Craftsman 320.2190 User Manual

Operator's IVlanuan
5.0 Amp Variable Speed
Orbital Sabre Saw
Model No.
z_ CAUTION Read, understand and follow
all Safety Rules and Operaling Instructions in this Manual before using this product
Warranty .................................................. Page 2
Safety Symbols ............................................... Page 3
Safety Instructions .......................................... Pages 4-9
Glossary of Terms ........................................................... Pages 9-10
Unpacking ................................. Pages 10-11
Description ....................................................Pages 11-12
Assembly ...................................................... Pages 13-14
Operation ............................................................ Pages 14-20
Maintenance ............................................................................ Pages 20-21
Accessories ............................................................................... Page 21
Exploded View and Part List ................................................................... Page 22-23
Seats Repair Parts Phone Numbers ................................................... Back Cover
ff this Craftsman product fails to provide complete satisfaction within one year from the date of purchase, return itto any Sears store, or other Craftsman outlet in the United States for free replacement This warranty does not include expendable parts such as blades
This warranty applies for only 90 days from the date of purchase if this product is ever used for commercial or rental purposes.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. Sears. Roebuck and Co, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
Z_ WARNING: Some dust created by using power tools contains chemicals
known to the state of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm
The purpose of safety symbols isto attract your attention lo possibledangers, The salely symbols, and the explanations with them, deserve your careful attention
and understanding, Tile symbol warnings DO NOT by themselves eliminate any danger.The instructionsand warnings they give are nosubstitutes for proper accident prevention measures
menusl, Including all safety alert symbols such as "DANGER","WARN1NG'" end "CAUTION", BEFORE using this saw, Failure to follow ell instructions listed below
I Z_ WARNING: BE SURE to reed and understand ell safety instructions in this |
may result in electric shock, fire and/or serious personal injury=,
CAUTION_ May be used in conjunction with other symbols or plctogrsphso
DANGER: Failure to obey this safety warn|ng WILL result in death or serious Injury to yourself or to others, Atweys follow
the safety precautions to reduce the risk of tire, electric shock end personal Injury.
DAMAGE PREVENTION AND INFORMATION MESSAGES These [ofotm user of fmportent Information end/or instructions that could lead to
equipment or other properly damage i! not followed Each me.,;sageIs preceded by tits word "NOTE:" ae }n the example below:
NOTE: Equipment andlor property damage may resull Lrthese tnatructlona are !
not followed,
Failure to obey this safety warning CAN result In death or serious Injury to yourself or to others,, Always follow the safety
precautions to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock and personel injury.
Failure to obey this safety warn?ng MAY result in persona! l Injury to yourself or others or property damage, Always follow
the safely precautions to reduce the risk of ffrs, electric shock and personal injury,
in foreign objects being thrown Into your eyes, which can result In severe eye damage, Before beginning power tool operation, ALWAYS wear safety goggles or safety glasses with side shield and a full-face shield when needed.We recommend a Wide Vision Safety Meek for use over
z_WAFINtNG: The operation of any sabre saw con result eyeglasses or standard safety glasses with sideshield,
available at Sears Stores or other Craftsman Outlets,
t l
manual before using this sabre saw, Failure to follow all Instrucllons may
i Z_WARNING: BE SURE to read and understand all instructions in this |
result In eleclrlc shock, fire and/or serious personal injury.
t Keep your work area clean and well lit, Cluttered workbenches and dark areas
invile acctdenls,
2. DO NOT operate power Iools In explosive almospheres, such as in Ihe presence
of flammable liquids, gases, or dual Power lools create sparks which may ignite the dusl or fumes,,
3, Keep bystanders, children end visitors away while operating a power tool,,
Distractions can cause you to lose control.
4 Make your workshop chlldproof with padlocks and master switches Lock
tools away when nol in use,
5 MAKE SURE the work area has ample lighting so you can see the work a_d lhal
there are no obstructions that will interfere wilh sale operation BEFORE using your saw
1 KNOW your power tool Read the operator's manual carefully. Learn the saw's
applications and limitations, as well as the specific potential hazards re_ated to this Ioo[
2, STAY ALERT, wafcil what you are doing end use common sense when operaling
a power tool
3 DO NOT use tool while tired or under lhe Influence of drugs, a!cohol or medication
A moment o! Inattention while operating power tools may resull in serious personal
4 DRESS properly. DO NOT wear loose clothing or jewelry. Puil back long hair, Keep
your hair, clolhing, and gloves away from moving parts. Air venls oilsn cover moving
arts and should also be avoided, Loose c!otbing, jewelry or long hair can be caught
moving paris,
5 AVOID accidenlal alerting. Be sure swtlch is in "OFF" postlton before
plugging in. DO NOT carry foolswith your linger on the switch, Carrying tools with your finger on lhe switch or plugging in tools that have the switch in the
"ON" position inviles accidents,
6 REMOVE adjusting keys or wrenches bolero turning the lool "ON". A wrench
thai is left allaehed lo a rotating part of the lool may resull in personal injury,
7 Do riot overreach, Keep proper footing and balance at all times. Proper footing
and balance enables better control o! Ihe loo! tn unexpecled situations.
