Craftsman 917992960 Owner’s Manual

Operator's Manual
18.5 HR*42" Mower
,Electric Start
6 Speed Transaxle
Model No.
EspaSol, p. 32
This product has a low emission engine which operates I
differently from previously built engines. Before start the engine, read and understand this Operator's Manual,
IMPORTANT: Foranswers toyourquestions
Read and follow all Safety about this product, Call:
Rules and Instructions before 1-800-659-5917
operating this equipment. 5 am- 5 pm, Mon - Sat
Gasoline containing up to 10% ethanol (El0) is acceptable for use in this machine. The
use of any gasoline exceeding t 0% ethanol (El0) will void the product warranty,
Esta m_quina puede utilizar gasolina con un contenido de hasta el 10% de etanol (El0). El
uso de una gasolina que supere el 10% de etanol (El0) anulard la garantia del producto.
Sears Brands Management Corporation, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A. Visit our Craftsman *Asratedbytheenginemanufacturer
Sears Craftsman Help Line
Warranty .................................................. 2
Safety Rules ............................................ 3
Product Specifications ............................. 6
AssemblyfPre-Operation ......................... 8
Operation ............................................... 11
Maintenance Schedule .......................... 17
Service and Adjustments ....................... 21
Storage .................................................. 26
Troubleshooting ..................................... 27
Sears Service .......................... Back Cover
Maintenance .......................................... 17
Craftsman Riding Equipment Warranty CRAFTSMAN FULL WARRANTY
FOR TWO YEARS from the date of purchase, all non-expendab]e parts ofthis riding equipment are
warranted against any defects in material or workmanship. A defective non-expendable part wi[I receive free in-home repair or replacement if repair is impossible.
FOR FIVE YEARS from the date of purchase, the frame and front axle of this dding equipment are warranted against any defects in material or workmanship.A defective frame or front axle will receive free in-home repair or replacement if repair is impossible.
FOR 90 DAYS from the date of purchase, the battery (an expendable part) of this riding equipment is warranted against any defects in material or workmanship (our testing proves that it will not hold a
charge). A defective battery will receive free in-home replacement.
ADDITIONAL LIFETIME LIMITED WARRANTY on CAST IRON FRONT AXLE (if equipped) FOR AS LONG AS IT IS USED bythe originalowner after the fifthyearfrom the date ofpurchase,the
castironfrontaxle (ifequipped) ofthisridingequipment is warranted against any defects inmaterial or workmanship.With proofof purchase,a defective castfrontaxlewilI receive free in-home replacement.
WARRANT_ "SERVICE For warranty coverage details to obtainfree repair or replacement, call 1-800-659-5917 orvisitthe
web site: wve,
In all cases above, if part repair or replacement is impossible, the riding equipment wilt be replaced
free of charge with the same or an equivalent model.
All of the above warranty coverage is void if this riding equipment is ever used while providing commercial services or if rented to another person.
This warranty cevers ONLYdefects in materialand workmanship.Warrantycoverage doesNOTinclude:
Expendable parts (except battery) that can wear out from normal use within the warranty period,
including but not limited to blades, spark plugs, air cleaners, belts, and oil filters.
° Standard maintenance servicing, oil changes, or tune-ups. ° Tire replacement or repair caused by punctures from outside objects, such as nails, thorns,
stumps, or glass.
Tire or wheel replacement or repair resulting from normal wear, accident, or improper operation or
Repairs necessary because of operator abuse, including but not limited to damage caused by
towing objects beyond the capability of the riding equipment, impacting objects that bend the frame, axle assembly or crankshaft, or over-speeding the engine.
Repairs necessary because of operator negligence, including but not limited to, electrical and
mechanical damage caused by improper storage, failure to use the proper grade and amount of engine oil, failure to keep the deck clear of flammable debris, or failure to maintain the riding equipment according to the instructions contained in the operator's manual.
Engine (fuel system) cleaning or repairs caused by fuef determined to be contaminated or oxidized
(stale). In general, fuel should be used within ;30days of its purchase date.
Normal deterioration and wear of the exterior finishes, or product label replacement.
This warranty gives you specific lega] rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from
state to state.
Sears Brands Management Corporation, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
_DANGER:This cutting machine is capable of amputating hands and feet and
throw!rig objects. Failure to observe the following safety instructions could result
m serious injury or death.
,_WARNING: Inorderto prevent acciden- Neverdirect discharged materialtoward tal starting when setting up, transporting, anyone. Avoid discharging material
adjusting or making repairs, always discon- against a wall or obstruction. Material nect spark plug wire and place wire where may ricochet back toward the operator. itcannot contact spark plug. Stop the blades when crossing gravel
_t, WARNING: Do not coast down a hill in Do notoperate machine without the en-
neutral, you may lose control of the tractor, tire grass catcher, discharge chute, or
_WARNING: Tow only the attachments . Slow down before turning. that are recommended by and comply with . Never leave a running machine unat-
specifications of the manufacturer of your
tractor. Use common sense when towing, tended. Always turn off blades, set Operate only at the lowest possiblespeed parking brake, stop engine, and remove when on aslope. Too heavy ofa load, while keys before dismounting.
on a slope, is dangerous, Tires can lose " Disengage blades when not mowing. traction with the ground and cause you to Shut off engine and wait for all parts to
lose control of your tractor, come to a complete stop before cleaning _WARNING: Engine exhaust, some of or unclogging the discharge chute.
its constituents, and certain vehicle compo- " Operate machineonlyin daylightorgood nents contain or emit chemicals known to artificial light.
the State of California to cause cancer and " Do not operate the machine while under birth defects or other reproductive harm. the influence of alcohol or drugs.
