Craftsman 351.286281 Operator's Manual

Operator's Manual
Bench Top
Model No.
CAUTION: Read and follow
all Safety Rules and Operating
Instructions before First Use
of this Product.
Sears Canada Inc., Toronto, Ontario M5B 2B8
2602.03 Draft (04/11/01 )
Warranty .................................. 2
Safety Rules .............................. 2-3
Unpacking ................................. 3
Assembly ................................. 3
Installation ............................... 4-5
Operetlon ................................ 5-9
Maintenance ............................ 9-10
Troubleshooting ............................ 11
Parts Illustration and List .................. 13-15
If within two full years from the date of purcllese, this Craftsman Jolnterlplener falls due to a defect in matedsl or workmanship, Sears w_LIrepair it free of charge.
Warranty service is available bycontacting Sears. This warranty is in addition to any statutory warranty.
If this Jolnter/planer is used for commercial purposes,
this warranty applies for only g0 days from t_a date of
Sears Canada, thc., Toronto, Ontario MSB 2B8
WARNING: For your own safety, read all of the rules and precautions before operating tool.
CAUTION: Always follow proper operating procedures
as defined in this manual even if you are familiar with use of this or similar tools. Remember that being care- less for even a fraction of a second can result In severe
personal injury.
Wear proper apparel. Do not wear loose clothing, gloves, necldles, rings, braceletS or other Jeweify
which may get caught In moving parts of machine.
Wear protective hair covering to contain long hair.
Wear safety shoes with non-slip soles.
Wear safety glasses complying with United States ANSI Z87.1. Everyday glasses have only impact
resistant lenses. They are NOT safety glasses.
Wear face mask or dust mask if operation is dusty.
Be alert and think clearly. Never operate power tools when tired, intoxicated or when taking medications
that cause drowsiness.
Keepworkarea clean, Clutteredworkareasinvite
Do not use powertools]ndangerousenvironments.
Do not use power tools in damp or wet locations. Do not expose power tools to rein.
Work area should be properly lighted.
Proper electrical recepta_e should be avai)aPle for tool.Three prong plug should be plugged directly Into proper_ygrounded, three-prong receptacle.
o Extension cords should have a grounding prong and
the three wires of the extension cord should be of the correct gauge.
* Keep visitors at a safe distance frorn work area.
Keep children out ofworkplace. Make workshop child- proof.Use padlocks, master switches or remove switch
keysto preventany unintentional use of power tools.
Always unplug toolprior to inspection.
Consult manual for specific maintaining and adjust-
Ing procedures.
Keep tool lubricated and clean for safest operation,
Remove adjusting feoJs. Form habit of checking to
see that adjusting tools are removed before sw{teh- ing machine on.
Keep all parts in working order. Check to determine
that the guard or other parts will operate properly and perform their intended function,
Check for damaged parts. Check for alignment of
moving parts, binding, breakage, mounting and any other condition that may affect a tool's operation.
o A guard or other pa_ that is d_'nagsd sh_d be
properly repaired or replaced. Do not perform
makeshift mpalm. (Use parts list provided to order replacement parts.)
= Use right toolfor job. Do not force tool or attachment
to do a job for which it was not designed.
Disconnect too) when changing b}sdes.
Avoid accidental start-up, Make sure that the switch is in the OFF position before plugging in.
Do not force tool. it will work most efficiently a_the rate for which it was designed.
Keep hands away from moving parts and cutting
Never leave toot running unattended. Turn the power off and do not leave tool until it comes to a complete
Do not overreach. Keep proper footing and balance.
Never stand on tool. Serious injury could occur iftool is
tipped or if blade is unintentionallycontacted.
Know your tool. Learn the tool's operation, applica-
tion and specific limitations.
Use recommended accessories (refer to page 15). Use of improper accessories may cause risk of injury to persons.
Handle workpiece correctly. Protact hands from pos-
sible injury.
Turn machine off if itjams. Blade jams when It digs
too deeply into workpiece. (Motor force keeps it stuck in the work.I
Always keep drive, cutterhesd and blade guards in
place and io proper operating condition.
Feed work into blade or cutter against direction of
CAUTION: Think safety! Safety is a combination of operator common sense and atar_ess at all times when tool is being used.
WARNING: Do not attempt to operate tool until It Is completely essembled according to the instructions.
Refer to Figure 1. Check for shipping damage. If damage has occurred, a
claim must be filed with carder. Check for complete-
ness. Immadtately report missing parts to dealer.
The jointer/planer is shipped complete in one carton. Additional parts which need to be fastened to
jolnterlptaner should be located end accounted for
before assembling.
