and Options

Your player has many menus and options from which you can select. This section explains the difference between menus and options, and how to access them. Menus are categories of content or player information. Examples of menus are Music and Settings. Options are actions you can perform on a menu item. Examples of options are Play and Seek To. When you turn on your player, you see the main menu. The main menu on your player leads to secondary menus called submenus. Submenus themselves can lead to other menus. Every menu has options. For more information, click the diagrams below.
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Selecting an item

Press or to highlight a menu or option item.
Press OK.
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Navigating a List Quickly

When you have a long list of items, the alphabet bar helps you to move quickly from one part of the list to another.
Use the Direction Pad
when moving along the alphabet bar, and
when navigating between the alphabet bar and the list you are navigating.
The alphabet bar appears in selected menus.
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Locking Your Player

Locking your player disables the functions of all buttons on your player. Locking your player is useful when you do not want to accidentally activate functions on your player, such as when your player is in your pocket or bag.
To lock your player
Slide the On/Off/Lock switch towards the Lock icon. On your display, the Lock icon appears on the top right corner.
To unlock your player
Slide the On/Off/Lock switch away from the Lock icon, back to the middle position.
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Playing and Managing Media Files

This chapter tells you how to obtain, play and manage different media on your player.
Ripping Music
Transferring Files to Your player
Creating Playlists
Playing and Managing Music Tracks
Playing Audible Files
Listening to the Radio
Recording with the Built-in Microphone
Viewing and Managing Photos
Playing and Managing Videos
Playing ZENcast Content
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Ripping Music

When you rip music, you convert music tracks (often from CDs) into a format suitable for playback on your computer. You can rip music easily using applications such as Creative Centrale or Windows Media
Make sure the audio CD you want to rip from is placed inside your CD drive.
Start Creative Centrale on your computer.
In Creative Centrale, click the Rip button. Follow the instructions on the screen. For more
information, click the Help button.
When ripping tracks, make sure that they are tagged properly. See Tagging Your Audio Tracks.
If you are connected to the Internet and have registered with a music information provider, album
information will automatically be retrieved.
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Tagging Your Audio Tracks

To tag an audio track is to add descriptive information to it, so that you can distinguish the track from among others later. Every audio track (MP3 or WMA file) has a set of properties that contains information such as song and album title, artist name and genre. Using these properties, your player organizes your music library into categories such as albums, artists and genres, enabling you to browse your huge collection of audio tracks quickly and easily. If an audio track contains inaccurate properties, such as unrecognized characters or incorrect details, you may not be able to perform accurate searches on your player. For a better experience, make sure your audio tracks contain correct properties.
To fill in properties automatically
While connected to the Internet, use Creative Centrale to "rip" audio tracks from audio CDs. Creative Centrale uses MusicIDSM from Gracenote to automatically retrieve information about your audio CDs and create track properties. For more information, refer to the application's online Help.
To fill in properties manually
You can use Creative Centrale to fill in audio track properties manually. For information on how to do this, click the Help button in Creative Centrale. Under the Search tab, type 'Tagging Media Files Manually' in the text box and click List Topics.
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Transferring Files to Your Player
You can use Creative Centrale to easily transfer files to your player. For information on how to do this, click the Help button in Creative Centrale. Under the Search tab, type 'Transferring Media Files to Portable Players' in the text box and click List Topics.
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Creating Playlists

A playlist is a combination of selected tracks that you save for subsequent playback. On your player, a playlist first resides in the Selected Music view. See Entering Selected Music view. You can keep a playlist in Selected Music view indefinitely, but the playlist may become too long and unmanageable. To better manage your playlists, save your old playlists and create new ones periodically.
To create a playlist in Selected Music view
On the main menu, select Music.
Select any submenu with audio tracks, for example, All Tracks.
Select the track you want.
Press and select Add to Selected.
Repeat the above until your playlist in Selected Music view is complete.
To save the playlist, you must be in the Now Playing view. If you are not in this view, select a
track, press OK and select Play. To save the playlist, press and select Save as Playlist. A virtual keypad appears.
Use the Direction Pad to select characters to name your playlist. Press for additional character
sets and symbols. Select the checkmark .
The playlist is stored in the Playlists submenu.
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Entering Selected Music view

You can select a list of preferred music for playback. Selected music will be stored in the selected music view indefinitely until you save them as a playlist.
On the main menu, select Music Now Playing.
Press OK. In the Now Playing view, the progress bar changes to a rating bar.
Press OK a second time. Any Album Art you have is displayed on the screen.
Press OK a third time. The Selected Music view appears.
To exit, press OK.
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Playing and Managing Music Tracks