_WARNING: Battery posts, terminals and crossing roadways. related accessories contain lead and lead Useextracarewhenloadingorunloading
compounds, chemicals knowntotheStateof the machine into a trailer or truck. Californiato cause cancer andbirth defects . AIwaysweareye protectionwhen operat-
or other reproductive harm. Wash hands ing machine.
after handling. - Data indicatesthat operators, age 60 I. GENERAL OPERATION percentage of riding mower-related inju-
Read, understand, andfollow aIlinstruc- des. These operators should evaluate tions on the machine and in the manual their ability to operate the riding mower
before starting, safely enough to protectthemseives and
Do not put hands or feet near rotating others from serious injury.
parts or under the machine. Keep clear " Followthe manufacturer's recommenda- of the discharge opening at all times, tion forwheel weights orcounterweights.
Only allow responsible adults, who are ° Keep machine free of grass, leaves or familiar with the instructions,to operate otherdebris build-upwhich cantouch hot
the machine, exhaust/engine parts and burn. Do not
Clear the area of objects such as rocks, allow the mower to plow leaves or other toys, wire, etc,, which could be picked debris which can cause build-up to oc- up and thrown by the blades, cur. Clean any oil or fuel spillage before
Be sure the area is clear of bystanders operating or storing the machine. Allow beforeoperating. Stop machine ffanyone machine to cool before storage.
enters the area.
Never carry passengers.
Do not mow in reverse unless absolutely necessary. Always lookdownand behind before and while backing.
othersafetydevices inplace andworking.
the machine, removing the grass catcher,
Watch for traffic when operating near or
years and above, are involved in a large
Slopes are a major factor related to loss of
control and tip-over accidents, which can
result in severe injury or death. Operation on all slopes requires extra caution. If you cannot back upthe slopeor ffyou feel uneasy
on it, do not mow it.
Mow up and down slopes, not across. , Watch for holes, ruts, bumps, rocks, or
other hidden objects. Uneven terrain could overturn the machine. Tall grass
can hide obstacles.
° Choose a lowground speed so that you
will not have to stop or shift while on the slope.
Do not mowon wetgrass. Tires maylose
traction. Always keep the machine in gear when
going downslopes. Do not shiftto neutral and coast downhill.
Avoid starting, stopping, or turning on a
slope. Ifthetires Iosetraction, disengage the blades and proceed slowly straight down the slope.
Keep all movement on the slopes slow and gradual. Do not make sudden changes in speed or direction, which
could cause the machine to roll over.
Use extra care while operating machine with grass catchers orother attachments; they can affect the stability of the ma- chine. Do no use on steep slopes.
Do not try to stabilize the machine by putting your foot on the ground,
, Do not mow near drop-offs, ditches,
or embankments. The machine could suddenly roll over ffa wheel is over the edge or if the edge caves in.
BYTHISEQUIPMENT.The American Acade- my of Pediatrics recommends that children
be a minimum of 12 year of age before op- erating a pedestrian controlled lawn mower
and a minimum of 16 years of age before operating a riding lawn mower.
Tragic accidents can occur if the operator is not alert to the presence of children,
Children are often attracted to the machine and the mowing activity, Never assume
that children wilt remain where you last saw them.
Keep children out of the mowing area and inthe watchful care of a responsible adult other than the operator.
Be alert and turn machine off if a child enters the area.
Before and while backing, look behind and down for small children.
Never carrychildren, evenwiththeblades
shutoff. They mayfalloffand beseriously
injured or interfere with safe machine
operation, Children who have been given ridesin the past may suddenly appear in
the mowing area for another ride and be
runover or backed over by the machine.
Never allow children to operate the ma-
Use extra care when approaching blind
corners, shrubs, trees, or other objects that may block your view of a child.
IV, TOWING ° Tow only with amachine that hasa hitch
designed fortowing. Donot attachtowed equipment except at the hitch point.
- Fol[owthe manufacturer's recommenda- tion forweight limits for towed equipment
and towing on s_opes.
° Never allow children or others in or on
towed equipment.
Onslopes, theweight ofthe towed equip- ment may cause lossoftraction and loss
of control.
Travel slowly andallow extra distance to stop.
To avoid personal injury or property dam- age, use extreme care in handling gasoline. Gasoline is extremely flammable and the vapors are explosive.
Extinguish all cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and other sources of ignition.
° Use only approved gasoline container.
Never remove gas cap or add fuel with
the engine running. Allow engine to cool
before refueling.
Never fuelthe machine indoors.
Never storethe machine orfuel container
where there isan open flame, spark, or
pilot lightsuch as on a water heater or
other appliances.
Never fill containers inside a vehicle or
on a truck or trailer bedwith plastic liner, Always place containers on the ground away from your vehicle when filling.
Remove gas-powered equipment from the truck or trailer and refuel it on the
ground. Ifthis is not possible, then refuel such equipment with a portable container,
rather than from a gasoline dispenser nozzle.
Keep the nozzle in contact with the rim of the fuel tank or container opening at all times until fueling iscomplete, Do not use a nozzle lock-open device.
Iffuetis spilled onclothing, change cfoth- ing immediately.
Neveroverfillfueltank, Replacegas cap andtighten securely,
Never operate machine in a closed area.
Keep all nuts and bolts tightto be surethe
equipment is in safe working condition,
Nevertamperwith safetydevices. Check their proper operation regularly.
