Craftsman 32019730 Owner’s Manual

Universal Bench Top
TooUWork Stand
Model No.
Read, understand and follow all Safety Rules
and Operating Instructions in this Manual before
using this product..
Visit our Craftsman® website:
Warranty ........................................................... Page 2
Safety Symbols .......................................................... Page 3
Salety Instructions ........................................................................ Pages 4 - 9
Unpacking .............................................................................. Page 9
Assembly ............................................................................... Pages 9 - 16
Maintenance ......................................................................................................... Page 17
Sears Repair Parts Phone Numbers ............................................................ Beck Cover
ONEYEAR FULLWARRANTY ON CRAFTSMAN _ PRODUCT If this Craftsman product lails due to a defect in material or workmanship within one year
FOR FREE REPLACEMENT, If this Crafleman product is used for commercial or rentaf purposes this warranty applies
lot only 90 days from the date of purchase
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have olher rights, which vary from stale te state
Sears. Roebuck and Co, Hoflman Estates_ IL 60179
] The purpose of safety symbols is to attract your altention Io possible dangers t The safety symbols, and tile explanalions with them, deserve your careful
eliminate any danger. The instructions and warnings lhey give are no substitutes altention and understanding, The symbol warnings DO NOT by lhemsetves
for proper accident prevention measures
t Z_ WARNING: BE SURE to read and understand all safety instructions in
this manual, Including all safety alert symbols such as "DANGER", "WARNING" and "CAUTION", BEFORE using this tool stand. Failure to follow all instructions
tisted below may result in electric shock, fire and/or serious personal injury_
CAUTION_ May be used in conjunction wl|h oliver symbols or plctographs.
Fatlure to obey this safety warning WILL result in death or
sedous injury to yourself or to others° Always follow the safety precautions to reduce the risk of ffre, electric shock
and personal Injury.
t f Failure to obey this safety warning CAN result in death or
_WARNtNG t serious injury to yourself or to others. Always follow the
[Z_ | Failure to obey this safety warning MAY result In personal
These _nform user at important Information andtor instructions that couid 10ad to
equipment or other property damage _fnot _al_ewed, Each message is preceded by the
word "NOTE:" as tn lhe example below:
safety precautions to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock and personal tnlury.
I injury to yourself or others or property damager Always
follow the safety precautions to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock and personal injury.
1 1
NOTE: Equipment and/or property damage may result If these instructions are not followed.
z_WARNING: The operation of any bench top tool can
result In foreign objects being thrown Into your eyes, whtch can result in severe eye damage. Before beginning
power tool operation, ALWAYS wear safety goggles or safety glasses with side shield and a full-face shield
when needed, We recommend a Wide Vision Safety Mask
for use over eyeglasses or standard safety glasses with side shield, available at Sears Stores or other craftsman
Z_ WARNING: BE SURE to read, understand and follow all safety rules and |
operating Instructions in this manual and the operator's manual of any bench top
power tool you use with this Universal Bench Top Toot Work Stand. Failure to do so may result in electrlc shock, fire and / or sertous personal injury,,
1 Keep your work area cTeaa and well lit., Cluttered workbenches and dark areas
Invite accidents,
2, DO NOT operate power tools in explosive atmospheres, such as In the presence
of flammable liquids, gases, or dust. Power tools create sparks which may ignile the dust or fumes.
3 Keep bystanders, children and visitors away while operating a power tool_
Distractions can cause you 1o lose control
4 Make your workshop cht|dproof with padlocks and master switches Lock tools
away when no_ in use
5 MAKE SURE the work area has ample lighting so you can see the work and that
there are no obstruclions that wilt interiors with safe operation BEFORE using your bench top power too] and your Universal Bench Top Tool Work Stand.
1., KNOW your UniversalToo! Work Stand and the bench top power tool you are using with It, Learn the applications and limllations, as wet] as the specilic potenlta{ hazards related to this 1ool work stand and lhe bench lop power tools yell use with it
2o STAY ALERT, watch what you are doir_g and use common sense when operating
a power tool lhet is mounled to this work sland
3., DO NOT use tools white tired or under the influence af drugs, alcohol or medication A momenl et inattention while operating power toots may result in serious personal
DRESS prepare. DO NOT wear ;ease ctothing or jewelry Put! back long hair. Keep
your hair, clothing, and gloves away from moving pads, Loose clothing, or tong hair can be caught in moving parts Air vents often cover moving parts and should
also be avoided
Z_ WARNING: MAKE SURE this universal bench top tool work stand is
properly set up and the bench top power too] you are using with It is properly attached to the tabletop assembly,. Failure to follow eli Instructions listed on pages 9 through 12 may result _n electric shock, tire end/or serious personal injury°
5 AVOID accidental star',ing of tools. Be sure switch is in "OFF- position before plugging
in. DO NOT carry tools with your finger on the switch, Carrying tools with your linger
on the swilch or ptugging in teo_s that have the switch in the "ON" pesilion invites accidents.
