Craftsman 32017540 Owner’s Manual

Operator's Manual
ItenFT- .nN°l
9.5 Amp 13/4 Peak HP
Plunge Base Router
Model No.
Z_ CAUTION Read, understand andfollow
Sears, Roebuck and Co_ Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U°S°A.
Visit our Craftsman webslta:
Warranty.......................................................................................................... Page 2
Safety Symbols........................................................................................................Page 3
Safety instructions............................................................................................ Pages 4 + 10
Unpacking................................................................................................... Pages 10-11
Description................................................................................................. Pages 11- 14
Assembly,................................................................................................................Pages 14 - 17
Operation ....................................................................................................... Pages "t8+28
Mathtenance .....................................................................................................................Pages 29 - 30
Acceesodes ....................................................................................................................Pages 31 o 32
RepatrPads,...........................................................................................................Pages 33- 36
Sears Repair Parts Phone Numbers................................................................... Back Cover
ONE YEAR FULL WARRANTY ON CRAFTSMAN ePRODUCT Ill th+sCraftsmanproductfartsdue to a defect In matedar or workmanshipwithinoneyear
FOR FREE REPLACEMENT, Thiswarranty dose not Include expendable partssuchas lamps, batteries, bits or blades,
If thisCraftsman productIs used for commercial or rental purposes,thiswarrantyapplies for only g0 days from the date ofpurchase,
Thlswarranty givesyou specific legaI dghts, and you may also have otherdghts, whichvery from e!ateto state+
Sears, Roebuckand Co,, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
The pu_ose of safety symbols is to attract your attention !o possible dangers The safety symbols, and the explanations with them, deserve your careful
attention and understanding The symbol warnings DO NOT by themselves eliminate any danger. The instructionsand warnings they give are no substitutes
for proper accident prevenlion measures.
WARNING: BE SURE to read end understand ell safety Instructions In
this manuel, Including all safety alert symbols such as "DANGER","WARNING"
end"CAUTION", BEFORE using this router, Failure to follow ell Instructions Iletad below may result In electric shock,tire end/or serious personal tn]ury.
CAUTION.May be usedIn conjunction wtth other symbols or plctogmphso
serious Injury to yourself or to others. Always follow the
I_ ailure to obey this safety wernlngWILL result In death or
[[.,_ WARNINGi Failure to obey this safety warning CAN result tn death or
[Z_ 1 Failure to obey this safety warning MAY result In personal
These informuser of Important Information and/or Instructions thatcouldlead to
equipment orotherpropertydamage If notfollowed Each message Is precededby the
word"NOTE:" as in theexample below:
safety precautions to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock and personal Injury,
serious fnjury to yourself or to others. Always follow the
safety precautions to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock end personal Injury.
Injury to yourself or others or property damege, Always
follow the safety precautions to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock and personal Injury,
F OTE: Equipment and/or property damage may result If these lnstroc'Jons
are not followed.
!_WARNING: The opemtlon ofany muter can result In
foreign objects being thrown into your ayes, which can result In severe eye damage, Before beginning power tool operation, ALWAYSwear safety goggles or safety glasses with side shield and a full-face shield when
needed. We recommend aWlde Vision Safety Mask for use over eyeglasses or standard safety glasses with
side shletd, available at Sears Stores or other Craftsman Outlets,
lL'i_tr;li4--i,I lI r.-i-i;-ti 1-_
Z_ WARNING: BE SURE to read and understand etl Instruotlons In this
meneel before using this router.Failure to follow all Instructions may result
electric shock, fire and/or sertoua personal lnlury.
1. Keep your work ares clean and well lit, Clutteredworkbenchesand dark areas Invite accidents.
2. DO NOT operate power tools In explosive atmospheres, such as In the presence of flammable Ilqulds_gases, or dust. Power toolscreate sparks whichmay Ignite
the dustorfumes,
3. Keep bystanders, children and visitors sway while operating s power tool
Distractions can cause you to lose control
4, Make your workshop ¢hlldproof with padlocksandmaster switches Locktools
away when not Inuse°
5. MAKE SURE the work area has erupts lighting so you can see the work and that there are no obstructionsthat will Interiorswithsafe operationBEFORE using yourroutes
1. KNOW your power tool. Read this operator'smanual carefully. Learnthe router's applicationsand limitations, as well as thespecificpotsnllal hazardsrelaled to this
2, STAY ALERT, watchwhat you are doingand use commonsense whenoperating
a powertool.
