Craftsman 509344, 509345 Owner's Manual

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Part No. SP5982 Printed in U.S.A.
• assembly
• operating
• repair parts
509344 509345
113.198110, 113.19811 1,
113.198210, 113.19821 1,
113.198250, 113.19825 1,
113.198310, 113.19831 1,
113.198410, 113.19841 1,
113.198510, 113.19851 1,
113.198610, 113.19861 1
Section Title Page
Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Crosscutting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Ripping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Cutting Aides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Repair Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
1. This manual is intended to be used along with your original saw manual. If you no longer have
your saw’s owners manual, call customer service at 1-800-325-1184. Have your saw’s model num­ber when you call.
2. If you require this manual in Spanish or French, call 1-800-511-2628.
Si usted requiere que éste manual usuario en español o francés, llame 1-800-511-2628. Pedir for­mulario SP5982S-3.
Si vous nécesstent ce mode d’emploi en espagnol ou français, téléphonez au 1-800-511-2628. Demander pour forme SP5982F-3
Table of Contents
This manual has safety information and instructions to help users eliminate or reduce the risk of accidents and injuries, including:
1. Sever e cuts, and loss of fingers or other body parts due to contact with the blade.
2. Eye impact injuries and blindness, from being hit by a thrown workpiece, wo rkpiece chips or pieces of blade.
3. Bodily impact injuries, broken bones and internal organ damage from being hit by a thrown workpiece.
4. Shock or electrocution.
5. Burns.
Safety Symbol and Signal Words
An exclamation mark inside a triangle is the safety alert symbol.
It is used to draw attention to safety infor­mation in the manual and on the saw. It is followed by a signal word, DA NGER , WARNING or CAUTION, which tells the level of risk:
: means if the safety informa-
tion is not followed someone will be seri­ously injured or killed.
: means if the safety informa-
tion is not followed someone could be seri­ously injured or killed.
: means if the safety informa-
tion is not follo w ed someone ma y be injur ed. Read and follow all safety information
and instructions.
Major Hazards
Three major hazards are associated with using the radial arm saw for ripping. They are outfeed zone hazard, kickback and wrong way feed.
This section only briefly explains these haz­ards. Read the ripping and crosscutting safety sections for more detailed explana­tions of these and other hazards.
Outfeed Zone Hazard
If you reach around the blade to the outfeed side when ripping, and try to hold down or pull the workpiece through to complete a cut, the rotational f orce of the blade will pull your hand back into the blade.
Fingers will be cut off.
Read and follow the information and instructions under ripping safety.
Kickback Hazar d
Kickback is the un controlled propell ing of the workpiece back tow ard the user during rip­ping.
The cause of kickback is the binding or pinching of the blade in the workpiece. Sev­eral conditions can cause the blade to bind or pinch.
When a workpiece kicks back, it could hit hard enough to cause internal organ injury, broken bones, or death.
Read and follow the information and instructions under ripping safety.
Wrong Way Feed Hazard
Wrong way feed is ripping by feeding the workpiece into the outfeed side of the blade.
The rotational force of the blade can grab and pull the workpiece.
Before you can let go or pul l back, the force could pull your hand along with the work­piece into the blade. Fingers or hand could be cut off.
The propelled workpiece could hit a bystander, causing severe impact injury or death.
Read and follow the information and instructions under ripping safety.
Guard Function and Features
The guard is a v ery important safet y feature, designed to reduce the risk of injury associ­ated with blade contact. Install the guard
correctly. Follow the specific instructions in the ripping and crosscutting sections to set and use the guard correctly f or each type of cut.
Guard Features Include:
1. A non-moveable metal upper portion, (Upper Guard) which is fastened to the motor by the guard clamp screw, and which fully covers the upper half of the blade.
2. A moveable clear plastic portion, (Plas- tic Lower Guard) which partially covers the lower half of the blade. It protects against contact with the side of the blade during crosscutting when blade is in its rearmost position and the guard is resting on the table, so the leading and trailing teeth of the blade are not e xposed. It also protects against contact with the outfeed side of the blade during ripping, and acts as a barrier to prevent wrong way feed.
3. A squeeze trigger in the saw handle to fully raise the clear plastic guard at the start of a crosscut. Note: This is necessary because
the guard will not automatically raise to clear the fence.
4. A hold down to be lowered to just clear the top of the w orkpiece f or ripping. It a cts as a barrier to the infeed side of the blade, keeps the workpiece from fl uttering, and acts as a sawdust deflector. It is locked/unlocked by the hold down knob.
5. A riving knife to be lo wered to the table for ripping. It k eeps the w orkpiece k erf open, thereby reducing b lade pin ching and the risk of kickback . It also acts as a barrier to the hazardous outfeed side and prevents wrong way feed. It is locked/ unlocked b y the riving knife/pawls knob. When lo wered for cross­cutting, it acts as a barrier to the leading edge of the blade.