8 ALWAYS SECUREYOUR WORK. Use clamps or a vise to hold work when practical
I1is safer than using your hand and frees both hands to operate feel
g USE SAFETY EQUIPMENT, Always wear eye proteclton. Dust mask, non-skid safety
shoes, hard hat. or hearing protection musl be used for appropriate condilions
10 DO NOT USE ON A LADDER or unstable support, S_able footing on a solid surface
enables belter conlrel o! the too!in une×pecled situations
,_WARNING: BE SURE to read and understand all Instructions before
operating this saw. Failure to follow all Instructions listed below may result in electric shock, Ilre and/or serious personal Injury.
ALWAYS use clamps or other practical ways to secure and support the
workplace to a stable platform,, Holding the work by hand or against your body is
unstabts and may lead to loss of control
2 DO NOT force the tool.Use the correct tool and blade for your application,,
The correct tootand blade witl do Ihe job better and safer al the rats for whicil it is
3, DO NOT use the tool it switch does not turn tl "On" or "Off", Any tool thai cannot
be controlled with the switch is dangerous and must be repaired
4 DISCONNECT the plug from the power source before making any adjustments,
changing accessories or storing the toot. Such preventive saiety measures reduce the risk of starting the tool accidentally,
5 NEVER leave the tool running. ALWAYS turn It oil DO NOT {save the tool unlIl It
comes to a complete stop
6 STORE idle tools out of the reach of children and other untrained persons.
Tools are dangerous in the hands of untrained users.
7 MAINTAIN tools with care. Keep cutting tools sharp and clean, Properly maintained
tools with sharp cutting edges are less Jikely to bind and are easier to control,
8 CHECK for mlsaltgnment or btndlrtg of moving parts, breakage of parts, and any
other condition that may attect the tool's operation. If damaged, have the tool seP.,iced before using Many accidenls are caused by poorly malnlained tools.
9 USE ONLY accessories that are recommended for this tool. Accessories that may
be suitable for one tool may become hazardous when used on another tool.
10 Keep handles dry. clean.and free from oil and grease
I _WARNING: Do not permft fingers to touch the termlnals of plug when
installing or removing the plug in_m 1he outlet,
1 Double insulated tools are equipped with a
polarized plug (one blade is wider than the other).
This plug wilt fit in a polarized outlet only one way.
_tthe plug does not fit luliy in lhe outlet, reverse the
plug. if i_still does not fil, conlact a qualified electrician 1o inslalf a polarized outlet Do not change the plug in
any way..
2. DoubIe _nsu_aIIon_]e[imlnates the need for the three-wire grounded power cord and grounded power
suppty system. Applicable only to Class II
(double-insulated} toots This sabre saw Is s double insulated tool
co.o,ll [l
9-8-06 17235
] _WARNING: Doubte insulation DOES NOT take the place of normal safety
precaul[ens when operating this IDol.
3,, BEFORE plugging in the tool. BE SURE that the outlet voltage supplied is within Ihe
voltage marked on the tool's data plate. DO NOT use "AC only" raled too_s with a DC
power supply.
4 AVOID body contact wllh grounded surlaces, such as pipes, radiators, ranges and
relrigeralors There is an increased risk of electric shock it your body isgrounded
5. DO NOT expose power tools to rain or wet conditions or use power tools In wet or damp locations. Water entering a power tool wit] increase the risk of electric shock,
6 INSPECT tool cords for damage. Have damaged tool cords repaired at a Sears
Service Cen!er. BE SURE to stay constantly aware of the cord ioca_ion and keep it wel! away tram the moving blade
7 DO NOT abuse the cord. NEVER use the cord to carry the idol by or pull the plug
lmm the ouUeL Keep cord away from heal, oil, sharp edges or moving parts. Replace
damaged cords immediately. Damaged cords increase the risk of e_ectric shock.
EXTENSION CORDS Use a proper extension cord. ONLY use cords listed by Underwriters Laboratories (UL)
Other extension cords can cause a drop in line voltage, resu][ing in a loss of power and overheating of IDoL For this 1ool an AWG (American Wire Gauge) size of a! teas!
14-gauge is recommended for an exlensfon cord of 25°ft or Jess in length. Use 12-gauge for an extension cord el 5g-it, Extension cords 100-I1. or longer are not recommended°
Remember, a smaller wire gauge size has greater capacity than a larger number (14-gauge wire has more capacity than f6-gauge wire; 12-gauge wire has mare capacity
than 14-gauge) When in doubt use Ihe smalter number,
When operating a power Iool outdoors, use an outdoor extension cord marked "W-A" or
"W". These cords are rated for ouldoar use and reduce the risk of electric shock
CAUTION: Keep the extension cord clear of the working area, Position the /
cord so thai It wlll not gel caught on lumber, tools or other obstructions while you are working with e power tool.