A Jointer Bed Assembly
B Fence C Fence Bracket Assembly
D Push Blocks (2) Hardware bag includes:
6-1.0 x 16ram Socket Head Bolts (2)
6mm Lock washer (2)
1/4-20 x 1/2" Socket Head Bo)ts (4)
1/4"-20 Square Nuts (4)
3, 4, 5 L-Wrench
8-10 Open Wrench
Screw Driver
Figure I - Unpacking
Refer to Figure 2.
Lay the fence fiat on a level surface so that the sur-
face with the slots is on the top (facing you) and the
beveled fence edge coming toward you.
Make two vertical marks across the fence width using a penci_at t0_/,e" from each side of the fence.
Slide two square nuts, one on each slot, from the right side of fence so that the center of the hex nutsare
aligned with the pencil mark.
Slide two square nutsfrom the left side of the fence
up to the pencil mark.
Figure 2 - Assemble Fence Bracket
Attach the fence bracket to fence using the four 1/4" socket head bolts and square nuts. Make sure the
fence bracket protrusion with two mounting holes Is
in the same side as the beveled fence edge.
Make sure that the two slotted plates on either side of the fence bracket is parallel to the fence bracket.
Tighten all bolts.
The fenceisattachedto therear of thejointerbed assemblyusingthe twomounting holesbelowthe
Position the fence assembly against the mar of the
jointer so that the two mounting holes on the protru-
sion plate on the fence bracket are aligned with the mounting holes on the rear of the )ointer.
Attach fence assembly to jointer using two 6mm socket head bolts and lock washers provided.
Loosen the handle on the rear of the fence bracket.
The fence assembly can be slid forward now.
Slide fence assembly forward so that the fence Is
over the jointar tables. At this position the edge of the blade guard will rest against the fence, and the
entire width of the cutterhead is covered. PJace a combination square against face of fence
and tab(e surface. The fence and table must be at
90=to each other, if not, loosen the tilt handle and bring face of fence square to table and tighten tilt
handle. Make sure the pointer on the side of fence bracket
reads O'.
Tighten all bolts and handles.
TheJolnter/pienerweighsapproximately30Ibs. when
completely assembled. The Jolnter/plener must be
installed In a piece with ample IlghUng and correct power supply. To Install Jolntar/planter:
Make sure there is plenty of room for moving the
workplace through the entire cut. There must be
enough room that neither the operators nor the bystanders will have to stand In line with the wood
while using the tool.
Jointer/planer can be installed on work using bolts,
lock washers and hex nuts (not supplied) or using wood screws (not supplied).
The %" holes (see Figure 3) are intended for installing jointer/planer using boils, lock washers and hex nuts.
The %="holes (see Figure 3) are Intended for
installing jointer/planer using wood screws.
Bolt or clamp the iointedplaner to a firm, levelsurface.
Make sure the jointer/planer does not rock and the
tables are level.
,'e-= O) I
_1 .t...:t:::=
I I " 15_A"
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Figure 3 - InmtalllngJointar/Planar
WARNING: Do not connect jointer/pianer to the power source until all assembly steps have been completed.
The motor is designed for operation on the voltage and frequency specified. Normal loads will be handled safe- ly on voltages not more than 10% above or below spec-
ified voltage. Running the unit on voltages which are not within range may cause overheating and motor burn- out, Heavy loads require that voltage at motor terminals
be no less than the voltage specified on nameplate,
Power supply to the motor is controlled by a rocker
switch. Removing the key from rocker switch will lock the unit and prevent unauthorized use,
WARNING: Improper connection of equipment grounding conductor can result In the risk of electrical shock. Equipment should be grounded while In use to
protect operator from electrical shock.
Check with a qualified electrician if you do not understand grounding Ins_'uctlons or if you are In
doubt as to whether the tool is properly grounded.
This tool is equipped with an approved cord rated at
150V and a 3-prong grounding type plug (see Figure
4) for your protection against shock hazards.
Grounding plug should be plugged directly into a
properly installed and grounded 3-prong grounding- type receptacle, as shown (see Figure 4).
Properly Grounded Outlet
Grounding Pr_ _
Plu -
3-Prong g __
Figure 4 - 3.Prong Receptacle
Do not remove or alter groundingprong in any manner. In the event of a maitunotlonor breakdown, grounding provides a path of least resistancefor efec_ical shock.
WARNING: Do not permit fingers to touch the termi-
nals of plug when installing or removing from outlet.
Plug must be plugged into matching outlet that is properly Installed and grounded In accordance with
a!l local codes end ordinances. Do not modify plug provided. If it will not/_t in outlet, have proper outlet
installed by a qualified eLsctdcian.
Inspect tool cords ber)odlca)Iy, and )f damaged, have repaired by an authorized service facility.