Workpie ce
Hold Down
Pawls, Riving
Knife Knob
Plastic Lower
Hold Down
Upper Guard
6. Set of pawls to be lowered to the work­piece surface for ripping. They allow the workpiece to pass freely from infeed to out­feed side, but help stop the kickback motion from outfeed to infeed side by grabbing into the workpiece surface. Pawls must be reset each time a different thickness workpiece is cut.
7. A guard tab to manually raise the plastic guard at the start of ripping unusual work­pieces whose size/shape do not cause the guard to raise automatically.
Guard Tab
Hazards Associated wit h Clear Por­tion of Guard
The follo wing safet y information applies to al l blades and accessories.
Clear plastic portion of guard will not provide any protection during cross­cutting if blade is pulled over your hand, or your hand enters blade path from front or rear of blade. Fingers or hand can be cut or cut off.
Clear plastic portion of guard can get caught or jam in fence or table kerfs. Read and follow the warning on the guard:
Clear plastic guard will increase risk of certain hazards:
• During rip and bevel cuts, narrow cut off pieces can be pinched between guard and blade. Cut-off pieces can kickback.
• In bevel position blade teeth are fully exposed. Fingers or hand can be cut off.
• Cut-off pieces can jam between guard and blade. Turn saw off and wait for blade to stop before freeing jammed guard or blade.
• Workpiece or cut-off pieces can be violently thrown by blade. Wear safety goggles. Stand out of workpiece path.
Safety Instructions
Read and follow all safety instructions.
Personal Safety Instructions
1. Wear safety goggles labeled ANSI Z87.1 (or in Canada CSA Z94.3-99) on the pack­age. It means the goggles meet impact stan­dards set by the American National Standards Institute. Regul ar eyeglasses are not safety goggles.
2. Wear close fitting clothes, short sleeved shirts, and non-slip shoes. Tie up long hair. Do not wear glov es , ties , je w elry, loose cloth­ing, or long slee ves . These can g et caught in the spinning blade and pull body parts into the blade.
3. Wear dust mask to keep fr om inhal ing fine particles.
4. Wear ear prote ctors, plugs or muffs i f you use saw daily.
5. Keep good footing and balance; do not over-reach.
Work Area Safety Instructions
1. Keep children, pets, and visitors out of work area; they could be hit by a thrown workpiece, workpiece chips or pieces of blade.
2. Turn saw off, remove yellow key, and unplug before leaving work area. Do not leave unti l blade has stopped spinning.
3. Make work area child-proof: remove yel­low key to prevent accidental start-up; store key out of sight and re ach; lock work area.
4. Keep floors clean and free of sawdust, wax and other slippery materials.
5. Keep work area well lighted and unclut­tered.
6. Use saw only in dry area. Do not use in wet or damp areas.
Safety Goggles
Dust Mask
Ear Protectors
Saw Safety Instructions
1. Use guard, pawls and riving knife acco rd­ing to instructions. Keep them in working order.
2. Routinely check saw for broken or dam­aged parts. Repair or replace damaged parts before using saw. Check new or repaired parts for alignment, binding, and correct installation.
3. Unplug saw before doing maintenance, making adjustments, correcting alignment, or changing blades.
4. Do not force saw. Use saw, blades and accessories only as intended.
5. Have yellow key out and saw switched off before plugging in power cord.
6. Before turning on saw, clear table of all objects except workpiece to be cut and nec­essary fixtures, clamps, or feather-boards.
7. If blade jams, turn saw off immediately, remove yellow ke y, then free blade. Do not try to free blade with saw on.
8. Turn saw off if it vibrates too muc h or makes an odd sound. Correct any problem before restarting saw.
9. Do not layout, assemble, or setup work with saw on, or while blade is spinning.
10. Keep saw table clean.
11. Store items awa y fr om sa w. Do not climb on saw or stand on saw table to reach items because saw can tip over.
Workpiece Safety Instructions
1. Cut only wood, woodlike or plastic materials. Do not cut metal.
2. Cut only one workpiece at a time. Stack­ing or placing workpieces edge to edge can cause user to lose control of workpiece.
Blade Safety Instr u ctions
1. Use only blades marked for at least 3450 rpm.
2. Use only 10" or smaller diameter blades.
3. Use blades for their recommended cut­ting procedures.
4. Keep blade sharp and clean.
5. Do not overtighten blade nut because blade collar could warp.
6. Do not turn saw on and off in rapid sequence because blade can loosen.
7. Blade should stop within 15 seconds after saw is switched off . If blade tak es longer , the saw needs repair. Contact Authorized Ser­vice Center.