You can search for music tracks by album, artist or genre. If you have combined tracks from various albums, and saved them as playlists, you can also search your tracks by playlist. See Navigating a List Quickly .
Press and hold to enter the main menu.
Select Music.
Select a category, such as Albums or Playlists.
If you want to search by track title, select All Tracks.
Select the track you want, and press .
For effective searches, tag your tracks properly. See Tagging Your Audio Tracks.
For long lists of tracks, use the alphabet bar. See Navigating a List Quickly.
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Adjusting Volume

While a song or video is playing, press or to increase or decrease the volume. The volume is adjusted and the volume bar disappears after a short while.
To limit the maximum volume level on your player, see Enabling Volume Restriction .
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Shuffling and Repeating Tracks

You can shuffle or repeat your list of selected tracks by selecting a different play mode.
In the main menu, select System Audio Settings Play Mode.
Select one of the following options:
Plays your selected tracks in sequential order.
Repeat Track
Repeats the current track.
Repeat All
Repeats all selected tracks.
Plays all selected tracks in random order, once only.
Shuffle Repeat
Plays and repeats all selected tracks, in random order.
Track Once
Stops playing after the current track ends.
You can also access Play Mode by pressing while playing a song.
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Searching for Similar Tracks

If you like the song you are playing now, you can do a quick search for other titles by the same artist. While the song is playing, press and select Lookup Artist.
The Lookup Artist option is also available from the Selected Music view. See Navigating a List Quickly.
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Rating Tracks

Rate how much you like a track, so your player's DJ (see Being your own DJ ) can automatically play your favorite tracks. Choose from one to five stars.
On the main menu, select Music Now Playing.
Press OK. In the Now Playing view, the progress bar below changes to a row of stars.
Press or to select a rating.
Press OK.
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Removing Tracks

On your player, to remove tracks is to remove them from the Selected Music view only. The tracks are still in the player and can be accessed from submenus like Artists or Albums. To permanently remove tracks, use the delete function. See Deleting Tracks .
On the main menu, select Music Now Playing.
Press OK. In the Now Playing view, the progress bar changes to a rating bar.
Press OK again. The Selected Music view appears.
Press or to select a track.
Press and select one of the following:
Remove... Remove Track
Removes the current track from the list.
Remove... Remove All
Clears the list.
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Deleting Tracks

This action permanently deletes tracks from your player. To only remove tracks from the Selected Music view, see Removing Tracks .
On the main menu, select Music.
Select any submenu with audio tracks, for example, All Tracks.
Press or to select a track.
Press and select Delete Track or similar, depending on what you are deleting.
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Using Bookmarks

A bookmark marks a point within a track, so you can return to it at a later time. For example, if you are listening to your recording of an interview, insert a bookmark if you need to stop halfway through. When you want to continue listening from where you left off, go to this bookmark. You can use up to 10 bookmarks at any one time.
To insert a bookmark
Play the track that you want to bookmark.
In the Now Playing view, while the track is playing, press and select Set Bookmark.
Select a bookmark number.
If all 10 bookmark numbers have been assigned, clear an existing bookmark. In the main menu,
select Music Bookmarks. Press and select Clear Bookmark.
To go to a bookmark
On the main menu, select Music Bookmarks.
Select the bookmark that you want.
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Searching within Tracks

You can specify, in seconds or minutes, where you want to start playing a track. For example, if you want to start playback one minute into the track, you can 'seek to' the one minute position and then begin playback from there.
While a song is playing, press and hold to enter the main menu.
Select Music Now Playing.
Press and select Seek To. A progress bar and timer appear.
Press or to move backward or forward within the track.
Press OK.
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Being Your Own DJ

Instead of selecting tracks yourself, let your player's DJ pick out tracks for you.
On the main menu, select Music DJ.
Select one of the following:
Album of the Day
Plays any album.
Random Play All
Plays all tracks, including your recorded tracks, in random order.
Most Popular
Plays frequently played tracks
Rarely Heard
Plays rarely played tracks.
Highly Rated
Plays tracks that you have rated highly.
Yet to be Rated
Plays tracks you have yet to rate.
Press OK.
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Purchasing Tracks

If you are listening to a track from a subscription-based online music store, you can purchase the track from the online store the next time you synchronize your player with Windows Media ® Player.
If you are not in the Now Playing view, press to enter the main menu, and select Music
Now Playing. Press and select Purchase this.
Synchronize your player with Windows Media Player. You will automatically be linked to the
purchase page of the track that you want.
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Playing Audible Files

You can search and play Audible spoken word files the same way you search and play music tracks. See Playing and Managing Music Tracks . In addition, you can skip sections within Audible files.
To skip sections within an Audible track
If you are not in the Now Playing view, press and hold to enter the main menu, then select
Music Now Playing. Press OK until the progress bar is divided into sections.
Press or to skip sections.
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