Keep machine free of grass, leaves, or other debris build-up. Clean oil or fuel
spillage and remove anyfuel-soaked de- bris. Allow machinetocool before storing.
If you strike a foreign object, stop and inspectthe machine. Repair, ifnecessary,
before restarting.
Never make any adjustments or repairs with the engine running,
Checkgrasscatchercomponentsandthe discharge chute frequently and replace with manufacturer's recommended parts,
when necessary.
Mowerbladesaresharp. Wraptheblade
or wear gloves, and use extra caution when servicing them.
Checkbrakeoperationfrequently. Adjust
and service as required.
Maintain orreplace safetyand instruction labels, as necessary.
Be sure the area is clear of bystanders beforeoperating. Stop machine ffanyone
enters the area.
Never carry passengers.
Do not mow inreverse unless absolutely necessary.Always look down and behind before and while backing.
Never carry children, even with the
blades shut off. They may fall off and be seriously injured or interfere with safe machine operation. Children who have been given rides inthe pastmay suddenly appear in the mowing area for another ride and be run over or backed over by
the machine.
Keep children out of the mowing area
and in the watchful care ofa responsible adult other than the operator.
Be alert and turn machine off if a child enters the area.
- Before and while backing, took behind and down for small children.
Mow up anddown slopes (15°Max), not
Choose alow ground speed so that you will not have to stop or shift while on the slope.
Avoid starting, stopping, or turning on a slope. Ifthetireslosetraction, disengage
the blades and proceed slowly straight
down the slope.
If machine stops while going uphill,
disengage blades, shift into reverse and
back down slowly.
Do nottumon slopes unless necessary,
and then, turn slowly and gradually downhill, if possible.
When loading or unIoadingthis machine, do not exceed the maximum recom-
mended operation angle of I5 °.
Gasoline Capacity 1,50 Gal!ons/5,67 L and type: Regular Unleaded
Oil Type: 8AE 30 (above 32°F/0°C) (API: 8G-SL) SAE 5W30 (below 32°F/0_C
Oil Capacity: W/FiJter: 56 Ozji.65 L
Spark Plug: Champion RC12YC
Charging 3 Amps Battery System: 5 Amps Headlights
Battery: Amp/Hr: 28
Blade Bolt Torque: 45-55 Ft. Lbs.t62-75 Nm
W!out Filter: 48 Oz./I.4 L
(Gap: ,030"/0,76 mm)
Min. CCA: 230 Case size: U1R
CONGRATULATIONS onyour purchase of
a new tractor. It has been designed, engi-
neeredandmanufacturedto giveyouthe best possible dependability and performance.
Should you experience any problemyou can-
not easily remedy, please contact aSears or
other qualified service center. We have com- petent,well-trained representatives and the
proper tools to service or repair this tractor. Please read and retain this manual. The
instructionswilt enable you to assemble and maintain your tractor properly. Always
observe the "SAFETY RULES".
Read and observe the safety rules.
o Follow a regular scheduleinmaintaining,
caringfor and usingyourtractor.
Follow instructionsunder "Maintenance" and "Storage" sectionsof thismanual.
, Wear proper Personal Protective Equip-
ment (PPE)whileoperatingthismachine, including (at a minimum) sturdyfootwear,
eye protection, and hearing protection. Do not mow in shorts andlor open toed
° Always let someone knowyou are outside
_ILWARNtNG: Thistractor isequipped with an internalcombustion engineand should not
be used on or near any unimproved forest- covered, brush-covered or grass-covered land unless the engine's exhaust system is equipped with a spark arrestor meeting ap- plicable local orstate laws (ifany). Ifa spark
arrestor is used, it should be maintained in effective working order by the operator.
Inthestateof Californiathe above isrequired by law(Section 4442 oftheCalifornia Public
Resources Code). Other states may have similar laws. Federal laws apply on federal
lands. A spark arrester for the muffler is availablethrough your nearest Searsservice
center (See REPAIR PARTS manual).
Congratulations on making a smart pur-
chase. Your new Craftsman® product is designed and manufactured for years of dependable operation. But like all products,
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Fast help by phone - phone support from a Sears representative on products
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Once you purchase theAgreement, asimp_e phone call isallthat ittakes foryou to sched- uleservice. Youcan call anytimeday ornight, or schedule a service appointment online.
Sears has over 12,000 professionalrepair specialists, who have access to over 4,5
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Some limitations and exclusions apply. For prices and additional informationcall
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Steering Wheel
Steering Wheel Adapter
(1) Seat
t \ k /
Steering Wheel Insert
l t
t t
_eedng Boot
(1) Lock Washer
(1) 8olt
(1) Large Flat Washer
Steering Extension Shaft
(1} Lock Washer
(1) Large Fiat Washer
(1) Bolt
Oil Drain Extension
Slope Sheet
'(our new tractor has been assembled at the factory with exception of those parts left
unassembled for shipping purposes. Toensure safe and proper operation of your tractor
all parts and hardware you assemble must be tightened securely. Use the correct tools as necessary to ensure proper tightness,
A socket wrench set witl make assembly
easier, Standard wrench sizes are listed. (1) 5/16" wrench Utility knife (2) 7/16" wrenches Tire pressure gauge
(2) 1/2" wrenches Pliers
(1) 9/16" wrench
When right or left hand is mentioned in this manual,itmeanswhenyouare intheoperating
position (seated behind the steering wheel).
Remove all accessible loose partsand
parts cartons from carton.
o Cut along dotted lines on all four pan-
els of carton. Remove end panels and lay side panels flat.