3 DO NOT use tool while ttredor underthe Influence el drugs, alcohol or medications
A moment of Inattention whileoperatingpower tools may resutl tn sedouapersonal
4. DRESS properly, DO NOT wear loose clothingorlswslry, Pull back long haft, Keep your half+clothlng,and glovesaway from moving parts,Looseclothing,or long hair
can becaught In moving parts,Air vents often cover moving paPs and should also be avoided.
5. AVOID accidental starting Be sure switch Is In"OFF" position before pluggingIn, DO NOT carrytools withyour finger on the switch,Carryingtools with your finger on the swiloh or pluggingIn toolsthai have the switchtn the "ON" peellton Invites
6. REMOVE adjusting keys or blade wrenchesbefore tumlng ths tool "ON". A wrench thatts tstt attached to a rotatingpart ofthe toolmay resultInpersonal Injury.
7. Do not overreach. Keep proper footing end balance at all times, Properfooting
and balance enables belier conlrel of thetool in unexpected situations.
B. ALWAYS SECUREYOUR WORK, Useclamps or s vise to holdworkplacesecurely,
It ts saferIhen using your handand frees bothhands Io operate tool
9. USE SAFETY EQUIPMENT, Always wear eye protection, Dust mask, non-skid safety
shoes, hard hat,or hearing protection must be used forappropriate conditions.
10o DO NOT USE ON A LADDER or unsf_ble support. Stablefooting ons soIld surface
enables better control of the toolIn unexpectedsituations.
/_ WARNING: BE SURE to read and understand all Instructions before
operating this muter. Failure to foliow all Instructions nsted below may result In electric shook, tire and/or serious personal Injury,
!o ALWAYSuse clamps or other practical ways to secure and support the workplace
to a stable platform° Hokilngthe workby handoragainst yourbody ls unstable and
may iead !o loss of control
2_ DO NOT force the tool Use the correct tool and bit for your application. The correct
tooland bit willdo the Jobbetter end safer at therotefor whichit Is desTgned.
3 DO NOT usa the tool If switch does not turn It "On" or "Off". Any toolthat cannotbe
controlledwith the switchIsdangerousand mustbe repaired°
4. DISCONNECT the plug from the power source before making any adjustmsnts, changing sccceeorlea or storing the tool Suchpreventive safety measures reduce the riskof startingthe tool accldantaliy,
5, NEVER leave the tool running, ALWAYS turn It off.DO NOT leave the tool until it
comasto a complete atop,
6 STORE Idle tools out of the reach of children and other untrained persona, Tools
aredangerous Inthehands ofunlmlnsduaem.
7. MAINTAIN tools with care. Keep cutting tools sharp and clean. Propedy maintained too_ewithsharp cuttingedges are less Ukelyto bindand ere eaefer to control
8. CHECK for mleallgnmsnt or binding of moving parts, breakage of parts, and any otherconditionthat mayeffectthe tool's operat_onrifdamaged, have the tool serviced
before using, Many accidentsare caused by poody maintained tooIso
9. USE ONLYaccessories that ere recommended for this tool Accessoriesthat may be suttablefor one tool may become hazardous whenused on another tool
L_ WARNING: Do not permit fingers to touch the terminals of plug whenInalaltlng or removing the plug from the ouUst,
_. Double Insulated tools are equipped with a polarized plug (one blade Is wider
than the other), Thle plug will fit In a polarized outlet only one way. If the plug does not fitfuily In the outlet,reverse the plug, If Itstill does notfit, contactaquallfied
electrician to_netal]s polarized ouUet Donot changethe ptugIn anyway,
2 DoubleInsulal_on _ eliminates the need for thethree-wiregroundedpower
cord and groundedpowersupp;y system,Applicable only to Class II (double-Insulated) tools.This router motor Is double Insulated,
L_ WARNING: Double Insulation DOES NOTtake the place of normal safety 1 precautions when operating this tool
3. BEFORE plugg{ngIn the tool,BE SURE that the out]etvoltage supplied tswithinthe voltage marked on the tool'sdata plate DO NOTuse "AC onI_ ratedtools witha DC
4. AVOID body contact with grounded surfaces, such as pipes, redfr_tors,ranges and refrigerators. There Is an Increased risk of electric shock Ifyour body Isgrounded°
5 DO NOT expose power tools to raln or wet oondlUonaor use power tools tn wet
or damp locations, Water entednga powertoolwl_IIncreasethe riskof eTec_c shack.
6. INSPECT too! cords for damage. Have damaged locicordsrepaired at a Sear Service Centare,BESURE tostayconstantlyaware of Ihe cordlocation and keep tlwell away fromthe movingrouter.
