Craftsman 32027245 Owner’s Manual

Owner's Manual
P R O F E S S I 0 N A L I Scrolling Sabre Saw w,th Laser Trac®
Model No.
CAUTION: Read, understand and
follow all Safety Rules and Operating
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffmen Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A.
Warranty ...................................................... Page 2
Safety Instructions .......................................... Page 3 - 9
Safety Symbols .............................................. Page 5
Assembly ..................................................... Page 9
Description ................................................... Page 9-10
Operation ..................................................... Page 11-21
Maintenance ................................................. Page 22
Troubleshooting ............................................ Page 23
Accessories .................................................. Page 24
Service Numbers ........................................... Back Cover
If this Craftsman Professional Tool fails due to a defective in material
or workmanship within one years from the date of purchase,
CENTRE IN THE UNITED STATES and Sears will replace it, free
of charge.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Dept. 817 WA, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
L_WARNING: BE SURE to read and understand all instructionsin this manual
before using the sabre saw. Failure to followall instructions may resultin hazardous
red at on exposure, electric shock, fire and/or serious personal injury.
This CRAFTSMAN PROFESSIONAL Sabre Saw has a built-inlaser light. The lasar is a
Class Ilia and emits output power of a maximum 2.5roW and 650nm wavelengths.These lasers do not normally present an optical hazard. However, DO NOT stare at the beam because itcan cause flash blindness.
on.our, ,
where the laser light isemitted by the saw. ALWAYS BE _ ==, AWARE of itslocationwhen using the sabre saw. ALWAYS
MAKE SURE that any bystanders in the vicinity of use are made aware of the dangers of looking directly intothe laser.
iZ]__WARNING! LASER LIGHT. LASER RADIATION. Avoid Direct Eye Exposure. ! DO NOT stare into beam. Only turn laser beam on when the sabre saw isonthe
work piece. Class Ilia laser.
L_WARNING: Use of controls, adjustments or performance of procedures other
than those specified in this manual may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
/_WARNING: The use of opticalinstrumentswiththisproductwillincreaseeye hazard.
1.The tinted glasses that were included will enhance the laser light inbright light
conditions,DO NOT wear these glassesiftheyinterferewiththe safe operationof this saw.
2. NEVER aim the beam at any person or object other than the workpieos.
3. The laser beam can be harmful to the eyes. ALWAYS avoid direct eye exposure. DO NOT look directly into the laser beam outputaperture during operation,
4, The laser on the sabre saw is not a toy.ALWAYS keep out of the reach of children.The
laser light emitted from this device SHOULD NEVER be directed towards any person for any reason.
5. ALWAYS be sure the laser beam is aimed at a sturdy workpiece (such as wood or roughcoated surfaces) that does not have a reflective surface,
6. DO NOT use on surfaces such as sheet steel that have a shiny, reflective surface.The
shiny surface could reflect the beam back at the operator.
7. ALWAYS be aware that laser light reflected off of a mirroror any other reflective
surfaces can also be dangerous.
/_CAUTION: ALWAYS follow only the instructionscontained in this manual when I
usingthis laser. Use of thisfeature in any manner other than what appears inthis manual may result in a hazardous radiation exposure.
8. DO NOT attempt to modify the performance of this laser device in any way. This may
resultin a dangerous exposure to laser radiation.
9. For further information regarding lasers, refer to ANSI - Z136.1 The STANDARD FOR
THE SAFE USE OF LASERS, available from the Laser Institute ofAmedca
(407) 380-1553.
Z_WARNING: BE SURE to read and understand all instructionsin this manual I
before using the sabre saw. Failure to follow all instructions may result in hazardous
1. ALWAYS keep your work area clean and well lit. Cluttered benches and dark areas inviteaccidents.
2. DO NOT operate power tools in explosive atmospheres, such as in the presence of flammable liquids,gases, or dust. Power tools create sparks which may ignitethe
dust or fumes.
3. ALWAYS keep bystanders, children and visitors away while operating a power tool. Distra_ons can cause you to lose control.
ELECTRICAL SAFETY I. Double insulated toolsare equipped with a polarized plug(one blade is wider than
the other.) This plug will fit in a poladzed outlet only one way. Ifthe plug does not fit fully in the outlet, reveres the plug. If it still does not fit, contact a qualified electdolan to install a polarized outlet. Do not change the plug in any way.
2. Double insulation[] eliminates the need for the three-wire grounded power cord and grounded power supply system. Applicable only to Class II (double insulated) tools.
3. Before plugging in the tool, BE SURE that the outlet voltage supplied is withinthe voltage marked on the tool's data plate. DO NOT usa "AC only" rated toolswith a DC power supply.
4. ALWAYS avoid body contact with grounded surfaces, such as pipes, radiators, ranges and refrigerators,There is an increased dsk of electdc shock ifyour body is grounded.