Check for any additional loose parts or cartons and remove.
1. Liftseat to raised position, NOTE: ifthis battery is putinto service after
month and year indicated on label (label is located between terminals) charge battery
for minimum of one hourat 6-10 amps. (See
"BATTERY" inMaintenance section of this manual for charging instructions).
For battery and battery cable installation see "REPLACING BATTERY" in the
"Service and Adjustments" section in
this manual.
1. Slide extension shaft onto lowersteering shaft.
2. Place tabs ofsteering bootover tab slots in dash and push down to secure,
3. Position front wheels of the tractor so
they are pointingstraight forward.
4. Remove steering wheel adapter from
steering wheel and slide adapter onto steering shaft extension,
5, Position steering wheeiso cross bars are
horizontal (left to right) and slide inside boot and onto adapter.
6. Assemble large flatwasher, lockwasher, bolt and tighten securely,
7. Snap steering wheel insert into centerof steering wheel.
8. Remove protective materials from tractor hood and grill.
IMPORTANT: Check for and remove any staples inskid that may puncture tireswhere
tractor is to roll off skid,
* ---BOlt I( 11
LaroeF .t
r T_-.--J)--__
\_-_{_,_/ ---Steering
"'---_"_"y Wheel
:--_L._._.---_Steering ' ' Boot
Steering , Shaft
"<.:.-. "_',42
Adjust seat before tightening adjustment knob.
1. Remove adjustment knob andflatwasher securing seat to cardboard packing and set asidefor assembly of seat to tractor.
2, Pivot seat upward and remove from the
cardboard packing, Remove the card- board packing and discard,
3. Place seat onseat panso head ofshoul-
der bolt is positioned over large slotted hole in pan.
4. Push down seat toengage shoUlderbolt
inslotand pullseattowards rear oftractor.
5. Pivotseat and pan forJvardand assemble
adjustment knob and flatwasher loosely. Do not tighten,
6, Lower seat into operating position and
sit in seat.
7. Slide seat until a comfortable positionis reached which allows youto pressclutch/
brake pedal all the way down.
8, Get offseat without moving its adjusted
9. Raise seatand tighten adjustment knob securely.
NOTE: You may now roll your tractor off the skid. Fotlow the instructions below to
remove the tractor from the skid,
WARNING: Before starting, read, un-
derstand and follow all instructions in the Operation section of this manual. Be sure
tractor is in a well-ventilated area. Be sure
the area in front of tractor is clear of other
people and objects. TO ROLL TRACTOR OFF SKID (See
Operation section for location and function of controls)
1. Raise attachment lift lever to its highest position.
2. Release parking brake by depressing clutch/brake pedal.
3. Place gearshift lever in neutral position,
4. Roll tractor forward off skid.
5. Remove banding holding the deflector shield up against tractor.
Continue with the instructions that follow.
Thetires onyour tractor were overinflated at the factory for shipping purposes, Correct tire pressure is important for best cutting performance. ° Reduce tire pressure to PSI shown on
For best cutting results, mower housing should be properly leveled. See "TO LEVEL
MOWER" in the Service and Adjustments
section of this manual.
See the figures that are shown for replac- ing motion and mower blade drive belts in the Service and Adjustments section of this
manual, Verify that the belts are routed
After you learn how to operate your tractor, check to see that the brake is operating properly. See "TO CHECK BRAKE" in the Service and Adjustments section of this
Before you operate your new tractor, we wish to assure that you receive the best
performance and satisfaction from this
Quality Product. Please review the following checklist:
All assembly instructions have been
completed. J No remaining loose parts in carton. if Batteryis propedy prepared andcharged.
Seat is adjusted comfortably and tight- ened securely.
d" All tires are properly inflated. (Forship-
ping purposes, thetires were overinflated at the factory).
J Be sure mower deck is properly leveled
side-to-side/front-to-rear for best cutting results. (Tires must be properly inflated for leveling),
d" Check mower and drive belts. Be sure
they are routed propedy around pulleys and inside all belt keepers.
J" Checkwiring. Seethat a_lconnectionsare
stillsecure andwiresare propertyclamped.
While learning howto useyour tractor,payex- tra attention tothe following importantitems:
_I Engine oil is at proper level. d" Fueltank isfilled with fresh, clean, regular
unleaded gasoline.
J Become familiar with all controls, their
location and function. Operate them before you start the engine.
J Besure brake system isinsafe operating
J Be sure Operator Presence System and
Reverse Operation System (ROS) are working propedy (See the Operation and Maintenance sections in this manuat).
These symbols may appear on your tractor or in literature supplied with the product. Learn and understand their meaning,
R N H i ,.i
Failure to follow instructions
could result in serious injury or death. The safety alert symbol is used to identify safety inform-
ation about hazards which can /_,
result in death, serious injury "_ and!or property damage.
DANGER indicates a hazard which, if not avoided,
will result in death or serious injury. WARNING indicates a hazard which, if not avoided,
(Autamatic Models only)
could result in death or serious injury. CAUTION indicates a hazard which, if not avoided,
might result in minor or moderate injury'. CAUTION when used without the alert symbol
indicates a situation that could result in damage to the tractor and/or engine.
HOT SURFACES indicates a hazard which, if not avoided, could result in death, serious injury
and/or property damage. FIRE indicates a hazard which, if not avoided,
could result in death, serious injury and/or property damage,
Compare the illustrations with your tractor to familiarize yourself with the locations of vari- ous controls and adjustments. Save this manual for future reference.