3. Rip only workpieces longer than the diameter of the blade . Do not rip workpieces that are shorter than the diameter of the blade being used.
4. Workpieces that extend beyond the sa w table can shift, twist, rise up from the tab le, or fall as they are cut or afterwards. Support workpiece with table extensions the same height as the saw table.
5. To prevent tipping, support outer ends of extensions with sturdy legs or an outrigger.
6. Do not use another person to help sup­port workpieces or to aid by pushing or pull­ing on workpieces, because these actions can cause kickback. Use table extensions.
7. Use clamps or vice to hold workpiece. It’s safer than using your hands.
On-Product Safety Labels
There are several safety labels on the saw. They alert the user to hazards explained in the manual and remind the user how to avoid the hazard.
At the outfeed side, to the right of the guard near the saw handle is this safety label to alert you to wrong way feed:
On the infeed side of the guard is this safety label to remind you to lower the
hold down to just clear the top of the workpiece for ripping:
On the side of the motor, is this safety label to alert you to outfeed zone hazard:
Note where they are located on the saw. Read and follow the safety information and instructions in these labels. Refer to the manual for detailed e xplanations and instructions.
Near the saw handle is this safety label to
alert you to thrown objects and to remind you to wear safety goggles:
On the clear plastic guard is this OSHA required label:
On the bottom surface of the motor , visib le when the cutting tool is horizontal, is this safety label alerting you to use a guard
when edge molding, and to position the cutting tool behind the fence:
(see Accessories Section)
Identify Parts
The following parts are included:
Before beginning assembly, check that all parts are included. If you are missing any part, do not assemble guard. Contact your Emerson Tool Company Service Center at 1-800-325-1184 to get the missing part. Sometimes small parts can get lost in packaging material. Do not throw away any packaging until guar d is put together . Check packaging for missing parts before contacting Emerson Tool Co. A complete parts list (Repair Parts) is at the end of the manual. Use the list to identify the number of the missing part.
List of loose parts with model 509344
A. Guard Assembly ................................. 1
B. Rear Table 40" ..................................... 1
C. Spacer Table 40".................................. 1
D. Front Table 40"..................................... 1
E. Table Support ........................ .............. 2
F. Handle Assembly................................. 1
G.Bag of Loose Parts ..............................
H. Adapter Motor Key......................... 1
I. Screw Pan Hd Ty T 6-32 x 1/2 ....... 1
J. Screw Pan Hd Plastite #8 x 3/4 ..... 2
K. Tee Nut........ ............. .. ... ............. .. .. 3
L. Lever Bevel Lock............................ 1
M. Table Clamp Assembly................... 2
N. Bag of Loose Parts .............................. 1
O. Guard Accessory ........................... 1
P. Screw Plastite #8 x 1/2.................. . 1
Q. Washer 3/16 x 1 x 1/16.................. 1
R. Instruc tio n For m ........................... .. 1
List of loose parts with model 509345
A. Guard Assembly ................................. 1
B. Rear Table 44" ..................................... 1
C. Spacer Table 44".................................. 1
D. Front Table 44"..................................... 1
F. Handle Assembly................................. 1
G.Bag of Loose Parts ..............................
H. Adapter Motor Key......................... 1
I. Screw Pan Hd Ty T 6-32 x 1/2 ....... 1
J. Screw Pan Hd Plastite #8 x 3/4 ..... 2
K. Tee Nut........ ............. .. ... ............. .. .. 3
N. Bag of Loose Parts .............................. 1
O. Guard Accessory ........................... 1
P. Screw Plastite #8 x 1/2.................. . 1
Q. Washer 3/16 x 1 x 1/16.................. 1
R. Instruc tio n For m ........................... .. 1
Plugging in saw during assembly could result in electrical shock, or severe cuts from contact with spi nning blade.
Do not plug in saw at any time during assembly.
Plug in saw only when it is to be used.
Remove Sawblade and Guard
1. Tighten carriage lock knob.
2. Loosen guard clamp screw, remove guard.
3. Motor shaft has left hand threads. Hold shaft wrench and rotate arbor wrench down (clockwise).
4. Remove shaft n ut, outer collar, sawblade, and inner collar. Dispose of guard but retain shaft nut, outer collar sa wblade and inner collar.
Remove Original Table Boards, and Mounting Supports
: All original hardware ( except f or T-Nut)
will be required for mounting retrofit parts.
1. Loosen the table clamps and remove the rear table, spacer table and rip fence.
Discard the rear table and spacer table. Save the fence, it will be reused.