5. Ifoperating the power tool in damp locationsis unavoidable, ALWAYS use a Ground FaultCircuit Interrupter to supply power toyour tool. ALWAYS wear electrician's rubber
gloves and footwear indamp conditions.
6. DO NOT expose power tools to rain or wet conditions.Water entedng a powertool will increase the dsk of electric shock.
7. DO NOT abuse the cord. NEVER use the cord to carry the tools or pullthe plug from
the outlet. Keep cord away from heat, oil, sharp edges or moving parts, Replace damaged cords immediately. Damaged cords increase the dsk of electdc shock.
8. When operating a power tool outside, ALWAYS use an outdoor extension cord marked
"W-A"or "W". These cords are rated for outdooruseand reduce the risk ofelectricshock.
Iradiation exposure, electric shock, fire and/or serous personal injury.
NOTE: The extension cord must have adequate wire size AWG (American Wire Gauge)
for safe, efficient use. Smaller gauge wires have greater capacity (16 gauge wire has
more capacity than 18 gauge wire).
The purpose ofsafetysymbolsis to attractyourattention to possibledangers.The safety
symbols,andthe explanationswiththem,deserveyourcarefulattentionandunderstanding. The safetywarningsDO NOT by themselveseliminateanydanger.The instructionsand warningstheygiveare no substitutesfor properaccidentpreventionmeasures.
//_ SAFETY ALERT SYMBOL: Indicatesdanger,warningorcaution.
Li_ DANGER: Failureto obeya safetywarningwillresultinseriousinjury
Z_ WARNING: Failuretoobeya safetywarningcanresultinserious
1.ALWAYSstayalert, watchwhatyouare doingand usecommonsensewhenoperatinga power tool.DO NOT use toolwhiletired or underthe influenceof drugs,alcohol or medication.A
2.ALWAYSdressproperly.DO NOT wear looseclothingor jewelry.Pullbacklonghair. Keepyour
hair,clothingand glovesawayfrom movingparts.Looseclothes,jewelryor longhaircan be caughtinmovingparts.
3.ALWAYSavoidaccidentalstarting.BE SURE switchis inthe "Off"positionbeforepluggingin.
DO NOT carrytoolswithyourfinger on theswitch. Carryingtoolswithyourfinger on theswitch or pluggingin toolsthathave theswitchin the "On' positioninvitesaccidents,
4.ALWAYSremoveadjustingkeysor wrenchesbeforeturningthe tool'On'. A wrenchor a key
thatis leftattachedto a rotatingpart ofthe toolmay resultinpersonalinjury.
5. DO NOT overreach.ALWAYS keepproperfootingand balanceat alltimes.Properfooting and
balanceenables bettercontrolofthe tool in unexpectedsituations.
6.ALWAYS usesafetyequipment.Alwaysweareye protection.
Maybe usedinconjunctionwithothersymbolsorpictographs.
toyourselfortoothers.Alwaysfollow thesafetyprecautionsto reduce the riskoffire, electricshockand personalinjury.
injuryto yourselforto others.Alwaysfollow thesafetyprecautionsto reducethe riskof fire, electricshockand personalinjury.
CAUTION: Failureto obeya safetywarningmay resultin property damageor personalinjurytoyourselfortoothers. Alwaysfollow the safetyprecautionsto reducethe riskof fire, electricshockand personalinjury.
NOTE: Advisesyouofioformation or instructions vitaltothe operationor maintenanceofthe equipment.
1.ALWAYSuseclampsorotherpracticalwaysto secureandsupporttheworkpiecetoa stable
platform.Holding the workby hand or agai_t yourbody is unstableand mayLeadto Lossof control.
2. DO NOT force tool. Use thecorrecttool and bladefor yourapplication.The correcttooland
blade will do the job better andsafer at the ratefor which it is designed.
5.ALWAYShold tool by insulated gripping surfaceswhenperforming an eperation wherethecuttingtool maycontacthiddenwiringorits owncord.Contact witha
'live" wirewiltmakethe exposedmetalpartsof thetool"live"and shockthe operator.
6.ALWAYSuseblades that have the correctsizeand shape, Bladesthatdo not match themountinghardware of the saw willrunerraticallyandwillcauselossof control.
7.ALWAYSBE SURE thatall adjustingscrewsand theblade holderarefastened tightlyBEFORE makinga cut.Looseadjusting screwscancausethe toolto slip
and loss ofcontrolmay result.
z_WARNING: BE SURE to read and understandall instructionsinthis manual before
using the sabre saw. Failureto follow all instructionsmay result in hazardousradiation exposure,e ectrc shock,f reand/orseriouspersonalinjury.