Attachment Clutch Lever
Throttle!Choke Attachment Control Lift Lever
Clutch/Brake 'Height Pedal _Adjustment
Ignition "ON"
Switch Position
Parking Brake
r Shift
Our tractors conform to the applicable safety standards of the
American National Standards Institute.
ATTACHMENT CLUTCH LEVER - Used to engage the mower blades, or other attach-
ments mounted to your tractor. ATTACHMENT LIFT LEVER- Used toraise,
lower, and adjust the mower deck or other attachments mounted to your tractor,
CLUTCH/BRAKE PEDAL - Used for de- clutching andbraking thetractor and starting
the engine.
GEARSHIFT LEVER - Selects the speed and direction of the tractor,
LIFT LEVER PLUNGER- Usedto release at- tachment liftleverwhen changing itsposition.
PARKING BRAKE - Locks clutch/brake pedal into the brake position,
mower deck or other powered attachment
while in reverse. THROTFLE/CHOKE CONTROL- Usedfor
starting and controlling engine speed.
IGNITION SWITCH - Used for starting and stopping the engine.
The operation of any tractor can result in foreign objects thrown into the eyes,! which can result in severe eye damage. Always wear safety glasses or eye_
shields while operating your tractor or performing any adjustments or repairs,r We recommend standard safety glasses or a wide vision safety mask wornI
over spectacles, n
Your tractor is equipped with an operator presence sensing switch. When engine
is running, any attempt by the operator to leavethe seatwithout first setting the parking
brake will shut off the engine.
1. Depress clutch/brake pedal into full "BRAKE" position and hold.
2. Place parkingbrakelever in "ENGAGED" position and release pressure from clutch/brake pedal. Pedal should remain in "BRAKE" position. Make sure parking
brake will hold tractor secure.
Throttle!Choke Lever"Engaged"
Control Position
Ignition Key
Gear Shift
Clutch/ Brake Parking
Pedal Brake
"Disengaged" "Engaged"
Position Position
To stop mower blades, move attachment
clutch control tothe disengaged position.
Tostopground drive,depress brake pedaI
all the way down.
Move gearshift lever to neutral position.
Move throttle control to fast position.
NOTE: Failure to move throttle control to fast position before stopping may cause
engine to "backfire".
Turn ignition key to "STOP" position and
remove key, Always remove key when leaving tractor to prevent unauthorized
Never use choke to stop engine.
IMPORTANT: Leaving the ignition switch in any position other than "STOP" will cause the battery to discharge and go dead.
NOTE: Under certain conditions when
tractor isstanding idlewith the engine run-
ning, hot engine exhaust gases may cause "browning" of grass. Toeliminate this pos-
sibility, always stop engine when stopping
tractor on grass areas.
_kCAUTION: Always stop tractor com- pletely, as described above, before Feaving
the operator's position.
TO USE THROTTLE CONTROL Always operate engine at full speed (fast).
- Operating engine at less than ful! speed (fast) reduces engine's operating effi-
Full speed (fast) offers the best mower
TO MOVE FORWARD AND BACKWARD The direction and speed of movement is
controlled by the gearshift lever.
1. Start tractor with clutch/brake pedal
depressed and gearshift lever in neutral position.
2. Move gearshift leverto desired position,
3. Slowly release clutch/brake pedalto start movement.
IMPORTANT: Bring tractor to a complete
stop before shifting or changing gears.
Failure to do so willshorten the useful life
of your transaxle.
TO ADJUST MOWER CUTTING HEIGHT The position of the attachment lift lever
determines the cutting height.
° Grasp lift lever.
Press plunger with thumb and move lever to desired position.
The cutting height range is approximately
1-1/2 to 4". The heights are measured from
the ground to the blade tip with the engine
not running. These heights are approximate and may vary depending upon soil condi-
tions, height of grass and types of grass
being mowed,
The average lawn shouId be cut to ap-
proximately2-1/2" during the coolseason and to over 3" during hot months. For
healthier and better looking lawns, mow often and after moderate growth.
For best cutting performance, grass over 6" in heightshould be mowed twice. Make
the first cut relatively high; the second to
desired height.
Your tractor is equipped with a Reverse Operation System (ROS). Any attempt by the operator to travel in the reverse direction with the attachment clutch engaged will shut
off the engine unless ignition key is placed
in the ROS "ON" position,
_,WARNING: Backing up with the at- tachment clutch engaged while mowing is
stronglydiscouraged, Tumingthe ROS"ON", to allow reverse operation with the attach-
ment clutch engaged, should only be done
when the operator decides it is necessary to
reposition the machine with the attachment
engaged. Do not mow in reverse unless
absolutely necessary.
Only use if you are certain no children or otherbystanders wiltenterthemowing area.
1. Depress clutch!brake pedal all the way down and hold.
2. With engine running, turn ignition key counterclockwise to ROS "ON" position.
3. Look down and behind before and while backing.
4. Move gear shift lever to reverse (R) position and siowiy release clutch/brake
pedalto start movement.
5. When use of the ROS is no longer needed, turn the ignitionkey clockwise
to engine "ON" position.
ROS "ON" Position
Engine"ON" Position (Normal Operating)
TO OPERATE ON HILLS _WARNING: Do notdriveupordownhills
with slopes greater than 15° and do not
drive across any slope, Use the slopeguide provided at the back of this manual.
- Choosetheslowestspeed before starting
up or down hills.
Avoid stopping or changing speed onhilts.
Ifstopping is absolutely necessary, push
dutch/brake pedal quickly to brake posi- tion and engage parking brake.