Green (or green and yellow) conductor in cord is the grounding wire. It repair or replacement of the elec-
tric cord or plug Is necessary, do not connect the green (or green and yellow) wire to a live terminal
A 2-prong wall receptacle must be replaced with a
properly grounded 3-prong receptacle installed In
accordance with National Electric Code and local codes and ordinances.
WARNING: Any receptacle replacement should be
performed by a quailed electrician.
A temporary 3-prong to 2-prong grounding adapter (see
Figure 5) is available for connecting plugs to a two pole outlet if It is properly grounded.
GroundingLug _ _ Make SureThis
Adapter_'_'_ IsConnected
3.Prong_ ToA Known
2-Prong Receptacle
Figure 5- 2-Prong Receptacle with Adapter
DO not use a 3-prong to 2-prong grounding adapter
unlass permitted by focal and national codes and ordinances. (A 3-prong to 2-prong grounding adapter
is not permitted in Canada.) Where a 3-prong to 2-prong grounding adapbsr is
permitted, the rigid green tab or terminal on the side of the adapter must be securely connected to a
permanent electrical ground such as e properly gmunded water pipe, a properly grounded outlet box
or a properly grounded wire system.
Many cover plate screws, water pipes and outlet
boxes are not properly grounded. To ensure proper ground, grounding means must be tested by a quali-
fied electrician.
The use of any extension cord wJlJcause some drop
In voltage and loss of power.
Wires of the extension cord must be of sufficient size to carry the current and maintain adequate voltage.
Use the table to determine the minimum wire size (A.W.G._ extension cord.
Use only 3-wire extension cords having 3-.prong grounding type plugs and 3-pele receptacles which accept the tool plug.
If the extension cord is worn, cut or damaged in any
way, replace it immediately.
Up to 50 ft................................ 16
50-100 ft.................................. 14
NOTE'. Using extension cords over 100 ft. long Is not recommended.
Jointer/pianer is supplied with a 1% HP (max devel- oped) motor.
The 120 Volt AC universal motor has the following specifications:
Horsepower (Maximum Developed) ............. l_h
Voltage ................................. 120
Amps ................................... 10
Hertz .................................... 60
Phase ................................ Single
RPM .................................. 8000
WARNING: Make sure unit is turned off and discon-
nected from power source before inspecting any widng.
The unit Is wired as illustrated in the wiring schematic
(see Figure 6).
Whi_l _ White
Figure 6 - Wiring SchemaUc
The motor is assembled with an approved three con- ductor cord to be used on 120 volts as Indicated. The
power supply to the motor is controlled by a double pole locking rocker switch.
Remove the key to prevent unauthorized use.
The power lines are inserted directly onto the switch. The green ground line must remain securely fastened
to the frame to properly protect against elecVical shock.
Craftsman 6%" jointer/planer is used tos_Jrfacethe faces and edges of boards, produce a fiat surface on warped
boards and shape bevels, chamfers and tapers. The joint-
er/ptaner features cast aluminum iofeed and ouffeed tables, lightweightplastic body withsmooth work surfaces
and lead screws for precise table height adjustment.
Balanced guide fence tilts 45° (Inw_d) and 45° (outward).
Tool comes wlt_ iockJng ro_er switch with removable key and push blocks.Jointer/placer easily handles rough-cut
lumber,planes hard and soft woods up to 6_ " wide using
a two blade cuttorhead, and takes cuts up to %".
dothtlng Is a surfeclng operatLonin which a smaLL amount of wood is removed from the edges and feces of
boards to get smooth, straight and even surfaces such that the two edges that run across the planing blocks would fit together perfectly, forming a seamless joint.
Planing refers to the sizing of lumber toa desired thick- hess while creating a level surface parallel to the oppo-
site size of the board. Depth of cut is the term used to iedlcete how deep the blades will cut into the workplece.
WARNING: Operation of any power tool Can result in
foreign objects being thrown into eyes which can result
in severe eye damage. Always wear safety goggles cemplylng with United States ANSi Z87.1 (shown on package) before commencing power tool operation.
WARNING: For your own safety,,read art of _he insb'uctlonsand safety precautions before operating
Know general power tool safety. Make sure all pre-
cautions are understood (see pages 2, 3, 5 and 6).
Whenever adjusting or replacing any parts on
jointer/planer, turn switch off and remove plug from
power source.
Make sure all guards ere properly attached and
securely fastened.
Make sure all moving parts are free from interference.
Always wear eye protection or face shield.
Make sure blades are aligned and properly attached
to cutterhead.
Do not plug inJolnter/planer unless switch is in -off-
position. After turning switch on, allow jointer/planer to come to full speed before operating.
Keep hands clear of all moving parts.
Do not force cut. Slowing or stalling will overheat
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