Z_WARNING: Check extension cords before each use. If damaged replace /
immediately,, Never use tool with a damaged cord since touching the damaged
Jarea could cause electrical shock, resu!llng In serloua Injury,
The label on your tool may include the following symbols,.
V ......................................... Vo_t s
A............................................... Amps
Hz....................................................... Hedz
W .................................................. Walls
mtn ...................... i ............................... Minuies
............................................... Alternaltng current
_ __-= .................................................. Direct currant
no ........................................................................ NoJoad speed
_J ....................................................... Class il construction Double Insulated
Jmln ..................................... Revolulions or Strokes par minute
Z_ ................................................................. Indicates danger, warning or caution
It means attention! Your salety isInvolved
t If any part of Ihls saw is mFsstng or should break, bend, or fall in any way;
or should any elsclrlcal component fall to perform properly: SHUT OFF the power switch and remove tile saw plug from the power source and have the missing.
damaged or fa+Fedparts replaced BEFORE resuming operation
2 Toot service must be performed only at a Sears Parts and Repair Center° Service
or maintenance pedormed by unqualified personnel could result in a risk el injury
3+When servicing a too!, use only' identical replacement parts, Follow Inslructtons
in the maintenance section of this manual. Use of unauthorized parts or failure to fellow maintenanc_ instructions may craale a risk of electric shock or injury
_Keep hands away from cutting area and blade+ Keep one hand on the handlellrigger switch and your other and on the front, top of the saw's handle/meier housing. If both hands ere holding the saw, the
blade cannot cul them+
I Z_ CAUTION: Blades coast after saw is switched off. I
! |
t KEEP your body positioned to eilher side of the saw blade and not In direct line
with the saw blade,
2 DO NOT reach under the workplace. The blade extends under the workplace when
saw is cutting
3 DO NOT touch the blade or the workplace immediately after operation; they may
be ex!remely hot and could burn your skins
4 DO NOT cut an oversized workplace+
5. CHECK for the proper clearance under the workplace before cutting so thai lha blade will not strike the workbench or malerial under the workplace..
6 MAKE SURE the blade is not contacting the workplace before the switch is
turned on_
7 HOLD TOOL by insulated gripping surfaces (handles) when performing an
operation where the cutting tool may contact hidden wiring or its own cord. Contact with a "live" wire will make the exposed metal paris ol the tool "live r and
shock Ihe operator.
8 SECURE MATERIAL before cutting,. Never hold a workplace in your hand or
across your legs,. Small or thin material may flex or vibrate with the blade,
causing loss of control°
9 When ripping, ALWAYS USE n rip fence or straight edge guide° This improves the
accuracy of the cut and reduces the chance o! the blade binding.
10 NEVER cut more than one piece at a time. DO NOT STACK more than one
workpieee on the worktable at a time.
1! AVOID awkward operatlons and hand positions where a sudden slip could
cause your hand to move into the blade 12 NEVER reach into the culling path of the blade. 13 BLADE GUIDE ROLLERS must SUpportihe blade when cutltng The toilers must rest
against theback edge of biade THE ONLY cutting operallonwhen rollers DO NOT
support the blade is the scroIfing mode, WHEN SCROLLING the blade must swivel as
it is guided 1o follow scroff patterns. ALWAYS move the base back and blade guide up
and back away from biade in scrolling mode 14 ALAWYS use blades that llave the correct size and shape Blades that do nol match
Ihe mounting hardware of tl_g saw will run erralically and will cause toss of control 15 ALAWYS BE SURE that oil adjusting screws and the blade holder are [aslened tightly
BEFORE making a cut. Loose adjusting screws can cause the tooi lo slip and loss o!
control may result
i_ WARNING: Use of this tool can generate dust containing chemicals known
to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproducltve harm Some examples of these
chemicals are:
" Lead from lead-based paints. , Crystalline silicafrom bricks and cement and ottler masonry products..
, Arsenic and chromium, from chemicaify Ireated lumbar.
Your risk from these exposures varies, depending upon how often you do this type of work.To reduce your exposure to these chemfcals:
, Work in a well-venlilaled area,
Work wflh approved safely equipmst_t, such as those dust masks that are specially designed to liller out microscopic particles
Avoid prolonged contact wlth dust from power sanding, sawing, grinding, drilling and other construction activities.Wear protective clothing and wash exposed areas wilh soap and water.
Allowing dust to get intoyour mouth, eyes. or layon the skia may pmmole absorptionof harmtul chemicals,
cause serious and permanent respiratory or other Injury Always use NIOSHiOSHA approved respiratory protecllon appropriate tar the dust exposure. Direct particles
Z_ WARNING: Useof this tool can generate and;or disburse dust, which may
away from face and body,
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