7, DO NOT abuse the cord, NEVER use the cord to carry the tool by or to pull the
plug from the outlet° Keep cord away fromheat, o11,sharpedges or mov]ngparts Replacedamaged cordsfmmsdlatafy. Damaged cords Increase the dsk of elsctrtc shock.
Use a proper extension cord. ONLY use cordslistedby UnderwritersLabomtorlss(UL). Otherextensioncordscan causea drop In Ilnsvoltage, resulting Ina lose of power end overheatingof tool. Forthistool anAWG (AmericanWire Gauge) size of at least 14-gauge isrecommended for an extensioncord of 25-fL ortessIn lengh_,Use 12-gauge for an extension cord of50-fL FJdenstoncords 10IPIt. or longer are not recommended°
Remember,a smaller wire gauge size has greater capacity then a larger number (14-gauge wire has more capacitythan 16-gauge wire;12-gauge wirehas morecapactty
than 14..gauge).When Indoubtuse the smallernumber. When operating a power loci ouldoore, usa an outdoor extension cord marked "W-A" or "W', These cordsare rated
for outdoorusa and reducethe dskof elactr_ shock.
/_,CAUTION: Keep ths extenslon cordclear of the working eras.Position the
cord sothat it will nat get caught on lumber,tools or other obslruotlonewhiteyou are workingwith a powerloolo
_WARNING: Cheek extension cordsbefore each use. If damaged replace I Immediately. Never use Iool with a damagedcord sincetouching the damagedarea
couldcause electrical shock,resulting in seriousinjury,
The Isbel on your tool rosy Include the following symbols.
V ............................................ Vol_
A ............................... Amps
Hz..................................... Hertz
W.................................... Waits
rain.................................................... Minutes
............................ Alternating current
................................... Directcurrent
no .................................... No-loadspeed
................................. ,Class11conslrucllon.DoubleInsulated
]mtn ................................... RevolutionsorStrokespermin_
Z_' ................................. IndIcatesdanger, warningor caution
t! means attentionl Yoa_"safety is involved
SERVICESAFETY 1,ifanypertofthisrouter Is missing or should break, bend, or fall tn any way;
or should any electrical component fall to perform properly: SHUT OFF the powerswitchand removethe routerplug fromthe powersourceand have the
missing, damagedor felledpads replaced BEFORE resumingeperaUon_
2, Tool service must be performed only at e Seers Parts and Repair Center.
Serviceormaintenance psdom_sdby unqualifiedpersonnelcouldresult In a riskof tnjUryr
3. When servicing a tool, use only Identlcel replacement parts, Follow Instructions In the maintenance seoifon of this manual. Usa of unauthorizedpads or failureto followmaintenanceInstructions may creels a dak of elecldcshockorlnlury.
1, HOLDTOOL by Insulated gripping surfaces (handles) when performing an
operation where the cutting tool may contact hidden _dng or Its own cord. Contactwiths =l_ve*w_rewltfmake the exposedmetaf parts ofthe tool"live"end
shock theoperator.
2. Maintain s firm gripon the muter withbothhands to resiststarting torque 3_ NEVER attempt to use the router motor without first installing It In an approved
afixed or plunge approved baee_ Failureto heed thlswarning couldresultin personal _jury and damage to the motor.
4, MAKE SURE the motor hooalng does not move up or down when damped In the
plunge base. ff motor ls not securely clamped fn bess, adjustments will
not be scourers.