6_ REMOVE adjustir_g keys or blade wrenches before luming the toot "ON" Awrencll
that is left attached to a rotating pad o( the tool may result in parsonat Injury
7 Do not overreach° Keep proper footfng and balance at all times, Proper loafing
and balance enables belier centre! of the tool in unexpecled situations
8oALWAYS SECUREYOUR WORK= Use clamps or a vise to hold work when praclicaI.
it is safer than _Jsing your hand and frees both hands to operate tool
9_,USE SAFETY EQUIPMENT. Always wear eye protection Dust mask. non-skid safety
shoos, hard hat, or hearing protection must be used for appropriate conditions,
I0, ALWAYS be sure the tool work stand is sat up on a flat solid surface.
This enables better control of lhe power tool that Is attached to the wo_k stand in unexpected situations
operating Instructions in thls manusl and the operator's manual of any bench top
power tool you use with this Universal Bench Top Tool Work Sland, Failure to do
Z_ WARNING: BE SURE to read,understand and follow all safety rutes and
so may result in e|ectric shock, fire and I or serious personal injury.
1, ALWAYS use clamps or other practical ways to secure and support the workpioee
to a stable platform_ Holding the work by hand or against your body is unstabte and
may lead 1o less of conlrol,
2 DO NOT force the tool. Use the correct tool and bit for your application. The correcl
tool and bit will do lho job bettor and safer at the rate for which it is designed,,
3 DO NOT use the tool tf switch does not turn It '+On" or"Off". Any tool that cannot bo
controlled with the sw_lch ts dangerous and must be repaired
4 DISCONNECT the plug from the power source before making any adjustments,
changing accessories or storing the tool. Such preventive safety measures reduce the risk of starting the tool accidentally,
5 NEVER leave the toot running. ALWAYS turn it off,, DO NOT leave the tool until it
comes to a complete stop,
6 STORE Idle tools out of the reach of children and other untrained persons,, Toots
are dangerous in the hands of untrained users,
7 MAINTAIN tools with oare. Keep cutting tools sharp and cloam Properly maintained
loots with sharp cutting edges are less I_kely to bind and are easier to oontrol
8 CHECK for mfsalignment or binding of moving parts, breakage of parts, and any
other condition Ihat may affect the roof's operation I! damaged, have the Iool serviced before using Many accidents are caused by poorty mainlained lools.
g USE ONLY accessories that are recommended for the tool being used. Accessories
that may be suitable {m' one loof may become hazardous when used on another Joel.
Z_ WARNING: When connecting your bench top power tool to e power supply, ]
do not permit fingers to touch the terminals of plug when installing or removing |
the plug from the outlet.
1 Double Insulated tools are equipped with a polarized plug (one binds is wider
than the other).Thts plug wH! fit in a polarized outlet only one way, If the plug
does not tit futiy in the outlet, reverse the plug. If it still does nol lit+contact a qualified etectrfcian to inslalI a polarized culler. De net change the plug in any way
2 Doubts insuIation D eliminates the need for the three-wire grounded power
cord and grounded powet suppty system AppIicable only to Class II (double+Insulated) lools.
' _ WARNING: Double insulation DOES NOT take the place of normal safety
precautions when operating this tool..
3+ BEFORE plugging in the tool, BE SURE that the culler voilage suppfied }s within the
voltage marked on the tool's data plate. DO NOT use "AC onty'+ rated 1eels with a DC power supply
4. AVOID body contact with grounded surfaces, such as pipes, radiators, ranges and
refrigerators There is an increased risk of etectric shock ityour body is grounded
5 DO NOT expose power tools to rain or wet conditions or use power tools in wet
or damp iocations_ Water entering a power loci will increase the risk of electric shock
6 INSPECT tool cords for damage. Have damaged tool cords repaired at a Sear
Service Canter_ BE SURE to stay constanlly aware o! the cord location and keep It welf away from the moving router.
7 DO NOT abuse the cord_ NEVER use the cord to carry the toot by eric pull the
plug from the outlet., Keep cord away from heat, oil, sharp edges or moving pads.. Replace damaged cords immediately Damaged cords increase the risk of electdc sl_eck.,
EXTENSION CORDS Use a proper extension cord° ONLY use cords listed by Underwrilers Laboratories {UL}
Other extension cords can cause a drop in line voltage, resulting in a toss of power and overheating o! tool For this toot an AWG (American Wire Gauge) size of at least 14-(jauge is recommended [er an extension cord of 25-1t+ or less in length. Use 12-gauge [or an extension cord o! 50-It. Extension cords 100-ft+ or longer are not recommended_ Remember+ a smaller wire gauge size has greater capacity than a larger number
(14_auge wire has more capacity than t6<Jauge wire; 12_jauge wtre has more capacity than t 4-(:jauge). When tn doubt use 1he smaIlar number. When operating a power tool
outdoors, use an outdoor extension cord marked "W+A" or "W'L These cords are rated lor outdoor usa and reduce the risk of electric shock.
_CAUTtON: Keep the extension cord clear of the working area., Position the
cord so that tt will not get caught on lumber, tools or other obstructions while you are working with a power tool
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