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• The tool must have a male, free-flow hose coupling so that
all air pressure is renmvad from the tool when the coupling
Warranty ......................................... 2
Safety Rules ...................................... 2
Operation ...................................... 3-5
Maintenance .................................... 5-6
Troubleshooting ................................... 7
Parts IIlustratton and List .......................... 8-9
Espa_ol ...................................... 10-15
If Dis product falls due to a defect In mateidal or workmanship
wi_ln one year from _ date of pumheae, Sears will at Its
option repair or replace It free of charge. Contact your nearest
Sears Service Center {1-800-4-MY-HOME) to arrange for prod-
uct repair, or return this product to place of purchase for
If this product Is used for commercial or rental purposes, this
warranty will apply for 90 days from the date of purchase.
This warranty aepllas only while tlds product is used In the
United States,
This warranty gives you specific legal dghts, and you may also
have other rights which vary from state to state.
Sears, Roobuck and Co., Dept. 817WA, Hoffman Estates,
IL 60179
Read and follow all safety rules and operating instructions
in this manual and on warning label of tool before using
this tool. Keep this manual with the tool.
Keep work area cJean and properly lighted.
• Keep children, bystanders end visitors at a safe distance
from work area while operating this tool.
• Air tool operators and all others In work area should
always wear safety goggles complying with United States
ANSI Z87.1 to prevent eye Injury from fasteners and flying
debris when loading, operating and unloading this tool.
Everyday eyeglasses have only impact resistant lenses.
These are NOT safety glasses. ANSI Z87.1 safety glasses
have permanently attached rigid, hard plastic side shields
and will have "ZBT.I" printed or stamped on them.
• Always wear ear protection. The work area may include
exposure to excessk-_e noise levels which wilt require nec-
essary ear protection. Some enwronmeots will require
head protecBon; use head protection conforming to ANSI
• DO not alter or modify this tool in any we:( Do not use this
tool for any application other than for which it was
• Do not use oxygen, carbon dioxide, high-pressure com-
pressed gas or bottled gases as the power source for this
tool. The tool will explode and serious personal injury
could result.
Never connect the tool to air pressure which could potan-
ttatly exceed 200 psi. Use only clean, dry, regulated air
within rated range as marked on tool.
joint is disconnected. Failure to use proper coupling could
cause ac_dente) dlscharge,possibly causing injury.
• Only use air hose that is rated for a maximum working
pressure of 15G ps( or 150% oftbe maximum system pres-
sure, whichever is greater.
• Do not use a hose swivel connector with _is tool.
• Do not putt trigger or depress contact trip white connecting
to the air supply, as the tool may cycle, possibly causing
• When loading tool: Do not puFI trigger or depress contact
trip; DO not point the tool at yourself or others; Do not
place hand or any part of body in the fastener discharge
area of the tool as accidental actuation may occur and
cause thjur_:
* Disconnect tool from air supply betore loading or unload-
ing, performing tool maintenance, clearing a jammed t'as-
tenet, fea_ng work area, moving tool to another location or
handing the tool to another person.
• Use Sears recommended fasteners only.
• Do not load the teal until you are ready to use It.
• Always assume that the tool contains fasteners. Keep _e
tool pointed away from yourself and others at all times.
Never engage Lnhorseplay. Never pull the thgger unless
the contact frfp is In contact wtth the workplace. Keep oth-
ere at a safe distance from the tool while the tool Is In
• Always remove finger from trigger when not driving fasten-
ers. Never carry the tool with finger on or under the trigger
as accidental actue_lon may oo_ur and cause Injury.
• Always keep hands and body away from the fastener dis-
charge area when air supply is connected to the tool. Grip
too/firmly to maintain control whl_e allowing tco9 to recolJ
away from work surface as fastener Is driven.Ifcontact trip
Is allowed to recontact work surface before trigger Is
released, an unwanted fastener may be driven.
• Check operation of the c_ltact thp frequently. Never use
the tool if the contact thp, trigger or eprlnge have become
Inoperable, mtsslng or damaged. Do not altar or remove
contact tap, trigger or springs. Never use a tool that is leak-
ing air, has missing or damaged parts, or requires repair
• Do not drive fasteners on top of other fasteners or with the
tool at too steep an angle. The fasteners can dcechet and
cause Injury DO not drive fasteners close to the edge of
the workplace. The workpteos is likely to split, allowing the
fastener to tty free and cause injury DO not attempt to
drive fasteners into hard or brittle materials such as con-
crete, steal or tile.
• Do not overreach. Always piece yourself in a firmly bal-
anced position when using or handling the tool. Do not
attach the hose or tool to your body.
• Do not operate tnol w_thout fasteners or damage to too)
may result.
• Do not use tool without safety wamthg label If labe) is
missing, damaged or unreadable, conteot SEARS to
obtain a new label.
