User Manual for Fingertip Oximeter
Instructions to User
Dear Users,
Thank you very much for purchasing our product. Please
read the manual very carefully before using this device.
Failure to follow these instructions can cause measuring
abnormality or dama ge to the oximeter.
The manual is published in English and we have the
ultimate right to explain the Manual. No part of this
manua l may be phot ocopie d, repr odu ced or t rans lated into
another language without the prior written consent. We
reserve the right to improve and amend it at any time
without prior notice.
Version of the Manu al: Ver 1.1
Revised date: July 19, 2012
All rights reserved .
User Manual for Fingertip Oximeter
Check the device to make sure that there is no
visible damage that may affect user’s safety or
measurement performance with regard to sensors
and clips. It is recommended that the device
should be inspected minimally once a week.
When there is obvious damage, stop using the
Special attention should be paid while the
oximeter is used continuously under the ambient
temperature exceeds 37°, burnin g hurt m ay occur
because of over-heating on the s ensor.
An uncomfortable or painful feeling may appear
if using the oximeter continuously on the same
place for a long time, especially for poor
microcirculation patients.
It is recommended that the oximeter should not
be applied to the same location for longer than 2
hours. If any abnormal condition is found, please
change the position of oximeter.
Avoid pla cin g th e d evic e on th e s ame limb which
is wrapped with a cuff for blood pressure
measurement or during venous infusion.
User Manual for Fingertip Oximeter
DO NOT clip this device on edema or tender
The light (the infrared light is invisible) emitted
from the device is harmful to the eyes, so service
technician or test ee should not star e at the light.
The oximeter is not a treatment device.
When disposing of the monitor and its
accessories, the local law should be followed.
Instructions for Operation
The finger should be put in properly and correctly.
Do not shake the finger. Keep at ease during
Do not put wet fin ger directly into sensor.
Avoid placi n g the d evic e on th e sa me limb whi ch
is wrapped with a cuff for blood pressure
measurement or during venous infusion.
Do not let anythi ng block the emittin g light from
Vigorous exercise and electrosurgical device
interference may affect the measuring accuracy.
Using enamel or other makeup on the nail may
affect the accuracy of measurement, too long
fingernail may cause failure of measurement or
User Manual for Fingertip Oximeter
inaccuracy measurement result.
Keep the oximeter away from dust, vibration,
corrosive substances, explosive materials, high
temperature and moisture.
Existen ce of high intensi ve light sources, such as
fluorescence light, ruby lamb, infrared heater or
strong sunshine, etc. may cause inaccuracy of
measurement result. Please put an opaque cover
on the sensor or change the measuring site.
If the first reading appears with poor waveform
(irregular or not smooth), then the reading is
unlikely true, the more stable value is expected
by waiting for a while, or a restart is needed when
User Manual for Fingertip Oximeter
Declaratio n of Conformity:
The manufacturer hereby declares that this
device complies with the following standards:
IEC 60601-1
IEC 60601-1-2
ISO 9919
and follows the provisions of the council
MDD 93/42 EEC
U.S. f ederal law restricts this d evice to sale or
use by or on the order of a physician.
User Manual for Fingertip Oximeter
1 Overview ..................................................................... 1
1.1 Appearance ........................................................... 1
1.2 N a me and Model .................................................. 2
1.3 Intended Use ......................................................... 2
1.4 Structure and Conformation ............................... 2
1.5 Fe at ures ................................................................. 2
2 Batt e ry Installatio n ..................................................... 3
3 Operation .................................................................... 4
3.1 Directly Measurement .......................................... 4
3.2 Ov e r-limit indication and Beep Silence ............... 7
3.3 Setup Me nu Scre en ............................................... 8
3.4 External Sp O
Probe Connection ...................... 10
4. Techni c a l S p ecifications .......................................... 11
5. Accessories ............................................................... 14
6. Repair and Maint e nance ......................................... 14
6.1 Oximeter Maint enan c e ....................................... 14
User Manual for Fingertip Oximeter
6.2 C leaning and Disi nfect ing Instru c tion .............. 16
7. Troubleshooting ....................................................... 17
Appendix ...................................................................... 18
A Key of Symbols ...................................................... 18
Common Knowled ge ..................................... 19
User Manual for Fingertip Oximeter
1 Overview
1.1 Appe aran ce
Fig ur e 1 Front/Rear View
User Manual for Fingertip Oximeter
1.2 N a me and Model
Name: Fingertip Oximeter
Model: PC-60N
1.3 Intended Use
This Fingertip Oximeter is intended for measuring the
pulse rate and functional oxygen saturation (SpO
through patient’s finger. It is applicable for spot-checking
and pulse rate of adult and pediatric patients in
homes and clinics.
1.4 Structure and Conforma tion
It consists of main unit and photoelectric sensor, and
additional data upload connector.
1.5 Features
• Exter n a l pe d iatric SpO
probe available
• Large true color OLED display of SpO
, PR Pulse
Bar, PI & Plethysmogra m
• Innovative 4 directions display
• Automatic power on/off
• Audible & visible over-limit i ndication, h igh & low
limits are adjustab le