Move gearshift leverto lstgear. Besure
you have allowed room for tractor to roll slightly as you restart movement.
To restart movement, slowiy release park-
ingbrake and clutch/brake pedal.
Make atl turns slowly,
Your tractor is equipped with an operator
presence sensing switch. Any attempt by the operator to leave the seat with the engine running and the attachment clutch engaged will shut off the engine. You must remain fully and centrally positioned in the seatto preventthe engine from hesitating or cutting off when operating your equipment on rough, rolling terrain or hills.
1. Select desired height of cut.
2. Start mower blades byengaging attach- ment clutch control.
Disengage attachment clutch control.
_I_cAUTION: Do not operate the mower without either the entire grass catcher, on
mowers so equipped, or the deflector shield in place.
Throttle/Choke Lever"Engaged" Control Position
Ignition Key
Clutch] Brake Parking
Pedal Brake
"Disengaged" "Engaged"
Position Position
Raise attachment lift lever to its highest. , When pushing or towing your tractor,en-
sure gearshift lever is in neutral position.
Do not push or tow tractor at more than five (5) MPH.
NOTE: To protect hood from damage when
transporting yourtractoron atruck oratrailer, ensure hoodisclosed andsecured to tractor.
Use an appropriate means of tying hood to tractor (rope, cord, etc.). TOWING CARTS AND OTHER ATTACH-
Tow only the attachments that are recom- mended by and comply with specifications
of the manufacturer of your tractor, Use common sense when towing. Too heavy of
a load, while on aslope, is dangerous. Tires can lose traction with the ground and cause you to lose control of your tractor,
The en!f_neinyour tractor has been shipped, from the factory, already filled with summer weight oil.
1. Check engine oil with tractor on Ievet ground.
2. Remove oil fill cap/dipstick and wipe clean,reinsert the dipstick and screw cap
tight, wait for afewseconds, remove and
read oil level. If necessary, add oil until
"FULE' mark on dipstick isreached. Do
not overfill.
For cold weather operation you should
change oil for easier starting (See the oil viscosity chart inthe Maintenance section of this manual).
Tochangeengine oil, seethe Maintenance
section inthis manual.
Fill fuel tank to bottom of filler neck. Do
not overfill. Use fresh, clean, regular
unleaded gasoline with a minimum of 87 octane. (Use of leaded gasoline will
increasecarbon and lead oxide deposits and reduce valve life). Do not mix oil with
gasoline. Purchase fuel inquantities that can be used within 30 daysto ensure fuel
_,CAUTION: Wipe offanyspitled oil orfuel.
Do not store, spill or use gasoline near an
open flame.
IMPORTANT: When operating in tem-
peratures below32°F(0°C), usefresh, clean winter grade gasoline to help ensure good cold weather starting.
CAUTION: Alcohol blended fuels (called gasohol or using ethanol or methanol) can
attract moisture which leads to separation
andformation ofacids duringstorage. Acidic gas candamagethe fuelsystem ofan engine
while instorage, To avoid engine problems, the fuel system should be emptied before
storage of 30 days or longer. Drain the gas tank, start the engine and let it run until the
fuel lines and carburetor are empty. Use fresh fuel next season. See Storage Instruc-
tions for additional information. Never use engine or carburetor cleaner products in the
fuel tank or permanent damage may occur.
When starting the engine for the first time or
if the engine has run out of fuel, it wilt take
extra cranking time to move fuel from the tank to the engine.
1, Siton seat inoperating position, depress
clutch/brake pedal andset parking brake.
2. Ptace gear shift lever in neutral position.
3. Move attachment clutch to disengaged position.
4, Move throttle control to choke position. NOTE" Before starting, read the warm and
cold starting procedures below. 5, Insert key into ignition and turn key
clockwise to start position and release key as soon as engine starts. Do not run starter continuously for more than fifteen seconds per minute, tf the engine does not start after several attempts, move throttle control to fast position, wait a few minutes and try again. If engine still
does not start, move the throttle control back to the choke position and retry,
WARM WEATHER STARTING (50°F (10°O) and above)
6. When engine starts, move the throttle control to the fast position.
The attachments and ground drive
can now be used. If the engine does not accept the load, restart the engine
and allow it to warm up for one minute using the choke as described above.
COLD WEATHER STARTING (50°F (10°C) and below)
6. When engine starts, leavethrottle control in choke position until engine warms up and begins to run roughly. Once rough running begins, immediately move the
throttle controlto thefast position. Engine warm-up maytake from severalseconds
to several minutes (the colder the tem-
perature, the longer the warm-up).
The attachments can also be used
during the engine warm-up period.
NOTE: Ifata highaltitude (above 3000 feet) or in cold temperatures (below 32°F (0°C))
the carburetor fuel mixture may need to be
adjusted for best engine performance (see
and Adjustments section of this manual).
- Tire chains cannot be used when the mower housing is attached to tractor.
Mower should beproperly leveled forbest mowing performance. See "TO LEVEL
MOWER HOUSING" in the Service and
Adjustments section of this manual.
The left hand side of mower should be used for trimming,
Drivesothat clippings aredischarged onto
the area that has already been cut. Have the cut area to the right of the tractor. This
will result in a more even distribution of clippings and more uniform cutting.
When mowing large areas, start byturning
tothe right so that clippings will discharge away from shrubs, fences, driveways, etc. After one or two rounds, mow in the opposite direction making left hand turns
until finished.
* If grass is extremely tall, it should be
mowed twice to reduce load and possible fire hazard from dried clippings. Make first cut relatively high; the second to the
desired height.