• Only qualified repair personnel must perform tool service.
• When servicing a too/. use only JdantJcalrepair parts,
• Store toni out of reach of children and other untrained
O _ears, Roebuck and Co. 2

KightFax 811512003 1:18 PAGE 4111 RightFax
• Air operated tools require cJesn, dry, lubricated com-
pressed air to ensure top performance, low maintenance
and long life.
The Craftsman 18 Gauge Brad Nailer drives brads from %" to
2%" long. Oiltass design eliminates daily oiling and oil stains
on workpiece. Die cast magnesium body with textured rubber
grip minimizes operator fatigue. I_rga capaoi_ side leading
magazine with posilNe, quick action latch makes loading easy.
Nailer features rear exhaust, single and rapid-fire operation,
adjustable depth of drive control, rubber nose tip and storage
case. Salty feature disabtes toot unless contact tdp is pressed
against workptece. Tapered nosepiece provides operator with
greater visibility for precme fastener placement Rigid nose-
piece reduces jamming. The 18 Gauge Brad Nailer is excellent
for molding, furniture making, and picture fremlng.
Capacity .............................. 100 brad nails
Nail size ...................... 18 gauge (.040" x .040 ")
Nail lengths ................................ % to 2_"
Operating pressure ........................ 60-100 PSI
Air inlet.................................... Y,"N.P.T.
Length ........................................ 9Vz"
Height ........................................ 9_ =
Width ......................................... 2_t_,_
Weight ..................................... 2.7 Ibs.
18341 {Box of 5000) ......... 18 gauge brad nails, %" long
19171 {Box of 1000) ......... 18 gauge brad nails, %" long
18342 (Box of 5000) .......... 18 gauge brad nails, 1" long
19172 (Box of 1000) .......... 18 gauge brad nails, 1" long
18343 (Box of 5000) .....
19173 (Box of 1000) .....
18360 [Boo(of 5000) .....
19174 (Box of 1000) .....
18361 (Box of 5000) .....
18362 (Box of 5000) .....
19176 (Box of 1000) .....
Rater to Figure 1.
DANGER: Do not use oxygen, carbon dioxide, high-pressure
compressed gas or hotttad gases as the power source for this
tool. The tool will explode and serious personal injury coutd
The air tool operates on compressed sir at pressures from
60 to 100 PSI.
Never connect the tool to air pressure which could poten-
tially exceed 200 PSI. Use only clean, dry, regulated air
within rated range as marked on tool.
Air Delivery Required: 0.94 SCFM @ 90 PSI
(30 shots per minute),
WARNING; Keep hands and _ away from discharge area
of tool when connecting air supply. Always disconnect tool
from air supply when servicing or adjusting tool and when tool
Is not in use.
.18 gauge brad nails, 1%" long
18 gauge bred nails, 1%" long
.18 gauge bred nails, 1%" long
• 18 gauge bred nails, 1½" long
• 18 gauge brad nails, 1%" long
... 18 gauge brad nails, 2" long
... 18 gauge brad nails, 2" long
Dirt and abrasive materials present in all air lines will dam-
age tool O-rings, valves and cylinders.
Moisture will reduce tool performance and life if not
removed from cornprassecl air.
• A filter-ragulator-lubricator system is required and should be
located as dose to tool as possible. A distance of tess than
15 feet is recommended. Lubricator is not required for
oittess tools.
• Keep air filter clean. A dirty filter will reduce the air pressure
to the tool causing a reduction in power and efficiency.
• The air supply system must ha able to provide air pressure
of 60 to 100 pounds per square Inch st tool
• All hoses and pipes In the air supply system must be clean
and free of moisture end foreign pertisies. Hoses must be
rated for s maximum woddng pressure of 150 PSI or 150%
of maximum system pressure, whichever is greater,
• Do n_ mou_ swivel contractor in air supply line.
• The air pressure should be properly regulated,
• Oifferent workptece mate_ls and different fastener lengths
will require different operating pressure.
• Be sure a= conneoitons in air supply system are sealed to
prevent air toss.
• Never connect a female quick-disconnect coupling to the
tool side of air line connection. A male, free-tim coupling
should be connected to the tool side of air freeconnection
(see Figure 1).
WARNING: The female coupling provides a seal preventing
loss of compressed air from compressor tank when discon-
net.fad from msie coupling, if connected to tool s{de of air
supply, the farnate ooupling could seal a compressed air
charge in the tool which could discharge if the tool trigger is
Figure I -Air Supply Line
Refer to Figures 2, 3 & 4 (page 4).
WARNING: Disconnect tool from air supply. Oo not load tool
until you are ready to use it. Do not ppll trigger or depress
contact tripwhile loading tool. Always load with nose of tool
pointing away from you and others. Always wear ssfaly gog-
gles that comply with United States ANSI Z87.1.
NOTE: For best results, use Sears fasteners only.