POSITION. The motor can separatefrom the base tf not propedyattached according to the lnsltuctione_
6, TIGHTEN COLLETI NUT securely to prevent the cutter bitfrom sgpplng, if the
collar/nuttsnot securely tlghiened, the cutterbit me,y deL_chduring use,causlngsedous personalinjury,
7, NEVER lighten collet/nut without a cutter bit Installed In the toilet InuL 8,, USECLAMPS or other practical ways to secure and support the workplece to
e stable platform end hold the workplace rigidly In position, Holdlngthework by hand or against yourbody Isunstable and may lead to loss of control
9, NEVER hold the piece being out In your hands or across your legs. It isImpodant
to support and clampthe workplaceproperlyin order to minimize body exposure, bitbinding, or lose of control,
10, ALWAYS keep chip shield clean and In place, 11, STAYALERT and clear the Router cutter bit path of any obstructions BEFORE
starting the motor_ Keep cutting area clear ofag foreign ob|ecte while motor Is runnlngo
12, CHECK 'tO SEE that the cord will not "hang up'during routing operation,
Cutter bite coast after router Is switched off. 1
13MAKESUREthecutterbitIsnotInoontsct with the workplace before the switch
Is turned on.The bit must ALWAYS be running st fuU speed before contacting
the workplace,
14_ KEEP HANDS CLEAR OF CUTTER BIT when motor Is running to prevent
personal InIury,
15 PROVIDE CLEARANCE under workplece for router cutter bit when through-cuttieg_
16., KEEP CUTTING PRESSURE CONSTANT_Do not ovsrIoedthe motor. 17, USE ONLY sharp cutter bits that are not chipped or ¢rsckad_Blunt cutter bits
will cause stalling and bum the workplace,
18, NEVER use this muter motor with e cutter bit larger than 3_/Plnch In diameter. 19, ALWAYS USE cutter bits that are designed for this router. Never usecutter bits
which are larger In diameter than the opening In the router sub-base, Cutterbits
thathave cutter diameterslargerthanthe openingcouldcause poselb_a_oeeo! central orcreate olher hazardous conditionthat couldcauseeedoue personalInjury
20, The eubbese on this plunge bass muter has an opening of 1_h-lnehoTo use cutter
bits w_tha larger diameter, [natsllandusa s eubbasewith a larger diameteropening (sold separately) at Sears stores or otherCraltsman outlets
21. DO NOT use large router cutter bits for freehand routing. Useof large cutter btte whenfreehand routingcouldcause lossof control or create hazardousconditionsthat
couldreeufl In serious personal injury
22,, BE SURE CUTTER BIT Is centered In template guide (sold eeperatsly) prior to
tamplsta guide applications to avoid personal Injury or damage to finished work.
23, DO NOT REMOVE more than l/e,tnch In a single pass. Excaesh,e depth of cut can
recultIntoss of control thatcouldresuitInpersonatInjury,
24, Aftercompletinge cut,turn motor OFF and letit coma toa completestop
BEFORE REMOVING muter from workplace,
25. Let the motor come to a COMPLETE STOP before putting the muter dowm Cutter bits coast uttsr power Isturned off,
26. DISCONNECTTHETOOL FROM POWER SOURCE before msldng any sdtL_stments
or changingcutter bits,
27_ If you are changing a bit Immediately after usa, BE CAREFUL NOTTO1OUCH
the cotter/nut or cutter bitwith your bends or fingers.The heat buildup from cutting could cause severe burua_ALWAYS use the wrench provided.
28, AVOID "CLIMB CUTTING". See "OPERATION" (pages 0Oand 00) eecUon
In this manual "el}rob-cutting" increasesthechance for lossel controlresultingin possibleserious injury'
L_ WARNING: Use of thistool can generate duet contBlnlng chemicals known to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm°
Some examples of these chemicals are: . Lead fromlead-basedpoints,
Crystalline stiles from bricks end cement and other masonry producle.
•Arsen{c and chromlumofrom chemtca!lytreated lumber.
Your risk from these exposures varies, depending upon how often you do this type of work.To reduce your exposure to these chemicals"
Work In s wellwenttletedarea,
Work withapproved safety equipment,such ea thosedust masks thatere speclafly designed tofilter out microscopic paffJclea,
Avoid prolonged contact with duet from power sending, sewing, grinding drilling end other construction activities.Wear protective clothing end wash exposed apacewith soap and water. Allowing duet to get into your mouth, eyes, or lay on the skin may promote absorption of harmful chemicals.
L_ WARNING: Use of this toot sen generate end/or disburse dust, which
may cause sedoue and permanent respiratory or other Injury. Always use NIOSWOSHA approved respiratory protection apprepdate for the duet exposure.
Direct perOsles away from face end body.
Ak WARNING: BE SURE to road and understand ell Instructions. Failure to /
follow all Instructions listed below may result tn elecffrle shock, fire and/or eeffoue personal tnJury,
1. Know your power tool Read this operator's manual carefully, Learn theeppflcaUone ertd limitations, aswell as the apeclflcpotenllal hazards relatedto thistool.Following thisrule wlllreduce the riskof electricshock,fireor serious Injury.