Do notmowgrasswhen itiswet. Wetgrass will plug mower and leave undesirable
clumps. Allow grassto dry before mowing.
. Always operate engine at full throttle
when mowing to ensure better mow- ing performance and proper discharge
of material. Regulate ground speed by selecting alow enough speed to give the
mower cutting performance aswelt as the quality of cut desired.
When operating attachments, select a ground speed that will suit the terrain and give best performance of the attachment being used,
Check Brake Operation
T CheckT!rePressure
Ch_¢_ Operator Pi_sen_ & ROS Systems
Check for Loose Fasteners
Check/Replace Mower Blades
Lubrication Chart
Check Battery Levet
Clean Battery and Terminals Check Transaxle Cooling
Cheek Mower Levelness Check V-Belts
,_heck Eaq,.e Oil Level I_ _ i i i
3hanF_e Engine Oil (with, oil filter) i
_,hange Enqine Oil.(without oil filter:
N_ 3lean Air F!,!!er
G .,c{ean A_r Screen,
Inspect MuffleriSparkArreste[ N Replace Oi F to; ( f equ pped)
E Clean Encj[ne Cooling F ns .......
Replace Spark Plug,
Replace Air Filter Paper Cadddge .......
Replace Fuel Fi!ter ,,,
1 - Change more otten when operating unde_ e heavy _oed Of
in high ambient temperat_aras,
2 - Se_ice mete often wher_ operating in dirty or (_usty condilior_s.
F..&CR 8 25 58 100 SEASON STORAGE
....V" v" ........
v' v'
Is" V' v"
The warranty on this tractor does not cover
items that have been subjected to operator abuse or negligence. To receive full value
from the warranty, operator must maintain tractor as instructed in this manual.
Some adjustments will need to be made periodicaltyto properly maintain your tractor,
At least once a season, check to see if you should make any of the adjustments
described in the Service and Adjustments
section of this manual,
At least once a year you should replace the spark plug, clean or replace air filter,
and check blades and belts for wear. A new spark plug and clean air filter assure
proper air-fuel mixture and help your en- gine run better and last longer.
1. Check engine oil level.
2. Check brake operation,
3. Check tire pressure.
4. Check operator presence and
ROS systems for proper operation,
5. Check for loosefasteners.
V#3 .....
v' v'
v*,_ v"
_, ,,, _'_
-3 _ RepIa0e blades more often when mowing in sandy soil, 4 - Not mquirecl i! equipped with maintenanoe-#e_ battery.
(])Steering Pivot Bolts
d) Spindle_f---/'_[_--(_) Spindle
_Front -j e=:-_ x,.X_-_-J _hFer_nt
Wheel j _ .¢_£:"\h vv .
Bearing .._ _ .... _. Bearing
Zerk /_ __'_ZerK
Steering" f--"/ _ _'-' \_.
Sector Gear F ( (-'_=_ @ Engine Teeth It [==___
(_)General Purpose Grease (_)Refer to Maintenance"ENGI NE" Section.
IMPORTANT: Do not oil or grease the pivot points which have special nylon bearings.
Viscous lubricants will attract dust and dirt thatwill shorten thelife of the self-lubricating
bearings. Ifyou feelthey must be Iubricated, use only a dry. powdered graphite type
lubricant sparingly.
Always observe safety ruleswhen perform-
ing any maintenance.
if tractor requires more than five (5) feet to
stop at highest speed in highest gear on a level, dry concrete or paved surface, then brake must be serviced. (See "TO CHECK
BRAKE" in the Service and Adjustments section of this manual).
Maintain proper air pressure in all tires (See the side of tires for proper PSI.)
Keep tires free of gasoline, oil, or insect
control chemicals which can harm rubber.
" Avoid stumps, stones, deep ruts, sharp
objects and other hazards that maycause tire damage.
NOTE: To seal tire punctures and prevent
flat tires due to slow leaks,tire sealant may
be purchased from your local parts dealer. Tire sealant also prevents tire dry rot and corrosion.
Be sure operator presence and reverse operation systems are working properly. If
your tractor does notfunction as described, repair the problem immediately.
The engine should not start unless the
brake pedal is fully depressed, and the attachment clutch control is in the disen-
gaged position.
CHECK OPERATOR PRESENCE SYSTEM ° When the engine is running, any attempt
bythe operator to leave the seat without
first settingthe parking brake should shut
off the engine.
When the engine is running and the at- tachment clutch is engaged, any attempt
by the operator to leave the seat should
shut off theengine.
The attachmentclutch should never oper-
ate unless the operator is in the seat.
When the engine isrunningwiththe ignition switch inthe engine "ON" position and the
attachment clutch engaged, any attempt
bythe operator to drive in reverse should
shut off the engine.
o Whenthe engine isrunningwiththe ignition
switch in the ROS "ON" position and the attachment clutch engaged, any attempt by the operator to drive in reverse should
NOT shut offthe engine.
Ros "On" Engine +'On"Position Position (Normal Operating)
Forbest resultsmowerblades must besharp. Replace worn, bent or damaged blades.
,_ CAUTION: Use only areplacement blade approvedbythe manufacturer of yourtractor.
Using a blade not approved by the manu- facturer of your tractor is hazardous, could damage your tractor andvoid your warranty,
1. Raise mower to highest position to allow access to btades.
NOTE: Protectyour handswithgloves and/ or wrap blade with heavy cloth.