1. Know your power tool. Read operater's manual carefully,Learnthe applications and
limitations, as well as the specificpotential hazards related to this tool, Following this rule will reduce the risk of electric shock, fire or serious injury.
2. ALWAYS wear safety glasses or eye shields when using this saw. Everyday eyeglasses
have only impact-resistant lenses; they are NOT safety glasses. Following this rule will reduce the risk of serious personal injury.
3. ALWAYS protect your lungs. Wear a face mask or dust mask if the operation is dusty.
Following this rule will reduce the risk of serious personal injury.
4. ALWAYS protect your hearing. Wear hearing protection during extended periods of
operation. Following this rule will reduce the risk of serious personal injury.
5. ALWAYS inspect the tool cords periodically and if damaged have them repaired at your
nearest Sears Service Center or other Authorized Service Facility. ALWAYS be aware of the cord location. Following this rule will reduce the risk of electric shock or fire.
6. ALWAYS check for damaged parts. Before further use ef the tool, a guard or other part
that is damaged should be carefully checked to determine if it will operate properly and perform its intended function. Check for misalignment or binding of moving parts,
breakage of parts and any other condition that may affect the tool's operation. A guard or other part that is damaged should be properly repaired or replaced at a Sears Service Center. Following this rule will reduce the risk of electric shock, fire or serious injury.
7. DO NOT abuse the cord. NEVER use the cord to carry the tool or pull the plug from the outlet. Keep cord away from heat, oil, sharp edges or moving parts.
Replace damaged cords immediately. Damaged cords increase the risk of electric shock. Following this rule will reduce the risk of electric shocker fire.
8. ALWAYS make sure that your extensioncord is in goodcondition. When
using an extensioncord be sure to use one that is heavy enoughto carry the currentthatyourtoolwilldraw.Awire gauge(AWG) ofat least14 is recommended for an extensioncord 25 feet or lessin length.When workingoutdoors,ALWAYS
use an extensioncordthat issuitable foroutdoor use.The cord's jacket willbe marked WA. Smaller gauge wires, have greater capacity (16 gauge wire has more capacity than 18 gauge wire). An undersizedcordwill cause a drop in line voltage, resultingin loss of powerand overheating.
9. ALWAYS Inspect and removeall nails fromlumber beforesawing.Followingthis
rule willreduce the risk ofserious personal injury.
10. DO NOT use the toolwhile tired or under the influence of drugs, alcoholor any
medication. Followingthis rule will reduce the riskof electric shock, fire or serious personal injury.
11. SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS. Refer to them frequently and use them to instructothers who may use thistool. Ifsomeone borrows thistool, make sure
they have these instructionsalso.
./_WARNING: The operationof any sabre saw can
resultin foreign objects being thrown into your eyes, whichcan resultin severe eye damage. Beforebeginning power tooloperation, ALWAYS wear safety goggles or
safety glasses with side shield and afull face shield when needed. We recommendA Wide Vision Safety
Mask for use over eyeglasses or standard safety glasses
wRhside shield, available at Sears Retail Stores.
Z_WARNING: Some dust particles created by powersanding, sawing, grinding, drillingand other constructionjobscontainschemicals knownto cause cancer,birth
defectsor other reproductiveharm. Some examples ofthese chemicals are:
Lead from lead-based paints,
Crystalline silica from bricks and cementand other masonry products.
Arsenic and chromium from chemically-treated lumber. Your risk from these exposures varies, depending upon how often you do this type of work. To reduce your exposure to these chemicals:
Work ina wen-ventilated area.
Work with approved safety equipment, such as those dust masks that are specially designed to filter out microscopic particles.
The label on your tool may include the following symbols.
V..................................................... Volts
A.................................................... Amperes
Hz.................................................. Hertz
W................................................... Watts
min................................................ Minutes
_, .................................................. Alternating current
no................................................. No-load speed
[] ................................................... Class II construction
RPM .............................................. Revolutions or Strokes per minute
/'lk .......................................... Indicates danger, warning or caution.
It means attention! Your safety is involved.
Your sabre saw has been shippedcompletely assembled as a barrel sabre saw,except for
the saw blade and top handle which are packed unassembled. Inspect the tool carefully to make sure that no breakage or damage has occurred during shipping. If any parts are
damaged or missing, return the sabre saw to your nearest Sears Service Center to have it replaced.
Z_ WARNING: If any parts are missing, DO NOT operate this tool until the missing
parts are replaced. Failure to do socoud resut in possibleserious personal injury.
Z_WARNING: Yoursabre saw should NEVER beconnected to a power sourcewhen
you are assembling parts, makingadjustments,installingor removingblades, cleaningor when itis not in use. Disconnectingthe tool will prevent accidentalstarting that could
cause serious personal injury.
Before attemptingto use any tool, be sure to familiarize yourself with allthe operating
features and safety instructions.
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