2o ALWAYSwear safety glasses or eye shields when using this router. Everyday
eyeglasseshave only tmpact-reslstant lenses; theyare NOT safetyglasses,,
3o PROTECT your lungs. Wear a face meek or dust meek ifthe operationIs dusty. 4, PROTECT your hearing. Wear sppropdale personalhearing protectiondudng use
Undersome conditionsnoisefrom thisproductmay contributeto hearingloss
5, ALL VISTORS AND BYSTANDERS MUST wear lhe same safety equipmentlhat the
operatorofthe routerwears,
6, INSPECT the tool cords periodically and If damaged have them rrepelredst your
nearest Sears Service Center, BE AWARE ofthe cord locetlon,
7. ALWAYScheck the tool for damaged perta, Beforeludhsr use of thetoo!,a guard or other partthat Is damaged should be carefullychecked todetermine ff It will operate propedyand performIts Intended funstlon. Check for mlsallgnment or bindingof moving parts,breakage of paris, and any other conditionthat may affect the tool's opera!Ion.A guard or other pert that la damagedshouldbe properlyrepaired or roptacad
at e Sears ServiceCente_
8. INSPECT and remove all nails from lumber before routing. g. SAVE THESEINSTRUCTIONS. Refer to them frequently and use them to Instruct
others who may use thls tool. If someone borrows this toot, make ours they have these Instructions also=
Z_ WARNING: Your rreuter should NEVER be connected to the power source
when you are asssmb!lng parts, maldng adjustments, Installing or removing collate / nuts,cutter bits, cleaning orwhen It Is not In use, Dfsconnsctlng the muter will prevent accidental starting, which could cause serious personal
When unpacking the box don't discard anypackingmaterials unltt all of thecontents are accountedfor:.
1. Carefully lift the Router Motor and Plunge Base with the li2-1n, collar/nut already Installed, out of the cartonend placeon a stableflat surfase.
2 Open the partsbag to locate the following:
Sawdust Extraction Hood and 2 Screws usedto attachhood to base
1/4-in. Col!st/Nut
Conet/Nut wrench
& Inspect the Items carefutFyto make sure that no breakage or damage hasoccurred
during ahlpplng Ifany of the llama mentioned aremissing, (referto "PARTS LIST" IlIuslratlon on page 11), returnthe routerto your nearestSears store or Craftsman outlet to have themuter replaced.
z_ WARNING: If any parts are broken or mlselng, DO NOT attempt to plug
In the power cord or operate muter until the broken or missing parts are repfaced_Failure to do so could result In possible serious Injury.
Exttsctton Hood
2_ Sawdust
3, 2 Screws
(for attaching Hood)
4_ 1/4-1n.Collar/Nut
5. Conet/Nut Wrench
I NOTE:Before effemptlng to use your router, familiarize yourself with all of the
operating features and safety requirements,
Yourplungemuter haBa precrslon-bulft electricmotor and It shouldonEybe connected to e 120-volt,60-Hz AC ONLY power supply (normal householdcurrant),DO NOT operate on directcurrent(DO). Thislarge voltage dropwillcause a Io_eof power end the motor wiltoverheat, if the muterdoes not operate when pluggedfntoa correct120-volt, 60*Hz AC ONLY outlet, checkthe power supply."131tsrouterhas en 8-ft, 2-wire power
cord (no adapterneeded).
I] :::b-_;11_ II[e)_l';T_i
This Plunge Router has thefollowing features:
1. Powerful,9.5 Amp Soft Start Motor develops 13/4Peak HP to handle most routing Jobs
2 Single speed 2S 000 RPM (no-lsed speed) helpsprovidea quality finish
in mostmatarlals
3. Plunge Base features fineand microdepth mdadJuatmenls withturretstops
for predse set-ups and repetitivecutting,
4 Spindle Leek foreasy l-wrench bit changes.Includes 1/4-1n,end 1/2-1n.
self-releasing collate/nuts for use witha wldavadety of I/4-1n,and 1/2-In.router
5_ 100% Bali Baarlnga foFsmooth,efficient operation and!ong Ilteo 6, Basefeatures Ergonom!oally Deelgnod Handles forcomfort.
7 Base features Isrge base opening and large ¢hlp shield, combined with 3 LED
worldlghts on motor toprovtdathe highestvlslbflltyof bit and workplecoo
8. Durable Non-marring Sub-base gfldcesmoothlyover workplace.Sub-bess has
culter-bltopeningof 1t/4.1nches.Do Not Use e bit witha cutterdismetar larger than It WIUnot passthroughthe sub-baseopentngl
9. Base constructed of Die-Cast Aluminum to providedurability and stabIlIty.
10. Motor Housing constructed of High Density Nylon end Precision Milled Cast Aluminum for stranglh and exact fitinto bess.
11. High.ImpactresistantMotor Houelng Top Cap and Handles on Base help protecttool from damage_
12. Convenientlylocated On/Off toggle switch, aide mounted for added visibility, easy acoess.
13. Sawdust oxtl'aelJonhood atiowa base tohook up to 1V4-inchvachose attachment,
sold separateiy
14o "LIVETOOL INDICATOR" light Isgreen when saw tsp|uggadIntoa power
source. Light fslocatedon motorhousing top cap next to powercord IntaL
15. Rap|seeable Brushes (soldseparately) fordependable service.
+ 28 hidden pages