2. Remove blade bolt by turning counter- clockwise.
3. Instal[ new blade with stamped "GRASS SIDE" facing the ground,
IMPORTANT: To ensure proper assembly, center hole in blade must align with star on
mandrel assembly.
4. Install and tighten blade bolt securely (45-55 R+ Lbs./62-75 Nm)+
IMPORTANT: Special blade bolt is heat
Center Hole
Blade Bolt Mandrel (Special) "-'1_"" Assembly
Your tractor has a battery chargingsystem whichis sufficientfor normal usel However,
periodic chargingofthe battery withan au-
tomotivecharger will extend its life.
Keep battery and terminals clean.
Keep battery bolts tight.
Keep small vent holes open. o Recharge at 6-10 amperes for I hour.
NOTE: The original equipment battery on your tractor is maintenance free. Do not
attempt to open or remove caps or covers. Adding or checking level of electrolyte is
not necessary.
TO CLEAN BATTERY AND TERMINALS Corrosionand dirtonthe batteryandterminals
can cause the battery to "leak" power.
1. Remove terminal guard,
2. Disconnect BLACK battery cable first then RED battery cable and remove battery from tractor.
3. Rinse the battery with plain water and dry,
4, Clean terminals and battery cable ends
with wire brush until bright,
5. Coat terminals with grease or petroleum jelly.
6. Reinstall battery (See "REPLACING BA-FFERY" in the Service and Adjust-
ments section of this manual).
Keeptransaxle free from build-up ofdirt and chaff which can restrict cooling.
Do not attempt to clean transaxte while engine is running or while the transaxle is
hot, To prevent possible damage to seals, do not use high pressure water orsteam to
clean transaxle, V-BELTS
Check V-beltsfordeterioration andwear after
100hours of operation and replace ifneces-
sary. The belts are not adjustable. Replace belts ifthey begin to slip from wear.
Only use high quality detergent oil rated with API service classification SG-SL. Select the
oil's SAE viscosity grade according to your expected operating temperature.
NOTE: Although multi-viscosity oils (5W30, 10W30etc.) improve starting incold weather,
they will result in increased oil consumption
when used above 32°F/0°C, Check your engine oil level morefrequentlyto avoid pos- sible enginedamagefrom running Iowon o&
Changethe oilafter every 50 hours ofopera- tion or at least once a year if the tractor is
not used for 50 hours in one year,
Checkthe crankcase oil level before starting the engine and after each eight (8) hours of operation. Tighten oil fil! cap/dipstick securely each time you check the oil level.
Determine temperature range expected before oil change. All oil must meet API
service classification SG-SL,
1, Ensure tractor is on level surface,
2. Oil will drain more freely when warm.
3. Catch oil in a suitable container.
4. Remove oil fill cap/dipstick. Be careful notto allow dirtto enter the engine when
changing oil.
CAUTION: If engine has been operated for anextended period of time immediately prior to draining oil, oil will be hot,
DrainHold)/ 1
in Plug _Oil Drain_ I
5. Slide oil drain extension under oil drain hole (drain hole may be flush with or
protrude from engine block side wall),
6. Ensure back face of oil drain extension is flush with engine side wall.
7. Ensure bottom lip of oil drain extension is lined up with bottom of oil drain hole.
8. Position a container to catch oil directly under front end of oil drain extension,
9, Slide a 1/2" (12 point) socket mounted
on an extension onto oil drain plug.
10.Loosen plug while holding the oil drain extension firmly in place.
t 1.Drain oil into container.
12.After oil has drained completely, reinstall oil drain plug. (Do not tighten more than
13 Ft. LbsJ18 Nm,)
13.Refillenginewith oilthrough oilfill dipstick tube, Pour slowly. Do not overfill. For
approximate capacity see "PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS" section of this
14.Use gauge on oil fill cap/dipstick for checking level. Ensure dipstick cap is tightened securely for accurate reading.
Keepoilat"FULE' line on dipstick. Tighten
cap ontothe tubesecurely when finished.
Your engine will not run properly using a dirty air filter. Service air cleaner more often
under dusty conditions. See engine manual.
Air screen mustbe kept free of dirt and chaff to prevent engine damage from overheating. Clean with awire brush or compressed airto
remove dirt and stubborn dried gum fibers.
Debris may clog the engine's air cooling system. Remove blower housing and clean
the area shown to prevent overheating and
engine damage.
MUFFLER Inspect and replace corroded muffler and
sparkarrester (ifequipped)as itcouldcreate afire hazard and/or damage.
SPARK PLUG(S) RepIace spark ptug(s) at the beginning of
each mowing season or after every 100 hours of operation, whichever occursfirst.
Spark plug type and gap setting are shown in "PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS" section o/this manual,
The fuelfilter should be replaced onceeach season. If fuelfilter becomes clogged, ob- structing fuel f!owto carburetor, replacement
is required. !. With engine cool, remove filter and plug
fuel line sections.
2. Place newfuel filter inposition infuel line with arrow pointing towards carburetor.
3. Ensure there are no fuel line leaks and clamps are properly positioned.
4, ]mmediatelywipe up anyspilled gasoline.
Clean engine, battery, seat, finish, etc.
of allforeign matter.
Keep finished surfaces and wheels free
of all gasoline, oil, etc.
Protect painted surfaces with automo-
tive type wax.
We do not recommend using a garden
hose or pressure washer to clean your tractor unless the engine and transmis- sion are covered to keep water out. Water
in engine or transmission will shorten the useful life of your tractor. Use com-
pressed air or a ]eaf blower to remove grass, leaves and trash from tractor and
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