2. Remove the 1/4-20 x 1" cup point screw from the T-Nut located in the front table. Retain this screw for future use.
3. Remove all remaining nuts, bolts, and washers and lift off front table. Discard the fro nt ta ble.
NOTE: On models with 44" wi de front tables: Remove f our scre ws from under side of tab le that secure table clamp channels to table. Locate and save the five (5) rubber leveling grommets that are located between the t able and base assembly. These will be needed to reinstall the new front t able board.
4. For 40" wide tables only. Remove nuts, bolts and washers that secure the left and right table support channels. Discard the support channels and clamps.
This retro fit guard kit required addi­tional clearance behind fence. New table boards are being supplied for this reason.
Set Screw
Pan Head Screw
Leveling Hole
Hex Nut
Table Support
Screws Here
Flat Washer
Hex Head Bolt
Mounting Holes
Table Support
Installing Table Boards (40" Wide Mod­els) For 44" Wide Models Skip to Page 17 Attaching Table Suppor ts
1. Attach a table support to each side of the saw using the four hex head bolts and flat washers. Put the bolts through the center of the enlarged holes in the table supports so that the supports may slide up or down as needed. Put a lockwasher and hex nut on each bolt and hand tighten.
The goal in adjusting the table supports and leve ling the front tab le is to make sur e that the table is the same distance from the radial arm at all points. This ensures that when the table and blade are installed the clearance between them will be equal at all points.
Positioning Table Supports
1. Release bevel lock lev er , move be vel inde x lever to the left and rotate the motor to posi­tion arbor shaft down. Lock lever lock.
2. Unlock and hold miter/arm lock lever in index release position as shown. P ositi on arm
against left stop (appro ximately 50° miter). Loosen carriage lock knob (rip lock) and posi­tion arbor shaft directly o ver left hand table support.
3. Slide the arbor wrench handle between end of motor shaft and table support to act as a feeler gauge . Car efully lo wer the motor wi th elevation crank until the end of shaft is just touching the arbor wrench. The wrench should slide back and forth with only slight resistance. Tighten screw “A”.
Do not change this elevation setting until both left and right hand table support channels have ben adjust ed.
4. Move arm and carriage to screw “B”. Adjust position of table support so that the arbor wrench just slips between the end of the motor shaft and the support. Tighten screw “B”.
5. Move arm and carriage to right hand table sup­port and level in the same manner as in step 4.
6. Recheck both support channels to make sure that tightening screws did not affect the accuracy of the adjustment.
7. Elevate the saw and return motor to hori­zontal position to pro vide clearance for instal ­lation of front work table.
Table Support
Flat Washer
Hex Head
Table Support
Mount Support
Using These Holes
Screw “A”
Arbor Wrench
Screw “A”
Screw “B”
Table Support
Installing Front Table
1. Set out:
- front table
- tee nut
- 1/4 " U-clip
- 1/4" diam. x 7/8" long cup point set screw
- four 1/4" diam. x 1" long pan head screws
- 1/4" dia. x 1-3/4" long pan head screw
- five 17/64" I.D. x 5/8" O.D. flat washers
- four 1/4" lockwashers
- four 1/4" diam. hex nuts
2. Identify top and bottom of table: top has counterbored holes. Place tabl e bottom side up on solid surface . Hammer tee n ut i nto lev­eling hole. (This hole is not counterbored from the top).
3. Slide a
onto the center channel of
as shown.
4. Place the
front table
on the saw so that
mounting holes
in the table line up with
holes in the
table supports
and center chan-
nel of
5. Drop a flat washer into each counter­bored hole.
6. Start 1-3/4" long pan head screw through center hole and into U-clip, but do not fully tighten.
7. Start cup point set screw through leveling hole and into tee nut, but do not fully tighten.
8. Put 1" long pan head screw in each of four remaining holes and through matching holes in table supports. On end of each screw, put lockwasher then nut and tighten with screwdriver.
Tee Nut (Install from bottom)
Table Mounting Holes
Top of Table (Counterbored Holes Up
Set Screw
Pan Head Screw
Leveling Hole
Hex Nut
Mounting Holes
Make Front Table Flat
1. Place rear table on its edge, across cen­ter of front tabl e. Check for gap between sur­faces.
If there is less than 1/32" gap, tighten cup point set screw unt il it touches frame (look underneath table), then tighten center (1-3/4" long pan head screw.
If there is more than 1/32" gap, close gap by raising or lowering center of front table:
to raise center, tighten cup point set screw against frame;
to lower center, tighten center (1-3/4" long) pan head screw.
2. When gap is closed, mak e sure cup poi nt set screw touches frame (look underneath table), and center (1-3/4" long) pan head screw is tightened.
Rip fence scale is no longer correct. Measure distance between fence and blade for correct distance when in rip mode.
+ 36 hidden pages